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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the measures / steps taken by the ICT police to minimize the increasing incidents of theft, mobile snatching and street crimes?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the number of terrorists attacks took place in the country during the period from May, 2022 to 1st August, 2023 with location wise break up indicating also the number civilians and personnel of law enforcement agencies martyred in the same; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to control the growing menace of terrorism in the country?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of annual average cost of the land in Bara Kahu in 2009 which have been mutated to FGEH Foundation since 2009?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the estimated number of Pakistani citizen who tried to illegally enter in to European countries during the last three years with year wise break up; (b) the number of the said persons who lost their lives in their attempt to illegally enter into those countries during the said period indicating also their names and addresses; and (c) the action taken / being taken by the Government against the persons involved in illegal immigration / human smuggling in the country?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the per square meter price at which land was allotted for the construction of Serena Hotel, Islamabad indicating also the per square meter price of land in the locality at that time; and (b) the criteria and procedure adopted for the allotment of the said land to that Hotel?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that service roads on both sides of Colonel Sher Khan Road, formally known as IJP road, Islamabad has become damaged/ dilapidated due to reconstruction of main road, if so, the details thereof; (b) whether it is also a fact that the repair/ maintenance of the said service roads was part of the agreement made with the company working on the main road but the same has not been repaired by that company, if so, the reasons thereof; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government for the repair of the said service roads?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the details / measurement of land leased out by CDA to Islamabad club indicating also the terms and conditions of the lease agreement; (b) whether it is a fact that the said club has illegally occupied 32.5 kanal land adjacent to the club, if so, the date since which the same has been occupied; and (c) whether it is also a fact that the Government / CDA has not taken any action for vacating the said land from the illegal occupation of that club so far, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the names of countries with which Pakistan has dual citizenship agreements indicating also the year of signing of agreement with each country?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the Ministry for Interior has planned to initiate Gandhara Triangular Enclave project, near GT Road, if so, may the details thereof be provided?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the Government devised any mechanism including awareness campaign for the disposal of animal waste on the occasions of Eidul-Azha in Islamabad Capital Territory during the last five years, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether CDA has taken any action against illegal housing schemes in Islamabad and its peripheries during the last three years, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the causes of partial collapse of under construction Bhara Kahu Flyover, indicating number of causalities; (b) action taken against the contractor and consultant etc. for sub-standard work and inadequate safety arrangements and intimation to SECP, PEC and PPRA; and (c) action taken against responsible functionaries with their names and designation?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is fact that the Islamabad Capital Territory Police has withdrawn the police officials deployed for security of the Federal Shariat Court, Islamabad, if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) whether it is also a fact that the Federal Shariat Court administration has requested the Inspector General of Police, Islamabad about the provision of police security, if so, the action taken on the same?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government for installation of tube wells in the rural areas of Islamabad Capital Territory especially Tramri, Tarlai, Alipur Farash, Sathra Meel, Chatta Bakhtarwar and Chak Shehzad, if so, the details thereof; and (b) whether there is any other proposal under consideration of the Government for provision of drinking water through tankers free of cost to the said areas by Capital Development Authority as temporary arrangement, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state (a) the budget allocated, released and utilized on the renovation of Parliament Lodges during the last five years including current fiscal year; and (b) whether it is a fact that renovation work of those Lodges was carried out through a Private Contractor, if so, the details of bidding process through which the contractor was selected?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that flats constructed for Government employees in Sector G-6, near Abpara Market, have illegally been occupied by trespassers, if so, the action taken by the Government in the matter so far?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total number of ongoing projects for construction of roads and bridges in Islamabad by CDA indicating the date of commencement, completion and estimated cost thereon each project?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the number of existing water filtration plants in Islamabad with Sector-wise details and the duration of change of cartridges of the water filters?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) had launched a crackdown on illegal currency trading, hoarding and smuggling in 2021, if so, the details of action, taken against individuals and businesses found involved in criminal activities including illegal currency trading?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of the amount received by Excise & Taxation Department Islamabad, through various taxes and duties separately during the last two (2) years?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state: (a) the percentage / length of Pak- Afghan Border on which fencing has been completed so far indicating also the names and locations of formal crossing points established on the same; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to install security cameras along with fencing on the said border in order to monitor any illegal activity on the same, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Defence
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to state the number of employees working in the Pakistan Information Center subordinate office of the Press Information Department indicating the number of employees who were regularized and not regularized so far, indicating the procedure adopted for regularization of employees?
Starred Information and Broadcasting
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: (a) the prescribed schedule of duty of the staff deputed for look after / maintenance of the railway tracks in the country; and (b) whether personnel of railway police or of other law enforcement agencies have been deployed to control the incidents of terrorism on the said tracks?
Starred Railways
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of Government to install fencing on both sides of the Margalla Avenue, to avoid accidents, if so, when?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether the katchi abadis, situated in the Islamabad Capital Territory, have been legalized, if not, the reasons thereof indicating also the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of action taken by the Government regarding violation of road safety rules by people in ICT, particularly on the occasions of religious ceremonies, national days and other special occasions during the last five years?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the number of incidents of thefts and dacoities took place in Islamabad Capital Territory during the last two years with police station-wise break up?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the class of persons or dignitaries who are entitled to travel by train free of cost indicating also the details of facilities available to them in each case?
Starred Railways
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that two young men were killed in extra judicial killing in the jurisdiction of police station, Golra, Islamabad and no action has been taken against the said officials, if so, its reasons thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for States and Frontier Region be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to regularize the services of teachers of schools for Afghan Refugees and merge them in the educational institutions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on the analogy of teachers of erstwhile FATA, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred States and Frontier Regions
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has conducted any investigation, during the last two years, regarding appointment of General Manager (GM), Security in WAPDA and purchase of unauthorized uniforms worth millions of rupees, if so, the details and present status thereof; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to carry out an impartial investigation in the said case indicating also the expected time of completion of the same?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that sewerage contaminated water is being supplied by CDA in Sector G-11/1, Islamabad, since 2022 resulting in spread of various disease, if so, the present status of complaints lodged on the issue in the CDA Enquiry office indicating also the reasons for not resolving the issue so far and the time by which the same will be restored?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the amount recovered by Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on currency and dollars smuggling operations in the country during the last three months indicating also the action taken against those found involved in the same; and (b) whether the said amount has been deposited in the national exchequer, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state whether railway has taken any austerity measures in view of its increasing losses during the last three years, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Railways
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state that:- (a) whether it is it a fact that to make the Srinagar Highway signal free, three long U-turns have been established instead of making proper interchanges/overhead, resulting in increased rate of accidents and mileage for commuters, if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to replace the said U-turns by the construction of proper interchanges/overheads on the that highway, if so, the details thereof?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the details of railways section closed down during the last two years indicating also the steps taken for the safety of railway lines on those sections?
Starred Railways
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the number of registered and unregistered Madaris in the country indicating also the total number of students enrolled in the same at present; and (b) the name of authority which registers these Madaris?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the number of illegal Afghans and those belonging to other countries living in Pakistan indicating also the number of those who have left the country with border wise break up; and (b) the number of illegal aliens still living in the country?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Margalla Avenue Project could not be completed during its stipulated time, if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) whether any complaint been received regarding flaws in its design particularly those pertaining to access from E-11 to Margalla road, if so, the action taken by the Government on the same so far?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the steps taken by the Government for beautification of Islamabad during the last two years indicating also the funds allocated and utilized for the same and the names of areas/sectors beautified during that period?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that both sides of Rawat Bazar, Islamabad and its adjoining roads have been encroached upon, if so, the details thereof indicating also the steps being taken by the Government to remove those encroachments?
Starred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the details of the allotments of plots in different DHA schemes to civilian employees of grade 19 and above of the Ministry since 2010?
Unstarred Defence
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of the NOC granted to the Shelter and Shelter Housing scheme, indicating details of the land and moza submitted for NOC?
Unstarred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that action is being taken against the illegal construction on the state/CDA land in Lakhwal Banni Gala, Islamabad, if so, the details of action taken during the last 3 years; and (b) the details of anti-encroachment officials of CDA deputed in the said area?
Unstarred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of the traffic challans/fines issued during 2200 hours to 8.00 am in Islamabad for over speeding, overloading and reckless driving during the months of January, February and March, 2023?
Unstarred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of the taxes charged by CDA, FGEHA, PHA, Bahria Town and other Private Housing Schemes on transfer of land, houses, plots etc. in ICT indicating also the amount deposited in Government exchequer on the account of the same during the last 3 years?
Unstarred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of property tax paid by the owners of the Houses in Sector D-12, Islamabad during the last two years?
Unstarred Interior
Senate 20 334 4
Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of the car theft cases register in Islamabad Capital Territory during the last two years indicating also the number of those cars recovered so far with particular reference to those recovered with the help of CCTV cameras?
Unstarred Interior

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