Assembly | Parliamentary Year | Session No. | Sitting No. | Question | Question Type | Ministry |
Assembly | Parliamentary Year | Session No | Sitting No. | Question | Question Type | Ministry |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination be pleased to state:
(a) the funds provided by the World Health Organization in the field of mental health during the last ten years with province wise breakup, indicating also the names of beneficiaries of the same;
(b) whether any audit of utilization of the said funds has been conducted, if so, the findings thereof; and
(c) whether any training has been provided by the WHO in the field of mental health, if so, the details of participants thereof?
Starred | National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Government has allocated funds for increasing water efficiency in irrigation sector in the country, if so, the details thereof indicating also the procedure adopted to allocate the same and names of the areas where these are being utilized?
Starred | National Food Security and Research |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased be state:
(a) the criteria adopted by H.E.C for awarding scholarships for Higher Education; and
(b) whether it is a fact that H.E.C has awarded scholarships for Ph.D. on the basis of Master Degree during the current year, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred | Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that pharmaceutical companies have recently further increased the prices of life saving drugs, if so, the reasons thereof; and
(b) whether it is also a fact that the Government has recently increased taxes and duties on drugs, if so, the steps being taken to control the prices of medicines?
Starred | National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state:
(a) the details of laws enacted by the Government in pursuance of the ILO Convention 29 on bonded labor; and
(b) the steps taken by the Government to stop / abolish bonded labour in the country during the last three years in pursuance of those laws?
Starred | Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the details of funds provided by WHO for control of T.B, HIV / AIDS, Cancer and Child Malnutrition in the country during the last three years and utilization of the same?
Starred | National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the details of roads of NHA damaged by floods in the province of Sindh during the year 2022, indicating also the number of said roads got repaired and expenditure incurred on the same?
Starred | Communication |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:
(a) the details of tertiary roads connected with CPEC route from Multan to Sukkar which are in dilapidated condition at present; and
(b) whether it is a fact that as per the agreement, the Chinese companies working on the said CPEC route had to repair those tertiary roads but the same could not be implemented / done, if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred | Communication |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the steps taken/ being taken by the Government to control the manufacturing of substandard and spurious drugs in the country?
Starred | National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, and Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state the function and responsibilities of Pakistan Academy of Letters, Quaid e Azam Wing, Quaid e Azam Academy and Quaid e Azam Memorial Fund, National Library of Pakistan and it’s OPAC (Online public Access Catalogue) indicating also the budget allocated to these institutions during the last 3 years?
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that the import of medicines and medical equipment is suspended due to which government hospitals in the country specially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are facing shortage of medicines, if so, the steps being taken by the government in this regard; and
(b) whether it is also a fact that there is an acute shortage of medicines in the government hospitals of Federal Capital, if so, its reasons and the steps taken by the government to overcome the shortage of medicines?
Starred | National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Government has established institutes for imparting training to the teachers, if so, the details thereof;
(b) the number of teachers trained in the said institutes during the last-three years; and
(c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to establish more such institutes, if so, the details thereof?
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state the details of the land of Quaid-e-Azam University retrieved from the illegal possession during the last three years?
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state whether it is a fact that in October 2019, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, during his visit to Pakistan, announced the immediate release of
2,107 Pakistanis incarcerated in Saudi jails, if so, the details of all those prisoners released and reached Pakistan so far?
Starred | Foreign Affairs |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that many online sports betting sites are functional and being used by Pakistanis for betting in cricket matches, if so, the details thereof; and
(b) whether it is also a fact that these sports betting sites have been offering lucrative bonuses and offers to lure people into their trap, if so, the steps being taken by the Government to stop operation of these sites in Pakistan?
Starred | Inter-Provincial Coordination |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state:
(a) the criteria including qualifications laid down for appointment of the Chairman, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB); and
(b) the qualifications of the incumbent Chairman (PCB), indicating also the posts against which he has served earlier?
Starred | Inter-Provincial Coordination |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state the whether the posts of Executive Director, Higher Education Commission and
Director General, Federal Directorate of Education have been filled on regular basis, if so, the details thereof and if not, the time by which the same will be filled on regular basis?
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state:
(a) the number of students studying in “A” and “O’’ level under the Cambridge system in Pakistan at present indicating also the number of students appeared in “A” & “O” level examinations during the period from 2018 to 2021 withe year wise break up; and
(b) the amount received as examination fee from students appearing in the said examinations during the years during years 2019-20 and 2021-2022?
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that the Government had set up a Directorate General of Religious Education (DGRE), in 2019 if so its mandate; and
(b) the steps taken by the Government to modernize and update the Madaris Education Curriculum since 2019 indicating also the names of Madaris where the said reforms have been incorporated during that period?
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state:
(a) the details of literacy rate in the country with province-wise break-up; and
(b) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to increase literacy rate in the country, indicating also the details of assistance being provided to provincial governments by the Federal Government for increasing literacy rate in each province?
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state whether it is a fact that neither land for construction of Sukkur-Hyderabad Motorway has been purchased nor any construction work has been
started on the project so far, if so, the reasons thereof indicating also the time by which work will be started and completed on the same?
Starred | Communication |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that despite being food surplus, considerable portion of Pakistan’s population is undernourished and stunted, if so its reasons; and
(b) the steps taken by the Government during the period from 2021 to 2023 to achieve “Zero Hunger” for the population?
Starred | National Food Security and Research |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state:
(a) the details of vocational and skill based training being provided by National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVVTC) and colleges/institutions affiliated with it in the country with province wise break up;
(b) whether NAVVTC and its affiliated institutions are providing any vocational and skill based training to women living in slum and backward areas of the country, if so, the details thereof indicating also the number of women who have successfully completed these trainings; and
(c) Whether any industrial trainings programs for women are included in the NAVVTC’s skill based training, if so, the details thereof
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state:
(a) the number of accidents occurred on national highways and motorways in the country during the last one year indicating also the number of persons died and got injured in the same; and
(b) whether it is a fact that the number of accidents on the highways and motorways is increasing day by day, if so, the reasons thereof indicating also the steps being taken by the Government to control the same?
Starred | Communication |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state that:
(a) whether it a fact that FG Boys Higher Secondary School, Rawat, Islamabad is in a dilapidated condition where no rehabilitation work has been carried out for a long time, if so, the reasons thereof; and
(b) the steps being taken by the Government to upgrade and rehabilitate the said school?
Starred | Federal Education and Professional Training |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state;
(a) whether it is a fact that the pension cases of hundreds of EOBI beneficiaries are lying pending in various regional offices of EOBI for the last several months and years, if so, the details and reasons thereof; and
(b) whether it is also a fact that there is no portal or helpline number available for help and guidance of the EOBI beneficiaries, if so, the reasons thereof indicating also the steps being taken by the Government to develop the portal and provide helplines to them for their assistance and disposal of pension cases?
Starred | Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that the OPF has not increased the salaries of those employees who are drawing less than the minimum wages as announced by the Federal Government, in the budget, 2023 if so, the reasons thereof; and
(b) the steps being taken by the Government to bring the salaries of the said employees in conformity with the minimum wages as announced by the Federal Government from the 1st July 2023?
Starred | Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that Each Higher Education Institution/HEI is mandated to constitute an “Anti-Drug & Tobacco Committee” comprising of five members duly notified by the Vice Chancellor/Rector of the HEI under its “Policy on Drug and Tobacco Abuse in Higher Education Institutions 2021”, if so; the mandate of this committee; and
(b) the details of all those HEIs which have so far established such committee inside the campuses?
Starred | Federal Education, Professional Training, National Heritage and Culture |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the present status of immunization of children in the country indicating also the number/percentage of fully and partially immunized children separately?
Starred | National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 5 |
Will the Minister for Communications be pleased to state the details of land of National Highway Authority in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province leased out during the last five years?
Unstarred | Communication |