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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) is facing lack of funds to help/deport illegal immigrants presently living in different parts of the country; if so, the steps taken by the Government to solve the said issue; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry to provide funds to FIA therefor; if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof; and (c) the total number of foreigners presently residing in Pakistan along with the details thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the names of Federal Government forces working to control the smuggling at the borders of Pakistan; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to improve the performance of said forces in this regard?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that 116 employees of National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) have been dismissed from service on the charges of accepting bribe for issuing of Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs) to Afghanis; (b) whether it is also a fact that an inquiry has been conducted against 21 employees in Lahore, Peshawar and Sukkar Regions; and (c) whether it is further a fact that the employees of NADRA, Karachi have been declared innocent therefor?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the foreign prisoners sentenced to death in Pakistan at present alongwith the details thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister Incharge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Government has promised to provide more incentives for investments in Pakistan in the Japanese Pakistan Co-operative Committee during investment conference organized by the Japan External Trading Organization in Tokyo; (b) whether it is also a fact that Pakistan has been declared second best country by the Japanese Government in this regard; (c) whether there in any proposal under consideration of the Government to set up the Special Economic Zones for Japanese investors in Pakistan; (d) if the answers to part (a), (b) and (c) above are in the affirmative, the areas in the Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan where those zones will be set up alongwith the details thereof?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the actions are being taken by the Government to control the smuggling through the major check posts established on the main route of the Afghan Transit Trade; (b) whether it is also a fact that the check posts have not been established on the link roads of the said route; if so, the prescribed procedure to control the smuggling through said roads and to take action against the responsibles thereof; and (c) the prescribed procedure for checking vehicles on the said route/ roads on which tracking devices are fixed?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state the weekly time schedule of Banks and National Savings Centres in the country at present alongwith the reasons of difference thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the time by which the Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited (PTCL) was privatized alongwith the amount accrued to the Government therefrom so far; and (b) whether Government has received the total amount of the privatization of PTCL; if not, the outstanding amount thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Planning Commission has planned to establish a cancer hospital in Islamabad; (b) if so, the time by which the construction work will be started thereupon?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state the taxes/duties imposed on private courier companies/services at present alongwith the rates thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the amount of Motorbike and Motorcar advances admissible to the Government employees at present; and (b) whether new Motorbike and Motorcar can be purchased out of the said amount at present?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of police stations in Islamabad at present; and (b) the total number of said police stations established in the rented buildings at present?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the land mafia has started the sale and purchase of lands in sector F-14, Islamabad; (b) whither it is also a fact that the construction of homes has started thereupon after the announcement made by the Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation for development of the said Sector; (c) whether it is further a fact that prices of lands have increased manifold due to activities of the said mafia for getting compensation; (d) if the answers to part (a), (b) and (c) above are in the affirmative, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to control the said trend by imposing ban on new construction and sale and purchase of land under Section-4?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) the names of the Pakistani and Chinese Cities which will be linked to the Pak-China Economic Corridor; and (b) the time by which said cities will be linked to the said Corridor?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the province-wise total credit given by the Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited to agricultural sector during the last five years till date; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to increase the credit for provision to farmers in the country?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) whether Gwadar, Khuzdar, Loralai and Chaghi were approved as Model cities during the year 2008; (b) whether 50 acres of land was acquired for Model City Loralai; (c) whether construction work has started thereupon; if not, the reasons thereof; and (d) the total amount allocated in the Public Sector Development Programme for those projects?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister 1n-charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) the name of the head of the Prime Minister’s Inspection Commission at present; and (b) the role of the said Commission?
Starred Prime Minister’s Office
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the funds have not been allocated by the Government for a number of projects included in the Public Sector Development Programme 2014-15; (b) if so, the details alongwith the reasons thereof?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to increase the rate of profit on the National Savings Schemes; if so, when it will be implemented?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the names of five major countries majority of whose immigrants are settled in Pakistan at present alongwith the number thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state: (a) whether the social and living standards are being surveyed/ measured in the country; if so, the benchmarks of the present Government therefor; (b) the short comings reported/identified in the said measurements particularly in the education, health and social sectors; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to improve such short comings?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the targets fixed for collection of taxes from each potential sector of the country during the years 2013-14 and 2014-15; (b) the taxes collected therefrom during the said period alongwith the break-up and ratio thereof; (c) whether it is a fact that the Government relies only on power and petroleum sectors for achieving the targets of taxes; (d) the total taxes collected from power, petroleum and indirect taxes separately during the last five years; and (e) the estimated ratio of tax collection from the said sectors during the current financial year?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the tax payers have to wait in queue for hours due to the single counter of the branch of the National Bank of Pakistan in the Excise and Taxation Office, Islamabad; (b) if so, whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to establish more new counters for the purpose overthere; and (c) whether there is also any proposal under consideration of the Government to allow any other bank for the establishment of such counter overthere for the said purpose; if so, when it will be implemented?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Planning, Development and Reform be pleased to state the total funds allocated for the Millennium Development Goals by the present Government alongwith the province-wise disbursement thereof?
Starred Planning, Development and Reform
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have badly been affected by terrorism during the last five years; (b) if so, the steps taken by the Government for rehabilitation of the affected families thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the year-wise total amount collected by the NADRA on account of issuance of Computerized National Identity Cards during the last five years alongwith the details of utilization thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the year-wise total number of Private Security Companies registered in Islamabad during the last three years; (b) the procedure adopted for the registration of said companies; and (c) the names of said companies black-listed during the said period?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of cases of human trafficking registered from 01-06-2013 till date alongwith the routes and sources utilized therefor; (b) the action taken by the Ministry against the Government institutions involved therein; and (c) the steps taken by the Government to control the human trafficking in the country?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to provide financial assistance/loan to the small farmers for resolving their immediate problems; if so, the details thereof?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that flour is being smuggled to neighbouring countries; if so, the details thereof; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government to control the same?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the details of the expenditure incurred on the Lawari Tunnel Project as on December, 2014; (b) the total amount of funds released therefor as on January, 2015; (c) whether it is a fact that the NHA revised estimated cost of Rs.26.95 billion for completion of the said project; if so, the time by which the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council will approve the revised cost for timely completion of the said project; and (d) the fresh estimate of annual finances required for completion of the said Tunnel as announced by the Honourable Prime Minister In his speech delivered in Havelian recently?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to set up a task force to prevent sexual harassment and child labour in the markets and offices of the residential areas in Islamabad; (b) if the answer to part (a) above is in the affirmative, whether the Control Rooms of the said task force will be setup both in the respective police stations and the Ministry; and (c) whether the representatives of Lawyers will be the part of the said Control System under one roof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the women and enuchs beggars are frequently seen at most of the intersections of Islamabad; (b) whether it is also a fact that they snatch purses and mobile sets from the citizens; (c) whether it is further a fact that the said beggars speak English with foreigners for begging in most of the posh areas of the said city; (d) if answers to parts (a), (b) and (c) above are in the affirmative, whether they are also causing the traffic blockade; and (e) whether any Cell of Islamabad Police is working to present the said crime; if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the total number of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to which development funds have been provided from the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) in the country during the period from 1-6-2013 till date aiongwith the details of the funds provided to each NGO thereof; (b) the names of such NGOs working in the District Buner at present; (c) the details of the funds given to the NGOs under the PPAF for the said District; and (d) the details of said work completed in the said District by the said NGOs during the said period?
Starred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that cost was estimated for installation of cyber net fountains project in various areas of Islamabad during the year 2008; if so, the details thereof; alongwith the date of approval and completion of the PC-I thereof; (b) the details of the construction work carried on up till now and the time by which the said project will be completed; (c) the total expenditures to be incurred thereupon alongwith the amount spent so far; (d) whether Public Procurement Rules, 2004 were followed therefor; and (e) whether irregularities have been found in the said project; if so, the action taken against the responsibles?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of cases of corruption and irregularities against employees of Pakistan State Oil (PSO) which are under investigation of FIA at present; and (b) whether it is a fact that nine employees of PSO have been placed on ECL; if so, whether those employees have been removed from their official positions; if not, the reasons thereof?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the loss caused to the Government due to the announcement of civil disobedience by a Political Party; and (b) the steps taken by the Government to avoid such negative movements in future?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that some seminaries/madrassas in the country are receiving financial and other support like training of clerics, teachers, curriculum development etc. from some foreign Islamic countries; (b) if so, the details thereof?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister In-Charge of the President Secretariat be pleased to state whether it is a fact that there is a shortage of employees belonging to Sindh Rural and Urban in the President Secretariat; if so, the reasons thereof alongwith the steps being taken or proposed to be taken by the Government to meet the said deficiency?
Unstarred President Secretariat
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the province and category-wise employees working in BPS-1 to 15 in the Ministry and its attached departments, autonomous bodies and semi autonomous bodies, at present?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that every year more funds have been allocated for the Federal Capital in the annual budgets than the funds allocated for the entire Federally Administered Tribal Areas; and (b) the year-wise amount of funds allocated for the Federal Capital and FATA during the last five years?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the country-wise details of foreigners residing in Pakistan at present?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state whether it is a fact that 100% increase is made in the pension of civil retired employees and ex-servicemen on attaining 75 years of age?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of persons arrested for various crimes in Islamabad during the year 2015; and (b) the total number of said persons who have been awarded punishments?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of cases of embezzlement, corruption and misappropriation pertaining to the Postal Services which are under investigation by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) at present; (b) the total number of said cases which have been sent to the Trial Courts so far; and (c) whether it is a fact that a large number of such cases are under investigation of FIA since long; if so, the reasons alongwith the details thereof and the total amount involved therein?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the number of complaints/FIRs regarding stolen vehicles/cars which have been registered since July 1st, 2014 in each Police Station of Islamabad alongwith the action taken thereupon so far; (b) the number of vehicles which have been recovered so far alongwith the steps being taken to recover the remaining vehicles/cars; and (c) whether it is a fact that the number of stolen vehicles/cars is increasing day by day in Islamabad; if so, the steps being taken by the Ministry for eliminating criminal gangs involved therein?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of prisoners of USA repatriated from Pakistan during the period from 15-03-2008 till date; (b) the allegations levelled against the said prisoners; and (c) the punishments awarded to said prisoners during the said period?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the steps being taken by the Government to check fake accounts on social media, spreading disinformation in the public; and (b) the punishment awarded to the persons involved therein?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister In-Charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to state: (a) the total amount of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) made in the country during the financial year 2014-15 including the amount received from the Overseas Pakistanis for the said purpose; and (b) the number of cases of FDI under consideration/process at present?
Unstarred Prime Minister’s Office
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the minimum and maximum basic pay of an officer in BPS-17 during the year 2007 and 2015 separately; and (b) the rate of pension of an officer in the said scale who retired during the said period separately?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state the total number of convicts who have been hanged during the current year alongwith the province-wise details thereof?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased state: (a) the number of candidates who passed the examination from the Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants since January, 2014; (b) the number of candidates promoted to BPS-17 after passing the said examination; (c) the authority who conducted the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) for the candidates who passed the said examination; and (d) whether the DPC has not been held therefor during the said period and posts of BPS-17 are lying vacant in various offices since long; if so, the reasons thereof?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the names, designations, Basic Pay Scales, dates of appointment and place of domiciles of persons appointed in the Privatization Division since February, 2013 alongwith the names of the appointing authorities in each case thereof; (b) the procedure adopted for the said appointments; and (c) whether the provincial quota was observed in the said appointments; if not, the reasons thereof?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) the total number of foreigners, except Americans repatriated to their countries from 15-03-2008 till date; (b) the allegations levelled against said foreigners; and (c) the punishments awarded to said foreigners during the said period?
Unstarred Interior and Narcotics Control
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister In-Charge of the Prime Minister’s Office be pleased to refer to Starred Question No.206 replied on 27-03-2015 and to state: (a) the year and project-wise total amount of funds approved under the peoples Work Programme-II for the National Assembly Constituency No.28 (Buner) during the last five years; and (b) the present status of those projects?
Unstarred Prime Minister’s Office
National 2 21 7
Will the Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization be pleased to state: (a) the total money being exchanged monthly through the Money Exchange Companies in Islamabad at present; and (b) whether the Ministry maintains record of registered and unregistered exchange companies?
Unstarred Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization

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