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Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the livestock industry is on decline in Pakistan; if so, the steps being taken by the Ministry for development of said industry; and (b) whether it is also a fact that Pakistan has become a big market for importing dry milk; if so, the details of the countries from where said milk is being imported?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the production of agriculture sector including fruits and vegetables is being effected from various diseases; (b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to eliminate it?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry for launching the Naval Service for intending Hujjaj; if so, the details thereof?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any mechanism/system to control the charges levied on the pilgrims/Hujjaj by the Private Hajj Companies; if so, the details thereof; and (b) whether it is a fact that companies whimsically collect the said charges from the pilgrims; if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the names of the Federal Government Hospitals where vaccines for fatal diseases are available at present; and (b) whether the said vaccines are sufficient to meet the requirements of patients of said hospitals; if not, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to establish a National Commission on Minority Rights; if so, the time by which it will be implemented; if not, the reasons thereof?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the total number of women suffering from breast Cancer in the country at present; and (b) the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the present status of recoverable electricity bills against private and public sectors institutions in the country?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government for preparation of more productive seeds of crops?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state whether the Nazam-e-Salat has been enforced throughout the country besides Islamabad for simultaneously pronouncing Azan and offering of prayers; if so, the date thereof?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to improve the electricity system in the country?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the location wise percentage of pilferage of electricity in the Peshawar Electric Supply Company at present along with the details thereof?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the present outstanding amount of the Government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa against WAPDA at present; and (b) the details of decisions taken in the recent/last meeting of the Council of the Common Interest in this regard?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the estimated cost of the Dassu Dam; (b) the percentage of completed construction work of the said Dam along with the total amount incurred thereupon so far; (c) the initial date of completion of the said Dam along with the time by which it will be completed; and (d) the estimated production capacity of electricity of the said Dam?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the progress made so far on the proposal for conduction of water from Indus River System/Tarbela to overcome increasing water shortage in Islamabad/Rawalpindi?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the province wise quantity of electricity supplied on monthly basis during the period from 1st June, 2012 to 30th June, 2015?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to improve arrangements for Pakistan’s pilgrims in Saudi Arabia for Hajj 2015?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that additional rent @5% is being deducted from the allottees of Government owned accommodations in addition to 45% house rent allowance; (b) if so, the justification for deduction of double house rent for the same house along with utilization of the said amount?
Starred Housing & Works
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a large number of persons could not timely submit their hajj applications for Hajj-2015 due to shortage and remoteness of branches of banks in Balochistan; (b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard; and (c) the total number of persons who will proceed for Hajj-2015 from Balochistan?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the Disco-wise schedule of loadshedding of electricity in the country for Summer 2014 and 2015; and (b) the steps being taken by the Ministry to minimize the duration of loadshedding of electricity?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan is number one in the World in the infant mortality rate; (b) the steps being taken by the Government to prevent New-Natal mortality amongst children; if so, the details thereof; and (c) whether Government capable to control New-Natal mortality rate; if so, the details thereof?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to utilize satellite based applications for advanced and accurate weather forecasting for the benefits of the fishermen of the country; if so, the details thereof; and (b) the steps taken by the Government for development of the fishing technology?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state the steps taken by the Government to decrease the expenditure of Hajj- 2015?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to refer to Starred Question No.153 replied on 26th March, 2015 and to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to increase the amount of subsidy being given to farmers on account of urea; if so, when it will be implemented along with the details thereof?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry to make power plants more efficient; (b) if the answer to part (a) above is in the affirmative, whether any study has been conducted therefor; if so, the steps being taken by the Ministry in view of the said study?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the progress made on the construction of Munda Dam along with the total amount allocated therefor so far?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that sub-standard cotton and un-certified cotton seeds have caused irreparable loss to our national economy; (b) whether it is also a fact that the production of cotton is decreasing thereby; (c) if the answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative, the steps being taken by cotton research institutes in this regard?
Starred National Food Security and Research
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the medicines for the treatment of Hepatitis C Virus and Hepatitis B Virus are extremely costly and are out of the reach of poors; (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to ensure the availability of the said medicines on subsidized rates in the country; and (c) the time by which the Pharmaceutical Companies manufacturing spurious medicines will be punished through fines and cancellation of licences?
Starred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that it has been decided to auction the quota reserved for Private Hajj Scheme for making the same inexpensive from the next year; (b) if so, the procedure to be adopted for the said purpose?
Starred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the per day total quantum of electricity in Mega Watts being provided/supplied to Hyderabad at present; and (b) whether it is a fact that the other big cities of the country are being provided more electricity as compared to their population; if so, the reasons thereof?
Starred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power pleased to state: (a) the steps taken by the Ministry to prepare subject-wise list of titles of all laws and rules made thereunder with reference to business allocated to it and its attached departments under the Rules of Business, 1973; (b) the subject-wise details thereof; (c) whether steps have been taken by the Ministry to consolidate and amend the said laws and rules to keep pace with changes in the society, if so, the details; if not, the reasons thereof; (d) the steps taken by the Ministry to determine the anomalies, inconsistencies and difficulties in the administration of said laws and rules; and (e) the details of Officers/Branches designated therefor?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the increase made in the generation capacity of electricity during the last three years; (b) the demand of electricity increased during the said period; and (c) the steps taken by the Government to minimize the demand and supply gap in power sector?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the total number of Houses of Category-II/G-Type allotted to officers in Sector G-10/3, Islamabad as per GWL during May and June, 2015 along with the details thereof; (b) whether it is a fact that the doors, locks, bolts/glasses of windows, fans, ovens, geysers, electric equipments including switch boards/plugs and lights are not available in said houses; (c) whether it is further a fact that white wash of said houses has not been made since long; (d) if the answers to parts (b) and (c) above are in the affirmative, the reasons thereof along with the time by which said houses will be white washed and said equipments will be supplied therein?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that a number of Houses of Category-II/G Type have been vacated by the allottees/Ministry during the last six months in Sector G-10/3, Islamabad; if so, the details of houses alongwith the equipments which were available therein; (b) the number of civil and electrical items available in those houses at present; (c) whether it is also a fact that a number of items have been misplaced/stolen therefrom; if so, the details thereof; and (d) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Ministry to conduct an inquiry therefor; if so, when it will be implemented?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the details of all Federal Government Institutions which have outstanding electricity bills of more than 10 million rupees at present; (b) the details of all defaulters who have outstanding electricity bills of more than 10 million rupees at present; (c) the total number of cases which have been submitted/registered against said defaulters; and (d) the total amount recovered therefrom?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Ports and Shipping be pleased to state the total number of examiners for Seafarers Certificate of Competency examination are working in the Ministry at present?
Unstarred Ports and Shipping
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the names of the employees of the National Assembly Secretariat whose memberships have been renewed by the Pakistan Housing Authority Foundation so far along with the seniority numbers thereof; and (b) the time by which flats/plots will be allotted to those employees?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) the names of officers to whom houses of Category-II have been allotted by the Ministry so far along with their date of retirement and house number thereof; and (b) the number of houses of said category lying vacant at present along with the numbers thereof?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Water and Power Development Authority does not repair the transformers in Charsadda; (b) whether it is also a fact that the defective transformers of said district are being repaired by the people at their own cost; (c) if the answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative the steps being taken by the Government to address such issues?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that there is a leakage in the roof of Flat No. 6/10-C and Flat No.6/12, Category- Sector I-9/4, Islamabad since long; (b) whether it is also a fact that despite a number of complaints lodged in the Inquiry Office of the said sector, no action has been taken thereupon so far; if so, the reasons therefor; and (c) the time by which the said work will be carried out?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state the arrangements and procedure of storage/preservation of vaccines of Expanded Programme of Immunization in Islamabad?
Unstarred National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the details of loss caused to industries due to power shortage in the country during the last three years; and (b) the percentage of annual loss caused therefrom to the Gross Domestic Product during the said period?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that there is a huge gap between cost of service and the Government notified uniform tariff all of the Power Distribution Companies (DISCOs) in the country; and (b) whether the Government is not providing a tariff differential subsidy to power companies to cover the said gap; if so, the reasons thereof?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for National Food Security and Research be pleased to state: (a) the names along with the designations of the employees of the National Agricultural Research Council and Pakistan Agricultural Research Council who are getting education and working abroad at present; and (b) the authority who granted the leave to the said employees?
Unstarred National Food Security and Research
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) the month-wise total number of applications for electricity connections/meters received by the Islamabad Electric Supply Company since January, 2014 till date; (b) the total number of connections given and meters installed vide said applications so far; and (c) the reasons for delay in installation of electricity meters on the remaining applications thereof?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the “Madrassa Education Board” was established in 2001 to cater religious and modern education; (b) the total number of such Madrassas set up so far; (c) the achievements made by the said Board; and (d) whether the students of the Model Madrassa in Islamabad have received their monthly stipends over the year; if so, the details thereof?
Unstarred Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the pool of the circular debt has been placed with Private Power Holdings; if so, the details thereof?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Housing and Works be pleased to state the total number of applications submitted in office of the Director General, Pak. PWD, Islamabad for painting works of the residents of Sector G-10/3, Islamabad during the period from 1st June, 2015 till date along with the details and implementation status thereof?
Unstarred Housing & Works
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that electricity has been supplied to Mohallah Hussain, Village Ceanch, Post Office Loharra, Tehsil Zafarwal, District Narowal without erecting proper poles; if so, the reasons thereof; (b) the time by which the existing service cable will be replaced with silver cable for the said village; and (c) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to replace the improper electric poles overthere; if so, the time by which it will be replaced?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the time by which a new transformer will be installed at Mohallah Hussain, Village Ceanch, Post Office Loharra, Tehsil Zafarwal, District Narowal?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Meter Readers of electricity do not visit physically for taking reading in Tamma Jadeed Abadi, Tarlai, Sub Division, Taramri Feeder, Islamabad; (b) whether it is also a fact that the estimated/wrong bills are being sent in the said area; (c) if the answers to parts (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative, the steps being taken by the Government for transparent billings after taking actual reading in the said area?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that 200 KVA electric transformer installed in Bara Chowk, Chack No.44/15-L, Mian Chanu, District Khaniwal was removed unlawfully by the employees of the Multan Electric Supply Company without any reason; (b) if so, the action taken by the Government against the responsibles therefor; and (c) the time by which a new transformer will be installed overthere?
Unstarred Water & Power
National 3 24 8
Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that defective transformer of 50 KV has been installed in Basti Rao Munawar, Mouzia Rasheeda, Kot Abbas Shaheed, Tehsil and District Multan; if so, the reasons thereof; and (b) the time by which new transformer will be installed in the said Basti?
Unstarred Water & Power

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