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Session Details

Senate Assembly   |     Dec 14, 2015 To Jan 01, 2016     |     Session No: 242     |     Session Type: Regular

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
14 Dec, 2015 1 03:00 03:00 00:00 06:52 3:39 0:13
15 Dec, 2015 2 03:00 03:09 00:09 06:58 3:30 0:19
16 Dec, 2015 3 03:00 03:00 00:00 07:10 4:10 0:00
17 Dec, 2015 4 03:00 03:01 00:01 06:16 2:46 0:29
18 Dec, 2015 5 10:00 10:07 00:07 01:13 3:06 0:00
21 Dec, 2015 6 03:00 03:00 00:00 06:57 3:42 0:15
22 Dec, 2015 7 03:00 03:00 00:00 06:19 3:00 0:19
23 Dec, 2015 8 10:00 10:00 00:00 12:58 2:58 0:00
28 Dec, 2015 9 04:00 04:00 00:00 07:50 3:32 0:18
29 Dec, 2015 10 03:00 03:03 00:03 06:44 3:21 0:20
30 Dec, 2015 11 03:00 03:00 00:00 06:35 3:15 0:20
31 Dec, 2015 12 02:00 02:04 00:04 05:29 3:25 0:00
01 Jan, 2016 13 03:00 03:00 00:00 05:07 2:07 0:00
Total/Average 0:02 42:31 2:33


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Chairman Deputy Chairman Panel of Presiding Officers Prime Minister Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition







3:39 0:00 0:00 0:00 3:52 3:52







0:00 1:21 2:09 0:00 3:30 2:58







0:00 2:59 1:11 0:00 1:09 3:10







0:00 1:12 1:34 0:00 0:00 0:52







0:00 1:35 1:31 0:00 0:00 0:00







3:42 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00







3:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 1:32







2:58 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00







3:32 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 2:30







2:55 0:26 0:00 0:00 0:00 1:45







3:15 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 2:33







3:25 0:00 0:00 0:00 3:25 2:56







2:07 0:00 0:00 0:00 2:07 0:00

No. of Sittings Attended







Total Time







Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
1 18 28 0 3
2 14 33 0 2
3 16 20 0 1
4 14 18 0 2
5 10 12 0 2
6 13 12 0 2
7 13 26 0 1
8 3 22 0 2
9 14 17 0 1
10 13 22 0 1
11 16 35 0 2
12 10 32 0 2
13 10 28 0 1
Average Attendance 13 23 0 2

Members Attendance by Sitting and Party
Party Total Membership Average Present Average Absent Average Leave
PPPP 27 16 10 1
PML-N 26 16 7 2
IND 10 5 4 1
MQM 8 3 4 1
PTI 7 5 1 1
ANP 6 4 2 1
JUI 5 3 2 0
PML 4 2 1 0
NP 3 2 1 0
PKMAP 3 2 0 0
BNP-A 2 0 1 1
PML-F 1 0 0 1
BNP-M 1 1 0 0
JI 1 0 1 0

Parliamentary Leaders Attendance

Sitting No. Parliamentary Leaders









































































































































































No. of Sittings Attended

3 5 11 6 12 4 12 4 0 5 0 8

  Protest /Walkout /Boycott

Sitting No.   Type Party(ies) Member(s) Reasons Time (Minutes)
3 Walkout JI PML-F PTI PKMAP 146 Over non-implementation on National Action Plan 2
5 Walkout MQM PTI 146 Against the remarks of PML-N Senator against Sindh government 8
6 Walkout MQM 147 Against the dissatisfactory response by the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs to the questions raised by lawmaker 34
8 Walkout ANP PPPP 147 Against the decision of federal government for extending special powers to Rangers in Karachi 3


Sitting No.   Name of Representative who Point out Quorum Speaker's Action
5 Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP Called the bells to be Rung for five minutes

  Orders of the Day

  Question Hour ( View All Questions )

Sitting No. Ministry Starred Un-starred Total
2 Aviation Division 6 0 6
2 Cabinet Secretariat 2 1 3
2 Capital Administration and Development Division 14 0 14
2 Commerce 5 0 5
2 Establishment Division 3 0 3
2 Information Technology and Telecommunication 3 0 3
2 Textile Industry 1 0 1
4 Housing & Works 10 0 10
4 Human Rights 1 0 1
4 Law and Justice 4 0 4
4 Petroleum and Natural Resources 5 1 6
4 President Secretariat 1 0 1
4 Prime Minister’s Office 2 0 2
4 Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony 3 0 3
4 Water & Power 26 6 32
5 Defence 1 0 1
5 Defence Production 1 0 1
5 Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage 10 0 10
5 Interior and Narcotics Control 16 0 16
5 Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan 1 0 1
5 Railways 11 0 11
5 States and Frontier Regions 4 0 4
7 Federal Education and Professional Training 1 0 1
7 Communication 7 1 8
7 Foreign Affairs 6 0 6
7 Inter-Provincial Coordination 3 0 3
7 National Food Security and Research 1 0 1
7 National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination 1 0 1
7 Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development 1 0 1
7 Ports and Shipping 1 0 1
8 Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization 10 0 10
8 Industries & Production 1 0 1
8 Planning, Development and Reform 5 0 5
10 Aviation Division 4 0 4
10 Cabinet Secretariat 1 0 1
10 Capital Administration and Development Division 10 0 10
10 Commerce 2 0 2
10 Establishment Division 2 0 2
11 Law and Justice 1 0 1
11 Petroleum and Natural Resources 5 0 5
11 Planning, Development and Reform 1 0 1
11 President Secretariat 1 0 1
11 Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony 1 0 1
11 Water & Power 7 0 7
12 Defence Production 1 0 1
12 Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage 10 0 10
12 Interior and Narcotics Control 9 0 9
12 Railways 1 0 1
13 Federal Education and Professional Training 4 0 4
13 Communication 3 0 3
13 Foreign Affairs 2 0 2
13 National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination 2 0 2
13 Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development 1 0 1
Total235 9 244

  Adjournment Motion

Sitting No. Adjournment Motion Status
Fifteen to eighteen hours gas load shedding in Quetta when temperature is upto minus fifteen degree centigrade causing serious problems to the people of the area
Admitted for Discussion
The dismantling of Tuwairqi Steel Mills Limited (TSML) because of the dispute on imposition of GIDC by the Federal Government
Not Taken Up
The dismantling of Tuwairqi Steel Mills Limited (TSML) due to lack of cooperation from the concerned Government Departments
Not Taken Up
Levying of new taxes of Rs. 40 billion in the shape of mini budget by the Government
Not Taken Up
Levying of new taxes of Rs. 40 billion in the shape of mini budget by the Government while bypassing the Parliament
Not Taken Up
The increase in custom duty on various important items including raw materials by the Government
Not Taken Up
Ever increasing prices of consumer goods in the country due to imposition of Taxes through mini Budget
Not Taken Up
The dismantling of Tuwairqi Steel Mills Limited (TSML) because of the dispute on imposition of GIDC by the Federal Government
Admitted for Discussion
The dismantling of Tuwairqi Steel Mills Limited (TSML) due to lack of cooperation from the concerned Government Departments
Admitted for Discussion
The mini budget envisaging additional taxes of Rs. 40 billion by imposing 5 to 10 % regulatory duty on importing of 61 items, increasing duty by 5% on another 289 items and laving 1% custom duty on hundreds of other items, in compliance of precondition of IMF
Not Taken Up
Levying of new taxes of Rs. 40 billion in the shape of mini budget by the Government while bypassing the Parliament
Not Taken Up
Levying of new taxes of Rs. 40 billion in the shape of mini budget by the Government which has resulted into increase in prices of daily use products
Not Taken Up
The increase in custom duty on various imported items including raw materials by the Government which results into increase in prices of various consumer goods
Not Taken Up
Levying of new taxes and duties of Rs. 40 billion which results into increase in prices of many goods
Not Taken Up
Ever raising prices of consumer goods in the country due to imposition of Taxes through mini Budget
Not Taken Up
Hanging of senior political leaders of Jamat-e-Islami and BNP by Bangladesh Government through the so called international tribunal on crimes against humanity
Not Taken Up
Government’s announcement that Sui Southern Gas Company’s dues amounting to Rs. 37 billion against Pakistan Steel Mills will be settled by transferring land of Pakistan Steel Mills to Sui Southern Gas Company, which is a violation of Article 274 of the Constitution
Fifteen to eighteen hours gas load shedding in Quetta when temperature is upto minus fifteen degree centigrade causing serious problems to the people of the area
The mini budget envisaging additional taxes of Rs. 40 billion by imposing 5 to 10 % regulatory duty on importing of 61 items, increasing duty by 5% on another 289 items and laving 1% custom duty on hundreds of other items, in compliance of precondition of IMF
Admitted for Discussion
Levying of new taxes of Rs. 40 billion in the shape of mini budget by the Government while bypassing the Parliament
Admitted for Discussion
Levying of new taxes of Rs. 40 billion in the shape of mini budget by the Government which has resulted into increase in prices of daily use products
Admitted for Discussion
The increase in custom duty on various imported items including raw materials by the Government which results into increase in prices of various consumer goods
Admitted for Discussion
Levying of new taxes and duties of Rs. 40 billion which results into increase in prices of many goods
Admitted for Discussion
Ever raising prices of consumer goods in the country due to imposition of Taxes through mini Budget
Admitted for Discussion
Hanging of senior political leaders of Jamat-e-Islami and BNP by Bangladesh Government through the so called international tribunal on crimes against humanity
Not Taken Up
Non-completion of alternate road at Margalla Avenue, Islamabad which is under construction for the last two years
Not Taken Up
The statement of Edward Joseph Snowden, former CIA official, that GCHQ, a secret agency of Britain, used to spy on the communication data of Pakistan, as reported in Daily Express dated 7th October, 2015
On 12th November, 2015, that over five hundred candidates backed by banned outfits have made their way into the Punjab Local Government System, as published in “The Nation” on 10th November, 2015
Not Taken Up
The dismantling of Tuwairqi Steel Mills Limited (TSML) because of the dispute on imposition of GIDC by the Federal Government
The dismantling of Tuwairqi Steel Mills Limited (TSML) due to lack of cooperation from the concerned Government Departments
Hanging of senior political leaders of Jamat-e-Islami and BNP by Bangladesh Government through the so called international tribunal on crimes against humanity
Not Taken Up
Non-completion of alternate road at Margalla Avenue, Islamabad which is under construction for the last two years
Not Taken Up
Protest of thousands of teachers belonging to FATA in front of Press Club, Islamabad for their promotion and other facilities
The mini budget envisaging additional taxes of Rs. 40 billion by imposing 5 to 10 % regulatory duty on import of 61 items, increasing duty by 5% on 289 items and levying 1% custom duty on hundreds of other items, in compliance of preconditions of IMF
Privatization of PIA
Failure of the Federal and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governments to hold judicial inquiry into the gruesome and heinous attack on the innocent children of Army Public School, Peshawar on 16th December, 2014
Not Taken Up
The statement made by the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control in the National Assembly on 17th December, 2015 that the Ministry of Interior and Narcotics Control is not responsible in totality for the effective implementation of the National Action Plan
Not Taken Up
Shortfall of nearly 30% in the cotton production for the year 2015, which has very adverse effect on Pakistan economy
Not Taken Up
Failure of the Federal and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governments to hold judicial inquiry into the gruesome and heinous attack on the innocent children of Army Public School, Peshawar on 16th December, 2014
Admitted for Discussion
Report by Auditor General of Pakistan on 15th December, 2015 which state that circular debt payment of Rs.368 billion to Independent Power Producers is irregular and in violation of procedure
Not Taken Up
Non-implementation of sugarcane price @ Rs. 180 per 40 kilo as announced by the Prime Minister
Not Taken Up
Report by Auditor General of Pakistan on 15th December, 2015 which state that circular debt payment of Rs.368 billion to Independent Power Producers is irregular and in violation of procedure
Not Taken Up
Steps taken by the Government to prevent HIV/AIDS and curtail its spread
Not Taken Up
The incident of 16th December, 2014, in which innocent children were massacred and made martyrs in the Army Public School, Peshawar
Not Taken Up

  Calling Attention Notices

Sitting No. Calling Attention Notices Ministry Status
The dilapidated condition of the tunnel on railway track near Taxila between Islamabad and Peshawar
Railways Deffered
The appointment of National Security Advisor which calls for revisiting the Rules of Business, 1973 for a clear cut division of responsibility amongst various State Institutions
Parliamentary Affairs Taken Up
Appointment of a person namely Mr. Usman Mehmood S/O Mubashir Mehmood in IESCO on a fake domicile certificate against the post for Balochistan candidate making the whole process of appointments in that company doubtful
Water & Power Taken Up
Termination of 450 contractual employees of NADRA as reported in electronic media on 23rd November, 2015
Interior and Narcotics Control Taken Up
Outbreak of dengue in the country as over 3000 cases in Karachi and over 2000 in Rawalpindi have been reported
National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Taken Up
Steps taken for the population census 2016 as decided in the meeting of Council of Common Interest in March, 2015
Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization Taken Up
The dilapidated condition of the tunnel on railway track near Taxila between Islamabad and Peshawar
Railways Not Taken Up
The use of milk booster injections to milk yielding cattle to enhance the production / quantity of milk
National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Not Taken Up
Charging of withholding tax by banks, even from the filers, on banking transactions
Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization Taken Up
Continuous operation of heavy crushing machinery on the Margalla Hills near Taxila causing great troubles, diseases, pollution and spoiling the natural beauty as well as wild life
Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization Taken Up
The decision of ECC to give a subsidy amounting to Rs. 6.5 billion to the sugar mills to export 500,000 tons of sugar as world prices of sugar are lower than domestic prices
Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization Not Taken Up
The recent accident of Shaheen Airline’s Aircraft at Lahore Airport due to the intoxication of pilot
Aviation Division Not Taken Up
The recent accident of Shaheen Airline’s Aircraft at Lahore Airport due to the intoxication of pilot
Aviation Division Rejected
The prices of petroleum products presently being charged from public in wake of lower prices in international markets and depriving of common people from the benefit of these fallen prices
Petroleum and Natural Resources Taken Up

  Legislative Business

Sitting No. Name of Bill Type Status
1 The National University of Medical Sciences (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Private Introduced
2 The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (No. XI of 2015) Government Introduced
2 The Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (No. XIV of 2015) Government Introduced
2 The Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (Conversion) Ordinance, 2015 (No. XVII of 2015) Government Introduced
2 The Islamabad Subordinate Judiciary Service Tribunal Bill, 2015 Government Passed
2 The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Bill, 2004 Government Withdrawn
2 The Income Tax (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (No. XV of 2015) Government Introduced
6 The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Private Introduced
7 The Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (Ordinance No. XVIII of 2015) Government Introduced
7 The Minimum Wages for Unskilled Workers (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
7 The Pakistan Health Research Council Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
8 The Federal Judicial Academy (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Passed
8 The Publication of Laws of Pakistan Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
8 The Pakistan Halal Authority Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
8 The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
9 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2015 (Omission of Article 182) Private Deferred
9 The Islamabad Compulsory Vaccination and Protection of Health Workers Bill, 2015 Private Passed
10 The Civil Servants (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
11 The Futures Market Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
13 The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Passed
13 The Electoral Rolls (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
13 The Delimitation of Constituencies (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
13 The Patents (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
13 The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Government Introduced


Sitting No. Resolution Type of Resolution Status
1 The Senate of Pakistan re-affirms its solidarity with families of martyrs of Army Public School Peshawar and demands the Government to continue its struggle for elimination of terrorism from Pakistan Private Adopted
1 This House calls upon the Government to ensure strict implementation of the law disallowing the resurrection of banned outfits under other names Private Adopted
1 This House recommends that the Government should provide gas to the areas in the vicinity of gas fields in the country on priority in pursuance of Article 158 of the Constitution Private Adopted
1 This House recommends that the Government should provide all the basic facilities to the residents of Kachi Abadis in Islamabad to enable them to live a healthy life with dignity and respect Private Adopted
1 This House is of the opinion that the Urdu translation of the name of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as "خیبرپختونخواہ" being used in various official documents is incorrect. The correct translation of the same is as "خیبرپختونخوا". This House recommends that correction may be made in all official documents including Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Urdu accordingly Private Adopted
1 This House expresses its profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of former Senator Dr. Jamil-ud-Din Aali. Late Dr. Jamil- ud-Din Aali was born to a literary family on the 20th January, 1925. He did his graduation in Economics from Anglo Arabic College, Delhi in 1944 and in 1947 he started his carrier as an Assistant in the Ministry of Commerce but later on in 1951 he passed the CSS examination and joined Pakistan Taxation Service. He joined the National Bank of Pakistan in 1967 and remained its Vice President until his retirement in 1988. He was elected to the Senate of Pakistan from the Province of Sindh in 1997 and remained Member of the Senate of Pakistan from 1997 to 1999. Late Dr. Jamil-ud-Din Aali made useful contributions to the discussions in the Senate. He remained Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Education, Science and Technology and served also as a member of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Affairs and Planning Development and Functional Committee on Less Areas. Services rendered by him would be long remembered. Late Dr. Jamil-ud-Din Aali was a renowned Urdu poet, educationists and a luminary in the world of literature bearing the natural talent he made endeavors in the field of poetry and revived the classical form of Doha and adopted it to Urdu imparting a distinct to South Asian Muslim culture. He has also written Ghazals, Poems, Lyrical stories and songs. His poems reflect a unique discourse on great scientific and philosophical themes blended with esthetics. In pros, he was known for his incisive charming and narrative lectures. His newspaper columns have played a significant role in awakening the people to the need of intellectual pursuits and mature thoughts on contemporary national and international issues. He received President’s Pride of Performance Gold medal in 1992 and Hila-e-Imtaiz Urdu literature in 2003. He also served for the expansion of Urdu College in Federal Urdu University and remained the Deputy Chairman of its Senate for three years. While sharing the lost sustained by his family members the nation as well as this House expresses its heartfelt sympathies with the bereaved family. We pray to Almighty Allah to Shower His infinite blessings upon him and may his soul rest in eternal peace Government Adopted
3 The Senate of Pakistan places on record its deep sense of sorrow and grief over the barbaric and dastardly attack on the Army Public School Peshawar on the 16th December, 2014. The Senate of Pakistan expresses its deep sense of appreciation and support, that in the aftermath of the dastardly attack, in which innocent children and teachers were martyred, and the valiant armed forces of Pakistan launched the military action against terrorists, by initiating the military operation in the form of Zarb-e-Azab, which has resulted in the elimination of a large number of terrorists and their hideouts. This House expresses its sense of great satisfaction and pride, at the national unity that has been demonstrated by the people of Pakistan, and resolves to combat and destroy all forms of Terrorism. This House recommends to the Government of Pakistan to: i) "Declare 16th December as "Pakistan Children's Day" ii) and to that prayers be offered for the memory of the martyrs, and for the security and prosperity of Pakistan, on the 16th of December every year Joint Adopted
6 This House recommends that the Government may take effective steps to revive the sick Industrial units in the country Private Not Taken Up
6 This House recommends that the Government should establish a regular full-fledged Secretariat of the Council of Common Interests and ensure representation of all Provinces in its staff Private Adopted
6 The Senate of Pakistan recommends that the system of private Hajj tour operators may be revisited and a fair and strict accountability system should be evolved to deal with complaints against them Private Adopted
6 This House recommends that the Government should take immediate steps to purchase new aeroplanes for P.I.A. Private Not Taken Up
6 This House recommends that the Government may grant an amount of Rs. 2000/- per month as disabled allowance to the serving and retired disabled Government employees Private Not Taken Up
7 The Senate of Pakistan on the eve of Working Women’s Day and having regard of Article 18, 25, 27, 33, 34, 35, 37 and 38 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Acknowledges that women and men are equal partners and should have the same rights and responsibilities and the same working opportunities; Appreciates the endeavours of working women-folk of the country which are contributing to the betterment of socio-economic life of Pakistan and shows solidarity with them; Acknowledges, appreciates and encourages the affirmative and effective role performed by women in Parliament and Parliamentary Secretariats; Reaffirms its continuous support and encouragement to the women-folk to join the working hands of the country to participate in the economic activities for the betterment of their household as well as national economy; Deplores in the strongest possible terms the fact that in some sectors, women do not receive the same salary in cases where they hold the same jobs as men or jobs of equal value and condemns, equally, both horizontal and vertical segregation; Calls on Government to implement proactive policies to encourage women to embrace careers and to promote, through information and awareness-raising campaigns in particular, entry by women into sectors traditionally viewed as male-dominated; Emphasizes the fact that increased flexibility in working arrangements can increase women’s opportunities to participate actively in a labour market, but underscores the need for work life balance and encourages men and women to share occupational, family and social responsibilities more evenly, especially, in cases where assistance to dependence and childcare are concerned; Urges the Government to take such initiative to provide safe, secure, healthy and harassment-free environment to the working women class of the country. Private Adopted
8 Today, December 23rd is the 15th death anniversary of Malika Taranum Madam Noor Jehan. Madam Noor Jehan was an icon of culture, with an amazing personality and presence and a God gifted talented voice, which has few parallels in the South Asian sub-continent. Malika Taranum Madam Noor Jehan was source of joy and inspiration for millions, whether it was the 1965 war when she was morale booster for the Pakistani nation or her rendering a various verses of leading national poets which promoted national literature through her unique talent. And above all Malika Taranum Madam Noor Jehan was a warm and colourful personality, whose fans and admirers crossed borders and boundaries. The Senate of Pakistan recommends that to commemorate her contributions and her memory. The Government should establish a Malika Taranum Madam Noor Jehan National Academy of Music, so that her work remains immortal and continues to inspire future generations. Thank you. Mr. Chairman: I now put the resolution before the House. Joint Adopted
8 Making the Khutba Hujjatulwidah the basic principle for all policies and laws Private Adopted
8 The Senate of Pakistan recalling the shahadat of Mohrama Benazir Butto shaheed pays tribute to her memory, specially her contribution to Pakistan’s struggle for democracy and protecting the oppressed people of society. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto shaheed showed tremendous courage and commitment to the cause of the people and fear was a word which did not exist in her dictionary. She lived up to the best traditions for her illustrious father shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Her contributions for Pakistan national society are unique. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto will live in our heart and our mind forever. Thank you. Private Adopted
8 The Senate of Pakistan wishes all of our Christian brothers and sisters a Merry Christmas and we join the celebrations because all Pakistanis; Muslims and non-Muslims in Pakistan are equal before the law. The Senate of Pakistan also celebrates the birthday of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the great leader, the father of the nation, the founder of Pakistan, who was a giant among men and whose integrity, honesty and commitment to his cause have few parallels. He was one of the greatest Muslims produced in the 20th century. The people of Pakistan remain eternally grateful to him for his contribution in the creation of Pakistan. Private Adopted
9 This House is of the opinion that the families of the martyrs of terrorists' incidents in the country are not being looked after properly and are suffering miserably. This House recommends that the Government should evolve a mechanism to take care of the said families and provide them reasonable financial assistance on monthly basis to enable them to meet their needs of daily life and lead respectable lives Private Adopted
9 This House recommends that the Government should take immediate steps to establish new residential Sectors in Islamabad Private Deferred
9 This House recommends that Islamabad should be declared as a Model City and reforms should be brought to enhance its beauty Private Deferred
9 The Senate of Pakistan recommends that the short duration VIP flight for Hajj should be discontinued so that the persons sent for Hajj duty may attend the common Hajis instead of providing services to the Hajis of that VIP flight Private Deferred
9 This House recommends that the Government should take immediate steps to explore new markets abroad for Pakistani goods Private Deferred
12 This House disapproves the Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (Conversion) Ordinance, 2015. (Ordinance No. XVII of 2015) Private Adopted


Sitting No. Report Status
The report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges on the Privilege Motion moved by Senator Ahmed Hassan, on 8th October, 2015, against the Cabinet Division for misleading the House by providing conflicting and incorrect replies to the questions asked by him regarding discontinuation of U-fone service in some areas in Malakand Division
The report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges on the amendment proposed by Senator Chaudhary Tanvir Khan, in rule 58 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012
The report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs on starred question No. 15, asked by Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi, on 15th September, 2015, regarding the number of Pakistanis confined in Bangladesh camps after the event of 1971 without right of citizenship
The report of the Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination on starred question No. 59, asked by Senator Dr. Muhammad Ismail Buledi on 29th July, 2009, regarding details of sanctioned posts in BS-04 to 22 in Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Quetta and the number of persons appointed in each grade
The report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat On the subject matter of starred question No. 82, asked by Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar on 9th October, 2015, regarding names, age, place of domicile, educational qualifications and date of appointment of the members of Board of Governors and Directors of the companies/organizations under the administrative control of the Aviation Division
The report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat On the subject matter of starred question No. 103, asked by the Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati on 13th October, 2015, regarding the amount received from abroad as donations in connection with earthquake 2005 indicating also the names / details of donors and amount donated by each of them
The report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat On the subject matter of Calling Attention Notice given of by Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar regarding irregularities carried out in the recent appointments made against Balochistan quota in OGRA
The report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat On a matter pointed out by Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi on 6th November, 2015, regarding recent demolishing of Khokhas by the CDA in Islamabad, and referred to the Committee after the statement of the Minister concerned on 9th November, 2015
The preliminary/interim report of the Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Human Rights on a matter referred by the House on 10th November, 2015 regarding “Implementation of Building Code, with particular reference to provisions regarding earthquake, for suggesting penal provisions, measures and mechanism regarding violation of said Code
Chairman, Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Human Rights, to move under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for submission of Final Report on the matter referred by the House on 10th November, 2015 regarding “Implementation of Building Code, with particular reference to provisions regarding earthquake, for suggesting penal provisions, measures and mechanism regarding violation of said Code" may be extended for a further period of three months in order to enable the Committee to give a comprehensive report as more time is required to suggest legislative instruments in consultation with all Federal and Provincial Stakeholders
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on Petroleum and Natural Resources, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on Demand No. 8 of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government on the collection and payment of royalty on LPG to the Provinces be extended for a further period of thirty working days with effect from 14th December, 2015, as more time is needed for the reasons to be explained in the House
Not Taken Up
Chairman, Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the subject matter of Motion under rule 218, moved by Senator Kalsoom Perveen on 13th October, 2015, regarding discussion on Hajj Policy of the Government and performance of the Ministry of Religious Affairs with particular reference to recent stampede at Mina, Makkah, be extended for a further period of thirty working days with effect from 14th December, 2015, as more time is needed for presentation of report for the reasons to be explained in the House
Extension Granted
The report of the Standing Committee on Communications on Starred Question No. 9, asked by Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi on 5th September, 2012, regarding the details of roads, with lengthwise breakup, constructed by the National Highway Authority (NHA), during the financial years 2009-10 and 2010-11 in each Province, Federal Capital, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan and AJK
The report of the Standing Committee on Communications on Starred Question No. 4, asked by former Senator Abdul Rauf on 4th February, 2014, regarding damage caused to roads due to overloaded trucks and heavy trawlers and the steps taken by the Government in this regard
The report of the Standing Committee on Defence on disposal of pending business under sub-rule (3) of rule 207 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, referred by the House
The Foreigners (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (Ordinance No. XII of 2015)
The National Database and Registration Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 (Ordinance No. XIII of 2015)
The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2015
Not Taken Up
The report of the Standing Committee on Interior and Narcotics Control on the demand of Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa numbered 15 regarding consideration of Special Financial Package for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Security
Not Taken Up
The Islamabad Mandatory Vaccination and Protection of Health Workers Bill, 2015
Not Taken Up
The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2015
The report of the Standing Committee on Interior and Narcotics Control on the demand of Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa numbered 15 regarding consideration of Special Financial Package for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Security
The Islamabad Mandatory Vaccination and Protection of Health Workers Bill, 2015
The report of the Standing Committee on Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage on starred question No. 3, asked by Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati, on 26th February, 2008, regarding the names of companies and their owners whom contracts for construction of monuments in Islamabad have been awarded, the procedure adopted for awarding the said contracts and the authority which approves funds for beautification and construction of monuments in Islamabad
The report of the Standing Committee on Federal Education and Professional Training on starred question No. 49, asked by former Senator Dr. Khalid Mehmood Soomro, on 24th April, 2009, regarding details of provision of funds to Organizations/Institutions by the Higher Education Commission during the last ten years
The report of the Standing Committee on Federal Education and Professional Training on starred question No. 46, asked by Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi, on 4th November, 2015, regarding the proposal to establish a National Law University in Islamabad Capital Territory with its campuses in the Provincial Head Quarters
The first follow-up report of the Standing Committee on National Food Security and Research regarding proposed conversion of 1400 acres land of National Agricultural Research Centre by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) into residential/commercial plots
The report of the Standing Committee on Federal Education and Professional Training on starred question No. 145, asked by Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, on 12th November, 2010, regarding percentage of GDP allocated for higher and elementary education, during the last three years and need to increase this percentage
The report of the Standing Committee on Federal Education and Professional Training on a point of order raised by former Senator Abdul Haseeb Khan, on 12th November, 2010, regarding unilateral decision of the Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) to deduct ten to fifteen per cent marks of the successful students of “A” level at the time of granting equivalence certificate
The report of the Standing Committee on Federal Education and Professional Training on implementation of the recommendations of the Special Committee formed on the issue of lapse of various foreign scholarships offered by different countries for the students of Pakistan
The National Cyber Security Council Bill, 2014
The report of the Special Committee on the Implementation of the Gas Infrastructure Development Cess Bill, 2015
The report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat on the matter raised by Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, during zero hour on 14th December, 2015, regarding use of some discriminatory remarks by the Capital Development Authority regarding Christian minority of the country while submitting their reply in a case in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, which was referred to the Committee for consideration and report to the House on Monday, the 21st December, 2015
The report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges, on Privilege Motion, moved by Senator Najma Hameed, on 11th November, 2015, regarding incorrect information provided by the Ministry of Water and Power in replies to her starred question Nos. 216 and 9, asked on 30th October, 2014 and 7th May, 2015, respectively
The Annual Report for the year 2014-2015 of the Central Board of Directors of the State Bank of Pakistan on the state of the Economy along-with the Statistical Supplement, as required under section 9A (f) of the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956
The special audit report on clearance of circular debt of power sector (Rs. 480 Billion), as required under Article 171 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973
The Annual Report of the National Economic Council for the Financial Year 2013-14, as required under clause (5) of Article 156 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges, on the breach of Privilege of the House due to irresponsible behavior of Chairman, CDA in connection with the matter referred by the Chairman Senate to the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat and misleading that Committee about their report submitted to the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case relating to the settlement of Christian Community in Kachi Abadi of Capital
The Income Tax (Second Amendment) Bill, 2015
The preliminary interim report of the Committee on Question No.125 asked by Senator Lt. Gen. (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi on 15th May, 2015 regarding the land purchased by the government for construction of new Balakot city for the earthquake affectees of Tehsil Balakot.
Chairman, Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony, to move that under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the subject matter of starred question No. 118, asked by Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati on 18th September, 2015, regarding the complaint cell working in the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony to deal with the complaints against private Hajj and Umra operators, may be extended for a further period of thirty working days with effect from 31st December, 2015, as more time is needed for presentation of report for the reasons to be explained in the House.
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on Law and Justice, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for submission of Report on “The National Accountability (Amendment) Bill, 2015”, referred by the House on 2nd November, 2015, may be extended for a further period of thirty working days with effect from 1st January, 2016, in order to enable the Committee to finalize report in consultation with the provinces
Extension Granted
The report of the Standing Committee on Climate Change on The Pakistan Environmental Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2015
The report of the Committee on an adjournment motion moved by Senator Sassui Palijo on her behalf and on behalf of Senator Saleem Mandviwala, on 4th November, 2015, regarding failure of Foreign Policy of Pakistan on account of non-election of Pakistan as Member of the United Nations Human Rights Council
The report of the Committee of Whole constituted on “Steps to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Chairman, Standing Committee on Petroleum and Natural Resources, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on Demand No. 8 of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government on the collection and payment of royalty on LPG to the Provinces be extended for a further period of thirty working days with effect from 14th December, 2015, as the comments of the Ministry of Law and Justice are still awaited, therefore, more time is required for finalization of the report
Extension Granted
The report on 2nd Biannual Monitoring on the Implementation of NFC Award (January - June, 2015), as required under clause (3B) of Article 160 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973

  Motion Under Rule 218

Sitting No. Motion Under Rule 218 Status
This House may discuss the causes, remedies and preventive measures to control poverty in the country
The House may discuss the ways and means to improve the efficiency of Pakistan’s embassies/missions abroad
The House may discuss the issue of award of LNG Terminal to Elengy Terminal Pakistan Limited (ETPL) without completing the codal formalities causing a loss of billions of rupees to national exchequer
This House may discuss the domain and jurisdiction of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) and the situation arising out of non-convening of the meeting of the Council as required under clause (3) of Article 154 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up
This House may discuss the situation arising out of non-construction of new dams in the country
The Senate of Pakistan may discuss the issue of illegal occupation on the CDA land in Islamabad and failure of the Government to get back the possession of that land
Not Taken Up
This House may discuss the domain and jurisdiction of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) and the situation arising out of non-convening of the meeting of the Council as required under clause (3) of Article 154 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The House may discuss the hardships being faced by overseas Pakistanis due to the acts of terrorism in the western countries and the remedies/ways to lessen the same
The House may discuss the situation arising out of continuous decrease in exports of the country as a consequence of closing down of industrial units which is resulting in increase of unemployment
The House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to its success and failure
This House may discuss the functioning of the National Commission on Human Rights (NCHR)
The House may discuss the situation arising out of continuous decrease in exports of the country as a consequence of closing down of industrial units which is resulting in increase of unemployment
Not Taken Up
This House may discuss the issue of Human Trafficking from Pakistan to Overseas countries
This House may discuss the procedure for appointment of Chairman and Members of the Federal Service Tribunal (FST)
This House may discuss the present position of circular debt and its overall impact on smooth supply of electricity to the consumers in the country
The House may discuss the present status of implementation of National Action Plan and the results thereof
Not Taken Up
The House may discuss the present status of implementation of National Action Plan and the results thereof

  Amendment in Rules of Procedure

Sitting No. Amendment in Rules of Procedure Status
(i) in rule 43, in sub-rule (1), for the full stop (.) occurring at the end a colon (:) shall be substituted and thereafter the following Proviso and Explanation shall be added, namely:- “Provided that a notice received from an authenticated e-mail address of the Member to the prescribed e-mail address of the Senate Secretariat shall be deemed to be a proper notice in terms of sub-rule (1). Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, ‘authenticated’ means an e-mail address duly verified by a Member and ‘prescribed’ means notified by the Senate Secretariat.” (ii) in rule 65, in the existing proviso for the full stop (.) occurring at the end a colon (:) shall be substituted and thereafter the following second Proviso and Explanation shall be added, namely:- “Provided further that a notice received from an authenticated e-mail address of the Member to the prescribed e-mail address of the Senate Secretariat shall be deemed to be a proper notice in terms of this rule. Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, ‘authenticated’ means an e-mail address duly verified by a Member and ‘prescribed’ means notified by the Senate Secretariat.” (iii) in rule 86, for the full stop (.) occurring at the end a colon (:) shall be substituted and thereafter the following Proviso and Explanation shall be added, namely:- “Provided that a notice received from an authenticated e-mail address of the Member to the prescribed e-mail address of the Senate Secretariat shall be deemed to be a proper notice in terms of this rule. Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, ‘authenticated’ means an e-mail address duly verified by a Member and ‘prescribed’ means notified by the Senate Secretariat.” (iv) in rule 158, in sub-rule (1) after serial number (vi), the following new serial number shall be inserted, namely:- “(vii) Committee on Delegated Legislation.” (v) after the existing rule 172B, the following new rules shall be inserted, namely:- “172C. Committee on Delegated Legislation.- There shall be a Committee on delegated legislation to scrutinize and report to the Senate of Pakistan that whether the powers to make rules, regulations, bye-laws, schemes or other statutory instruments conferred by the Constitution or delegated by the Parliament have been timely and properly exercised within such conferment or delegation, as the case may be. 172D. Functions.- The functions of the Committee on Delegated Legislation shall be the following or such other as may be assigned to it from time to time:- (i) The Committee shall propose legislation/formulate policy for laying of each rule, regulation, bye-law, scheme or other statutory instrument (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Rules’) framed in pursuance of the Constitution or the legislative functions delegated by the Parliament to a subordinate authority. (ii) When the rules are so laid before the Parliament/Committee, the Committee shall, in particular consider:- (a) Whether the Rules are in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution or the Act of Parliament pursuant to which it is made; (b) Whether the Rules contain matter which in the opinion of the Committee should more properly be dealt with in an Act of Parliament; (c) Whether the Rules contain imposition of taxation; (d) Whether the Rules directly or indirectly bar the jurisdiction of the Court; (e) Whether the Rules give retrospective effect to any of the provisions in respect of which the Constitution or the Act does not expressly give any such power; (f) Whether the Rules appear to make some unusual or unexpected use of the power conferred by the Constitution or the Act pursuant to which it is made; (g) Whether there appears to have been unjustifiable delay in publication or laying the Rules before the Parliament; and (h) Whether for any reason, the form or purport of the Rules require any elucidation. 172E. Report.- (1) If the Committee is of the opinion that any Rules should be annulled wholly or partially, or should be amended in any respect, it shall report that opinion and the grounds thereof to the House. (2) If the Committee is of opinion that any other matter relating to any Rules should be brought to the notice of the Senate, it may report that opinion and matter to the House. (3) The Committee shall present a quarterly report before the House.” (vi) after the existing rule 212, the following new rule shall be inserted, namely:- “212A. Effect of retirement, etc., of a Member.- Business of a Member in respect of any matter under these rules shall lapse if the Member is appointed as Chairman Senate, Deputy Chairman, Minister or ceased to be a Member: Provided that a Private Members’ Bill passed by the Senate and transmitted to National Assembly shall not lapse.”
Taken Up

  Points of Order

Sitting No.   Points of Order Representative Name Number of POs
1 Prayers and Tribute Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq 1
1 Democracy and Political Development Aitzaz Ahsan 1
1 Law and Order Nauman Wazir 1
1 Government Institutions Mian Raza Rabbani 1
1 Education Aurangzeb Khan 2
1 Education Mian Raza Rabbani 1
1 Business of House Mian Raza Rabbani 9
1 Minorities Mushahid Hussain Syed 1
1 Minorities Mian Raza Rabbani 2
1 Employment Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi 1
1 Education Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi 1
1 Agriculture Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini 1
1 Education Atta ur Rehman 1
1 Law and Order Shahi Syed 1
1 Law and Order Mian Raza Rabbani 1
1 Strengthening the Federation Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar 3
1 Business of House Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar 1
1 Minorities Hafiz Hamdullah 1
1 Strengthening the Federation Hafiz Hamdullah 1
1 Law and Order Saleem Zia 1
1 Democracy and Political Development Saeed Ghani 1
1 Business of House Taj Haider 1
2 Government Institutions A. Rehman Malik 1
2 Finance and Economic Policy Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi 2
2 Business of House Syed Muzafar Hussain Shah 5
2 Business of House Aitzaz Ahsan 2
2 Business of House Muhsin Aziz 2
2 Business of House Zahid Hamid Khan 1
3 Business of House Sheikh Aftab Ahmed 4
3 Business of House Syed Muzafar Hussain Shah 2
3 Business of House Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi 1
3 Prayers and Tribute Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi 1
3 Democracy and Political Development Ilyas Ahmad Bilour 1
3 Prayers and Tribute Syed Muzafar Hussain Shah 1
3 Business of House Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq 1
3 Business of House Saeed Ghani 1
4 Business of House Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi 1
4 Government Institutions Sassui Palijo 1
4 Business of House Muhammad Javed Abbasi 1
5 Government Institutions Ilyas Ahmad Bilour 1
5 Business of House Taj Haider 1
5 Government Institutions Muhammad Ali Khan Saif 1
5 Law and Order Mushahid Ullah Khan 1
5 Business of House Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri 5
5 Business of House Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani 1
5 Business of House Mushahid Ullah Khan 1
5 Business of House Sassui Palijo 1
5 Business of House Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel 1
5 Business of House Muhammad Azam Khan Swati 1
5 Business of House Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi 1
5 Government Institutions Atta ur Rehman 1
5 Business of House Ilyas Ahmad Bilour 1
7 Agriculture Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel 1
7 Business of House Sitara Ayaz 1
7 Business of House Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi 1
7 Business of House Nuzhat Sadiq 1
7 Business of House Farhatullah Babar 1
7 Agriculture Robina Irfan 1
7 Energy and Natural Resources Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini 1
7 Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Shahi Syed 1
7 Business of House Hafiz Hamdullah 3
7 Business of House Mian Raza Rabbani 5
7 Foreign Relations Hafiz Hamdullah 2
8 Business of House Mian Raza Rabbani 6
8 Democracy and Political Development Saeed Ghani 1
8 Strengthening the Federation Farhatullah Babar 1
8 Strengthening the Federation Sassui Palijo 2
8 Democracy and Political Development Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah 1
8 Democracy and Political Development Shahi Syed 1
8 Business of House Nauman Wazir 4
8 Prayers and Tribute Mushahid Hussain Syed 2
8 Prayers and Tribute Mian Raza Rabbani 2
8 Communication Ahmed Hassan 1
8 Business of House Zahid Hamid Khan 1
8 Business of House Muhammad Azam Khan Swati 1
8 Prayers and Tribute Muddassir Sehar Kamran 1
8 Prayers and Tribute Hafiz Hamdullah 2
8 Democracy and Political Development Ilyas Ahmad Bilour 1
8 Employment Saeed Ghani 1
8 Foreign Relations Khurram Dastgir Khan 1
8 Business of House Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi 2
8 Business of House Lt General (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi 1
8 Democracy and Political Development Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada 1
8 Prayers and Tribute Sardar Muhammad Yousuf 1
8 Democracy and Political Development Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi 1
8 Disaster Lt General (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi 1
8 Strengthening the Federation Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi 1
8 Democracy and Political Development Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini 1
8 Foreign Relations Nauman Wazir 1
8 Finance and Economic Policy Nauman Wazir 1
8 Communication Kalsoom Perveen 1
8 Prayers and Tribute Khalida Parveen 3
8 Prayers and Tribute Muhammad Javed Abbasi 1
8 Prayers and Tribute Nasreen Jalil 1
8 Business of House Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi 1
8 Prayers and Tribute Muhammad Ali Khan Saif 1
8 Prayers and Tribute Mushahid Ullah Khan 1
8 Prayers and Tribute Prof. Sajid Mir 1
9 Foreign Relations Muddassir Sehar Kamran 1
9 Business of House Mian Raza Rabbani 1
10 Business of House Lt General (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi 1
10 Business of House Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri 3
10 Business of House Begum Najma Hameed 1
10 Business of House Muhammad Azam Khan Swati 1
10 Business of House Mushahid Ullah Khan 3
10 Foreign Relations Sartaj Aziz 4
10 Business of House Mian Raza Rabbani 11
10 Business of House Sartaj Aziz 3
10 Defense Sartaj Aziz 1
10 Business of House Aitzaz Ahsan 1
10 Business of House Khawaja Muhammad Asif 2
10 Democracy and Political Development Sassui Palijo 1
10 Foreign Relations Saeed Ghani 1
10 Foreign Relations Muddassir Sehar Kamran 1
10 Foreign Relations A. Rehman Malik 1
10 Foreign Relations Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini 1
10 Labor and Human Resource Taj Haider 1
10 Foreign Relations Muhammad Ali Khan Saif 1
10 Foreign Relations Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum 1
10 Foreign Relations Hafiz Hamdullah 1
10 Prayers and Tribute Shahi Syed 1
10 Prayers and Tribute Muhammad Azam Khan Swati 1

  Participation in Proceedings

Sitting No. Intervention Total Representatives
1 Motion Under Rule 218 30
2 Adjournment Motion 1
2 Calling Attention Notice 3
2 Legislation 15
3 Resolution 29
4 Motion of Thanks 5
5 Motion of Thanks 7
6 Motion of Thanks 1
6 Motion Under Rule 218 43
7 Adjournment Motion 18
7 Calling Attention Notice 2
8 Adjournment Motion 7
8 Calling Attention Notice 4
9 Adjournment Motion 7
9 Amendment to the Rules 1
9 Motion Under Rule 218 23
9 Resolution 1
9 Standing Committee Report 1
10 Adjournment Motion 13
10 General Discussion 1
10 Standing Committee Report 5

  Motion of Thanks

Sitting No. Motion of Thanks Status
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 4th June, 2015
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 4th June, 2015
Not Taken Up
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 4th June, 2015
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 4th June, 2015
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 4th June, 2015

  Motion under Rule 196(1)

Sitting No. Motion under Rule 196(1) Status
The report of the Committee of Whole constituted on “Steps to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country”

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