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Session Details

Balochistan Assembly   |     Feb 09, 2016 To Feb 18, 2016     |     Session No: 26     |     Session Type: Regular

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
09 Feb, 2016 1 04:00 04:20 00:20 06:12 1:52 0:00
12 Feb, 2016 2 04:00 04:28 00:28 08:16 3:48 0:00
15 Feb, 2016 3 11:00 11:34 00:34 01:45 2:11 0:00
18 Feb, 2016 4 04:00 05:21 01:21 07:30 2:09 0:00
Total/Average 0:41 10:00 0:00


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Speaker Deputy Speaker Panel of Chairpersons Chief Minister Leader of the Opposition






1:52 0:00 0:00 0:00 1:52






1:22 0:00 2:26 3:48 3:48






2:11 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00






2:09 0:00 0:00 2:09 0:00

No. of Sittings Attended






Total Time






Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
1 13 19 22 1
2 19 15 28 1
3 15 17 25 1
4 15 14 30 1
Average Attendance 16 16 26 1

Parliamentary Leaders Attendance

Sitting No. Parliamentary Leaders




































No. of Sittings Attended

2 2 2 0 2 0 1 2

  Orders of the Day

  Adjournment Motion

Sitting No. Adjournment Motion Status
Suicide attack on FC vehicle in quetta and terrorist attack on police mobile at saryab road quetta
Admitted for Discussion

  Legislative Business

Sitting No. Name of Bill Type Status
3 The Balochistan Public Service Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
3 The Balochistan Sound System (Regulation) Bill, 2015 Government Passed
3 The Balochistan Prohibition of Expressing Matters on Walls (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Passed
4 The Balochistan Witness Protection Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
4 The Balochistan Public Service Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Referred the bill to Committee


Sitting No. Resolution Type of Resolution Status
1 This House express deep condolence on the brutal murder of students and teachers of Bacha Khan University on 19th January 2016. This House also condemns the brutal murder of innocent students and teachers with strongest terms. Government Adopted
1 This house pays its regrets on the suicide attack on Liaqat Park Quetta on 6th February 2016 and on the deaths of FC personnel, women and children, and condemn this cowardly attack. This house pays tribute to the police and security institutions which are being attacked continuously and they are giving sacrifices for maintaining peace. And this house shows its satisfaction on the joint and unanimous polices of political and military leadership Joint Adopted
2 Harnai is considered as agricultural district of the province. Its importance has increased after the exploration of natural gas. And the efforts are increased to find more gas and oil. Supply of explored gas has been started in Quetta city. Other than that, best quality reserves of coal are also in Harnai, and fulfilling the energy requirements of the country. Moreover, district of Ziarat is connected with Harnai which is center of attraction for the tourists. But people face problems in transportation because of unavailability of roads in both districts. This house suggests provincial government to consult Federal government for construction of roads in districts of Khanai, Muslim Bagh cross to Harnai and from Harnai Cross to Ziarat and include it in PSDP under NHA in current fiscal year. So that problems faced by people can be solved Joint Adopted
2 Prices of oil has been decreased in international market but in our country, prices did not changed. Which is effecting poor people directly. So this house suggests that provincial government should consult central government to reduce the prices of oil in about 15 rupees so that people can get benefits from it Private Adopted
2 Teachers and employees of grade four who are associated with IT in education department are not paid their salaries from 31 months. Even though the government is saying that salaries will be paid after the approval of summaries of their salaries and permanent appointments. So this house suggests provincial government to approve the summary of permanent appointment and salaries of employees, so that salaries of employees from 31 months can be paid to them Private Deferred
2 In two and a half years, provincial government has provided billions of rupees to QESCO for material and construction for electrification of 23 districts and villages which QESCO had received through cheque. But with this huge amount, QESCO is unable to fulfill its objectives. QESCO had tendered it first time in 2015. Opening was on 7th October in which more than 80 contractors participated and gave their rates which were lower than the previous rates. On 8th December, QESCO’s evaluation committee had suggested in their report to accept the tender. But the CEO referred it to BOD. CEO has the power if the expenditure is under 10 million rupees. This job was of less than 10 million rupees. BOD canceled the tender and on 15 December 2015 it was retendered and its opening was on 22 January 2016. But again it was not processed. So this house suggests provincial government to consult federal government to bound QESCO to use this money for public interest as soon as possible Private Adopted
3 According to the decision of 19th March 2015 new census is expected in March 2016. An expense of 145 billion rupees is expected and will be collected from provinces. In the year 2011 integration of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics with Agriculture Statistics department was done and restructured as Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Provinces have neither representation nor any job quota in this department. So this House recommends provincial government that it should contact Federal government that Baluchistan should get proper representation in governing and functional members Joint Adopted
3 Mahroof children hospital is the only hospital for children in Quetta. This hospital was established with the collaboration of German government in 1998. The hospital was being run both with the collaboration of Chief Secretary Development Baluchistan and German government from 1998 -2003. After 2003 Baluchistan government through an agreement tried to take up the hospital within its jurisdiction but it couldn’t happened as with absence of organizational structure the hospital went in loss. Due to these reasons hospital authority increased fee structure as a result of which the marginalized people of province are suffering. The future of employees who are working in the hospital since 17 years is also on stake. If the government will not take the hospital in its custody then the department will decline with the passage of time Joint Adopted
3 The teachers associated with the IT department and other grade four employees in education department have not received salaries from 31 months. The government is giving assurances but still they are neither being promoted nor receiving salaries. This House requests the provincial government that summary regarding their salaries and permanent allocations should be accepted Government Not Taken Up
3 According to rule of Federal Board of Revenue (F.B.R) the province will collect tax from those industries, firms, and trading institutions working in that province. Now according to the temporary order of the department the industrialists of Hub whose offices are in Sindh or in any other province will be allowed to submit their income taxes there. Baluchistan received 1 billion rupees in terms of income tax and Sindh received 15 billion. The share of income among the provinces is done on the basis of income tax. Issuing the orders to submit income tax in other provinces is synonymous to injustice. Business of House must be stopped and this important issue should be discussed. Government Adopted
4 It is commonly observed that majority of women in Balochistan are suffering from breast cancer but unfortunately no centers are established for the cure of this fatal disease. This House recommends the provincial government to establish diagnosis centers for cure of this fatal women disease. Private Not Taken Up
4 According to the record of IRSA Balochistan get less water share from it overall share. Balochistan has to pay the payment of water which is used by other province. Balochistan is providing water to Sindh from Hub dam since many decades but Sindh government has not paid 20 billion royalties up till now. The House recommends the provincial government that it should contact federal government for providing proper water share to Balochistan. Moreover the remaining payments of 30 billion rupees from previous tenures must be given. Private Adopted
4 According to the article 157 of Pakistan constitution provinces that are receiving electricity from Uch and Hub power plants have to pay the royalty to Balochistan province. The province is not getting any royalty for supplying electricity from Hub and Uch power plants. This act is completely unjustified and is against the constitution. The House recommends the provincial government that it should approach federal government and bound them to provide royalty. Private Adopted
4 According to the rights of Balochistan initiative all natural resource producing companies like PPL, OGDCL, Mari Indus, Saindak, and other Chinese companies are bound to spend 10% of their profit on the welfare of the public. Still these companies have to pay remaining 4 billion rupees annually and overall 24 billion rupees. The provincial House recommends the federal government that it should insure the payment due on all companies so that it can be spent on the welfare of people. Joint Adopted

  Points of Order

Sitting No.   Points of Order Representative Name Number of POs
1 Prayers and Tribute Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran 1
1 Prayers and Tribute Shahida Rauf 1
1 Law and Order Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran 1
1 Law and Order Shahida Rauf 1
1 Law and Order Rahmat Ali Baloch 1
1 Law and Order Hamid Khan Achakzai 1
1 Democracy and Political Development Shahida Rauf 1
2 Sports Syed Mohammad Raza 1
2 Business of House Nasrullah Khan Zayray 1
2 Law and Order Shahida Rauf 1
3 Governance Nasrullah Khan Zayray 1
3 Government Corporation Hamid Khan Achakzai 1
3 Business of House Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran 1
3 Business of House Sarfaraz Ahmed Bugti 1
4 Terrorism Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran 1
4 Education Masooma Hayat 1
4 Governance Spozmi Achakzi 1
4 Governance Yasmeen Bibi 1
4 Business of House Arifa Siddique 1
4 Education Yasmeen Bibi 1
4 Democracy and Political Development Shahida Rauf 1
4 Government Institutions Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran 1
4 Democracy and Political Development Sardar Muhammad Aslam Bizinjo 1
4 Business of House Prince Ahmed Ali 1
4 Democracy and Political Development Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran 1
4 Business of House Spozmi Achakzi 1
4 Business of House Shahida Rauf 1

  Participation in Proceedings

Sitting No. Intervention Total Representatives
1 Resolution 9
2 Adjournment Motion 15
3 Adjournment Motion 4
3 Resolution 7
4 Resolution 10

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