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Session Details

Senate Assembly   |     Feb 18, 2016 To Feb 18, 2016     |     Session No: 245     |     Session Type: Regular

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
18 Feb, 2016 1 03:00 03:00 00:00 05:29 2:29 0:00
Total/Average 0:00 2:29 0:00


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Chairman Deputy Chairman Panel of Presiding Officers Prime Minister Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition







2:29 0:00 0:00 0:00 2:29 1:59

No. of Sittings Attended







Total Time







Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
1 18 38 0 0
Average Attendance 18 38 0 0

Members Attendance by Sitting and Party
Party Total Membership Average Present Average Absent Average Leave
PPPP 27 17 10 0
PML-N 26 20 6 0
IND 10 8 2 0
MQM 8 6 1 1
PTI 7 5 2 0
ANP 6 5 1 0
JUI 5 3 1 1
PML 4 2 2 0
NP 3 2 1 0
PKMAP 3 3 0 0
BNP-A 2 2 0 0
JI 1 0 1 0
PML-F 1 0 1 0
BNP-M 1 0 1 0

Parliamentary Leaders Attendance

Sitting No. Parliamentary Leaders













No. of Sittings Attended

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  Protest /Walkout /Boycott

Sitting No.   Type Party(ies) Member(s) Reasons Time (Minutes)
1 Walkout BNP-A BNP JI PML-F PML-N PTI PKMAP 146 Over killing of PPPP worker in AJK and increase in price of life saving medicines 2

  Orders of the Day

  Question Hour ( View All Questions )

Sitting No. Ministry Starred Un-starred Total
1 Defence 3 0 3
1 Information and Broadcasting 4 0 4
1 Interior and Narcotics Control 3 0 3
1 Railways 2 1 3
1 States and Frontier Regions 1 0 1
Total13 1 14

  Adjournment Motion

Sitting No. Adjournment Motion Status
The incident of terrorism on Charsada University on 20th January, 2016, wherein twenty students were killed and many others injured
Not Taken Up
The visit of Prime Minister and Army Chief to Saudi Arabia and Iran to release the tension between the two countries
Not Taken Up
Non-reduction of the prices of petroleum products in commensuration with the fall in international oil prices and not even as recommended by OGRA
Not Taken Up

  Calling Attention Notices

Sitting No. Calling Attention Notices Ministry Status
The increasing number of incidents of blasts due to sub-standard gas cylinders resulting into injuries and deaths of several persons and also towards the non-taking of action against the illegal gas refilling stations by the administration
Petroleum and Natural Resources Taken Up
The Constitutional requirement of number of Judges for Federal Shariah Court which is eight but presently less number of Judges are working in that Court causing delay in pending cases
Law and Justice Not Taken Up

  Legislative Business

Sitting No. Name of Bill Type Status
1 The Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (Conversion) Bill, 2015 Government Introduced
1 The Electoral Rolls (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Passed
1 The Delimitation of Constituencies (Amendment) Bill, 2015 Government Passed
1 The Pakistan Halal Authority Bill, 2015 Government Passed
1 The Publication of Laws of Pakistan Bill, 2015 Government Passed


Sitting No. Report Status
The Unattended Orphans (Rehabilitation and Welfare) Bill, 2013
Chairman Standing Committee on Law and Justice to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for submission of Report on the matter referred by the House on 11th January, 2016, regarding “the affairs of cooperative housing societies in Islamabad particularly the violations committed by them in planning and allocation of land for community services”, may be extended for a period of sixty working days in order to enable the Committee to give a comprehensive report as the relevant departments and investigating agencies have been tasked to probe into the matter with the identification of procedural flaws which will require more time
Extension Granted
Chairman Standing Committee on Commerce to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for submission of Report on the matter raised during statement on a Calling Attention Notice regarding “import of various vegetables and fruits from Iran affecting the local farmers”, which was referred by the House on 12th January, 2016, may be extended for a period of thirty working days in order to enable the Committee to finalize its report
Extension Granted
Chairman Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for submission of Report on the matter raised during statement on a Calling Attention Notice regarding the examination of facts and figures reported by the Custom Authorities about the import and export from Iran, may be extended for a period of thirty working days in order to enable the Committee to finalize its report
Extension Granted

  Points of Order

Sitting No.   Points of Order Representative Name Number of POs
1 Prayers and Tribute Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq 1
1 Governance Mian Raza Rabbani 3
1 Governance Iqbal Zafar Jhagra 1
1 Democracy and Political Development Saeed Ghani 1
1 Democracy and Political Development Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq 1
1 Democracy and Political Development Mushahid Ullah Khan 1
1 Population Muhammad Azam Khan Swati 1
1 Finance and Economic Policy Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh 1
1 Finance and Economic Policy Sitara Ayaz 1
1 Governance Nehal Hashmi 1
1 Communication Dr. Ashok Kumar 1
1 Defense Muhammad Ali Khan Saif 1
1 Energy and Natural Resources Sitara Ayaz 1
1 Governance Khushbakht Shujat 2
1 Governance Mushahid Ullah Khan 1
1 Governance Mushahid Hussain Syed 1
1 Business of House Farhatullah Babar 1
1 Business of House Mian Raza Rabbani 1
1 Democracy and Political Development Farhatullah Babar 2
1 Democracy and Political Development Aitzaz Ahsan 1
1 Employment Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi 1
1 Government Institutions Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel 1
1 Law and Order Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar 1
1 Employment Muhammad Ali Khan Saif 1

  Participation in Proceedings

Sitting No. Intervention Total Representatives
1 Calling Attention Notice 2
1 Legislation 4

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