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Session Details

Senate Assembly   |     Sep 05, 2016 To Sep 09, 2016     |     Session No: 252     |     Session Type: Regular

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
05 Sep, 2016 1 03:00 03:11 00:11 07:04 3:53 0:00
06 Sep, 2016 2 03:00 03:00 00:00 06:27 3:27 0:00
07 Sep, 2016 3 03:00 03:02 00:02 08:35 5:14 0:19
08 Sep, 2016 4 03:00 03:01 00:01 05:35 2:34 0:00
09 Sep, 2016 5 10:00 10:05 00:05 12:37 2:32 0:00
Total/Average 0:04 17:40 0:19


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Chairman Deputy Chairman Panel of Presiding Officers Prime Minister Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition







0:00 0:24 3:29 0:00 2:49 3:07







0:00 0:00 3:27 0:00 2:39 1:35







0:00 0:00 5:14 0:00 5:33 1:43







0:00 0:00 2:34 0:00 2:34 0:00







0:00 0:00 2:32 0:00 2:32 0:00

No. of Sittings Attended







Total Time







Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
1 22 9 62 3
2 23 16 69 3
3 22 20 64 3
4 14 24 62 4
5 12 15 53 3
Average Attendance 19 17 62 3

Members Attendance by Sitting and Party
Party Total Membership Average Present Average Absent Average Leave
PPPP 27 12 10 5
PML-N 26 17 6 3
IND 10 5 4 1
MQM 8 5 3 0
PTI 7 4 2 1
ANP 6 5 0 1
JUI 5 2 2 0
PML 4 3 1 0
PKMAP 3 3 0 0
NP 3 3 0 0
BNP-A 2 1 1 1
PML-F 1 1 0 0
BNP-M 1 1 0 0
JI 1 1 0 0

Parliamentary Leaders Attendance

Sitting No. Parliamentary Leaders

































































No. of Sittings Attended

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  Orders of the Day

  Question Hour ( View All Questions )

Sitting No. Ministry Starred Un-starred Total
2 Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization 21 0 21
2 Industries & Production 10 0 10
2 Planning, Development and Reform 4 0 4
2 Science and Technology 2 0 2
3 Aviation Division 8 0 8
3 Cabinet Secretariat 3 0 3
3 Capital Administration and Development Division 15 1 16
3 Climate Change Division 5 0 5
3 Establishment Division 5 0 5
3 Information Technology and Telecommunication 1 0 1
3 Textile Industry 3 0 3
4 Housing & Works 2 1 3
4 Law and Justice 1 1 2
4 Parliamentary Affairs 2 0 2
4 Petroleum and Natural Resources 5 0 5
4 Prime Minister’s Office 2 0 2
4 Water & Power 16 0 16
5 Defence 2 0 2
5 Interior and Narcotics Control 19 0 19
5 National History and Literary Heritage 1 0 1
5 Railways 1 0 1
Total128 3 131

  Adjournment Motion

Sitting No. Adjournment Motion Status
The implication of the recent proposal of the Government to replace the existing Sui and Northern Gas Companies with four provincial gas distribution companies and one gas transmission company
Out of Order
The reported secret crackdown on Lal Masjid elements
Out of Order
The reports of the experts that Pakistan will face food shortage in near future

  Calling Attention Notices

Sitting No. Calling Attention Notices Ministry Status
The delay in release of non-development funds to the newly established Islamabad Metro Politian Corporation, due to which the same is almost non-functional
Interior and Narcotics Control Taken Up
The reduction of 50% in the funds of Federal Flood Commission by the Federal Government for the maintenance and strengthening of river embankment despite the fact that the warning of floods has been issued by the Pakistan Metrological Department
Water & Power Deffered
The decline of sports in Pakistan which was reflected in recent Olympics wherein smallest Contingent of the History of Pakistan participated
Inter-Provincial Coordination Deffered
Notifying of 2% increase in 80,000 registered drugs/medicines by the Drug Registration Board which will result into shortage and overpricing of life saving drugs in the Country
National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Deffered
The decline of sports in Pakistan which was reflected in recent Olympics wherein smallest Contingent of the History of Pakistan participated
Inter-Provincial Coordination Taken Up
Notifying of 2% increase in 80,000 registered drugs/medicines by the Drug Registration Board which will result into shortage and overpricing of life saving drugs in the Country
National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Taken Up
The non-regularization of two hundred contractual employees of Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) for the last ten years
Science and Technology Deffered
The emergence of new circular debt of Rs. 250 to 300 billion at present
Water & Power Deffered

  Legislative Business

Sitting No. Name of Bill Type Status
1 The Political Parties Order (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Police Order (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Islamabad Prohibition of Sheesha Smoking Bill, 2016 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Pakistan Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (Insertion of new sections 320A and 337JJ) Private Not Taken Up
1 The Islamabad Restriction on Employment of Children Bill, 2016 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-smokers Health (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Islamabad Capital Territory Private Educational Institutions (Registration and Regulation) (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Islamabad Registration (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Pakistan Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 2016 (Amendment in section 364A) Private Not Taken Up
1 The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Government Not Taken Up
2 The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Government Laid
2 The Pakistan Engineering Council (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Government Introduced
4 The Tax Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Government Laid
5 The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016 Government Introduced


Sitting No. Resolution Type of Resolution Status
1 This House recommends that Pakistan Meteorological Department (MET) may be placed under the administrative control of the Ministry of Climate Change Private Not Taken Up
1 The Senate of Pakistan strongly condemns the cruel and barbaric act of terrorism in Quetta on 8th August, 2016 and expresses deep sorrow over the killing of innocent people including the son of Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini in the gruesome incident. The House shows sympathy with the bereaved families on this irreparable loss and prays that Allah Almighty may rest the departed souls in eternal peace and give courage to the families to bear this loss. The House calls upon the Government and law enforcing agencies to take all possible measures to eliminate terrorism from the country. The House urges upon the Government to take up the matter of involvement and sponsorship of terrorism in Pakistan by the foreign countries / agencies particularly India in the United Nations and other international fora. The House reiterates its commitment to continue its struggle to combat terrorism in the country and to support the international community in getting rid of this menace." Private Not Taken Up
1 This House recommends that the Government should take necessary steps to control price hike in the country Private Not Taken Up
1 This House urges upon the Government to recommend to the provincial Governments of Punjab, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to make necessary legislation to regulate the Mental Health Act on priority basis Private Not Taken Up
1 This House strongly condemns the recent address of the Indian Prime Minister in which he claimed to have the support of some separatist elements in Balochistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. This provocative statement by the Indian Prime Minister tantamount to open interference into the affairs of Pakistan which is a gross violation of its sovereignty and an effort to deflect the world's attention from worst kind of atrocities being committed by the Indian Security Forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir. The House urges upon the Government to take up this matter on all international forums including the United Nations." Private Not Taken Up
1 The Senate of Pakistan strongly condemns the cruel and barbaric acts of terrorism in Quetta on 8th August, 2016 and expresses deep sorrow over the killing of more than 60 lawyers including the son of Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini and other innocent people in the gruesome incident. The terrorists again perpetuated another cowardly attack on the District Courts and lawyers in Mardan. The Senate of Pakistan expresses its deep sorrow and grief over the sad incidents and shows solidarity with the families of the victims and prays for the early recovery of the injured. The House expresses heart felt grief with Senator Dr. Jahanzeb Jamaldini and his family on loss of his son in the incident. The Senate of Pakistan stands side by side with the lawyers’ community, civil society, law enforcement agencies and journalists on this occasion of grief and loss sustained by them and shows solidarity and full support to defeat the terrorist elements in achieving their illicit objectives and calls upon the Federal Government and the Governments of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well as the law enforcement agencies to deal with such elements with iron hands. The Senate of Pakistan resolves that such cruel/cowardly incidents of terrorism cannot shake the determination and commitment of this nation against the terrorism.May Allah bestows His infinite mercy upon the departed souls and give courage to the families to bear such an irreparable loss Government Adopted
2 The Senate of Pakistan salutes the martyrs and heroes of the valiant Pakistan Armed Forces who defended the motherland with characteristic courage, sacrifice and determination on the occasion of the Defence Day of Pakistan Day. 51 years ago when our cowardly neighbor launched a war of aggression against Pakistan by crossing the international border at Lahore on 6th of September, 1965, the entire nation was united to combat and defeat the aggressor. The kind of morale and unity that was demonstrated during that period was unprecedented, it showed the spirit of resilience and resistance of the Pakistani nation, with the people of Pakistan at their back, foiling the nefarious designs of the enemy. The biggest lesson, as we mark the Defence of Pakistan Day, is that a nation united can never be defeated. Let it not be forgotten that the Kashmir dispute was the catalyst for the 1965 war, and then, as today the people of Jammu and Kashmir have not only rejected the Indian occupation but are resisting Indian atrocities with all the spirit that an unarmed people can muster, namely, the realization that Right is Might. The Senate of Pakistan reaffirms its resolve to continue supporting our valiant Armed Forces for their sacrifices to eliminate terrorism from Pakistan so that there is an abiding peace, security and stability in our region as the core cause of conflict and instability will be removed and the country attains economic self-sufficiency Government Adopted


Sitting No. Report Status
The Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace (Amendment) Bill, 2016
Not Taken Up
The Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Bill, 2016
Not Taken Up
The report of the Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination on the calling attention notice moved by Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh on 20th July, 2016, regarding the non-functioning of the College of Medical Lab Technology
Not Taken Up
The report of the Standing Committee on Information, Technology and Telecommunications on the subject matter of point of public importance raised by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini on 15th June, 2016, regarding the non-availability of mobile phone service in various areas of the Province of Balochistan
Not Taken Up
The report of the Standing Committee on Communications on the subject matter of point of public importance raised by Senator Lt. Gen. (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi on 17th June, 2016, regarding non-payment from FWO to petty contractors
Not Taken Up
The report of the Standing Committee on Water and Power on the subject matter of starred question No. 9, asked by Senator Saleem Mandviwala on 14th April, 2016, regarding construction and maintenance of Dams, the details of expenditure indicating the amount, allocated and spent during last three financial years included in PSDP
Not Taken Up
The quarterly report of the Committee on Delegated Legislation as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 172E of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012
Not Taken Up
The special report of the Functional Committee on Devolution Process on “Establishment of permanent Secretariat of CCI—a Constitutional Requirement”
Not Taken Up
Chairman, Standing Committee on Interior and Narcotics Control to move under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for presentation of report on the Bill to make provisions for prohibition of corporal punishment against children [The Prohibition of Corporal Punishment Bill, 2016] may be extended for a further period of sixty working days with effect from 1st September, 2016, in order to enable the Committee to finalize its report
Not Taken Up
Chairman, Standing Committee on Commerce to move under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for presentation of report on the Bill to provide for the re-organization of the State Life Insurance Corporation into a public limited company [The State Life Insurance Corporation (Re-organization and Conversion) Bill, 2016] may be extended for a further period of thirty working days with effect from 17th September, 2016, in order to enable the Committee to finalize its report
Not Taken Up
Chairman, Standing Committee on Interior and Narcotics Control to move under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for presentation of report on the Bill to make provisions for prohibition of corporal punishment against children [The Prohibition of Corporal Punishment Bill, 2016] may be extended for a further period of sixty working days with effect from 1st September, 2016, in order to enable the Committee to finalize its report
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on Commerce to move under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for presentation of report on the Bill to provide for the re-organization of the State Life Insurance Corporation into a public limited company [The State Life Insurance Corporation (Re-organization and Conversion) Bill, 2016] may be extended till 30th September, 2016, in order to enable the Committee to finalize its report
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of report of the Committee on a Private Member’s Bill further to amend the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority Ordinance, 2002 [The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2015] introduced by Senator Sassui Palijo, on 21st December, 2015, may be extended for a further period of twenty working days with effect from 6th September, 2016
Extension Granted
The Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace (Amendment) Bill, 2016
The Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Bill, 2016
The report of the Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination on the calling attention notice moved by Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh on 20th July, 2016, regarding the non-functioning of the College of Medical Lab Technology
The report of the Standing Committee on Information, Technology and Telecommunications on the subject matter of point of public importance raised by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini on 15th June, 2016, regarding the non-availability of mobile phone service in various areas of the Province of Balochistan
The report of the Standing Committee on Communications on the subject matter of point of public importance raised by Senator Lt. Gen. (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi on 17th June, 2016, regarding non-payment from FWO to petty contractors
The report of the Standing Committee on Water and Power on the subject matter of starred question No. 9, asked by Senator Saleem Mandviwala on 14th April, 2016, regarding construction and maintenance of Dams, the details of expenditure indicating the amount, allocated and spent during the last three financial years included in PSDP
The quarterly report of the Committee on Delegated Legislation as required under sub-rule (3) of rule 172E of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012
The special report of the Functional Committee on Devolution Process on “Establishment of permanent Secretariat of CCI—a Constitutional Requirement”
Chairman, Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization, to present report of the Committee on the budgetary allocation and its utilization in respect of Finance Division, Privatization Division, Auditor General of Pakistan and Central Directorate of National Savings, in terms of sub-rule (4) of rule 166 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012
A Report of the Committee on Law and Justice on a matter referred by the house on 21st September, 2010 regarding “proposed amendments in the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority Act, 1996, to make it comprehensive and robust for providing improved mechanism for quality control in the Country
The report of the Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization on the subject matter of starred question No.12, asked by Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi on 19th July, 2016, relating to taxes levied in the electricity bills
The report of the Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization on the subject matter of a Resolution moved by Senator Sassui Palijo on 29th February, 2016, recommending the Government to ensure representation of Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA in the Board of Functional Members and Governing Council of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics in order to hold an equitable and transparent population census- 2016
The report of the Standing Committee on Climate Change on the issue of Climate Change particularly with reference to the role of Pakistan Metrology Department raised by Senator Kalsoom Parveen on 14th June, 2016
The report of the Functional Committee on Government Assurances on the assurance given by the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs on behalf of the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, regarding provision of facility of issuance of passports in Pakistan Embassy, Manila, in response to a Public Petition taken up in the House on 8th July, 2015
The report of the Functional Committee on Government Assurances on the assurance given by the Minister for Commerce on behalf of the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, in response to a supplementary question to the starred question No. 30, asked by Senator Muhammad Talha Mehmood on 4th November, 2015, regarding furnishing the results of the inquiry conducted in the matter of issuance of passport to the Non-Pakistanis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The report of the Functional Committee on Government Assurances on the assurance given by the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination in response to a supplementary question to the starred question No. 33, asked by Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi on 4th November, 2015, regarding completion of recruitment process for the vacant posts in the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan
Chairman, Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of report of the Committee regarding amendments in rules 56, 198 and 209 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, moved by senator Chaudhary Tanvir Khan on 18th July, 2016, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 18th September, 2016
Extension Granted
Chairman, Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of report of the Committee on Privilege Motion No. 3 (250)/2016-M, moved by Senator Atta Ur Rehman on 26th July, 2016, against irresponsible, insulting and threatening attitude of police officials deputed near Chasma Hydropower check post of Kundian and DPO, Mianwali, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 26th September, 2016
Extension Granted
Chairman, Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of report of the Committee on Privilege Motion No. 1 (250)/2016-M, moved by Senator Muhammad Talha Mehmood on 25th July, 2016, against misbehavior with the mover by the Deputy Commissioner Gawadar, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 25th September, 2016
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on Law and Justice, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of report of the Committee on “Implementation of Building Code, with particular reference to provisions regarding earthquake, for suggesting penal provisions, measures and mechanism regarding violation of the said Code” may be extended for a further period of sixty working days with effect from 7th September, 2016, in order to enable the Committee to extensively deliberate on the matter
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on Law and Justice to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of report of the Committee on the matter referred by the House on 14th June, 2016 regarding “recalling/withdrawal of Order by the Chairman National Accountability Bureau (NAB) wherein acting/current charges were given to various officers of NAB, in violation of rules, and reappointment of same officers, on the same day, in their Own Pay Scales (OPS)”, may be extended for a further period of sixty working days with effect from 16th September, 2016, in order to enable the Committee to extensively deliberate on the matter
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on Climate Change to move under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for presentation of report on the Calling Attention Notice moved by Senator Taj Haider, regarding the construction of a LNG Terminal in obstruction of Bundel Island moved on 10th June, 2016, referred to the Standing Committee for consideration and report, be extended for a further period of sixty working days with effect from 10th September, 2016, due to the reason that a Sub-Committee is constituted on the matter, therefore more time is needed
Extension Granted
Convener of the Special Committee on Gas Infrastructure Development Cess Bill, 2015 to move under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that period for presentation of report of the Special Committee on the implementation of the Report of the Gas Infrastructure Development Cess Bill, 2015, referred by the House may be extended for a further period of sixty working days with effect from 15th September, 2016, in order to enable the Special Committee to finalize its report
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination to move under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Nonsmokers Health Ordinance, 2002 [The Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-smokers Health (Amendment) Bill, 2016], be extended for a further period of sixty working days with effect from 17th September, 2016, due to the reason that the mater is still under consideration of the Committee, and it needs more time to finalize the same
Extension Granted
Chairman, Standing Committee on Parliamentary Affairs, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the Representation of the People Act, 1976 [The Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill, 2016], introduced on 7th March, 2016, by Senator Sherry Rehman, may be extended for a further period of thirty working days with effect from 24th September, 2016, as more time is required to discuss its various aspects in detail with the relevant stakeholders
Extension Granted
Convener, Special Committee on twenty four demands made by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for submission of report on “the recommendations made by various Senate Standing Committees on twenty four demands made by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa”, which were referred by the House on 20th January, 2016, may be extended for a further period of sixty working days with effect from 7th September, 2016, due to the reason that the matter is still under consideration of the Committee and more time is required in order to enable the Committee to finalize its report
Extension Granted
The report on 1st Biannual Monitoring on the Implementation of National Finance Commission (NFC) Award (July-December, 2015), as required under clause (3B) of Article 160 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973
Chairman, Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the delay in presentation of report of the Committee on the Privilege Motion No. 10(68)/2011-M, moved by Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, on 31st January, 2011, on the question of breach of privilege arising out of the alleged behavior of Mr. Arif Khan, the then M.D., Utility Stores Corporation and for not furnishing the information to the Senator pertaining to the Utility Stores, be condoned till today
Extension Granted
The report of the Committee on the Privilege Motion No. 10(68)/2011-M, moved by Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, on 31st January, 2011, on the question of breach of privilege arising out of the alleged behavior of Mr. Arif Khan, the then M.D., Utility Stores Corporation and for not furnishing the information to the Senator pertaining to the Utility Stores
The report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges on the amendments in rules 143 and 196 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, moved by Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, on 18th July, 2016
The report of the ommittee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges on the Privilege Motion No. 2(250)/2016-M, moved by Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, on 18th July, 2016, against the Director, CDA, Parliament Lodges, due to non-compliance of written request of the mover for some repairing work in the mosque in those lodges
The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2016, introduced by Senator Zaheer-ud-Din Babar Awan, on 11th January, 2016. (Omission of Article 182)
The Contempt of Court (Amendment) Bill, 2016, introduced by Senator Farhatullah Babar, on 7th March, 2016
The Supreme Court (Number of Judges) (Amendment) Bill, 2016, introduced by Senator Zaheer-ud-Din Babar Awan, on 16th May, 2016
The report of the Standing Committee on Petroleum and Natural Resources on the subject matter of starred question No.11, asked by Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi on 19th July, 2016, regarding the sale of Petroleum products by PSO to some selected consumers during the last days of August, 2012
The second report of the Joint Committee (Defence and Foreign Affairs) in accordance with the directions of the Chairman Senate during Senate sitting held on 12th May, 2016, on “Aftermath of the drone strike against Mullah Akhter Mansoor; impact on Pakistan-US security relations
Chairman, Standing Committee on Law and Justice and Chairman, Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of Report of the Committee on the Bill to curb inherited blood disorders and birth defects [The Premarital Blood Screening (Family Laws Amendment) Bill, 2016], referred by the House on 25th July, 2016, for joint consideration and report by the Standing Committees on Law and Justice and Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony, may be extended for a period of sixty working days with effect from 24th September, 2016, in order to enable to the Committee to extensively deliberate on the Bill
Extension Granted
The eighth follow up report of the Standing Committee on National Food Security and Research regarding proposed “conversion of 1400 acres land of National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) into residential/commercial plots
The report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat on the subject matter of starred question No. 99, asked by Senator Chaudhary Tanvir Khan, on 26th July, 2016, regarding the number of commercial plots auctioned by the Capital Development Authority during the last twenty years
The report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat on the subject matter of starred question Nos. 114 and 125A, asked by Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati and Senator Lt. Gen. (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi, on 22nd January, 2016 and 15th February, 2016, respectively, regarding the New Balakot City project and amount spent by ERRA in AJK, Mansehra, Abbotabad, Batagram, Kohistan and other areas for rehabilitation and reconstruction in the wake of 2005 earthquake
The report of the tanding Committee on States and Frontier Regions for the period from 20th May, 2015 to 27th July, 2016, containing key recommendations made by the Committee during the said period
The report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat on “Public Petition No. 1040 submitted by daily wages Lecturers and Junior Lady Teachers serving under Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad
Chairman, Standing Committee on Law and Justice, to move under sub-rule (1) of rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the period for presentation of report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2016] (substitution of Article 28), may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 24th September, 2016, in order to enable the Committee to extensively deliberate on the Bill
Extension Granted

  Motion Under Rule 218

Sitting No. Motion Under Rule 218 Status
This House may discuss the procedure being followed for utilization of loans obtained from international financial organizations and foreign countries for development purposes and the need to utilize such loans with approval of the Parliament
Not Taken Up
This House may discuss the situation arising out of closure of Khokhrapar Border with India with particular reference to the problems being faced by the people of Sindh due to that closure
Not Taken Up
The House may discuss the need to promote knowledge based economy in the country
Not Taken Up
This House may discuss the rotation policy of the Government for PAS/PSP officers and the amendments made therein from time to time with particular reference to the conditions in that policy for promotion of officers belonging to Balochistan
Not Taken Up
This House may discuss the plight of Pakistani labourers in Saudi Arabia
Not Taken Up

  Motion of Thanks

Sitting No. Motion of Thanks Status
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 1st June, 2016
Taken Up
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 1st June, 2016
Not Taken Up
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 1st June, 2016
Not Taken Up
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 1st June, 2016

  Motion under Rule 196(1)

Sitting No. Motion under Rule 196(1) Status
The special report of the Functional Committee on Devolution Process on “Establishment of permanent Secretariat of CCI—a Constitutional Requirement”
Not Taken Up
The Special report of the Functional Committee on Devolution Process on “Establishment of permanent Secretariat of CCI—a Constitutional Requirement”
The Report of the Committee on Law and Justice on a matter referred by the house on 21st September, 2010 regarding “proposed amendments in the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority Act, 1996, to make it comprehensive and robust for providing improved mechanism for quality control in the Country
The report of the Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization on the subject matter of Starred Question No.12, asked by Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi on 19th July, 2016, relating to taxes levied in the electricity bills
The report of the Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatization on the subject matter of a Resolution moved by Senator Sassui Palijo on 29th February, 2016, recommending the Government to ensure representation of Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA in the Board of Functional Members and Governing Council of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics in order to hold an equitable and transparent population census- 2016
The report of the Standing Committee on Climate Change on the issue of Climate Change particularly with reference to the role of Pakistan Metrology Department raised by Senator Kalsoom Parveen on 14th June, 2016
The special report of the Standing Committee on Cabinet Secretariat on “Public Petition No. 1040 submitted by daily wages Lecturers and Junior Lady Teachers serving under Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad

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