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Session Details

Parliament Assembly   |     Feb 28, 2019 To Mar 01, 2019     |     Session No: 2     |     Session Type: Joint

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
28 Feb, 2019 1 04:39 04:39 00:00 04:39 0:00 0:00
01 Mar, 2019 2 04:41 04:41 00:00 04:41 0:00 0:00
Total/Average 0:00 0:00 0:00


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Speaker Deputy Speaker Panel of Chairpersons Chief Minister Leader of the Opposition
1 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

No. of Sittings Attended

0 0 0 0 0

Total Time

0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00

Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
1 368 158 0 10
2 36 212 0 10
Average Attendance 202 185 0 10

  Orders of the Day


Sitting No. Resolution Type of Resolution Status
2 This session strongly condemns the blatatn indian aggression of 26 and 27 February, 2019, which is completely in violation of the United Nations Charter, international law and interstate norms. Joint Adopted

  Motion Under Rule 259

Sitting No. Motion Status
This House may discuss the prevailing external threats against Pakistan by India.

  Participation in Proceedings

Sitting No. Intervention Total Representatives
1 Motion Under Rule 259 11

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