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Session Details

Senate Assembly   |     Oct 16, 2020 To Oct 29, 2020     |     Session No: 304     |     Session Type: Regular

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
16 Oct, 2020 1 10:30 10:48 00:18 01:02 2:14 0:00
19 Oct, 2020 2 04:00 04:05 00:05 06:30 2:25 0:00
20 Oct, 2020 3 04:00 04:00 00:00 05:59 1:59 0:00
22 Oct, 2020 4 04:00 04:00 00:00 07:07 3:07 0:00
23 Oct, 2020 5 10:30 10:30 00:00 12:57 2:27 0:00
26 Oct, 2020 6 04:00 04:03 00:03 07:29 2:26 1:00
29 Oct, 2020 7 10:30 10:30 00:00 02:30 4:00 0:00
Total/Average 0:04 18:38 1:00


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Chairman Deputy Chairman Panel of Presiding Officers Prime Minister Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition







2:09 0:00 0:00 0:00 1:54 2:09







2:25 0:00 0:00 0:00 2:25 1:56







1:59 0:00 0:00 0:00 1:59 1:47







3:07 0:00 0:00 0:00 2:53 2:11







2:05 0:00 0:22 0:00 2:27 1:57







2:26 0:00 0:00 0:00 3:26 0:00







0:00 4:00 0:00 0:00 4:00 3:02

No. of Sittings Attended







Total Time







Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
1 23 15 0 2
2 29 32 0 2
3 19 11 0 2
4 16 23 0 1
5 15 10 0 1
6 25 14 0 2
7 19 18 0 2
Average Attendance 21 18 0 2

Members Attendance by Sitting and Party
Party Total Membership Average Present Average Absent Average Leave
IND 30 16 12 2
PPPP 19 11 6 2
PML-N 16 9 5 2
PTI 15 12 3 0
MQM 5 2 2 1
NP 4 3 1 1
BAP 3 2 1 0
JUI 3 2 1 0
JI 2 2 0 0
PKMAP 2 2 0 0
PML-F 1 1 0 0
ANP 1 1 0 0
JUI-F 1 0 1 0
BNP-M 1 0 1 0

Parliamentary Leaders Attendance

Sitting No. Parliamentary Leaders



























































































No. of Sittings Attended

0 1 7 5 4 4 3 4 0 2 0 3

  Protest /Walkout /Boycott

Sitting No.   Type Party(ies) Member(s) Reasons Time (Minutes)
3 Walkout PML-N PPPP 146 against non-laying of an Ordinance in Parliament promulgated on September 2, 2020 42
5 Walkout PML-N PPPP 146 against non-laying of Ordinances in the Parliament in violation of the Constitution 5
6 Walkout PML-N PPPP 146 Against a Legislative proposal related to the journalists working in electronic media. 5


Sitting No.   Name of Representative who Point out Quorum Speaker's Action
3 Sherry Rehman, PPPP The count was made, Speaker Adjourn the Sitting
4 Fida Muhammad, PTI The count was made, Speaker Adjourn the Sitting
6 Atta Ur Rehman, JUI The count was made, Speaker Adjourn the Sitting

  Orders of the Day

  Question Hour ( View All Questions )

Sitting No. Ministry Starred Un-starred Total
1 Commerce 1 0 1
1 Finance & Revenue 10 0 10
1 Industries & Production 2 0 2
1 Planning, Development and Special Initiatives 1 0 1
3 Aviation Division 3 0 3
3 Cabinet Division 2 1 3
3 Establishment Division 2 1 3
3 Housing & Works 3 1 4
3 Information Technology and Telecommunication 0 1 1
4 Energy (Petroleum Division) 9 0 9
4 Energy (Power Division) 14 2 16
4 Human Rights 2 0 2
4 Law and Justice 2 0 2
4 President Secretariat 1 0 1
4 Prime Minister’s Office 2 0 2
4 Water Resources 1 0 1
5 Defence 1 0 1
5 Information and Broadcasting 2 0 2
5 Interior 9 0 9
5 Narcotics Control 1 0 1
5 Railways 2 0 2
7 Federal Education and Professional Training 4 0 4
7 Communication 6 0 6
7 Foreign Affairs 1 0 1
7 Maritime Affairs 2 0 2
7 National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination 3 0 3
Total86 6 92

  Adjournment Motion

Sitting No. Adjournment Motion Status
to discuss recent hike in prices of medicines, electricity and basic food items
Admitted for Discussion
to discuss recent hike in prices of medicines, electricity and basic food items.
Admitted for Discussion
eecent hike in prices of medicines, electricity and basic food items
Not Taken Up
recent hike in prices of medicines, electricity and basic food items
Not Taken Up

  Calling Attention Notices

Sitting No. Calling Attention Notices Ministry Status
the recent increase in the prices of medicines
National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Taken Up
the sit-in by Pakistan Hindu Council agitating the murder of a migrated Pakistani Hindu family in Jodhpur, India
Foreign Affairs Taken Up
the assigning of duties by the Prime Minister to the Tiger Force to control increase in prices which is an encroachment to the powers of Magistrates / Price Control Committees
Interior Taken Up
the unregistered pharmacies and medical stores in the country being run without properly qualified and licensed pharmacists with particular reference to dysfunctional status of the Pharmacy Council of Pakistan since September, 2019
National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Taken Up
the China Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority Ordinance, 2019 which is still holding the field
Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Deffered
the China Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority Ordinance, 2019 which is still holding the field
Planning, Development and Reforms Taken Up
the fact that Pakistan has not come out of the grey list of FATF even after making the most egregious laws
Finance & Revenue Not Taken Up

  Legislative Business

Sitting No. Name of Bill Type Status
2 The Federal Public Service Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Not Taken Up
2 The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment in Section 123B) Private Not Taken Up
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 213) Private Not Taken Up
2 The Zainab Alert, Response and Recovery (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Not Taken Up
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 213 and 215) Private Not Taken Up
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Articles 63A, 64 and 160) Private Not Taken Up
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 93 and Third Schedule) Private Not Taken Up
2 The Enforcement of Women’s Property Rights (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Not Taken Up
2 The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Insertion of new Section 297A) Private Not Taken Up
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 45) Private Not Taken Up
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 25B) Private Not Taken Up
2 The Compulsory Blood Test of the Spouses and Proposed Spouses for Thalassaemia Disease Bill, 2019 Private Not Taken Up
2 The Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues (Amendment) Bill, 2018 Private Not Taken Up
2 The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Not Taken Up
2 The Pakistan Environmental Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Not Taken Up
2 The Press Council of Pakistan (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Not Taken Up
2 The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Not Taken Up
2 The National Highways Safety (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Not Taken Up
6 The Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Insertion of new Section 297A) Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 93 and Third Schedule) Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Enforcement of Women’s Property Rights (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Zainab Alert, Response and Recovery (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Federal Public Service Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 213) Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Articles 213 and 215) Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Fatal Accidents (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The International Islamic University (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Substitution of sections 376 and 377 of PPC and Substitution of Sections 265-M, 381 and amendment of section 411-A, and schedule II of CrPC) Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Anti-terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Islamabad Capital Territory Trust (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Anti-Money Laundering (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Referred the bill to Committee
6 The Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Passed
6 The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Passed
6 The Press Council of Pakistan (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Passed
6 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 213) Private Withdrawn


Sitting No. Resolution Type of Resolution Status
1 on sad demise of former Senator Syed Qurban Ali Shah who was elected as Member of the first Senate of Pakistan in 1973 to 1975 from the Province of Sindh on the ticket of PPP Private Adopted
1 on sad demise of former Senator Hazrat Pir Khwaja Hameed-ud-din Sialvi who was elected as member Senate of Pakistan on the ticket of PML from March 1988 to March 1994 Private Adopted
2 Expressing grave concern on the increase in number of drug addicts in the country, this House demands that the Government should establish drug rehabilitation centers in every district of the country Private Not Taken Up
2 This House recommends that the Government should take immediate steps, including public awareness campaign and strengthening of the screening mechanism in banks, to control the circulation of fake currency notes of Rs. 1000 and 5000 denominations in the country which are almost similar to the original notes and to take stern action against the criminals involved in manufacturing and circulation of the same Private Not Taken Up
2 The Senate of Pakistan strongly condemns the vicious acts of burning and descrating the Holy Quran in two different events in Norway and Sweden on 29th August, 2020 by Islamophobe groups and the plan by the infamous magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' to again publish sacrilegious cartoons that are calculated at descrating the noble name and sublime character of the Holy and Last Prophet of Islam (SAW)The House considers that these vicious acts which are contrary to a number of Resolutions and Covenants of international organizations including UN and EU, are neither justified under the pretext of the freedom of speech nor under any other lawful excuse and are prima facie calculated to harm interfaith harmony, communal peace, religious tolerance and ultimately global peace and tranquility The Senate of Pakistan urges upon the Government to engage the UN and EU Members for framing ways and means to stop repetition of such incidents in future in order to promote religious tolerance and global peace Private Not Taken Up
2 Cognizant of the fact that lack of modern training and outdated methods of Police investigation in criminal cases, with particular reference to the cases of sexual assaults, causes delay in the administration of justice to the victims especially the women, this House recommends that the Government should take immediate steps to provide the ICT police personnel with modern training in advanced and scientific methods of investigation in criminal cases particularly in cases of sexual assaults and also increase the number of investigation officers in order to finalize such cases and provide justice to the victims at the earliest Private Not Taken Up
2 This House strongly condemns the incidents of domestic violence and demands that the Government should establish special desks in every police station in Islamabad Capital Territory to help the victims of domestic violence Private Not Taken Up
3 the sad demise of former Senator Mr. Rashid Hussain Rabbani Private Adopted
4 Senator Raja Muhammad Zafar Ul Haq, Leader of the Opposition, moved a resolution condemning the registration of FIR against Capt. Safdar at Karachi, more and manner of his arrest from the hotel room where he was staying along with his wife. The Resolution was opposed by the Leader of the Opposition. Following Members spoke on the issue:- 1. Senator Sherry Rehman. 2. Senator Mian Raza Rabbani. 3. Senator Dr. Muhammad Farogh Naseem, Minister for Law and Justice. 4. Senator Dr. Shahzad Waseem, Leader of the Opposition. 5. Senator Raja Muhammad Zafar Ul Haq, Lerader of the House. 6. Senator Syed Shibli Faraz, Minister for Information and Broadcasting. 7. Senator Dr. Musadik Malik. 8. Senator Walid Iqbal. 9. Senator Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri. 10. Senator Mushahid Ullah Khan. 11. Senator Sassui Palijo. Regular Reffered To Committee
6 to condemn publication of blasphemous caricatures in France and comments of French President Emmanuel Macron about Islam Private Adopted
6 Expressing grave concern on the increase in number of drug addicts in the country, this House demands that the Government should establish drug rehabilitation centers in every district of the country Private Not Taken Up
6 This House recommends that the Government should take immediate steps, including public awareness campaign and strengthening of the screening mechanism in banks, to control the circulation of fake currency notes of Rs. 1000 and 5000 denominations in the country which are almost similar to the original notes and to take stern action against the criminals involved in manufacturing and circulation of the same Private Not Taken Up
6 This House recommends that the Government should take immediate steps to establish proper juvenile courts in Islamabad Capital Territory for hearing the cases of juveniles arrested on suspicion of committing crimes Private Not Taken Up
6 cognizant of the fact that lack of modern training and outdated methods of Police investigation in criminal cases, with particular reference to the cases of sexual assaults, causes delay in the administration of justice to the victims especially the women, this House recommends that the Government should take immediate steps to provide the ICT police personnel with modern training in advanced and scientific methods of investigation in criminal cases particularly in cases of sexual assaults and also increase the number of investigation officers in order to finalize such cases and provide justice to the victims at the earliest Private Not Taken Up
6 this House strongly condemns the incidents of domestic violence and demands that the Government should establish special desks in every police station in Islamabad Capital Territory to help the victims of domestic violence Private Not Taken Up
6 The Senate of Pakistan strongly condemns the vicious acts of burning and descrating the Holy Quran in two different events in Norway and Sweden on 29th August, 2020 by Islamophobe groups and the plan by the infamous magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' to again publish sacrilegious cartoons that are calculated at desecrating the noble name and sublime character of the Holy and Last Prophet of Islam (SAW). The House considers that these vicious acts which are contrary to a number of Resolutions and Covenants of international organizations including UN and EU, are neither justified under the pretext of the freedom of speech nor under any other lawful excuse and are prima facie calculated to harm interfaith harmony, communal peace, religious tolerance and ultimately global peace and tranquility. The Senate of Pakistan urges upon the Government to engage the UN and EU Members for framing ways and means to stop repetition of such incidents in future in order to promote religious tolerance and global peace Private Not Taken Up
6 to show solidarity with Kashmir Private Adopted


Sitting No. Report Status
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Abdul Rehman Malik on 28 th August, 2018, regarding character assassination of PPP leaders on electronic media
to present report of the Committee on the Bill to provide for the prevention of begging, detention, training and employment of beggars and their dependents in Certified Institutions and the custody, trial and punishment of beggar offenders [The Islamabad Prevention of Beggary Bill, 2020], introduced by Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh on 6 th January, 2020
to present report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the AntiTerrorism Act, 1997 [The Anti-terrorism (Amendment) Bill, 2020], introduced by Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh on 17 th February, 2020
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Mushahid Ullah Khan on 13 th January, 2020, regarding bleak future of the employees of ERRA
to present report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services Act, 2008 [The Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (Amendment) Bill, 2020], introduced by Senator Sassui Palijo on 10 th February, 2020
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Engr. Rukhsana Zuberi on 4 th March, 2020, regarding imposition of different taxes on air tickets
to present report of the Committee on a Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi on 13 th January, 2020, regarding mushroom growth of unauthorized private clinics and hospitals in Islamabad
to present report of the Committee on a Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Dr. Sikandar Mandhro on 3 rd February, 2020, regarding ban on Diploma Certificate for the nurses resulting in shortage of Paramedical Staff in the country
to present report of the Committee on the subject matter of starred question No. 58, asked by Senator Prof. Dr. Mehr Taj Roghani on 14 th January, 2020, regarding the percentage/coverage of immunization/ vaccination of children under the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in the country at present
to present report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (Insertion of Article 253A)], introduced by Senator Mushtaq Ahmed on 2 nd September, 2019
to present report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the Islamabad High Court Act, 2010 [The Islamabad High Court (Amendment) Bill, 2020], introduced by Senators Kauda Babar and Manzoor Ahmed on 17 th February, 2020
to present report of the Committee on the subject matter of starred question No.313, asked by Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Sheikh on 4 th February, 2020, regarding details of Industries which fall under the category of Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) Industry/Sector
to present report of the Committee on the subject matter of starred question No.316, asked by Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Sheikh on 4 th February, 2020, regarding allocations made for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the last three years
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Nauman Wazir Khattak on 4 th March, 2020, regarding exact figure of circular debt
to lay before the Senate the Annual Reports of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) for the Financial Years 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 as required under clause (4) of Article 153 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
to lay before the Senate the appropriation accounts for the Financial Year 2018-19 and regularity/special/study performance audit reports of the Auditor General for the Audit Year 2019-20, as required by Article 171 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
nder sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 89) introduced by Senator Mian Raza Rabbani on 8 th June, 2020, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 21 st October, 2020
Extension Granted
to present report of the Committee on a Privilege Motion No.2(299)/2020-M, moved by Senator Kauda Babar against the then Chairperson FBR regarding non-convening of the meetings of FBR Policy Board of which he was a Member nominated from Senate of Pakistan
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Mirza Muhammad Afridi on 27 th July, 2020, regarding rent/demurrage charges on goods imported during lock-down/Corona Pandemic
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Mirza Muhammad Afridi on 30 th July, 2020, regarding early closing of offices of shipping lines
to present report of the Committee on the subject matter of starred question No. 346, asked by Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar on 10 th June, 2020 regarding the names, parentage, designations and departments of the Government officers and officials who were receiving BISP stipends in the names of their relatives and have been excluded from BISP roll since December, 2019 with province wise break-up
to present report of the Committee on a Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar on 20th July, 2020, regarding provision of electricity to Chromite-Mining Areas of Muslim Bagh, District Qilla Saifullah, Balochistan
to present report of the Committee on a Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Abdul Rehman Malik on 14 th January, 2020, regarding issue of equal representation in TV talk shows on PTV
to present report of the Committee on a Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Dr. Shahzad Waseem on 13 th January, 2020, regarding rights of special people
to present report of the Committee on the subject matter of starred question No. 14, asked by Senator Nuzhat Sadiq on 4 th March, 2020 regarding the amount contributed by Pakistan so far towards financing of South Asian University (SAU) established by SAARC countries in the US
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed on 18 th August, 2020, regarding issuance of notice by FBR to the Ambassador of Palestine
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the Bill to provide for protection against harassment of students in educational institutions [The Protection against Harassment of Students in Educational Institutions Bill, 2020], introduced by Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi on 17 th August, 2020, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 16 th October, 2020
Extension Granted
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Quratulain Marri on 19 th August, 2020, regarding a notice issued by Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training with reference to curriculum, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 18 th October, 2020
Extension Granted
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the Bill to provide for protection of rights of the religious minorities [The Protection of the Rights of Religious Minorities Bill, 2020], introduced by Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi on 24 th August, 2020, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 22 nd October, 2020
Extension Granted
to Protect Minorities from Forced Conversions, to present preliminary report of the Committee
to present report of the Committee on the Resolution moved by Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, on 13 th July, 2020, regarding recommendation to the Government to introduce uniform pay scales for all the Government employees with particular reference to those working in BPS-1 to BPS-16
to present report of the Committee on a Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Nauman Wazir Khattak on 4 th March, 2020, regarding non-adherence to the restriction of the expunged words
Not Taken Up
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi on 26 th August, 2020, regarding non-deferment of loans under the Prime Minister’s Youth Loan Programme
Not Taken Up
to present report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi on 26 th August, 2020, regarding low prices of onion and tomato in Balochistan due to import from neighboring countries of the same
Not Taken Up
to present report of the Committee on a motion under Rule 218 moved by Senators Agha Shahzaib Durrani and Muhammad Ali Khan Saif, regarding the need for reforms in Gilgit-Baltistan in order to enhance sense of participation of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, upgrade standard of governance and public service delivery, boost industry and commercial activity especially under CPEC, keeping in view the resolution passed by the Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly on 15 th August, 2017, demanding constitutional status of Province with representation in the Parliament
Not Taken Up
to present report of the Committee on a Point of Public Importance raised by Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini on 26 th August, 2020, regarding problems being faced by common man due to closure of the National Bank Branch in Sibbi
Not Taken Up
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Mushtaq Ahmed on 22 nd July, 2020, regarding alleged role of customs department in facilitating smuggling at Afghan border, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 19 th October, 2020
Extension Granted
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi on 26 th August, 2020, regarding import of onion and tomato from Iran, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 25 th October, 2020
Extension Granted
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the subject matter of starred question No. 11, asked by Senator Mushtaq Ahmed on 26 th August, 2020 regarding Government’s decision to abolish the posts lying vacant for the last one year in various Divisions and Departments of the Federal Government, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 26 th October, 2020
Extension Granted
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on a point of Public Importance raised by Senator Nauman Wazir Khattak on 26 th August, 2020, regarding the safety standards of cars being assembled in Pakistan, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 27 th October, 2020
Extension Granted
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 140) introduced by Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi, on 13 th July, 2020, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 31 st October, 2020
Extension Granted
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 73) introduced by Senator Manzoor Ahmed and others, on 13 th July, 2020, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 31 st October, 2020
Not Taken Up
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 194 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the time for presentation of report of the Committee on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (Amendment of Article 100) introduced by Senator Engr. Rukhsana Zuberi, on 20 th July, 2020, may be extended for a period of thirty working days with effect from 5 th November, 2020
Not Taken Up

  Matter of Public Importance under Rule 87

Sitting No. Matter of Public Importance Status
Senator Mian Raza Rabbani drew attention of the Chair and the House towards the violation of the Constitution by the Federal Government by not laying the Ordinances before the Parliament. He was of the view that non-laying of Ordinances amounts to circumventing the rights of the Parliament which is breach of privilege of the House.
Senator Dr. Asif Saeed Kirmani condemned the remarks of Senator Walid Iqbal made by him yesterday during his speech while referring Senator Sherry Rehman. He further spoke about various issues like, nonavailability of medicines in Government Hospitals, behavior of Prime Minister during his address to Tiger Forces, statement of Minister of Interior about threats to the Opposition leaders of PDM.
Senator Ata Ur Rehman drew attention of the House towards the issuance of voters’ lists in for GB election which reflected names of 19 Qadianis in District Diamir whereas actually no Qadiani resides in District Diamir. He further drew attention of the House towards the incident of firing at Dera Ghazi Khan on one Dr. Muhammad Usman and his son who raises voice of his area on social media. The Member demanded that the incident needs to be inquired properly.
Senator Muhammad Akram drew attention of the House towards various issues like; the protests of Fishermen in Gwadar and Jewani; lack of electricity and internet services in various areas of Balochistan causing problems to students; the alleged usurpation of Islands of Balochistan and Sindh by Federal Government and discontinuation of scholarships of the students of Balochistan.
Senator Mushtaq Ahmed spoke about various issues like an incident of stampede outside the Pakistan Consulate in Jalalabad Afghanistan which resulted in death of 15 people; urged the Government to enhance visa facilities for Afghans in Pakistan Embassy in Afghanistan and its Consulates; also spoke about the issue of Islands of Balochistan and Sindh.
Senator Mohsin Aziz was of the view that the present problems are the outcome of the bad governance of last 30 years.
Senator Sassui Palijo spoke about the public gatherings of PDM and the efforts of the Federal Government to usurp the Islands of Sindh and Balochistan which will be protested strongly.

  Motion Under Rule 218

Sitting No. Motion Under Rule 218 Status
this House may discuss the details of projects regarding enhancing the efficiency of existing hydro power plants and construction of new hydro power plants in the country
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the issue of recent increase in sectarianism in the country and the need to devise a mechanism for religious harmony in the country
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the situation arising out of the expiry of visas of 50 lacs Pakistani workers employed abroad due to closure of flights on account of COVID-19 pandemic and the problems being faced by Pakistani workers stranded in Gulf countries and Malaysia
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the two years performance of the present Government
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the increase in prices of 94 life-saving drugs approved by the Cabinet in its meeting held on 22nd September 2020
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the details of projects regarding enhancing the efficiency of existing hydro power plants and construction of new hydro power plants in the country
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the situation arising out of the expiry of visas of five million Pakistani workers employed abroad due to closure of flights on account of COVID-19 pandemic and the problems being faced by Pakistani workers stranded in Gulf countries and Malaysia
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the two years performance of the present Government
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the steps taken by the Government for construction of new dams and maintenance of existing dams for proper storage of rain water in the country
Not Taken Up
this House may discuss the rising food insecurity in Pakistan
Not Taken Up

  Points of Order

Sitting No.   Points of Order Representative Name Number of POs
1 Business of House Mushahid Ullah Khan 1
1 Business of House Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri 1
1 Business of House Syed Shibli Faraz 1
1 Business of House Dr. Shahzad Waseem 1
1 Governance Mushahid Ullah Khan 1
3 Foreign Relations Kalsoom Perveen 1
3 Condemnation Kalsoom Perveen 1
3 Health Ali Muhammad Khan 1
3 Business of House Mian Raza Rabbani 1
7 Terrorism Mushtaq Ahmed 1
7 Terrorism Syed Shibli Faraz 1
7 Terrorism Siraj Ul Haq 1
7 Terrorism Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh 1
7 Terrorism Atta ur Rehman 1
7 Terrorism Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar 1
7 Terrorism Muhsin Aziz 1
7 Terrorism Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo 1
7 Terrorism Mushahid Ullah Khan 1

  Participation in Proceedings

Sitting No. Intervention Total Representatives
2 General Discussion 12
4 Resolution 12
6 Resolution 20

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