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Session Details

Senate Assembly   |     Sep 24, 2021 To Oct 01, 2021     |     Session No: 314     |     Session Type: Regular

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
24 Sep, 2021 1 10:30 10:37 00:07 12:59 2:22 0:00
27 Sep, 2021 2 03:30 03:32 00:02 07:23 3:51 0:00
29 Sep, 2021 3 03:30 03:36 00:06 07:30 3:54 0:00
01 Oct, 2021 4 10:30 10:32 00:02 12:58 2:26 0:00
Total/Average 0:04 12:33 0:00


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Speaker Deputy Speaker Panel of Chairpersons Chief Minister Leader of the Opposition
1 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

No. of Sittings Attended

0 0 0 0 0

Total Time

0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00

Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
1 23 29 0 2
2 19 22 0 0
3 24 16 0 0
4 34 19 0 0
Average Attendance 25 22 0 1

Parliamentary Leaders Attendance

Sitting No. Parliamentary Leaders




















































No. of Sittings Attended

0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

  Protest /Walkout /Boycott

Sitting No.   Type Party(ies) Member(s) Reasons Time (Minutes)
4 Walkout JI PML-N PPPP 78 The opposition staged walkout from the House at 12:52 pm against hike in prices of petroleum products and did not return till end of the sitting at 12:58 pm. 6

  Orders of the Day

  Question Hour ( View All Questions )

Sitting No. Ministry Starred Un-starred Total
1 Aviation Division 2 0 2
1 Climate Change Division 2 0 2
1 Establishment Division 2 0 2
1 Information Technology and Telecommunication 2 0 2
1 Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division 1 0 1
3 Information and Broadcasting 4 0 4
3 Interior 19 1 20
3 Narcotics Control 2 0 2
3 Railways 1 0 1
3 States and Frontier Regions 1 0 1
4 Commerce 2 0 2
4 Economic Affairs 1 0 1
4 Finance & Revenue 11 0 11
4 Industries & Production 5 0 5
4 Planning, Development and Special Initiatives 1 0 1
4 Science and Technology 3 0 3
Total59 1 60

  Calling Attention Notices

Sitting No. Calling Attention Notices Ministry Status
continuous poor performance of Pakistani athletes at Olympics for more than three decades.
Inter-Provincial Coordination Taken Up
ongoing debate on the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) at national level and the need of detailed briefing by the Minister about the functioning of the EVMs and the concerns raised by the Election Commission of Pakistan about the functioning of the same
Science and Technology Deffered
Difficulties being faced by Pakistanis due to over-booking and cancellation of flights of various Airlines
Aviation Division Taken Up
serious construction flaws in the building of New Islamabad International Airport with particular reference to a recent occurrence of roof collapse on 19th July, 2021
Aviation Division Taken Up

  Legislative Business

Sitting No. Name of Bill Type Status
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2021] (Insertion of Article 25B) Private Introduced
2 The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2021] (Amendment of Section 195 Private Introduced
2 The Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues (Amendment) Bill, 2021 Private Introduced
2 The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Amendment of Section 510) Private Introduced
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Amendment of Articles 63A, 64 and 160) Private Introduced
2 The Establishment of the Office of Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) (Amendment) Bill, 2021] Private Introduced
2 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2021] (Amendment of Articles 111, 140, 260 and 275). Private Deferred
2 The Trade Organizations (Amendment) Bill, 2021 Private Introduced
2 The Zainab Alert, Response and Recovery (Amendment) Bill, 2021 Private Deferred
2 [The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Omission of Section 325 of PPC and amendment of Schedule II of the Cr.PC) Private Introduced
2 The Islamabad Capital Territory Prohibition of Corporal Punishment Bill, 2021 Private Introduced
2 The China Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2021]. Private Introduced
2 The Control of Narcotic Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2021] Private Introduced
2 The Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils (Amendment) Bill, 2021 Private Passed
2 The National Commission on the Status of Women (Amendment) Bill, 2020 Private Passed
2 The Ibadat International University Islamabad Bill, 2021] Private Passed
2 The Islamabad Women University Islamabad Bill, 2021 Private Passed
3 The Special Technology Zones Authority Bill, 2021 Government Passed
3 The PAF Air War College Institute Bill, 2021 Government Passed
3 The Control of Narcotic Substances (Second Amendment) Bill, 2020 Government Passed


Sitting No. Resolution Type of Resolution Status
2 “The House Express tribute to iconic late Hurriyat Leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani for his life-long struggle for justice, freedom and self-determination of Kashmiri people against the Indian illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. Strongly condemns the suppressive act of Indian government for forcibly taken into custody the body of Syed Ali Shah Geelani from his family ahead of his funeral and causing harassment to the family. Denounce the un-ceremonial burial of great leader in gross violation of the principles of human rights reflecting rage, tyranny and barbarianism of Indian occupied forces. Recommends that Government should take up the said matter at all national and international fora including UN. Urge upon the international community to take notice of Indian Government's callous and inhuman handling of the situation violating all civil and human rights norms in the occupied valley.” Private Deferred
2 "The House Cognizant of the fact that Parliaments are held in highest esteem and decorum around the democratic world as the supreme institution of a nation; Observing that Parliament of Pakistan represents the country and its people at the international fora and therefore it is imperative to accord due value, decorum and protocol to the custodians of the House of the Parliament while on official visits abroad; Noting that apart from high public office holders in the federation, Chief Ministers' Secretariats of all four provinces also have official aircraft as well as helicopters to facilitate their travel; The Senate of Pakistan recommends that the Government may provide a dedicated aircraft to the Parliament of Pakistan, or an aircraft may be procured from Senate`s own budget, for the use of Senate of Pakistan, as it would save significant travel time and costs while ensuring much needed travel facilitation within the country and abroad." Private Deferred
2 “This House recommends that all Federal Ministries/Divisions and their attached departments should create/launch job Portals on their respective websites for Online Merit Based procedure/evaluation process to ensure transparency and to avoid bribery, favoritism, nepotism and other dishonest practices that are jeopardizing the merit system and the career of most deserving and eligible persons and hence eclipsing the future of the nation.” Private Adopted
2 “Whereas, Article 154 (3) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan enjoins as under regarding establishment of a permanent Secretariat of Council of Common Interests; (3) The Council shall have a permanent Secretariat and shall meet at least once in ninety days. and whereas no permanent Secretariat of the Council has been established for ten long years after the passage of this clause; This House resolves that a permanent Secretariat of the Council of Common Interests shall be established in Islamabad within the next six months. This House also resolves that the Council of Common Interests entrusted with the functions of formulating and regulating policies in relation to matters included in part- II of the Federal Legislative List and also having been given the powers and duties of supervising and controlling related Institutions shall have specific teams designated for each one of the items of the Part-II of the Federal Legislative List. Such teams will consist of one person nominated by the Federal Government and four members nominated one each from every province." Private Deferred
2 “This House recommends that a women university may be established in Islamabad or an existing girls` college in Islamabad may be up-graded as Women University.” Private Deferred


Sitting No. Report Status
Report of the Committee on a point of public importance raised by Senator Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti on 27th May, 2021, regarding unemployment of the Engineers and Diploma Holders of Balochistan in oil and gas sector.
Report of the Committee on a point of public importance raised by Senator Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti on 27th May, 2021, regarding non-payment of minimum wages to the daily wage workers working in the PPL and SSGCL for the last more than fifteen years.
Report of the Committee on a point of public importance raised by Senator Manzoor Ahmed on 27th May, 2021, regarding cancellation of lease agreements of coal miners in Balochistan and PMDC’s advertisement for labourers.
Report on a point of public importance raised by Senator Syed Faisal Ali Subzwari on 16th July, 2021, regarding issuance of fake CNICs by NADRA officials to terrorists banned organizations and aliens in Sindh.
Report of the Committee on the Bill for the Establishment of Ibadat International University, Islamabad [The Ibadat International University Islamabad Bill, 2021
Report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the National Commission on the Status of Women Act, 2012 [The National Commission on the Status of Women (Amendment) Bill, 2020].
Report of the Committee on a point of public importance raised by Senator Dilawar Khan on 3 rd June, 2021, regarding improvement in the National Control Laboratory.
Report of the Committee on a point of public importance raised by Senator Dilawar Khan on 3rd June, 2021, regarding withdrawal of incentive from Doctors serving in Pathology and Radiology departments and deterioration of National Control Laboratory
Second and Third Quarterly reports for the Financial Year 2020- 2021, of the Board of Directors of the State Bank of Pakistan on the state of Pakistan’s Economy, as required under section 9A (2) of the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956
The appropriation accounts for the Financial Year 2019-2020 and audit reports of the Auditor General for the Audit Year 2020-21 (Containing 47 Audit Reports) as required by Article 171 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
The audit reports of the Auditor General relating to the accounts of the federation of the audit Year 2020-21 (Containing 07 Audit Reports) as required by Article 171 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The Annual Report of the National Economic Council (NEC) for the Financial year 2019-20, as required by clause (5) of Article 156 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
report of the Committee on the Bill further to amend the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 [The Control of Narcotic Substances (Second Amendment) Bill, 2020].
report of the Committee on the Bill to ensure the development of scientific and technological ecosystem through development of zones to accelerate technology development in the country [The Special Technology Zones Authority Bill, 2021].
Report of the Committee on the Bill to provide for re-organization of the Pakistan Air Force Air War College as a degree awarding institute [The PAF Air War College Institute Bill, 2021].
Report of the Committee on the Bill to provide for the regulation of employment of domestic workers in Islamabad Capital Territory [The Islamabad Capital Territory Domestic Workers Bill, 2021
report of the Committee on the Bill to make provisions for prohibition of corporal punishment against children [The Islamabad Capital Territory Prohibition of Corporal Punishment Bill, 2021].
an authenticated copy of the Address of the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan made under clause (3) of Article 56 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan before both Houses assembled together on 13th September, 2021, as required by sub-Rule (2) of Rule 32 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012

  Matter of Public Importance under Rule 87

Sitting No. Matter of Public Importance Status
Spoke about the overall bad governance by the Government and price hike in daily commodities. She pointed out the issues of shortage of wheat, sugar in the country and the hold of Mafias.
Taken Up
briefed the House about the Ehsas Programe
Taken Up
towards the incident of arrest of protesting students in Quetta against the PMC examination. Senator Sardar Muhammad Shafgiq Tareen also pointed out this issue
Taken Up
urged the House to have a comprehensive discussion on Afghanistan issue
Taken Up
towards the arrest and detention of a Pakistani worker in Saudi Arabia since June, 2019.
Taken Up
Pointed out the incidents of arrest of people in Karachi by police due to non-production of COVID Vaccination certificates
Taken Up
He responded the various issues highlighted by the Members.
Taken Up
He spoke about the importance of EVMs.
Taken Up
She also spoke about EVMs.
Taken Up
About the incident of destroying of statue of Quaid-e-Azam at Gwadar by some terrorist elements by way of blasting the same.
Taken Up
spoke about the implications of a Bill introduced in the US Senate proposing sanctions on Pakistan in the wake of Afghanistan issue. She also criticized Government on the foreign policy front.
Taken Up
pointed out that residents of Districts Hangu, Kohat and Karak are not being provided jobs in Oil and Gas development Companies operating in these districts
Taken Up
Towards incident of killing of a woman at the hands of FC personnel who fired at a Suzuki pickup van carrying some passengers in Turbat.
Taken Up
pointed out the protest of medical students throughout the country against the PMC exams
Taken Up
spoke about the Pakistan-US relations in the wake of recent development in Afghanistan
Taken Up
towards an incident of abduction of two young girls daughters of a person named Sabih Ullah resident of Tehsil Gujar Khan District Rawalpindi for which case FIR No.391/2021 has also been registered in Police Station Mandra, District Rawalpindi
Taken Up
He urged the House to have extensive debate on Pak-US relations in the wake of Afghanistan issue.
Taken Up
pointed out the frequent incidents of drowning of people in a water channel of Ghazi Barotha near Main Deri Sheikh Choor area which needs to be protected by WAPDA
Taken Up
Increase in the petroleum products which will resulted into further inflation.
Taken Up
pointed out that Leaders of the United Tribes All Parties Nushki have urged the government to abandon the Burj Aziz Dam project, saying it would “convert agriculture lands of Nushki district into a desert and deprive people of their livelihood”
Taken Up
Towards an incident of killing of a Member of Sikh community at Charsaddah Road Peshawar. He further pointed out target killings of almost 10 members of Sikh community in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in various incidents. He demanded that the Government should constitute a Committee to probe into the mastermind behind the killing of members of Sikh community in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Taken Up

  Motion Under Rule 218

Sitting No. Motion Under Rule 218 Status
The damage caused to lives and property due to torrential rains in Islamabad on July 28, 2021 and the policy of the Government to cope up with such situation in future.
Plight of thousands of employees who have been made redundant through the Supreme Court judgment declaring the Sacked Employees (Reinstatement) Act, 2010 ultra-vires of the Constitution.
the steps being taken by the Government for the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000
the issue of provision of "Health Cards" to people of Sindh by the Federal Government, in collaboration with Government of Sindh, on the analogy of said facility being extended to people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab.
The recent rise in petroleum prices causing inflation in Pakistan.
plight of thousands of employees who have been made redundant through the Supreme Court judgment declaring the Sacked Employees (Reinstatement) Act, 2010 ultra-vires of the Constitution.
Talked out
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000.

  Participation in Proceedings

Sitting No. Intervention Total Representatives
1 Matter of Public Importance 8
2 Motion Under Rule 218 17

  Motion of Thanks

Sitting No. Motion of Thanks Status
“This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 20th August, 2020.”
Disposed off
“This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 13th September, 2021.”

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