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Session Details

Senate Assembly   |     Jan 31, 2022 To Jan 31, 2022     |     Session No: 317     |     Session Type: Regular

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
31 Jan, 2022 12 03:30 03:30 00:00 07:27 3:57 0:00
Total/Average 0:00 3:57 0:00


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Speaker Deputy Speaker Panel of Chairpersons Chief Minister Leader of the Opposition
12 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

No. of Sittings Attended

0 0 0 0 0

Total Time

0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00

Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
12 24 26 0 3
Average Attendance 24 26 0 3

Parliamentary Leaders Attendance

Sitting No. Parliamentary Leaders













No. of Sittings Attended

1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

  Orders of the Day

  Legislative Business

Sitting No. Name of Bill Type Status
12 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Amendment of Articles 1, 51, 59, 106, 175A, 198, and 218) Private Introduced
12 The Provincial Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Deferred
12 The Price Control and Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Introduced
12 The Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Deferred
12 The Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Introduced
12 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Amendment of Articles 1, 51, 59, 106, 154, 175A, 198 and 218). Private Introduced


Sitting No. Resolution Type of Resolution Status
12 The Senate of Pakistan recognizes the significance of Parliamentary Diplomacy in relation to smooth and efficient conduct of parliamentary relations and contacts Government Adopted
12 The Senate of Pakistan is cognizant of the importance of rail connectivity amongst the neighboring countries Government Adopted
12 The Senate of Pakistan; Notes, that a systematic campaign in a section of the media and social media is being run to undermine the Federal Parliamentary form of Government; Takes Cognizance, that such a campaign is propagating a Presidential form of Government; Recalls, that the Founder of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, envisaged a Federal Parliamentary form of Government as his vision for Pakistan; Further recalls, that the people of Pakistan have relentlessly struggled and sacrificed for a Federal Parliamentary form of Government; Conscious of the fact, that Pakistan is a participatory federation; Emphasizes, that the Constitution, 1973, envisages Pakistan to be a Federation, with a Parliamentary form of Government, trichotomy of power, independence of the judiciary, provincial autonomy and fundamental rights for its citizens; Observes, that a Presidential form of Government will introduce a unitary form of Government, wherein, the entire Constitution, 1973, will be required to be rewritten; Warns, that given the intra-provincial and federal provincial polarization, internal political instability, the regional situation and international attempts at colonization of Pakistan, will make a national consensus on a new Constitution impossible; Resolves, that it will preserve and protect the Parliamentary form of Government as envisaged in the Constitution, 1973, as any other form of Government, will have disastrous consequences for the Federation Government Adopted

  Motion Under Rule 218

Sitting No. Motion Under Rule 218 Status
performance of Cyber Crime wing of FIA with respect to increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country
Talked out
the efficacy of plea-bargain and voluntary disclosure instruments employed by the NAB over last two years in its fight against corruption.
current alarming rise in unemployment across the country
Talked out

  Participation in Proceedings

Sitting No. Intervention Total Representatives
12 Legislation 4
12 Motion Under Rule 218 12
12 Resolution 2

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