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Session Details

Senate Assembly   |     Dec 12, 2022 To Dec 16, 2022     |     Session No: 322     |     Session Type: Regular

  Session Time [In Hours : Minutes]

Sitting Date Sitting No. Schedule Starting Time Actual Starting Time Delay End Time of Sitting Total Sitting Time Break
12 Dec, 2022 1 03:00 03:02 00:02 03:32 0:30 0:00
15 Dec, 2022 2 03:00 03:00 00:00 03:10 0:10 0:00
16 Dec, 2022 3 10:30 10:37 00:07 10:55 0:18 0:00
Total/Average 0:03 0:58 0:00


Key Members' Attendance
Sitting No. Chairman Deputy Chairman Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition





0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00





0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00





0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00

No. of Sittings Attended





Total Time





Member's Attendance in each Sitting
Sitting No. Members At Outset Members At End Maximum Members Minority Members
1 49 43 0 3
2 40 40 0 2
3 46 49 0 2
Average Attendance 45 44 0 2

Members Attendance by Sitting and Party
Party Total Membership Average Present Average Absent Average Leave
IND 26 16 10 0
PTI 25 19 6 0
PPPP 20 13 6 0
BAP 6 3 3 0
PML-N 4 3 1 0
JUI 3 2 1 0
NP 2 2 0 0
MQMP 2 1 1 0
Independent 2 1 1 0
ANP 2 2 0 0
JUI-F 1 0 1 0
MQM 1 0 1 0
PML 1 1 0 0
JI 1 1 0 0
PML-F 1 0 1 0
JUIP 1 1 0 0
BNP 1 0 1 0

Parliamentary Leaders Attendance

Sitting No. Parliamentary Leaders







































No. of Sittings Attended

3 0 1 3 0 1 3 3 0 1 0 3

  Protest /Walkout /Boycott

Sitting No.   Type Party(ies) Member(s) Reasons Time (Minutes)
1 Protest PTI 84 The opposition leader asked to take up regular agenda rather than supplementary agenda, but the law minister requested to take up one important supplementary bill, after that PTI legislators started protesting and asked to issue the production order of Azam Sawati 3
2 Protest PTI 84 To Issue Production Order of Azam Swati 5
3 Protest PTI 84 To Issue Production order of Azam Swati 9

  Orders of the Day

  Question Hour ( View All Questions )

Sitting No. Ministry Starred Un-starred Total
2 Commerce 3 0 3
2 Economic Affairs 2 0 2
2 Finance & Revenue 10 1 11
2 Industries & Production 1 0 1
2 Planning, Development and Special Initiatives 1 0 1
2 Privatization 1 0 1
Total18 1 19

  Private Motion

Sitting No. Private Motion Status
Minister for Finance and Revenue, to move under Rule 263 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012, that the requirements of rules 97, 98 and sub-rule (2) of rule 99 of the said Rules be dispensed with in order to take into consideration at once to amend the Foreign Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 2022

  Legislative Business

Sitting No. Name of Bill Type Status
1 The Pakistan Environmental Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Harbour Institute of Management, Sciences and Technology Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Elections (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Amendment of Article 19 of the Constitution) Private Not Taken Up
1 The Benazir Income Support (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Copyright (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Amendment of Article 160 of the Constitution). Private Not Taken Up
1 The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Pakistan Halal Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Federal Investigation Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The State Bank of Pakistan (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Private Not Taken Up
1 The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Amendment of Article 203D of the Constitution) Private Not Taken Up
1 The Foreign Investment (Promotion) and Protection) Bill, 2022 Government Passed
2 The Qanun-e-Shahadat (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Moved by Shahadat Awan) Government Introduced
2 The Tax Laws (Second Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Moved by Shahadat Awan) Government Laid
3 The Foreign Investment (Promotion and Protection) (Amendment) Bill, 2022 Government Passed
3 The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (Moved by Shahadat Awan) Government Introduced


Sitting No. Resolution Type of Resolution Status
1 Considering the fact that in-depth knowledge of the Holy Quran and Sunnah is mandatory for attaining religious, political, economic, social and other facets of an ideal society; Realizing that universities and colleges are the nurseries for preparing committed, productive and good human beings who eventually contribute towards attaining healthy, progressive and moral social order in a society; Reiterating that an individual harnessed with the divine knowledge of the Holy Quran and Sunnah can play a pivotal role in the progress and development of Pakistan in its true sense; Appreciating the initiative in the Province of Punjab where education of the Holy Quran with translation has been made mandatory in all public sector universities purely for knowledge and learning purposes; Recommends that teaching of Holy Quran with translation, tajveed and tafseer should be made compulsory in all universities of Pakistan for students of all disciplines, without making it part of examinations or provision of additional marks so that focus should remain on acquisition of learning and knowledge of Holy Quran Private Not Taken Up
1 The House acknowledges the significance attached to the study of the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Khatamun Nabiyyin) (Peace be upon him) for individual and collective development surrounding all aspects of human life. Without the indepth study and understanding of the Seerat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Khatamun Nabiyyin) (Peace be upon him) the new generation cannot comprehend the modern days' challenges and progress in their individual and collective life; The House is cognizant of the fact that there is no specialized and detailed study of the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Khatamun Nabiyyin) (Peace be upon him) at various tiers in our education system; In order to inculcate detailed and comprehensive knowledge of the Seerat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Khatamun Nabiyyin) (Peace be upon him) in the minds of the younger generations, the House recommends that the Federal Government may immediately take the following steps: i) Seerat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Khatamun Nabiyyin) (Peace be upon him) be introduced as a special subject and compulsory at primary, middle, secondary and higher school levels in Islamabad; ii) Refreshing study of the Seerat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Khatamun Nabiyyin) (Peace be upon him) be made as a special subject as part of all disciplines at university level in Islamabad Capital Territory iii) Coordinate with all provinces to make arrangements for introduction of detailed study of the Seerat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Khatamun Nabiyyin) (Peace be upon him) as a special subject at primary, middle, secondary, higher secondary and university levels. Private Not Taken Up
1 The House is cognizant of the fact that the recent floods affected the preparatory studies of the aspirants of Competitive Examination across the country especially Balochistan; The House shows concern over the upper age limit of 32 years for the forthcoming Special CSS Competitive Examination announced on 20th November, 2022 for all candidates including Balochistan. The aspirant candidates of Balochistan were the worst affected by recent floods and could not undertook sufficient preparation for the said Examination alongwith facing delays in all exams; The House recommends that upper age limit for the candidates of Balochistan appearing in the forthcoming Special CSS Examination may be enhanced from 32 years to 37 years so that candidates from the said Province may compete in the said Examination in a befitting way Private Not Taken Up
1 Cognizant of the need for educational revolution in the country which is one of the key drivers of growth performance, prosperity, and competitiveness in national and global economies; Realizing that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are at the forefront of the solutions required to advance the Sustainable Development Goals, which underscores the fundamental role of education in creating healthy and inclusive societies as envisioned in the 2030 Agenda; Reiterating that the education revolution and other sustainable goals can be achieved through establishment of state of the art HEIs, ground-breaking research and innovation, and academia-facilitated industrial complexes for translating theory into practice; Recommends that, the Federal Government should launch a program for establishment of mega educational cities in each province; Every mega educational city should encompass a total area of about 2500 acres and comprise often universities of 250 acres each offering advanced education in distinct fields including skills and technology; and The land for these educational cities should be provided by respective provincial governments whereas the infrastructure of the ten universities in each province should be built by the Federal Government; The Federal Government after building the infrastructure should hand over management and operationalization of said universities to best public and private sector Universities/educational institutions and should continue to support with the overall management including grant of scholarships for the genuinely deserving students and ensure that fifteen percent of the total seats should be allocated for the said deserving students Private Not Taken Up
1 This House is cognizant of the poor financial position of the merged districts of Ex-FATA and PATA in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan Provinces which aggravated further due to COVID restrictions and recent wave of terrorism. The situation is adversely affecting the small and large business in the areas; The House recommends that the incentive of tax exemption facility provided under 25th Constitutional Amendment be extended for ten years i.e. 2023 to 2033 to ensure revival of business activities and kick-start development in the merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan Private Not Taken Up
1 The House expressed deep grief and sorrow over the death of former Senator Begum Najma Hameed. Supplementary Adopted
3 The House unanimously adopted a resolution congratulating Qatar's Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and its people for successfully holding the football World Cup in the country and condemned all deliberate, malicious and negative propaganda instigated against Qatar for holding this successful event. Supplementary Adopted


Sitting No. Report Status
Report of the Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony on the subject matter of Starred Question No. 124 regarding the details of expenditure incurred on langer (food and meal) at Gurdawara Panja Sahib, Hassan Abdal managed by ETB from April, 2018 to April, 2022, along with tender contract, firm or the contractor to whom the contract was awarded.(Motion for Extension of Days)
Not Taken Up
Report of the Standing Committee on Parliamentary Affairs on the Members of Parliament Privileges Bill, 2022
Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue, to present report of the Committee on the subject matter referred by the Chairman Senate on 12th August, 2022, raised by Senator Saifullah Abro, regarding the briefing by the Ministry of Finance and Revenue on the details of increase in US dollar since 1st May, 2022 till date, details of irregularities in opening of LCs for importers by commercial banks during this time and action taken by the State Bank of Pakistan in this regard.
Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue on the subject matter referred by the Chairman Senate on 20th October, 2022, regarding imposition of regulatory duty on polyester filament yarn, raised by Senior Vice Chairman, Pakistan Yarn Merchants Association.
Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue on a point of public importance raised by Senator Kamran Murtaza on 26th September, 2022, regarding the issue of daily wager/employees deputed in customs department in Balochistan.
Report of the Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue on a point of public importance raised by Senator Fida Muhammad on 4th October, 2022, regarding the opening of LCs at appreciated rates by the banks.
Report of the Standing Committee on Federal Education and Professional Training on the Federal Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2022
Report of the Standing Committee on Narcotics Control on the Control of Narcotic Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2022
Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs on the subject matter of Starred Question No. 54 regarding the overseas Pakistanis in the Gulf States who have been facing a number of problems like difficulties in renewal of iqamas, issue of lost passports, non-payment of salaries by their kafeels etc.
Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs on the subject matter of Starred Question No. 3, asked by Senator Mushtaq Ahmed on 4th January, 2022, regarding the number of countries visited by Prime Minister of Pakistan during the last three years in official capacity along with the names of persons, their designations and scales who accompanied Prime Minister and duration of stay abroad with date wise breakup.
Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs on a matter referred by the Chairman Senate on 25th August, 2022, raised by Senator Danesh Kumar regarding the breach of Privilege being a member of the Upper House during his visit to Bangkok, Thailand
Report of the Standing Committee on Interior on the Islamabad Capital Territory Prohibition of Corporal Punishment (Amendment) Bill, 2022
Report of the Standing Committee on Interior on the Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Introduced by Senator Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah on 25th January, 2021)
Report of the Standing Committee on Interior on the Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2022 (as passed by the National Assembly)
Report of the Standing Committee on Interior on the Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 2022
Report of the Standing Committee on Interior on the Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2022
Report of the Standing Committee on Interior on a point of public importance raised by Senator Mushtaq Ahmed on 10th October, 2022, regarding the law and order situation in Swat and Malakand Division
Lay before the Senate the Annual Report of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) for the Financial Year 2020-2021
Not Taken Up
Lay before the Senate the Annual Report of the National Accountability Bureau for the year, 2021
Not Taken Up
Lay on the Table an authenticated copy of the Address of the President of the Islamic on 6th October, 2022
Not Taken Up
Report of the Standing Committee on Power on a point of public importance regarding issuance of inflated electricity bills by the Lahore Electricity Supply Company (LESCO)
Report of the Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony on the subject matter of Starred Question No. 124, asked by Senator Danesh Kumar on 4th October, 2022, regarding the details of expenditure incurred on langer (food and meal) at Gurdawara Panja Sahib, Hassan Abdal managed by ETB from April, 2018 to April, 2022, along with tender contract, firm or the contractor to whom the contract was awarded (not moved by the mover, but the extension was granted on the directions of Senate Chairman)
Extension Granted
Report of the Standing Committee on Communications on a point of public importance raised by Senator Hidayatullah Khan on 17th August, 2022, regarding accidents on the motorway due to non-fencing (not moved by the mover, but the extension was granted on the directions of Senate Chairman)
Extension Granted
Lay on the table an authenticated copy of the Address of the President of the Islamic on 6th October, 2022
Not Taken Up

  Motion Under Rule 218

Sitting No. Motion Under Rule 218 Status
Abolishment of the Dawat Academy at the International Islamic University Islamabad that remained active for past 35-40 years and performed extraordinary services of Dawat (preaching) and Tadrees (teaching) not only in Pakistan but across the Islamic World
Not Taken Up
The re-organization/re-structuring plan of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM)
Not Taken Up
The situation of inadequate and substandard services available in the emergency department of the Federal Government Polyclinic Hospital, Islamabad and suggest mechanism to improve and upgrade these services for the benefit of Federal Government employees and the general public.
Not Taken Up
The issues of informal street vending in country and mechanism to regularize them for bringing them into tax net.
Not Taken Up
The deteriorating situation of Pakistan economy in the light of the World Bank October 2022-Pakistan Development Update according to which our GDP is expected to grow by only 2 percent in the current fiscal year ending June 2023
Not Taken Up

  Motion of Thanks

Sitting No. Motion of Thanks Status
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 6th October, 2022
Not Taken Up
This House expresses its deep gratitude to the President of Pakistan for his address to both the Houses assembled together on 6th October, 2022
Not Taken Up

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