ISLAMABAD, November 12, 2021: The Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) transacted entire agenda on Friday and was adjourned due to lack of quorum, observes Fee and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) in its Daily Factsheet.
Following are key observations of the House proceedings during the 22nd sitting of 20th session:
Members’ Participation
- The House met for an hour and 35 minutes.
- The sitting started at 11:10 am against the scheduled time of 10:00 am.
- The deputy speaker presided over the entire proceedings in the absence of speaker.
- The leaders of the House (chief minister) and the opposition were not present.
- As many as 49 MPAs (34 percent) were present at the outset and 26 (18 percent) at the adjournment of the sitting.
- Parliamentary leader of ANP and PML-N attended the sitting.
- Three out of four minority lawmakers attended the sitting.
- Moved by minister for labor, the House passed the KP Provincially Administered Tribal Areas Levies Force (Amendment) Bill, 2021.
- Minister for labor also introduced two other government bills which were the KP Waqf Properties (Amendment) Bill, 2021 and the KP Control of Narcotics Substance (Amendment) Bill, 2021.
Representation and Responsiveness
- The House took up six out of ten starred questions while four questions were lapsed due to absence of relevant lawmakers. In addition, lawmakers asked four supplementary questions.
- The Chair admitted an adjournment motion for debate which was regarding absence of details about health budget of Rs. 43 billion announced during last three fiscal years for merged tribal districts.
- The House took up two calling attention notices (CANs) regarding playing of music loudly in transport being used by female students and transfer policy for teachers. These CANs were responded to by the ministers for labor and education, repsectively.
Order and Institutionalization
- A lawmaker belonging to MMAP pointed out the quorum at 12:40 pm which was found incomplete upon counting and the House was adjourned to meet again on Monday, November 22, 2021 at 02:00 pm.
- ‘Orders of the Day’ was available for the legislators, observers and the media.
- Attendance of the lawmakers was not available for the observers and the media.
This daily factsheet is based on direct observation of the KP Assembly proceedings conducted by the United Rural Development Organization (URDO) – a member organization of FAFEN. Errors and omissions excepted