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Questions details of Meer Younas Aziz Zehri | 3295( 1 question asked )
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No. Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Assembly Parliamentary Year Session No Sitting No. Question Question Type Ministry
Balochistan 2 17 2
Starred Agriculture
Balochistan 3 27 2
Starred Agriculture
Balochistan 3 27 4
Starred Communication & Works
Balochistan 3 28 1
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 3 28 2
Starred Sports
Balochistan 3 29 4
Starred Fisheries
Balochistan 3 32 1
In distict khuzdar from 2013 to 2018 local boring and money spend on that provide detail.
Unstarred Local Government & Rural Development
Balochistan 3 32 4
Unstarred Fisheries
Balochistan 3 35 2
356.In year 2019-2020 project started in khuzdar brie detail about these project including funds?
Unstarred Finance & Revenue
Balochistan 3 36 3
413.From January 2013 to December 2018 numbers of bores in distict khuzdar and also detail of the functional and non functional bores
Unstarred Agriculture
Balochistan 4 47 2
Details of the machinery in the department
Starred Communication & Works
Balochistan 4 47 2
Details of the 4th class employees in district Khuzdar
Starred Communication & Works
Balochistan 4 49 1
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 3 42 4
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 4 50 2
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 4 47 1
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 3 38 4
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 3 35 4
Starred Public Health Engineering
Balochistan 1 12 1
Starred Agriculture
Balochistan 5 59 4
Details of the number of employees hired in district khuzdar
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 5 64 1
Full details of the total number of vehicles in District Khuzdar Local Government Department and who is using these vehicles?
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 5 65 1
Full details of the total number of vehicles in District Khuzdar Local Government Department and who is using these vehicles?
Starred Local Government
Balochistan 5 66 4
Full details of the total number of vehicles in District Khuzdar Local Government Department and who is using these vehicles?
Starred Local Government

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