Under Rule 218, any minister or a member may give notice of a motion that a policy, situation, statement or any other matter may be taken into consideration. This section includes information like mover’s name, party affiliation, session and sitting, subject matter of the motion and its status.
Assembly | Parliamentary Year | Session No. | Siiting No. | Name of Representative | Motion | Status |
Assembly | Parliamentary Year | Session No. | Sitting No. | Name of Representative | Motion | Status |
Senate | 1 | 346 | 3 | Anusha Rahman Ahmed Khan, PMLN |
That the House may discuss the causes of high percentage of failure of students in CSS exams conducted by FPSC every year
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 346 | 3 | Muhammad Tallal Badar, PMLN |
That the House may discuss the causes of high percentage of failure of students in CSS exams conducted by FPSC every year
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 346 | 3 | Sarmad Ali, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the causes of high percentage of failure of students in CSS exams conducted by FPSC every year
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 346 | 3 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
That the House may discuss the causes of high percentage of failure of students in CSS exams conducted by FPSC every year
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 346 | 3 | Zamir Hussain Ghumro, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the causes of high percentage of failure of students in CSS exams conducted by FPSC every year
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 346 | 3 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
That the House may discuss continuous rise in the prices of essential commodities, despite the Government’s claims of lowest inflation rate
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 346 | 3 | Abdul Shakoor Khan, IND |
That the House may discuss lack of employment opportunities for the youth of Balochistan in the Federal Ministries / Divisions / Organizations and the fate of 11,000 jobs allocated to the province under Aghaz-e-Huqooq-Balochistan package
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 346 | 3 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
that the House may discuss the alarming increase in cases of Gender Based Violence in the country and failure of Administrative and Judicial machinery to administer Justice to women
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 7 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
That the House may discuss the need to protect the specific rights of workers and laborers especially women and children, working in hazardous occupations in the country such as tanneries, mining, construction, brick kiln, shipbreaking in different factories working under the Federal Government.
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 7 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
That the House may discuss the newly announced five year Economic Plan “Uraan Pakistan” aimed at addressing the economic conditions of the country.
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 7 | Aon Abbas, PTI |
That the House may discuss the newly announced five year Economic Plan “Uraan Pakistan” aimed at addressing the economic conditions of the country.
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 7 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
That the House may discuss continuous rise in the prices of essential commodities despite the government’s claims of lowest inflation rate
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 7 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
That the House may discuss the role of LEAs under the control of Federal Government in maintaining Law and Order situation in Balochistan and KPK, especially the security in highways linking the provinces.
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 7 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
That the House may discuss the issue arising due to poor performance of Civil Aviation Authority at airports
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 4 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
That the House may discuss the need to protect the specific rights of workers and laborers especially women and children, working in hazardous occupations in the country such as tanneries, mining, construction, brick kiln, shipbreaking in different factories working under the Federal Government.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 4 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
That the House may discuss the newly announced five year Economic Plan “Uraan Pakistan” aimed at addressing the economic conditions of the country.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 4 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
That the House may discuss extremely low pressure of gas in various areas of Balochistan especially Quetta city.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 1 | 345 | 4 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
That the House may discuss continuous rise in the prices of essential commodities despite the government’s claims of lowest inflation rate.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 344 | 4 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
The House may discuss the recent decision taken by the Government to impose taxes on the agriculture sector of the country which is backbone of National economy of country.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 344 | 4 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The House may discuss the alarming increase in the number of heroin addicts throughout the country and especially in the Islamabad Capital Territory.
Debated |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 6 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
The issue of shrinking of loans and the surging of bad debts in the private sector
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 6 | Poonjo Bheel, PPPP |
The issue of discontinuation of the Railway line known as the Loop section, formerly operated through the districts of Umerkot, Tharparkar and the Mirpur Khas Stations
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 6 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The overall performance of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) with particular reference to the performance of the Maintenance Directorate (responsible for repair/maintenance of Government owned accommodations) and the Sanitation Directorate.
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 6 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
The process of digitalization of FBR
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 6 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The measures taken by the Government to control and deal with the damages caused by the rain during the on-going monsoon season and role of NDMA in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 3 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
The issue of shrinking of loans and the surging of bad debts in the private sector
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 3 | Poonjo Bheel, PPPP |
The issue of discontinuation of thecRailway line known as the Loop section, formerly operated through the districts of Umerkot, Tharparkar and the Mirpur Khas Stations
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 3 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The overall performance of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) with particular reference to the performance of the Maintenance Directorate (responsible for repair/maintenance of Government owned accommodations) and the Sanitation Directorate
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 3 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The measures taken by the Government to control and deal with the damages caused by the rain during the on-going monsoon season and role of NDMA in this regard.
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 342 | 3 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
The process of digitalization of FBR
Deferred |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
Motion Under Rule 218 regarding imposing ban on manufacturing/ use of 500 ml plastic bottles for drinking water
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Shahadat Awan, PPPP |
15. Motion Under Rule 218 regarding imposing ban on manufacturing/ use of 500 ml plastic bottles for drinking water
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
15. Motion Under Rule 218 regarding imposing ban on manufacturing/ use of 500 ml plastic bottles for drinking water
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
Motion Under Rule 218 regarding imposing ban on manufacturing/ use of 500 ml plastic bottles for drinking water
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
Motion under Rule 218 regarding the issue of black market currency trade and its adverse impact on our Economy.
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
Motion under Rule 218 regarding the issue of black market currency trade and its adverse impact on our Economy.
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
17. Motion under Rule 218 regarding the effects of climate change on agriculture sector of the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
Motion under Rule 218 regarding the effects of climate change on agriculture sector of the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
Motion under Rule 218 regarding the effects of climate change on agriculture sector of the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 1 | 339 | 2 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
Resolution recommending allocation of special funds under PSDPs to construct the new railway line and necessary infrastructure in the province of Balochistan.
Talked out |
Senate | 337 | 3 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
To move that the House may discuss the role and performance of NDMA during the recent catastrophic rainfall in the country, especially in Balochistan.
Not Taken Up | |
Senate | 20 | 335 | 7 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The financial crisis in Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (Radio Pakistan) during the current fiscal year and the situation arising out of it.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 335 | 7 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
Measures for improving governance by institutionalizing better accountability and answerability of decisions made in the public sector by bureaucrats, technocrats and elected representatives holding public office
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 335 | 7 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The problems being faced by Electrical Manufacturing Industry and its allied Industries due to financial policies of the Government
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 335 | 4 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The performance of State Owned Enterprises of Pakistan which, according to World Bank Report, is worse in Asia despite the fact that these entities together receive a huge amount of Rs. 458 billion annually from the Government
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 335 | 4 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The issue of abolishment of the subject of Pakistan Affairs by the Higher Education Commission, from the syllabus at graduation level
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 335 | 4 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The increasing number of out of school children and its impact on country future
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 335 | 1 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
The pressing issue of water resources, floods and water mismanagement in Pakistan, especially in light of the recent devastating floods in 2022 and in 2010
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 335 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The nonpresentation of annual report of the Council of Islamic Ideology under clause (4) of Article 230 of the Constitution in the House, strategy for implementation of recommendations of these reports and the steps being taken by the Government in this regard
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 3 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The need to devise and launch technical training programs for the youth of Balochistan to equip them with advanced skills to secure employment opportunities worldwide as well as in the proposed FDI projects in the province including CPEC projects
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 3 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The reasons of under development of Balochistan despite tall claims of successive Governments to develop Balochistan under the CPEC and other FDI projects
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Opportunities of getting economic benefits and earning precious foreign exchange through export of pink salt after value addition in the country
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 334 | 3 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The issue of millions of tons of plastic wastes being produced in the country annually at an increasing rate and the devastating impact of this unchecked production on our environment
Dropped |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 12 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The lacunas in wheat supply chain leading to shortages of wheat flour in the country and the measures to remove the same
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 12 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The need to regulate the production and sale of Baby Formula Milk and related products in the country and create awareness among young mothers about its safe use
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 12 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The ways and means to control the non-developmental/recurring expenditures of the Government
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 12 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The devaluation of Pakistan Rupee and shortage of US Dollars in the market resulting into high inflation and causing financial hardships for general public
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 12 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
The steps that can be taken to transform debt-ridden PIA into a robust and profitable organization capable of running its operations without any reliance on governments subsidy and in accordance with successful international model
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 9 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
State Bank of Pakistan may take necessary steps to eliminate the note of Rs. 5000/ as this is cause of inflation and corruption in the country
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 9 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The devaluation of Pakistan Rupee and shortage of US Dollars in the market resulting into high inflation and causing financial hardships for general public.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 9 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The need to regulate the production and sale of Baby Formula Milk and related products in the country and create awareness among young mothers about its safe use
Dropped |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 9 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The continuous increase in the electricity and gas tariffs
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The sudden decision of Federal Government to expel the Afghan Refugees from Pakistan on a very short time period and without announcing any policy which is badly effecting the poor Refugees
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 6 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The mushrooming of the social media apps offering online interest based loans in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 6 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The lacunas in wheat supply chain leading to shortages of wheat flour in the country and the measures to remove the same.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 6 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The issue of consistent hike in the prices of natural gas putting heavy burden on the poor masses who are already facing the brunt of inflation.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 6 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The need to regulate the production and sale of Baby Formula Milk and related products in the country and create awareness among young mothers about its safe use.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 6 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The sudden decision of Federal Government to expel the Afghan Refugees from Pakistan on a very short time period and without announcing any policy which is badly effecting the poor Refugees
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 6 | Hidayatullah Khan, ANP |
The sudden decision of Federal Government to expel the Afghan Refugees from Pakistan on a very short time period and without announcing any policy which is badly effecting the poor Refugees
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The measures to control the illegal transportation of petrol and diesel through Highways and Motorways which result into fatal accidents
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 333 | 3 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
The State Bank of Pakistan may take necessary steps to demonetize the currency note of Rs. 5000/ as this is cause of inflation and corruption in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Mohammad Ishaq Dar, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani , PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Saleem Mandviwalla, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Shahadat Awan, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Jam Mahtab Hussain Dahar, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Nisar Ahmed Khuhro, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Palwasha Mohammad Zai Khan, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Behramand, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Syed Waqar Mehdi, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Quratulain Marri, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Khalida Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Falak Naz, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Mehar Taj Roghani, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Manzoor Ahmed Khan Kakar, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Prince Ahmed Umer Ahmedzai, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Danesh Kumar, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Saeed Ahmed Hashmi, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Ahmed Khan, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Kohda Babar, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Naseeb Ullah Bazai, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Sana Jamali, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Afnan Ullah Khan, PML-N |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Irfan-ul-Haque Siddiqui, PML-N |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Saadia Abbasi, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Prof. Sajid Mir, PML-N |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Hafiz Abdul Karim, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Kamran Michael, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Rana Mehmood ul Hassan, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Asad Junejo, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Hidayatullah Khan, ANP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Hidayat ullah, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Hillal ur Rehman, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 4 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Shahadat Awan, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Jam Mahtab Hussain Dahar, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Nisar Ahmed Khuhro, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Palwasha Mohammad Zai Khan, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Behramand, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Syed Waqar Mehdi, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Quratulain Marri, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Khalida Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Falak Naz, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Mehar Taj Roghani, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Manzoor Ahmed Khan Kakar, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Prince Ahmed Umer Ahmedzai, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Danesh Kumar, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Saeed Ahmed Hashmi, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Ahmed Khan, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Kohda Babar, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Naseeb Ullah Bazai, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Sana Jamali, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Afnan Ullah Khan, PML-N |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Irfan-ul-Haque Siddiqui, PML-N |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Saadia Abbasi, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Prof. Sajid Mir, PML-N |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Hafiz Abdul Karim, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Kamran Michael, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Rana Mehmood ul Hassan, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Asad Junejo, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Hidayatullah Khan, ANP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Hidayat ullah, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Hillal ur Rehman, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Mohammad Ishaq Dar, IND |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani , PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
That the Senate may discuss the Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Mohammad Ishaq Dar, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani , PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Shahadat Awan, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Jam Mahtab Hussain Dahar, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Nisar Ahmed Khuhro, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Palwasha Mohammad Zai Khan, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Syed Waqar Mehdi, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Quratulain Marri, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Khalida Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Falak Naz, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Mehar Taj Roghani, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Manzoor Ahmed Khan Kakar, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Prince Ahmed Umer Ahmedzai, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Danesh Kumar, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Saeed Ahmed Hashmi, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Ahmed Khan, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Kohda Babar, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Naseeb Ullah Bazai, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Sana Jamali, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Afnan Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Irfan-ul-Haque Siddiqui, PML-N |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Saadia Abbasi, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Prof. Sajid Mir, PML-N |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Hafiz Abdul Karim, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Kamran Michael, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Rana Mehmood ul Hassan, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Hidayatullah Khan, ANP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Hidayat ullah, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Hillal ur Rehman, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Mohammad Ishaq Dar, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani , PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Shahadat Awan, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Jam Mahtab Hussain Dahar, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Nisar Ahmed Khuhro, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Palwasha Mohammad Zai Khan, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Syed Waqar Mehdi, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Quratulain Marri, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Khalida Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Falak Naz, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Mehar Taj Roghani, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Manzoor Ahmed Khan Kakar, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Prince Ahmed Umer Ahmedzai, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Danesh Kumar, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Saeed Ahmed Hashmi, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Ahmed Khan, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Kohda Babar, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Naseeb Ullah Bazai, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Sana Jamali, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Afnan Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Irfan-ul-Haque Siddiqui, PML-N |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Saadia Abbasi, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Prof. Sajid Mir, PML-N |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Hafiz Abdul Karim, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Kamran Michael, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Rana Mehmood ul Hassan, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 332 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
The Israeli atrocities and aggressive actions against the innocent Palestinians and willing violation of Geneva Convention and UN Resolution on Palestine, and especially barbaric Israeli airstrikes on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza hence hundreds of innocent people, patients and Hospital staff were died, and stance / efforts made by Pakistan Government in this scenario.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 331 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Not allowing operation of Peoples Bus Service on Lyari express way, Karachi by the Federal Government.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 331 | 1 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The use of block chain for management of data within government systems.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 331 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Abolishment of the Dawat Academy at the International Islamic University Islamabad that remained active for past 35-40 years and performed extraordinary services of Dawat (preaching) and Tadrees (teaching) not only in Pakistan but across the Islamic Worl0d.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Kamran Michael, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Saadia Abbasi, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Prof. Sajid Mir, PML-N |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Irfan-ul-Haque Siddiqui, PML-N |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Afnan Ullah Khan, PML-N |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Shahadat Awan, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Jam Mahtab Hussain Dahar, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Palwasha Mohammad Zai Khan, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Khalida Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Syed Waqar Mehdi, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Nisar Ahmed Khuhro, PPPP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Atta Ur Rehman, JUI |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Sarfaraz Ahmed Bugti, BAP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Khalida Ateeb, MQMP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Hidayatullah Khan, ANP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Umer Farooq, ANP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 328 | 1 | Muhammad Akram, NP |
Political situation and surge in terrorism related incidents in the country.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 6 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Failure to tap into true potential of Thar Coal inordinate delay in construction of second transmission line and Islamkot-Chor Railway line that has left national grid deprived of affordable electricity and many coal power plants reliant on expensive imported coal.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 6 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
The steps that can be taken to transform debt-ridden PIA into a robust and profitable organization capable of running its operations without any reliance on government subsidy and in accordance with successful international model.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 6 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The need to revamp the performance and incentive management system for public sector employees.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 6 | Behramand, PPPP |
The re-organization/re-structuring plan of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM).
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 6 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Increase in human trafficking, domestic as well as international, especially in relation to women and children and steps taken by the Government to address the issue.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 3 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The importance of agriculture technology transfer through CPEC to poor households especially rural women in Balochistan
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 3 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The need to revamp the performance and incentive management system for public sector employees
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 3 | Irfan-ul-Haque Siddiqui, PML-N |
The steps taken by the government to implement Article 251 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in letter and spirit wherein the State is required to make arrangements for using Urdu as the national language
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 327 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The steps taken by the government to implement Article 251 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in letter and spirit wherein the State is required to make arrangements for using Urdu as the national language
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 325 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Increasing sale and purchase of alcoholic drinks, their consumption up to a dangerous level and the issue of crimes arising out of it in the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 325 | 3 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
Overall performance of the Competition Commission of Pakistan with particular reference to its failure to create a business environment based on healthy competition for improving economic efficiency, developing competitiveness and protecting consumers from price-hike in the country.
Dropped |
Senate | 20 | 325 | 3 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The causes of pending cases/backlog in Supreme Court / Provincial High Courts and steps taken by the Government for speedy disposal of such cases.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 14 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The issue of floods-related fund disbursement for houses damaged and steps taken by Provincial and Federal Governments to ensure transparency
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 14 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The issue of floods-related fund disbursement for houses damaged and steps taken by Provincial and Federal Governments to ensure transparency
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 14 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The financial crisis in Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (Radio Pakistan) during the current fiscal year and the situation arising out of it.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 14 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
Obstacles in implementation of Article 19 of the Constitution and growing instances of curbing the freedom of expression in the country.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 14 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The impact and delay in completion of K-IV mega project (greater water supply scheme for Karachi) leaving inhabitants of the Pakistan largest city at the mercy of tanker mafia.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 14 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The delay and other issues relating to Undergraduate Indigenous Scholarship in the Phase-3 by Higher Education Commission for the students of tribal districts known as erstwhile FATA and Balochistan.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 11 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
The steps taken by the government to ban/restrict the use of small plastic bottles (500ml & below) that cause environmental hazard, pollution and drain blockages.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 11 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The recent situation of protests in Gwadar city with regard to illegal trawling in the sea, high number of security checkpoints operating in and around the city and also trade on Pak-Iran border which is affecting the residents of Gwadar city
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 11 | Mehar Taj Roghani, PTI |
The current status of implementation on the National Immunization Policy 2022
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 11 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
Integrated People-Centred Ear and Hearing Care” in line with the World Report on Hearing 2021 by the World Health Organization and the steps taken by the Federal Government to address this health priority
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 11 | Behramand, PPPP |
The ways and means to strengthen the Election Commission of Pakistan to enable it to conduct free and fair elections in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 8 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Smuggling of millions of dollars out of country on daily basis and the report of the State Bank of Pakistan on national economy (July-September 2022) according to which the exports of the country have declined up to 10%, and the foreign investment has reduced by 52%
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 8 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The non-availability of wheat and its exorbitant rates, severely affecting the masses of the country especially the poor ones.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 8 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The need to expand solar and wind power up to at least 30 percent of country total electricity generation capacity by 2030, equivalent to around 24,000 Megawatts
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 8 | Mehar Taj Roghani, PTI |
The current status of implementation on the National immunization Policy 2022.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 8 | Behramand, PPPP |
Ways and means to strengthen the Election Commission of Pakistan to enable it to conduct free and fair elections in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 8 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
The non-availability of wheat and its exorbitant rates, severely affecting the masses of the country especially the poor ones.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 8 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The non-availability of wheat and its exorbitant rates, severely affecting the masses of the country especially the poor ones.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 8 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
The need to expand solar and wind power up to at least 30 percent of country total electricity generation capacity by 2030, equivalent to around 24,000 Megawatts
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 5 | Behramand, PPPP |
The re-organization/re-structuring plan of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM)
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 5 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The policy adopted and steps taken by the Petroleum Division to provide uninterrupted supply of gas to both domestic and industrial consumers during this winter season (2022-2023)
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 5 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The need to develop our Aquaculture in order to feed local population with high-quality protein diets at reasonable rates and reduce food insecurity
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 5 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
Non-availability of wheat and also availability of the same at exorbitant rates, which is severely affecting the masses of the country especially the poor ones
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 5 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Non-availability of wheat and also availability of the same at exorbitant rates, which is severely affecting the masses of the country especially the poor ones
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 5 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
Non-availability of wheat and also availability of the same at exorbitant rates, which is severely affecting the masses of the country especially the poor ones
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 2 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The issue of floods-related fund disbursement for houses damaged and steps taken by provincial and federal governments to ensure transparency
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The report of the State Bank of Pakistan on national economy (July-Aug 2022) according to which the exports of the country have declined up to 10% and the foreign investment has also reduced by 52%
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 2 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
Overall performance of the Competition Commission of Pakistan with particular reference to its failure to create a business environment based on healthy competition for improving economic efficiency, developing competitiveness and protecting consumers from price-hike in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 2 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The issue of alarming rise in our population in the light of a recently released UN report: World Population Prospects 2022 according to which Pakistan is expected to see a 56 percent increase in population to 366 million individuals by the year 2050
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 324 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The causes of pending cases/backlog in Supreme Court / Provincial High Courts and steps taken by the Government for speedy disposal of such cases.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Rana Mehmood ul Hassan, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Afnan Ullah Khan, PML-N |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Umer Farooq, ANP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Muhammad Qasim, BNP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Muhammad Akram, NP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Sadia Abbasi, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Prof. Sajid Mir, PML-N |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Irfan-ul-Haque Siddiqui, PML-N |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Khalida Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Shahadat Awan, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Jam Mahtab Hussain Dahar, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Palwasha Mohammad Zai Khan, PPPP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 323 | 1 | Hidayatullah Khan, ANP |
(i) The situation arising out of recent wave of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with overall law and order situation in the country; and
(ii) To take up any other important legislative business and matters.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 322 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Abolishment of the Dawat Academy at the International Islamic University Islamabad that remained active for past 35-40 years and performed extraordinary services of Dawat (preaching) and Tadrees (teaching) not only in Pakistan but across the Islamic World
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 322 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
The re-organization/re-structuring plan of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 322 | 1 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The situation of inadequate and substandard services available in the emergency department of the Federal Government Polyclinic Hospital, Islamabad and suggest mechanism to improve and upgrade these services for the benefit of Federal Government employees and the general public.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 322 | 1 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
The issues of informal street vending in country and mechanism to regularize them for bringing them into tax net.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 322 | 1 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The deteriorating situation of Pakistan economy in the light of the World Bank October 2022-Pakistan Development Update according to which our GDP is expected to grow by only 2 percent in the current fiscal year ending June 2023
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 10 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
The causes and steps taken by the Government to contain stark food price inflation endangering food security in the country in the light of United Nations Global Report on Food Crises, 2022
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 10 | Behramand, PPPP |
The re-organization/re-structuring plan of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 10 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The causes of pending cases/backlog in Supreme Court / High Courts and steps taken by the Government for speedy disposal of such cases
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 10 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The need to ensure speedy dispensation of justice and implementation status of Supreme Court directions to the Federal Government to establish one hundred and twenty Accountability Courts by September, 2022
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 10 | Samina Mumtaz, BAP |
The current situation of gender inequality in Pakistan with reference to a recent Global Gender Gap Report 2022, wherein Pakistan is ranked 145 out 146 countries indicating the highlevel of risk for women across several areas including health, education, women rights and political empowerment
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 10 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
The causes and steps taken by the Government to contain stark food price inflation endangering food security in the country in the light of United Nations Global Report on Food Crises, 2022
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 7 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
The total income tax, Federal Excise duty, Custom duty and Regulatory duty collected by the Federal Board of Revenue with special emphasis on the tax collected from Sindh
province during the last three years
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 7 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the unabated use of narcotics drugs specially "ice" in the country with particular reference to the educational institutions
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 7 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the unabated use of narcotics drugs specially "ice" in the country with particular reference to the educational institutions
Talked out |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 7 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The causes of pending cases/backlog in Supreme Court / High Courts and steps taken by the Government for speedy disposal of such cases
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 7 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The issue of alarming rise in our population in the light of a recently released United Nations report ’World Population Prospects 2022’ according to which Pakistan is expected to see a fifty six percent increase in population to three hundred sixty six million individuals by the year 2050
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 7 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
The causes and steps taken by the Government to contain stark food price inflation endangering food security in the country in the light of United Nations Global Report on Food Crises, 2022
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 7 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
The causes and steps taken by the Government to contain stark food price inflation endangering food security in the country in the light of United Nations Global Report on Food Crises, 2022
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Faisal Javed, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Fida Muhammad, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Falak Naz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Aon Abbas, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Ejaz Ahmad Chaudhary, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 5 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Faisal Javed, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Fida Muhammad, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Falak Naz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Aon Abbas, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Ejaz Ahmad Chaudhary, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 4 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Faisal Javed, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Fida Muhammad, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Falak Naz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Aon Abbas, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Ejaz Ahmad Chaudhary, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 3 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii)Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Faisal Javed, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Fida Muhammad, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Falak Naz, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Aon Abbas, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Ejaz Ahmad Chaudhary, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 2 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
(i) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(ii) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s
history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Faisal Javed, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Fida Muhammad, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Dost Muhammad Khan, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Falak Naz, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Aon Abbas, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Ejaz Ahmad Chaudhary, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Faisal Saleem Rehman, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Muhammad Hamayun Mohmand, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Faisal Javed, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Fida Muhammad, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Atta Ur Rehman, JUI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Zeeshan Khan Zada, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Sania Nishtar, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Falak Naz, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Gurdeep Singh, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Fawzia Arshad, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Aon Abbas, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Ejaz Ahmad Chaudhary, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
(iii) Deteriorating condition of economy; unprecedented increase in price of gas, electricity and petroleum products; price hike resulting in unbearable burden on common man; closing down of industry due to flawed policies; rapid depreciation in value of Pak rupee.
(iv) Inefficiency of the government in effectively dealing with recent flash flood situation triggering worst humanitarian crises in the country’s history, resulting in loss of precious lives, livelihood and livestock and leaving affected populations stranded without adequate food, shelter, drinking water and medicines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 321 | 1 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
(i) Raid on Senator Saifullah Sarwar Khan Nyazee’s house by FIA officers and armed policemen in continuation of political victimization of PTI leadership and workers, Members of Parliament, violating the sanctity of “Chader aur Chardeewari”.
(ii) Worst curbs on freedom of expression, closure of media channels, harassment of journalists and shutting down of social media platforms.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Performance of Higher Education Commission (HEC) particularly in relation to meager allocation of funds causing severe financial crunch in the Public Universities
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 1 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
Pakistan’s growing foreign policy and economic challenges in the wake of Russia-Ukraine war and Prime Minister’s recent visit to Moscow
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Increase in human trafficking, domestic as well as international, especially in relation to women and children and steps taken by the Government to address the issue
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 319 | 2 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
Government steps to address the concerns of overseas Pakistanis regarding encroachment of their property
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 319 | 2 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
Tax collection by FBR from Sindh province during last three years
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 319 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
Use of narcotics drugs in educational institutions
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 319 | 2 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
Use of narcotics drugs in educational institutions
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 319 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The House may discuss the implementation on detailed and historical judgment of Federal Shariat Court given on 28th April, 2022 that contains 316 pages which is regarding elimination of interest from entire economic system of Pakistan within five years frame.
Debated |
Senate | 20 | 319 | 2 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
The House may discuss the need and incentives for converting public and private buildings in Islamabad Capital Territory on solar energy in order to promote green energy.
Taken Up |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 8 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
Rising trend of drug addiction in the country and measures to control the situation.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 8 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
Imposition of fine on National Bank of Pakistan, New York branch by the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, for anti-money laundering violations.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 8 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
Alarming number of traffic accidents on RCD Highway, N-25.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 8 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Flagrant violation committed by India in relation to accidental firing of unarmed missile that struck into Pakistan’s territory on
9th March, 2022
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 8 | Saadia Abbasi, IND |
Recent detection and interception of an Indian submarine that entered into Pakistan’s territorial waters on 1st March, 2022
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 8 | Behramand, PPPP |
Rising trend of drug addiction in the country and measures to control the situation.
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 5 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
may discuss the matter related to imposition of fine on National Bank of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 5 | Shahadat Awan, PPPP |
may discuss the matter related to imposition of fine on National Bank of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 20 | 318 | 5 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
House may
discuss the alarming number of traffic accidents on RCD Highway, N-25.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 12 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The performance of Cyber Crime wing of FIA with respect to increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 12 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
The efficacy of plea-bargain and voluntary disclosure instruments employed by the NAB over last two years in its fight against corruption.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 12 | Atta Ur Rehman, JUI |
the current alarming rise in unemployment across the country
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Kamran Murtaza, JUIP |
The issue of placement of educational institutions situated in the Islamabad Capital Territory under the administrative control of Municipal Corporation, Islamabad.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The issue of placement of educational institutions situated in the Islamabad Capital Territory under the administrative control of Municipal Corporation, Islamabad.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the measures taken by “Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency” with reference to protection, conservation and improvement of environment in line with the domestic and international environmental laws / policies
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
The steps taken by the Government towards implementation of National Emigration and Welfare Policy for Overseas Pakistanis 2020
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
The mushroom growth of illegal housing societies on the agriculture lands causing food insecurity in Islamabad Capital Territory and steps taken by the Government to check the same
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 315 | 5 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the reasons of enormous cases lying pending with Supreme Court of Pakistan and
Islamabad High Court as of July, 31st 2021, and policy steps being taken by
the Government to ensure early and speedy disposal of said cases
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 315 | 5 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Pakistan's climate emergency.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 315 | 5 | Behramand, PPPP |
The overall current economic situation in the country.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 315 | 5 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the great sacrifices and services of Mohsin-e-Pakistan Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for the
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 315 | 5 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
the means to control an alarming rise in our population as well as lack of
population planning through a coordinated mechanism among all tiers of
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 315 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the reasons of enormous cases lying pending with Supreme Court of Pakistan and
Islamabad High Court as of July, 31st 2021, and policy steps being taken by the
Government to ensure early and speedy disposal of said cases.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 19 | 315 | 2 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
the steps
taken by the Government towards implementation of National Emigration and welfare
policy for Oversees Pakistanis 2020
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 19 | 315 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Pakistan's climate emergency.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 19 | 313 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
Pakistan's Counter Terrorism Strategy particularly in the wake of recent terrorist attacks.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 313 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The continuation of Pakistan in the gray list by the FATF
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 313 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the current unscheduled load shedding for hours throughout the country in general and
particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 313 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the steps being taken by the Government for the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 313 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
issue of payment of the Net Hydel Profit in electricity to the province of KPK under the Kazi Committee Methodology (KCM).
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 311 | 5 | Atta Ur Rehman, JUI |
the problems being faced by the common lot of the country due to recent exorbitant
increase in the electricity tariff by the Government.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 311 | 5 | Mohsin Aziz, PTI |
the report of Broadsheet Commission headed by Justice (R) Azmat Saeed Sheikh regarding investigation of the Broadsheet scandal.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 311 | 2 | Dr. Shahzad Waseem, PTI |
“That the Senate may discuss Israel’s systematic assault against
Palestinian worshippers in the Haram-al-Sharif (Masjid Al-Aqsa)
and Gaza during the holy month of Ramadan and Israeli
apartheid state’s terrorism and mass murder in Palestine, as
well as the ongoing violent and illegal occupation of Palestinian
lands in the world’s worst example of settler colonialism.”
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 19 | 311 | 1 | Atta Ur Rehman, JUI |
“That the Senate may discuss Israel’s systematic assault against
Palestinian worshippers in the Haram-al-Sharif (Masjid Al-Aqsa)
and Gaza during the holy month of Ramadan and Israeli apartheid
state’s terrorism and mass murder in Palestine, as well as the
ongoing violent and illegal occupation of Palestinian lands in the
world’s worst example of settler colonialism.”
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 15 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
the efficacy of plea-bargain and voluntary disclosure instruments
employed by the NAB over last two years in its fight against corruption.
Dropped |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 15 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The rapidly developing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and Pakistan's role of regional peace/security and to avert humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 15 | Atta Ur Rehman, JUI |
The directions and early warning issued by the State Bank of Pakistan to Commercial Banks to consider the possibility of default on Government loans while making loan allocations.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 15 | Palwasha Mohammad Zai Khan, PPPP |
The directions and early warning issued by the State Bank of Pakistan to Commercial Banks to consider the possibility of default on Government loans while making loan allocations.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 15 | Naseema Ehsan, Independent |
The directions and early warning issued by the State Bank of Pakistan to Commercial Banks to consider the possibility of default on Government loans while making loan allocations.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 12 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
performance of Cyber Crime wing of FIA with respect to increasing incidents of
Cyber Crimes in the country
Talked out |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 12 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
the efficacy of plea-bargain and voluntary disclosure instruments employed
by the NAB over last two years in its fight against corruption.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 12 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
current alarming rise in unemployment across the country
Talked out |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Azam Nazeer Tarar, PML-N |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Saadia Abbasi, IND |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani , PPPP |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 9 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
the increasing incidents of terrorism in the country.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 6 | Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, PTI |
efficacy of plea-bargain and voluntary disclosure instruments employed
by the NAB over last two years in its fight against corruption.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 6 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the situation arising out of increasing atrocities of Indian armed forces and martyring of innocent
Kashmiri Muslims in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 6 | Atta Ur Rehman, JUI |
Performance of Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency with particular reference to containing air pollution, carbon emissions and carrying out environmental impact assessment in Pakistan in Accordance with international standards.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 6 | Atta Ur Rehman, JUI |
The abysmal performance of Capital Development Authority with respect to repair and
maintenance of Government accommodations located in Islamabad.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 317 | 6 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Situation arising out of increase in electricity prices of Rupees 4.74 per unit by NEPRA
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Syed Ali Zafar, PTI |
to move that the House may discuss the mushroom growth of illegal housing societies on the agriculture lands causing food insecurity in Islamabad Capital Territory and steps taken by the Government to check the same.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
to move that the House may discuss the issue of placement of educational institutions situated in the Islamabad Capital Territory under the administrative control of Municipal Corporation, Islamabad.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
to move that the House may discuss the measures taken by “Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency” with reference to protection, conservation and improvement of environment in line with the domestic and international environmental laws / policies.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 316 | 3 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
To move that the House may discuss the steps taken by the Government towards implementation of National Emigration and Welfare Policy for Overseas Pakistanis 2020.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The damage caused to lives and property due to torrential rains in Islamabad on July 28,
2021 and the policy of the Government to cope up with such situation in
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Plight of thousands of employees who have been made
redundant through the Supreme Court judgment declaring the Sacked
Employees (Reinstatement) Act, 2010 ultra-vires of the Constitution.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the steps being taken by the Government for the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Palwasha Mohammad Zai Khan, PPPP |
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly
electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Muhammad Abdul Qadir, Independent |
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly
electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla, PPPP |
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly
electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Saifullah Abro, PTI |
the issue of provision of "Health Cards" to people of Sindh by the Federal
Government, in collaboration with Government of Sindh, on the analogy
of said facility being extended to people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
The recent rise in petroleum prices causing inflation in Pakistan.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The recent rise in petroleum prices causing inflation in Pakistan.
Debated |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
plight of thousands of employees who have been made redundant through the Supreme Court judgment declaring the Sacked Employees (Reinstatement) Act, 2010 ultra-vires of the Constitution.
Talked out |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
plight of thousands of employees who have been made redundant through the Supreme Court judgment declaring the Sacked Employees (Reinstatement) Act, 2010 ultra-vires of the Constitution.
Talked out |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
plight of thousands of employees who have been made redundant through the Supreme Court judgment declaring the Sacked Employees (Reinstatement) Act, 2010 ultra-vires of the Constitution.
Talked out |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Ahmed Khan, IND |
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Fida Muhammad, PTI |
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Muhammad Qasim, BNP |
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000.
Deferred |
Senate | 19 | 314 | 2 | Danesh Kumar, BAP |
the rational and implications of reducing threshold for withholding tax on the monthly electricity bills for domestic consumers from Rs.75,000 to Rs.25,000.
Deferred |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections controversial.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections controversial.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections controversial.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections controversial.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections controversial.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Asad Ashraf, IND |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections controversial.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Muhammad Akram, NP |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Ayesha Raza Farooq, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Rana Mehmood ul Hassan, IND |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 307 | 1 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
“This House may discuss the unprecedented and controversial Presidential Ordinance promulgated with malafide intent, that seeks to change the Senate election procedure, which is an election under the Constitution of Pakistan, rendering the process of Senate elections
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 306 | 5 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The increasing number of incidents of kidnapping of children, child begging and child labour in ICT.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 306 | 5 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The rise in air pollution levels in Pakistan.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 306 | 5 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
The foreign policy of Pakistan with particular reference to its role in the wake of changing
international relations in Middle East.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 306 | 5 | Zeeshan Khanzada, PTI |
One month per annum recession / lockdown plan for high carbon emitting industries in Pakistan on the pattern of lockdown carried out during Covid-19 pandemic.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 306 | 5 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
the recent unprovoked firing / shelling by the Indian forces on the Line of Control in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, causing losses of precious human lives and large scale damages of properties.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 305 | 9 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
This House may discuss the pre-poll rigging and election tampering at all stages by
Government in the recent Gilgit Baltistan Elections; and
II. This House may discuss the overall precipitous economic situation and growing volume
of loans taken by the PTI Government.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 305 | 8 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
This House may discuss the unprecedented gas and energy crisis in the
entire country, unabated price increases, crippling inflation, and the rising
graph of food insecurity which are all becoming unsustainable for common
II. This House may discuss the pre-poll rigging and election tampering at all
stages by Government in the recent Gilgit-Baltistan Elections; and
III. This House may discuss the overall precipitous economic situation and
growing volume of loans taken by the PTI Government.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 305 | 7 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the alarming propensity of the Federal Government to usurp and subvert parliamentary and provincial rights guaranteed in the Constitution by attempting to rule the country by ordinances, especially the current case of attempted illegal land grab of Sindh and
Balochistan’s islands as well as resources.”
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 305 | 6 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
This House may discuss the alarming propensity of the Federal Government to usurp and subvert parliamentary and provincial rights guaranteed in the Constitution by attempting to rule the country by ordinances, especially the current case of attempted illegal land grab of Sindh and Balochistan’s islands as well as resources.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 305 | 5 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the Government’s unprecedented crackdown on opposition workers.”
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 305 | 4 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the Government’s unprecedented crackdown on opposition workers.”
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 305 | 3 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the egregious human rights violations and media trials committed by National Accountability Bureau in its victimization of targeted opposition workers.
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 305 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
“This House may discuss the egregious human rights violations and
media trials committed by National Accountability Bureau in its
victimization of targeted opposition workers.”
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 6 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the details of
projects regarding enhancing the efficiency of existing hydro power plants and
construction of new hydro power plants in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 6 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the
situation arising out of the expiry of visas of five million Pakistani workers employed
abroad due to closure of flights on account of COVID-19 pandemic and the problems
being faced by Pakistani workers stranded in Gulf countries and Malaysia
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 6 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the two
years performance of the present Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 6 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the steps
taken by the Government for construction of new dams and maintenance of existing
dams for proper storage of rain water in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 6 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
this House may discuss the rising
food insecurity in Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 2 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the details of
projects regarding enhancing the efficiency of existing hydro power plants and
construction of new hydro power plants in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
this House may discuss
the issue of recent increase in sectarianism in the country and the need to devise a
mechanism for religious harmony in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the
situation arising out of the expiry of visas of 50 lacs Pakistani workers employed
abroad due to closure of flights on account of COVID-19 pandemic and the problems
being faced by Pakistani workers stranded in Gulf countries and Malaysia
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the two
years performance of the present Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 304 | 2 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the increase in
prices of 94 life-saving drugs approved by the Cabinet in its meeting held on 22nd
September 2020
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Muhammad Akram, NP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Hafiz Abdul Karim, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Asad Ashraf, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Ayesha Raza Farooq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Quratulain Marri, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Dr Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Prof. Sajid Mir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 2 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 6 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
this House may discuss
the Sustainable Development Goals, the progress made by Pakistan in its fulfillment
so far and the need to expedite the process of fulfillment of the same
Deferred |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 6 | Seemee Ezdi, PTI |
this House may discuss the issue of
wastage of food items due to lack of cold storages, proper packaging and proper food
processing capacity in the country and the need for investment in establishment of
cold storages and refrigerated transportation of various food items as well as silos for
preservation of grains
Deferred |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 6 | Gianchand, PPPP |
this House may discuss the importance
of telemetering system for distribution of water amongst the provinces and reasons
for non-implementation of the same in the country
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 6 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the losses of
lives and properties caused by the recent spell of rains in the country and the steps
taken by the Government in this regard
Deferred |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
this House may discuss the increase in
polio cases in the country
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
this House may discuss
the present political situation in the country and its impacts on the country
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 2 | Gul Bashra, PKMAP |
this House may discuss
the present political situation in the country and its impacts on the country
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 2 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
this House may discuss
the present political situation in the country and its impacts on the country
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
this House may discuss the
Sustainable Development Goals, the progress made by Pakistan in its
fulfillment so far and the need to expedite the process of fulfillment of the
Deferred |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
this House may discuss the overall
performance of the Federal Government Polyclinic Hospital, Islamabad and
the medical and paramedical staff posted therein
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 302 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
this House may discuss the importance of
telemetering system for distribution of water amongst the provinces and
reasons for non-implementation of the same in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 7 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss
US-Taliban peace deal in Afghanistan with particular reference to its impacts on
Pakistan and the region
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 7 | Behramand, PPPP |
this House may discuss
the lack of proactive role of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in
disaster management and the need to strengthen its role in disaster management
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 7 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
the House may discuss
the need for establishment of a Constitutional Court and the options for enhancing
current setup of the Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 7 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the issue
of increase of circular debt beyond Rs. 1660 Billion
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 4 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
the House may discuss the role and
effectiveness of Competition Commission of Pakistan against Cartelization in various
sectors resulting in over pricing of products
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 1 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
that this House may discuss the need for reforms in Gilgit
Baltistan in order to enhance sense of participation of the
people of Gilgit Baltistan, upgrade standard of Governance and
public service delivery and boost industry and commercial
activity especially under CPEC, keeping in view the resolution
passed by the Gilgit Baltistan Assembly on 15th August, 2017
demanding ""Constitutional Status of Province with
representation in the Parliament
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 1 | Muhammad Ali Khan Saif, MQM |
that this House may discuss the need for reforms in Gilgit
Baltistan in order to enhance sense of participation of the
people of Gilgit Baltistan, upgrade standard of Governance and
public service delivery and boost industry and commercial
activity especially under CPEC, keeping in view the resolution
passed by the Gilgit Baltistan Assembly on 15th August, 2017
demanding ""Constitutional Status of Province with
representation in the Parliament
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
the house may discuss the slow
progress of industrialization and Commercial activities in small provinces of the
country especially due to improper, unjustified and inequitable credit/ lending by the
commercial banks to the private sectors in those provinces
Reffered To Committee |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
that this House may discuss the
commitments including the provision of annual development budget of Rs. 100 billion,
made by the Government for erstwhile FATA, at the time of its merger with Khyber
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
that this House may discuss the issue
of locust in the country which may cause an estimated loss of Rs. 600 billion to
Pakistani economy
Talked out |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
that the House may discuss
the need for establishment of a Constitutional Court and the options for enhancing
current setup of the Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 18 | 300 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
that this House may discuss
the lack of proactive role of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in
disaster management and the need to strengthen its role in disaster management
Deferred |
Senate | 18 | 299 | 2 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
this House may discuss the need for reforms in Gilgit-Baltistan in
order to enhance sense of participation of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, upgrade
standard of Governance and public service delivery and boost industry and
commercial activity especially under CPEC, keeping in view the resolution passed by
the Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly on 15th August, 2017 demanding ""Constitutional Status
of Province with representation in the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 299 | 2 | Muhammad Ali Khan Saif, MQM |
this House may discuss the need for reforms in Gilgit-Baltistan in
order to enhance sense of participation of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, upgrade
standard of Governance and public service delivery and boost industry and
commercial activity especially under CPEC, keeping in view the resolution passed by
the Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly on 15th August, 2017 demanding ""Constitutional Status
of Province with representation in the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 299 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the
non-establishment of commission under the National Commission on the Rights of
Child Act, 2017, despite the passage of 3 years since its enactment
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 299 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
this House may discuss
the failure of the present Government to restructure the loss-making public sector
enterprises to make the same profitable
Dropped |
Senate | 18 | 299 | 2 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the share
and projects of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Public Sector Development Program for the
fiscal year 2019-20
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 299 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
this House may discuss
the significant increase in railway accidents during the last one and half year
Dropped |
Senate | 18 | 301 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the one year of unprecedented
atrocities, genocide, blatant human rights violations and
complete lock down by Indian Occupation Forces following
the amendment in Indian Constitution, which changed the
special status of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir
(IOJK) against the UN resolutions and International Law
Debated |
Senate | 18 | 298 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the grave situation arising out of the
Coronavirus epidemic in Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss the Federal Government’s policy on uniting the
country at a time of serious emergency for Pakistan, and its implications
on the democratic and constitutional governance of the Federation,
including the role of Parliament and its ongoing efficacy in time of crisis;
iii. The House may discuss to coordinate clear, consistent healthcare
responses for saving lives across the Federation and international
border crossings, with decisions based on transparent sharing of
medical data amidst an alarming rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases;
iv. The House may discuss to make clear policy on the emerging economic
crisis arising from the impact of the pandemic on Pakistan’s public
finances, and renegotiation of debt, the re-allocation of resources and
the provision of urgent relief to the most vulnerable sections of the
population; and
v. The House may discuss the impact of the virus on the national security
and foreign policy of the country including regional tensions and the
destabilisation of South Asia by the ongoing repression of the people of
Indian held Kashmir and apartheid like conditions faced by Indian
Muslims under the Modi regime
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dr Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, PPPP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and
industrial sectors;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dr Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on
the common man; and
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dr Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan.
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dr Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dr. Ashok Kumar, NP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances
that have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of
Pakistan as required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Khalida Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Khalid Bizenjo, BAP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, PPPP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Rubina Saadat Qaimkhani, PPPP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Ayesha Raza Farooq, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss security and political developments in the region, especially in
the Occupied Kashmir;
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Dr Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Dr Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Shaheen Khalid Butt, IND |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Muhammad Akram, NP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Asad Ashraf, IND |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Ayesha Raza Farooq, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Dr. Ashok Kumar, NP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 296 | 1 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
i. The House may discuss the legality and constitutionality of Ordinances that
have been laid in the National Assembly and not in the Senate of Pakistan as
required by Article 89 of the Constitution of Pakistan;
ii. The House may discuss security and political developments in the region,
especially in the Occupied Kashmir;
iii. The House may discuss continuing political victimization of the Opposition;
iv. The House may discuss Gas and Power scarcity in the domestic and industrial
v. The House may discuss the price hike resulting in unbearable burden on the
common man; and
vi. The House may discuss devastating daily occurrences of crimes against
children in Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 23 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the issue of
construction of Sindh Barrage on River Indus
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 23 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
this House may
discuss the present status of work/progress on the project of Diamir Bhasha Dam and
the status of funds collected under the "Dam Fund" so far
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 23 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the recent
increase in the prices of sugar by Rs.10 per kilogram.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 23 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may
discuss the need to introduce online payment service system in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 23 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the
issue of non-regularization of the services of engineers, belonging to the province of
Balochistan, by the OGDCL
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 23 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
this House may discuss the
need for devising a Strategic Media Plan to effectively highlight the Kashmir issue at
international level
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the issue of
construction of Sindh Barrage on River Indus.
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may
discuss the present status of work/progress on the project of Diamir Bhasha Dam and
the status of funds collected under the "Dam Fund" so far
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the WHO
report on rise of Polio cases in Pakistan
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
this House may discuss
the issue of non-payment or curtailed payment of Pension and salaries
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the issue
of non-functioning of National Commission for Human Rights for the last six months
with particular reference to increasing sexual offences against children
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
this House may discuss the original idea, purpose
and implementation status of Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Gianchand, PPPP |
this House may discuss the losses
including the losses of human lives in the country due to recent heavy rains, snowfalls
and avalanches and post relief activities initiated by the Government in the affected
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
House may discuss the issue of Reko Diq with particular reference to the situation
after the imposition of 5.976 billion penalty by the International Center for
Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) against Pakistan
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Gul Bashra, PKMAP |
this House may discuss the original idea, purpose
and implementation status of Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 20 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
this House may discuss the original idea, purpose
and implementation status of Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 17 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the issue of
construction of Sindh Barrage on River Indus
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 17 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
this House may discuss
the present status of work/progress on the project of Diamir Bhasha Dam
and the status of funds collected under the "Dam Fund" so far
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 17 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the WHO report
on rise of Polio cases in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 17 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the failure of the
Government to control the incidents of kidnapping and abuse of children in
the Islamabad Capital Territory
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 17 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
the House may discuss the problems
being faced by the residents of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in the wake of the
recent earthquake
Dropped |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 17 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
this House may discuss
the project of Federal Government for plantation of 10 billion trees in the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 17 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
this House may discuss
the need for allocation of separate funds by each Ministry for achieving the
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the country
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the issue of construction of Sindh Barrage on River Indus
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
this House may discuss the functioning of newly established National Coastal Development Authority
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
this House may discuss the present status of work/progress on the project of Diamir Bhasha Dam and the status of funds collected under the "Dam Fund" so far
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss health problems faced by children due to malnutrition in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT)
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the WHO report on rise of Polio cases in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
the House may discuss the performance of the FBR during the last six months with particular reference to increase in the revenue collection
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
this House may discuss the alarming decrease in the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the country during the last one year
Dropped |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the failure of the Government to control the incidents of kidnapping and abuse of children in the Islamabad Capital Territory
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 14 | Behramand, PPPP |
this House may discuss the regional security situation including the recent security challenges emerging in the Middle east region
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Behramand, PPPP |
this House may discuss the
economic slowdown and increase in the rate of inflation which is adversely affecting
the poor citizens of the country
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the record
increase of 8.9% in the fiscal deficit during one year tenure of the present
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the issue of
construction of Sindh Barrage on River Indus
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the performance of
Pakistan Railways during the last one year
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
this House may
discuss the functioning of newly established National Coastal Development
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
this House may discuss
the present status of work / progress on the project of Diamir Basha Dam and the
status of funds collected under the “Dam Fund” so far
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
this House may discuss the
decline of Pakistan Television Corporation in terms of production, quality of
entertainment programs and revenue generation
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Gul Bashra, PKMAP |
this House may discuss the
decline of Pakistan Television Corporation in terms of production, quality of
entertainment programs and revenue generation
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
this House may discuss the
decline of Pakistan Television Corporation in terms of production, quality of
entertainment programs and revenue generation
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the health
problems faced by children due to malnutrition in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT)
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 11 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
This House may discuss
the overall performance of CDA, with particular reference to CDA offices in the
Parliament House and Parliament Lodges, during the last five years
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 8 | Behramand, PPPP |
this House may discuss the
economic slowdown and increase in the rate of inflation which is adversely affecting
the poor citizens of the country
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 8 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the record
increase of 8.9% in the fiscal deficit during one year tenure of the present
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 8 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the issue of
construction of Sindh Barrage on River Indus
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 8 | Syed Muhammad Sabir Shah, IND |
the House may discuss
the overall performance of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS),
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 8 | Aurangzeb Khan, IND |
this House may discuss the rapid
extinction of Ormuri - the native language of the Burki people and the need to
preserve and revive this endangered indigenous language
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 8 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
this House may discuss the performance of
Pakistan Railways during the last one year
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 8 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
this House may discuss the situation
arising out of decline in the sale of cars and other vehicles in the country
Reffered To Committee |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 6 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh moved that this House may
discuss the present status of implementation of Trade Agreements between India
and Pakistan (1949), especially in view of the current relations of both countries.
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 6 | Muhammad Ali Khan Saif, MQM |
Senator Muhammad Ali Khan Saif moved that the House may discuss the
need to review the amendments made till date to the Constitution of Pakistan in
view of evolving needs of the Federation
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 6 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
to move that this House may discuss the record
increase of 8.9% in the fiscal deficit during one year tenure of the present
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 6 | Behramand, PPPP |
Senator Bahramand Khan Tangi to move that this House may discuss the
economic slowdown and increase in the rate of inflation which is adversely affecting
the poor citizens of the country
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 6 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
Senator Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi moved that this House
may discuss the alarming increase in road accidents on National Highways in
Balochistan and the Government’s failure in managing traffic and implementation of
traffic laws.
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 4 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
this House may
discuss the present status of implementation of Trade Agreements between India and
Pakistan (1949), especially in view of the current relations of both countries
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 4 | Muhammad Ali Khan Saif, MQM |
the House may discuss
the need to review the amendments made till date to the Constitution of Pakistan in
view of evolving needs of the Federation
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 4 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
this House may discuss the record
increase of 8.9% in the fiscal deficit during one year tenure of the present
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 4 | Behramand, PPPP |
this House may discuss
the economic slowdown and increase in the rate of inflation which is adversely
affecting the poor citizens of the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 295 | 4 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
House may discuss the alarming increase in road accidents on National Highways in
Balochistan and the Government’s failure in managing traffic and implementation of
traffic laws.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation,
unabated price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices,
which are adding to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 8 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Talked out |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 7 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar
which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days
and efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve
PMDC through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar
Ordinance was earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which
has gravely affected the medical fraternity, crippled the health
system and made hundreds of PMDC employees jobless
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 6 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial
bans on media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right
of freedom of speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 5 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political
victimization and denial of fundamental rights to members of
Opposition parties and revocation of citizenship of a former
member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 4 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mrs. Musarat Rafique Mahesar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Malik Abdul Ghaffar Dogar, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Ch. Khalid Javed Warraich, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 2 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the alleged censorship and dictatorial bans on
media which is a direct attack on the fundamental right of freedom of
speech and thus a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the stumbling economic situation, unabated
price increases, and rising gas and electricity prices, which are adding
to the miseries of the common Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the curfew and lockdown in Srinagar which
continues unabated and enters into more than 80 days and
efforts/future strategy of the Government of Pakistan in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Syed Asif Saeed Kirmani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the recent wave of alleged political victimization
and denial of fundamental rights to members of Opposition parties and
revocation of citizenship of a former member of Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Robina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Shamim Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 294 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to dissolve PMDC
through an Ordinance, inspite of the fact that a similar Ordinance was
earlier rejected by the Senate of Pakistan, which has gravely affected
the medical fraternity, crippled the health system and made hundreds
of PMDC employees jobless overnight
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 293 | 3 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
The House may discuss the present position of Pakistan’s economy and ways and means to improve the same
Dropped |
Senate | 17 | 293 | 3 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
this House may discuss the structural revamping and austerity measures being taken in PIA at present in order to take it out of its financial crunch
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 293 | 3 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
this House may
discuss the need and significance of creating structured linkages between the
Members of Senate and their constituents, i.e. the Provincial Assemblies, in order to
safeguard and protect the rights and interests of the Federating Units and ensure the
provincial autonomy granted by the Constitution, 1973
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 293 | 3 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
this House may discuss the
situation arising out of non-establishment of tourist resorts in the coastal areas of
Balochistan and Hangool National park
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 293 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
this House may discuss the syllabus
prescribed for the Central Superior Services (CSS) examination in the country at
Reffered To Committee |
Senate | 17 | 293 | 3 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
this House may
discuss the issue of food insecurity in the country with particular reference to
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Asad Ashraf, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Dr. Ashok Kumar, NP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Atta ur Rehman, JUI |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, JUI |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Musadik Masood Malik, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Dilawar Khan, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Muhammad Akram, NP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Molvi Faiz Muhammad, JUI |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Shafiq Tareen, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Abida Muhamamd Azeem, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Dr Sikandar Mandhro, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Moula Bux Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Syed Muhammad Ali Shah Jamot, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Imamuddin Shouqeen, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Rukhsana Zuberi, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Quratulain Marri, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Kesho Bai, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Anwar Laal deen, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Behramand, PPPP |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 291 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The House may discuss a Resolution regarding removal of the Chairman
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 7 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
This House may discuss the existing laws regarding execution
of prisoners on death row suffering from mental
disorder/illness and the need to reform the criminal justice
system to effectively provide for proper diagnosis and
treatment of the under trial and convicted prisoners suffering
from severe mental disorders
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 7 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the issue of
increasing infant mortality rate in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 7 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
The House may
discuss present position of Pakistan’s economy and ways and means to improve the
Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 7 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
House may discuss the need to expedite the work on the projects for construction on
small and medium dams in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 7 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may
discuss the projects of Federal Government for plantation of ten billion trees in the
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 3 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss
the situation arising out of rapid population increase in the country and the measures
to control the same
Debated |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 3 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the issue
of high infant mortality rate in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 3 | Walid Iqbal, PTI |
The House may discuss existing laws
regarding execution of prisoners on death row suffering from mental
disorder / illness and the need to reform the criminal justice system to
effectively provide for proper diagnosis and treatment of the under
trial and convicted prisoners suffering from severe mental disorders
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 3 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
The House may
discuss present position of Pakistan’s economy and ways and means to
improve the same
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 3 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
House may discuss the need to expedite the work on the projects for
construction on small and medium dams in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 17 | 288 | 3 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The House
may discuss the projects of Federal Government for plantation of ten
billion trees in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 287 | 4 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Senator Mushtaq Ahmed moved that this House may discuss the news report
published on 19th October, 2018 claiming that, in the light of the recent report of
the State Bank of Pakistan inflation may increase twofold in the country in the
coming few months.
Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 287 | 4 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
Senator Muhammad Javed Abbasi moved that the House may discuss the
situation arising out of rapid population increase in the country and the measures to
control the same.
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 287 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The need for opening Khokhrapar- Manabao border between India and Pakistan for trade
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 287 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
The news report published on 19th October, 2018 claiming that, in the light of the recent report of the State Bank of Pakistan inflation may increase twofold in the country in the coming few months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 287 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The overall performance of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 287 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The situation arising out of rapid population increase in the country and the measures to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 287 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
The performance of commercial counselors, commercial secretaries and trade ministers presently posted in Pakistan’s missions abroad and the need to improve their performance
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 286 | 1 | Mushtaq Ahmed, JI |
Senators Mushtaq Ahmed and Sirajul Haq were to move that this House may discuss the issue of increasing infant mortality rate in the country.
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 286 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar was to move that this House may discuss the issue of payment of royalty to the Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir on account of electricity being generated from the Mangla Dam.
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 286 | 1 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini was to move that the House may discuss the issue of Pakistan Youth risking their lives for better opportunities in Europe and their trafficking and exploitation at the hands of agents as indicated in the survey report released by the UNICEF
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 286 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
Senator Chaudhary Tanvir Khan was to move that this House may discuss the availability of health facilities and performance of Government hospitals in Islamabad.
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 286 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
Senator Muhammad Talha Mehmood was to move that the House may discuss the Foreign policy of Pakistan.
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 285 | 3 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
SENATOR LT. GEN. (RETD.) ABDUL QAYYUM to move that this House may discuss the violations of human rights in Indian Occupied Kashmir by the Indian security forces as reported by the United Nations Human Rights Commission in its report on "the status of human rights in the valley of Kashmir" issued in June, 2018.
Talked out |
Senate | 16 | 285 | 3 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
status of implementation of the 18th constitutional amendment.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 285 | 3 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
SENATOR MUHAMMAD TALHA MEHMOOD to move that the House may discuss the Education Policy of the Government with particular reference to implementation of Article 25A of the Constitution.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 285 | 3 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
To move that this House may discuss the ecological/environmental changes arising out of Climate Change and their overall impact on the country.
Talked out |
Senate | 16 | 283 | 1 | Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Regarding loans from foreign sources, foreign policy with regard to conflict in the Middle East, price hike in gas and electricity, and the recent Dharna by religious parties
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Raja Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Pervaiz Rashid, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Sadia Abbasi, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Ghous Muhammad Khan Niazi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Asad Junejo, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Begum Najma Hameed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, NP |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Rana Mehmood ul Hassan, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Kamran Michael, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Dr. Asif Kirmani, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Rahila Magsi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Rana Maqbool Ahmed, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Mushahid Ullah Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Ayesha Raza Farooq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Gul Bashra, PKMAP |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Mirza Muhammad Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Agha Shahzaib Durrani, PML-N |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 280 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed, IND |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order and political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 5 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the performance of Pakistan Post and the need and importance of improvement in the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 5 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the need to expedite work on the projects for construction of small dams and water reservoirs in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 5 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
This House may discuss the violations of human rights in Indian occupied Kashmir by the Indian security forces as reported by the United Nations Human Rights Commission in its report on “the status of human rights in the valley of Kashmir” issued in June, 2018
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 5 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
The House may discuss the Education Policy of the Government with particular reference to implementation of Article 25A of the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 1 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss the issue of energy crisis in the country and the steps taken by the last Government to address the same
Debated |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the performance of Pakistan Post and the need and importance of improvement in the same
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the performance of Higher Education Commission with particular reference to the impacts of its policies towards the improvement of standards of higher education in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
this House may discuss the need to expedite work on the projects for construction of small dams and water reservoirs in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 16 | 279 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI-F |
The House may discuss the Foreign policy of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 274 | 1 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of adverse impacts on children of social media and use of drugs in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 274 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the steps taken so far by the Government to grant the right of vote to overseas Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 274 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The performance of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) with particular reference to the work done by it in the areas which were affected by the Earthquake in 2005
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 274 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The non-issuance of CNICs to a large number of women in the country resulting in the non-registration of their names in the voters lists and the ways and means to rectify this situation at the earliest
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 274 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need and importance to promote vocational training in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 274 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
This House may discuss the alarming increase in domestic debt of the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 7 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
The Government’s policy of banning the issuance of licenses for automatic weapons in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 7 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
The Government’s policy of banning the issuance of licenses for automatic weapons in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 7 | Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel, PKMAP |
The Government’s policy of banning the issuance of licenses for automatic weapons in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 7 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
The Government’s policy of banning the issuance of licenses for automatic weapons in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 6 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of adverse impacts on children of social media and use of drugs in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 6 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
This House may discuss the National Climate Change Policy 2012
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 6 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
This House may discuss the Government’s policy of banning the issuance of licenses for automatic weapons in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the Government’s policy of banning the issuance of licenses for automatic weapons in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 6 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the Government’s policy of banning the issuance of licenses for automatic weapons in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 6 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
This House may discuss the increase in cases of child abductions, rapes and murders in the country and the role of the Government to protect the life and property of the people
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 273 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the Education Policy of the Government with particular reference to implementation of Article 25A of the Constitution
Deferred |
Senate | 10 | 211 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the existing public transport system in Islamabad Capital Territory
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 211 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House recommends that effective steps be taken to eradicate manufacturing and sale of spurious and substandard drugs in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 211 | 6 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The House recommends that the Government may take effective steps to control environmental pollution in ICT
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 211 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss overall performance of PTA with particular reference to steps taken to block unregistered SIMS and stop use of SIMS in various crimes in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 10 | 211 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the existing public transport system in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 10 | 210 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of supply of contaminated and polluted drinking water in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 210 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan Railways
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 210 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 210 | 1 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discuss overall performance of utility stores with particular reference to stores operational in District Lower Dir
Dropped |
Senate | 10 | 210 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of using contaminated water for growing vegetables in Islamabad and its vicinity
Dropped |
Senate | 10 | 210 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to the steps taken for safety of passengers and railway tracks
Dropped |
Senate | 10 | 210 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of purchase/provision of sub-standard medicines in the Federal Government hospitals
Dropped |
Senate | 10 | 210 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the Media Policy of the Government
Dropped |
Senate | 10 | 208 | 4 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The situation arising out of exorbitant fee being charged by private educational institutions in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 208 | 4 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 208 | 4 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Ministry of Ports and Shipping and its attached departments
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 208 | 4 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the UN Commission’s Report on assassination of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed and the progress made so far in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 208 | 4 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of OGDCL with particular reference to the discovery of petroleum and gas reservoirs in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 9 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 9 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 8 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 8 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to Saudi Arabia
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 8 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of OGDCL with particular reference to the discovery of petroleum and gas reservoirs in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 7 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Deferred |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 7 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Deferred |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 6 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Deferred |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 5 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Deferred |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 4 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 3 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 3 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 3 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 3 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of night phone call packages offered by telecom/mobile phone companies in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 3 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of OGDCL with particular reference to the discovery of petroleum and gas reservoirs in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 3 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of using contaminated water for growing vegetables in Islamabad and its vicinity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 3 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of purchase/provision of sub-standard medicines in the Federal Government hospitals
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 2 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 207 | 1 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 9 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 9 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 8 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 7 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the existing public transport system in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of supply of contaminated and polluted drinking water in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to Saudi Arabia
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of OGDCL with particular reference to the discovery of petroleum and gas reservoirs in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 4 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 3 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 1 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of OGDCL with particular reference to the discovery of petroleum and gas reservoirs in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of supply of contaminated and polluted drinking water in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 206 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to Saudi Arabia
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 5 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 4 | Hamza, PML-N |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 4 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to target killings and sectarian violence in Balochistan, Karachi and Gilgit-Baltistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 2 | Mohammad Ishaq Dar, PML-N |
The House may discuss the ECC decision to review the prices of Petroleum products on weekly basis and the recent increases made in the prices of POL products and CNG
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 2 | Nuzhat Sadiq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the ECC decision to review the prices of Petroleum products on weekly basis and the recent increases made in the prices of POL products and CNG
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the ECC decision to review the prices of Petroleum products on weekly basis and the recent increases made in the prices of POL products and CNG
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 2 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discuss the ECC decision to review the prices of Petroleum products on weekly basis and the recent increases made in the prices of POL products and CNG
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 2 | Afrasiab Khattak, ANP |
The House may discuss the ECC decision to review the prices of Petroleum products on weekly basis and the recent increases made in the prices of POL products and CNG
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 2 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
The House may discuss the ECC decision to review the prices of Petroleum products on weekly basis and the recent increases made in the prices of POL products and CNG
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The House may discuss the ECC decision to review the prices of Petroleum products on weekly basis and the recent increases made in the prices of POL products and CNG
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the Housing Policy of the Government with particular reference to the housing schemes for low paid government employees
Dropped |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan Railways
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 205 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the existing public transport system in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 6 | Muhammad Jehangir Bader, PPPP |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order situation in Balochistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 5 | Muhammad Jehangir Bader, PPPP |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order situation in Balochistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 4 | Muhammad Jehangir Bader, PPPP |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order situation in Balochistan
Debated |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the Housing Policy of the Government with particular reference to the housing schemes for low paid government employees
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of load shedding of electricity in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 2 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the existing public transport system in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the issue of sale of sub-standard medicines in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 2 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of OGDCL with particular reference to the discovery of petroleum and gas reservoirs in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 204 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of supply of contaminated and polluted drinking water in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 203 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
This House may discuss the Law and Order situation in the country with particular reference to continuous target killings in Karachi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 203 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to the recent incident of jail break in Bannu
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 203 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 203 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 203 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the existing public transport system in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 5 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
The House may discuss the health policy of the Government with particular reference to registration and pricing of drugs, National Health Programmes and formation of drug regulatory authority in the light of 18th Amendment in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the Housing Policy of the Government with particular reference to the housing schemes for low paid government employees
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 5 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 5 | Nuzhat Sadiq, PML-N |
This House may discuss overall performance of Ministry of Water and Power and its attached departments dealing with production and distribution of electricity with particular reference to its failure to resolve the issue of shortage of electricity in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of load shedding of electricity in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 5 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to the incident of jail break in Bannu
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of supply of contaminated and polluted drinking water in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 1 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
The House may discuss the health policy of the Government with particular reference to registration and pricing of drugs, National Health Programmes and formation of drug regulatory authority in the light of 18th Amendment in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the Housing Policy of the Government with particular reference to the housing schemes for low paid government employees
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of supply of contaminated and polluted drinking water in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the law and order situation in the country with particular reference to the incident of jail break in Bannu
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the affairs of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its present financial position and the condition of its locomotives and other infrastructure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, PML-N |
This House may discuss overall performance of Ministry of Water and Power and its attached departments dealing with production and distribution of electricity with particular reference to its failure to resolve the issue of shortage of electricity in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 10 | 201 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of load shedding of electricity in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 272 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of National Highway Authority with particular reference to its ongoing projects of Motorways and National Highways in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 272 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
This House may discuss the need to revoke the Protection of Economic Reforms Act, 1992 in order to initiate the necessary exchange reforms in the economic sector and to block all the illegitimate sources of flight of capital from the country
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 272 | 1 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
This House may discuss the issues arising out of establishment of coal based power plants in the country with particular reference to its effects on environment and human population
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 272 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the importance of extra-curricular activities in academic institutions and the facilities provided in institutions under the administrative control of the Federal Government
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 272 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to protect the water reservoirs affected by climatic changes in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 272 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the present position of economy of the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 272 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the present status of Polio virus in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 272 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
This House may discuss the alarming rise in child abuse cases in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 6 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the issue of continuous violation of Line of Control and killing of innocent citizens by India
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 6 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the role of CCI in promoting harmony and building confidence between federation and federating units in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 6 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
This House may discuss the need to revoke the Protection of Economic Reforms Act, 1992 in order to initiate the necessary exchange reforms in the economic sector and to block all the illegitimate sources of flight of capital from the country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the policy of the Government to ensure food security in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 6 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
This House may discuss the issues arising out of establishment of coal based power plants in the country with particular reference to its effects on environment and human population
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the issue of Industrial sector's becoming unviable and uncompetitive in international market due to which the country is becoming a trading rather than a producing country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the matters relating to upcoming and recently established IPPs in the country with particular reference to wind and solar plants, their cost and the tariff determined for the electricity being produced by those plants and its negative effects on common people, exports and industrial production
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of National Highway Authority with particular reference to its ongoing projects of Motorways and National Highways in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the issue of Industrial sector's becoming unviable and uncompetitive in international market due to which the country is becoming a trading rather than a producing country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the matters relating to upcoming and recently established IPPs in the country with particular reference to wind and solar plants, their cost and the tariff determined for the electricity being produced by those plants and its negative effects on common people, exports and industrial production
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of National Highway Authority with particular reference to its ongoing projects of Motorways and National Highways in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Government policy for allotment of plots to the Federal Government officers in BPS-21 and 22, Judges, lawyers and journalists without any balloting while depriving the large number of deserving employees of lower scales
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the recent dharna at Faizabad, Islamabad, the space given by the Government to the protesters, its implications for the state and society and the way forward
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the role of CCI in promoting harmony and building confidence between federation and federating units in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 271 | 1 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
This House may discuss the matter of missing of 12.5 million women of 18 years and above from the voters lists as pointed out by the Election Commission of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 5 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the issue of Industrial sector's becoming unviable and uncompetitive in international market due to which the country is becoming a trading rather than a producing country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 5 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the matters relating to upcoming and recently established IPPs in the country with particular reference to wind and solar plants, their cost and the tariff determined for the electricity being produced by those plants and its negative effects on common people, exports and industrial production
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 5 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need and importance of strengthening the cyber security in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 5 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the progress made on the issue of merger of FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 5 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of National Highway Authority with particular reference to its ongoing projects of Motorways and National Highways in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the adverse effects of contaminated drinking water on human health in Islamabad
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 5 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the importance of extra-curricular activities in academic institutions and the facilities provided in institutions under the administrative control of the Federal Government
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the need to formulate a strategy for desalinating the sea water for industrial and domestic consumption in view of the likely water scarcity in the country and to establish resources, machinery and expertise required for this purpose
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to control the increasing smuggling of spurious medicines in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the issue of Industrial sector's becoming unviable and uncompetitive in international market due to which the country is becoming a trading rather than a producing country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 2 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the economic policies of the Government
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the narcotics control policy of the Government
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 270 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the matters relating to upcoming and recently established IPPs in the country with particular reference to wind and solar plants, their cost and the tariff determined for the electricity being produced by those plants and its negative effects on common people, exports and industrial production
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 11 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of reservations expressed by concerned quarters on the conduct of the recent census, 2017
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 11 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) with particular reference to its oversight in the matters of availability, quality and increase in prices of medicines
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 11 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of lack of importance by the Government to institutions promoting art and culture in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 11 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the need to formulate a strategy for desalinating the sea water for industrial and domestic consumption in view of the likely water scarcity in the country and to establish resources, machinery and expertise required for this purpose
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 11 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the effects of climatic changes in the country and the steps taken by the Government to control the same
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 11 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the need to establish Independent National Tax Courts in the country to dispose of tax cases quickly and to protect the rights of tax payers
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 11 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
The House may discuss the recent increase made in the prices of electricity @ Rs. 3.90 per unit
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the need for increase in the amount of house building advance to the Government employees
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
This House may discuss the present position of implementation of land reforms introduced in the country so far and the situation arising out of verdict of Shariat Appellate Court given in 1991 regarding those reforms which practically has made the Article 253 of the Constitution redundant
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need and importance of effective management of borders with Iran and Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need and importance of security measures to combat emergency situation in commercial buildings specially in hotels in ICT and cantonment areas in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the inhuman conditions of brick kilns labourers in the Islamabad Capital Territory
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of reservations expressed by concerned quarters on the conduct of the recent census, 2017
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) with particular reference to its oversight in the matters of availability, quality and increase in prices of medicines
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the poor management of PIA with particular reference to the decision to suspend its flight operation from Lahore to New York by December 2017 due to Rs. 450 million annual losses on the route
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the issue of increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with particular reference to the latest disappearance of a foreign family in Lahore and the growing helplessness of state institution to address the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
The House may discuss the progress made so far in revitalizing the Asian Parliamentary Assembly after active involvement of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the reasons for imposition of various taxes through electricity bills
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of non-announcement of NFC Award and announcing the Budget 2017-18 without announcing that Award
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need and importance of effective management of borders with Iran and Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
This House may discuss the ways and means to promote tree plantation culture in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the issue of cartelization in the industrial sector with particular reference to the Cement and automobile sector where the consumers have to pay higher prices of commodities
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of increasing fiscal and current account deficit
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the reasons for delay in completion of the Kuchlak Road Housing Scheme and Quetta City Mahal Karakshasa Mouza Kirani Tappa Shadenzai Scheme
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the reasons for delay in completion of the Kuchlak Road Housing Scheme and Quetta City Mahal Karakshasa Mouza Kirani Tappa Shadenzai Scheme
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of increasing extremism and intolerance in our society and the ways and means to eliminate the same
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need and importance of security measures to combat emergency situation in commercial buildings specially in hotels in ICT and cantonment areas in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the need for increase in the amount of house building advance to the Government employees
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the continuous unprovoked ceasefire violation being committed by India on both the Line of Control (LOC) and the working boundary
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the Education Policy of the Government with particular reference to implementation of Article 25A of the Constitution
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 269 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
This House may discuss the present position of implementation of land reforms introduced in the country so far and the situation arising out of verdict of Shariat Appellate Court given in 1991 regarding those reforms which practically has made the Article 253 of the Constitution redundant
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
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Senate | 15 | 268 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Withdrawn |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
The House may discuss Situation arising from growing conflict between different Institutions of State. Situation arising from the continuance in the office of the Minister for Finance of a person indicted with grave financial crimes. The increase in prices of Petroleum Products. The sale of Jet Airbus 310 at throwaway prices by PIA
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
The reservations and disapprovals expressed by different concerned quarters on the recent Census
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
The IRSA report on water crisis in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Barrister Murtaza Wahab, PPPP |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Increasing incidents of enforced disappearances in the country with impunity
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The situation arising from the non-appointment of Chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology for the last more than nine months
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 268 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
To discuss and pass the resolution on the anomalous position in the country arising from the possibility of appointment of persons disqualified from being elected to the Parliament as office bearers of political parties
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the structural issues of power sector in the country resulting into perpetual crisis affecting the daily lives of general public
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the progress made in the development of alternate narrative to curb militancy as envisaged in the National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the present police system in the country and suggest ways and means for its improvement for better protection of the fundamental / human rights of the people of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of rapid increase in population of the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the reasons for imposition of various taxes through electricity bills
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of non-announcement of NFC Award and announcing the Budget 2017-18 without announcing that Award
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
This House may discuss the ways and means to promote tree plantation culture in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the issue of cartelization in the industrial sector with particular reference to the Cement and automobile sector where the consumers have to pay higher prices of commodities
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of increasing fiscal and current account deficit
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the reasons for delay in completion of the Kuchlak Road Housing Scheme and Quetta City Mahal Karakshasa Mouza Kirani Tappa Shadenzai Scheme
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the reasons for delay in completion of the Kuchlak Road Housing Scheme and Quetta City Mahal Karakshasa Mouza Kirani Tappa Shadenzai Scheme
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 6 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of increasing extremism and intolerance in our society and the ways and means to eliminate the same
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the structural issues of power sector in the country resulting into perpetual crisis affecting the daily lives of general public
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the progress made in the development of alternate narrative to curb militancy as envisaged in the National Action Plan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the present police system in the country and suggest ways and means for its improvement for better protection of the fundamental / human rights of the people of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 1 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of rapid increase in population of the country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
The House may discuss the progress made so far in revitalizing the Asian Parliamentary Assembly after active involvement of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the reasons for imposition of various taxes through electricity bills
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of non-announcement of NFC Award and announcing the Budget 2017-18 without announcing that Award
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 267 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need and importance of effective management of borders with Iran and Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 6 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the structural issues of power sector in the country resulting into perpetual crisis affecting the daily lives of general public
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the progress made in the development of alternate narrative to curb militancy as envisaged in the National Action Plan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the present police system in the country and suggest ways and means for its improvement for better protection of the fundamental / human rights of the people of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need and importance to create awareness amongst the masses about the Constitution and Laws of the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 6 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the ratio of approval / adoption of the recommendations of the Senate sent to the National Assembly on Finance Bill, 2017-18
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the overall position of hunger in Pakistan with particular reference to the Global Hunger Index, issued recently, in which Pakistan has been placed amongst the 11 most hunger stricken countries in the world at the level of African countries
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the steps taken by the Government for protection of rights of women in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
This House may discuss the devaluation of the Pakistani rupee
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the issue of alarming rise in trade deficit of the country which has increased by 42% in fiscal year 2016-17 as compared to last fiscal year and has reached to 30 billion during the first eleven months of the said fiscal year
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the need for political reforms in Gilgit-Baltistan in order to empower the people and Assembly of Gilgit-Baltistan to meet the new emerging realities and challenges
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 266 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Ministry of Housing and Works with particular reference to the shortage of accommodations for Government employees in Islamabad
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Robina Irfan, PML |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Malik Najmul Hassan, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Hidayat Ullah, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Malik Najmul Hassan, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Hidayat Ullah, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Robina Irfan, PML |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Present political situation post Panama Papers verdict and the way forward-role of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Malik Najmul Hassan, IND |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Hidayat Ullah, IND |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Robina Irfan, PML |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Measures to combat corruption with focus on off-shore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Malik Najmul Hassan, IND |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Hidayat Ullah, IND |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sajjad Hussain Turi, IND |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Haji Momin Khan Afridi, IND |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Robina Irfan, PML |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 265 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Closure of Khokhrapar Border resulting in suffering to the people of Sindh
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 4 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The inaction on the FATA Reforms project approved by the Cabinet on March 2, 2017 and the inability of the Government to table in the Parliament Legislative proposals for the implementation of Reforms in the Tribal Areas
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Samina Khan, PML-N |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The reported failure of NAB to continue investigations in the Rs. 19 billion mega scam in DHA Lahore and DHA Rawalpindi
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Billions of Rupees withheld by Government of Punjab in gross violation of ECC decision on export of Wheat flour to Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Implications of the statement of the Chairman, U.S. Armed Services Committee in Kabul soon after his visit to North Waziristan warning Pakistan to either change its attitude towards militant networks particularly the Haqqani network or be prepared to face a changed attitude of the U.S. towards Pakistan; and The ToRs of the Riyadh-based Military Alliance and its impact on Pakistan in the light of the permission given to a recently retired Chief of the Army Staff to Head the Alliance
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The lingering issue of missing persons exacerbated further by some recent incidents of disappearances in Sindh; Discrimination in payment of compensation to victims of terrorism in Parachinar and to those who died in accidental fire in Ahmed Pur Sharqia; and Non-implementation by the Government of National Action Plan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Inability of the Government to place before the Parliament the Right to Information Act, despite consensus approval of the of the same by the Senate special RTI Committee and its adoption by the Senate; and The threat to freedom of expression by misuse of the Electronic Crimes Act and the impunity with which crimes are continuously being committed against journalists and media persons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Israr Ullah Khan Zehri, BNP-A |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The need for a new accountability mechanism to ensure across the board accountability of all with no exceptions and no sacred cows; and Discussion on dropping level of accountability and increasing level of corruption
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 264 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Discussion on the Report of JIT constituted on PANAMA Case; and Malicious attacks and propaganda against national institutions including Supreme Court of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters and the dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue and on the alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country and the ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged misstatement by the Minister of State for Water and Power in the Senate regarding the supply of irrigation water to the Provinces
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The physical blocking of leaders of a political party from holding of Press Conference in the Press Information Department (PID)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The dropping of discussion on implementation of Article 158 of the Constitution from the delayed meeting of CCI of 2nd May, 2017
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The tragic incident of lynching of Mishal Khan and the rise in such incidents in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The failure/delay in tracing the whereabouts of Mr. Ghulam Qadir Marri and others who are close to former President of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged tendency of advancing transnational business interests by the Chief Executive of the Country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The ongoing investigation into Panama case and Government’s alleged attempts to influence and manipulate the constitution of the JIT on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The issue of DAWN leaks, the removal of Federal Minister for Information Senator Pervaiz Rasheed as well as the matter of non-publication of the Report of the inquiry Committee on that issue
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The alleged bugging of the official meetings held in the Prime Minister’s House by its media cell
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | John Kenneth Williams, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 262 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The alleged unconstitutional interference of Governor Sindh in political matters
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Ayesha Raza Farooq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari, IND |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Saud Majeed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the overall position of hunger in Pakistan with particular reference to the Global Hunger Index, issued recently, in which Pakistan has been placed amongst the 11 most hunger stricken countries in the world at the level of African countries
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
The House may discuss the present status of Polio virus in the Country
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the growing problems of traffic in Islamabad and the ways and means to resolve the same on permanent basis
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
The House may discuss the present status of implementation of Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 to ensure universal access to quality treatment at affordable rates
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of excessive billing of electricity in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 6 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
The House may discuss the issues arising out of establishment of coal based power plants in the country with particular reference to its effects on environment and human population
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of National Highway Authority with particular reference to the steps taken by it to ensure transparency in its projects
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Ayesha Raza Farooq, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Lt General (R) Abdul Qayyum, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari, IND |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Saud Majeed, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need for effective measures to boost industrial growth in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the steps taken by the Government to achieve the Intended National Determined Contributions (INDC) as agreed upon in World Climate Change Conference, 2015 (COP21) held in Paris
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Liaqat Khan Tarakai, PTI |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 261 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
This House may discuss the report of the United Nations Development Programme (Development Advocate Pakistan: Volume 3, Issue on the water scarcity issue in Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the performance of Pakistani missions abroad with particular reference to highlighting the Kashmir issue at international level and seeking assistance of international community to resolve the same
Dropped |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Muhammad Ali Khan Saif, MQM |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of the statement made by the Federal Minister for Interior in the Senate on 10th January, 2017, in which he made a distinction between the banned terrorist outfits and the proscribed sectarian organizations in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The situation arising out of unabated increase in smuggling of electronics, textile products and other goods and their sale in bara markets with particular reference to its negative impact on the local industry and overall economy of the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
This House may discuss the role of the Pakistan Sports Board in the promotion of sports in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 11 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
This House may discuss the performance of Zarai Traqiati Bank Ltd. with particular reference to the loans and assistance being provided by that bank to the farmers and its overall impact on the agricultural sector
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the recent mysterious disappearance and re-appearance of some bloggers in Islamabad and other parts of the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
This House may discuss the need for enforcing Islamic Banking System in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
This House may discuss the need for enforcing Islamic Banking System in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
This House may discuss the need for enforcing Islamic Banking System in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Baz Muhammad Khan, ANP |
This House may discuss the need for enforcing Islamic Banking System in the country
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
The issues being faced by Pakistan Railways' "running staff," such as guards, drivers and STE's
Deferred |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of the forced acquisition of land by the ICT administration in mozas Tamma and Mohriyan of Islamabad, for the housing society of the lawyers launched by the Federal Government Employees Housing Foundation
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
The present status of Telephone Industry of Pakistan (TIP) established in Haripur
Debated |
Senate | 15 | 260 | 7 | Rahila Magsi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the excessive utilization of ground water by mining industry
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 260 | 2 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the ways and means to make Islamabad clean and beautiful on permanent basis
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 260 | 2 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the dilapidated condition of roads in ICT, with particular reference to Service Road from Golra Mor to Riphah International University
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 260 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the reasons for decline in the exports of the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 260 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the recent mysterious disappearance and re-appearance of some bloggers in Islamabad and other parts of the country
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 260 | 2 | Rahila Magsi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need to eradicate the increasing number of quacks practicing in ICT
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Higher Education Commission
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The situation arising out of insufficient production of milk in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 6 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the impact of malnutrition and stunting in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 6 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
This House may discuss the powers and functions of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) with particular reference to the upcoming Census 2017
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 6 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
This House may discuss the powers and functions of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) with particular reference to the upcoming Census 2017
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need and importance to adopt modern techniques for conducting census in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of the failure of PEMRA to stop airing of the material promoting sectarian violence on various TV channels
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the performance of cellular companies in the country with particular reference to their excessive calls and SMS packages
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The present status of implementation of the National Action Plan and suggest ways and means for its uniform implementation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the need to impart technical training to street children by launching vocational training skill programmes in the National Child Protection Centre (NCPC)
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 1 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
This House may discuss the procedure being adopted by the Government for obtaining foreign loans and their utilization
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 259 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Higher Education Commission
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 6 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of the continuing Indian violations of the Line of Control (LOC) and cease fire on the working boundary, which has resulted in the loss of precious lives of Pakistanis
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need for making changes in the procedure laid down for CSS examination
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the present status of Heavy Electrical Complex (HEC)
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of drastic increase in production and sale of low quality and non-duty paid cigarettes in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of high rate of unemployment in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 6 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the services being provided by the Government on motorways and national highways in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of constantly lowering water table in the country and the steps to control the same
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of the continuing Indian violations of the Line of Control (LOC) and cease fire on the working boundary, which has resulted in the loss of precious lives of Pakistanis
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the current political situation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need and importance to stop/control the supply of unhygienic food by the Hotels in Islamabad
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the security situation in Islamabad with particular reference to crimes detected through installation of CCTV cameras
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 258 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of huge gap between demand and supply of electricity to Balochistan
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 257 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of constantly lowering water table in the country and the steps to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 257 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to safeguard the religious freedom in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 257 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the planning and performance of the Capital Development Authority
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 257 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of conducting of tests for recruitments in the Government Departments through NTS and other agencies
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 257 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Estate Office, Islamabad, with particular reference to its way of accommodating the government employees during the
allotment of Government accommodations
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 257 | 1 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
This House may discuss the role of the Pakistan Sports Board in the promotion of sports in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Robina Irfan, PML |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Muhammad Yousaf, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 2 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Muhammad Yousaf, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Robina Irfan, PML |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
Resolution on formation of Parliamentary Committee on National Security
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Muhammad Yousaf, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Robina Irfan, PML |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Nauman Wazir, PTI |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 256 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
Discussion on Political Prisoners
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 255 | 2 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of constantly lowering water table in the country and the steps to control the same
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 255 | 2 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need and importance to review the Master Plan of Islamabad
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 255 | 2 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
The House may discuss the recruitment policy of the Government with particular reference to the appointments made/being made on contract basis
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 255 | 2 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the Government’s stance about delay in conducting census in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 255 | 2 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the law and order situation in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 255 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of non-hygienic conditions in the Federal Government Hospitals in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 255 | 2 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss the steps taken by the Government for rehabilitation of the internally displaced persons in FATA
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari, IND |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Sitara Ayaz, ANP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 254 | 1 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the continued brutal crackdown on political workers in violation of Fundamental Rights, the intended closure of Islamabad and the violation of orders of Honourable Islamabad High Court on the 27th October, 2016, by the Government
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the plight of Pakistani labourers in Saudi Arabia
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Gul Bashra, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the plight of Pakistani labourers in Saudi Arabia
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of constantly lowering water table in the country and the steps to control the same
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss the multiple problems being faced by agricultural sector in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the need to protect the rights of Tax Filers in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the procedure laid down by the Ministry of Housing and Works for acquiring land from private sector to develop its housing schemes and make suggestions to bring transparency in acquiring land and developing such schemes
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the plight of Pakistani labourers in Saudi Arabia
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The situation arising out of transparency concerns on the loan of $ 408 million taken by the Government of Pakistan from Switzerland-based financial group, Credit Suisse without competitive bidding
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
The steps being taken by the Government for rehabilitation of the Internally Displaced Persons of FATA and restoration of infrastructure damaged due to the military operations against militants in those areas
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need and importance to review the Master Plan of Islamabad
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of constantly lowering water table in the country and the steps to control the same
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 1 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
The House may discuss the present state of relations between Pakistan and India especially after the recent statements made by the Indian Prime Minister regarding Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
This House may discuss the multiple problems being faced by agricultural sector in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need to promote knowledge based economy in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 1 | Rahila Magsi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need to eliminate the use of sheesha smoking and other dangerous drugs especially among the youth in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 253 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the need to protect the rights of Tax Filers in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 252 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
This House may discuss the procedure being followed for utilization of loans obtained from international financial organizations and foreign countries for development purposes
and the need to utilize such loans with approval of the Parliament
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 252 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of closure of Khokhrapar Border with India with particular reference to the problems being faced by the people of Sindh due to that closure
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 252 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the need to promote knowledge based economy in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 252 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
This House may discuss the rotation policy of the Government for PAS/PSP officers and the amendments made therein from time to time with particular reference to the conditions in that policy for promotion of officers belonging to Balochistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 252 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the plight of Pakistani labourers in Saudi Arabia
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 252 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the plight of Pakistani labourers in Saudi Arabia
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 252 | 1 | Gul Bashra, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the plight of Pakistani labourers in Saudi Arabia
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 6 | Lt General (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the present position of development work of Bakrial city meant for 2005 earthquake affectees of Balakot
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of constantly lowering water table in the country and the steps to control the same
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need for provision of adequate salary, fringe benefits and other facilities to the Islamabad Police personnel
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government for poverty alleviation in the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The Senate of Pakistan may discuss the overall arrangements made by the Government of Pakistan for Hajj 2015, particularly the failure of concerned officials in providing proper assistance and services to common Hajis in Saudi Arabia
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may disuses the matters relating to Universal Service Funds (USF)
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 1 | Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel, PKMAP |
This House may disuses the matters relating to Universal Service Funds (USF)
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 1 | Gul Bashra, PKMAP |
This House may disuses the matters relating to Universal Service Funds (USF)
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the overall performance of Benazir Income Support Programme
Withdrawn |
Senate | 14 | 250 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the issues being faced by the business Community regarding their refund claims in FBR
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 6 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the need to increase intra-regional trade especially with neighboring countries for economic development
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 6 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of the involvement of India in terrorism and anti-state activities in Pakistan and the steps being taken by the Government in this regard
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the trade policy of the Government
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of reduction in the production of natural-gas in the country
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the ways and means to stop smuggling and control its adverse effects on the economy of the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the need to construct reservoirs/dams at Margalla Hills, Islamabad, under a rainwater harvesting programme to meet the water needs of the Islamabad Capital Territory
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of inflation in Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the financial position of Oil and Gas Development Corporation Limited (OGDCL) with particular reference to its recent financial crises due to withdrawal of amount from its bank account by the FBR
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 248 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need to include safety and security related subjects in the curriculum of private and public educational Institutions in Islamabad Capital Territory and make them compulsory as well
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 6 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the revelations made in "Panama Leaks" relating to a number of important personalities/dignitaries of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 5 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the revelations made in "Panama Leaks" relating to a number of important personalities/dignitaries of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 4 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of former dictator Gen. (R) Pervez Musharraf's departure from the country
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 4 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the revelations made in "Panama Leaks" relating to a number of important personalities/dignitaries of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 3 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
This House may discuss the sufferings and hardships being faced by the employees of Frontier Constabulary due to inadequacy of basic facilities like reysidences, uniforms, shoes, salary and allowances being provided to them
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the closure of the BOL media group as a consequence of action against an IT company
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the National Accountability Bureau in order to make recommendations/suggestions for improvement of the same
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 3 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the demolition of kiosks in green belts/sectors in Islamabad and their reconstruction and its impacts on environment
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
This House may discuss the Prime Minister's Youth Business Loan Scheme, launched in 2013
Dropped |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the implications of former dictator Gen. (R) Pervez Musharraf's departure from the country
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 3 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need to include safety and security related subjects in the curriculum of private and public educational Institutions in Islamabad Capital Territory and make them compulsory as well
Deferred |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the revelations made in "Panama Leaks" relating to a number of important personalities/dignitaries of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the revelations made in "Panama Leaks" relating to a number of important personalities/dignitaries of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 14 | 247 | 1 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the revelations made in "Panama Leaks" relating to a number of important personalities/dignitaries of Pakistan
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the policy of the Government regarding the national and international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with particular reference to the new regulations being proposed for them
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of commercial activities in residential areas/sectors in Islamabad and the need to carry out an operation against the same
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 6 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
This House may discuss the sufferings and hardships being faced by the employees of Frontier Constabulary due to inadequacy of basic facilities like residences, uniforms, shoes, salary and allowances being provided to them
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the performance of Islamabad police with particular reference to increase in the cases of theft and street crimes in Islamabad
Dropped |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 6 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the closure of the BOL media group as a consequence of action against an IT company
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 1 | Nehal Hashmi, PML-N |
The House may discuss the Prime Minister's Health Programme and its impacts on common man in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 1 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the closure of the BOL media group as a consequence of action against an IT company
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
This House may discuss the privatization of PTCL with particular reference to delay in payment of $ 800 million to the Government by its buyer
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 1 | Nighat Mirza, MQM |
The House may discuss the role and responsibility of the Government with regard to religious tolerance, unity and harmony in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 1 | Muhammad Ali Khan Saif, MQM |
The House may discuss the role and responsibility of the Government with regard to religious tolerance, unity and harmony in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 1 | Khushbakht Shujat, MQM |
The House may discuss the role and responsibility of the Government with regard to religious tolerance, unity and harmony in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 246 | 1 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
The House may discuss the causes of delay in the opening of the new Islamabad International Airport
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Zaheer-ud-Din Babar Awan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Robina Irfan, PML |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Muhammad Yousaf, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Zaheer-ud-Din Babar Awan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Robina Irfan, PML |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Muhammad Yousaf, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 3 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Muhammad Yousaf, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Zaheer-ud-Din Babar Awan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Robina Irfan, PML |
The House may discuss the matter of depriving masses of benefits of gross reduction in petroleum prices in International Markets
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Ahmed Hassan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Gianchand, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Haji Saifullah Khan Bangash, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Islamuddin Shaikh, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Khanzada Khan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Mir Muhammad Yousaf Badini, IND |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Muhammad Yousaf, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Mukhtiar Ahmed Dhamrah, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Sardar Fateh Muhammad Muhammad Hassani , PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Zaheer-ud-Din Babar Awan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Farooq Hamid Naek, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Rozi Khan Kakar, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Taj Haider, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Khalida Parveen, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Hari Ram, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Naseema Ehsan, BNP-A |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Mushahid Hussain Syed , PML |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 244 | 2 | Robina Irfan, PML |
The House may discuss the Government’s decision to further burden the gas consumers in the country with Rs. 101 billion
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need for establishment of new public hospitals in Islamabad in view of its increasing population
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the separation of powers among state institutions with particular reference to the powers of the Parliament to legislate
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The Senate of Pakistan may discuss the performance of private Hajj operators during Hajj 2015 particularly their failure in providing proper facilities to the Hajis in Saudi Arabia
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of privatization of a number of public institutions/organizations without a fresh approval of Council of Common Interests and without taking the Parliament into confidence
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Ministry of Housing and Works with particular reference to failure of PHA Foundation to develop the infrastructure work and complete the construction work of Officers’ Housing Scheme, Kurri Road, Islamabad
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 1 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
This House may discuss the need for revival of student unions in the educational institutions in the country particularly in colleges and universities
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 1 | Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, NP |
This House may discuss the need for revival of student unions in the educational institutions in the country particularly in colleges and universities
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
This House may discuss the present position of balance of trade of the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The Senate of Pakistan may discuss the affairs of cooperative housing societies in Islamabad particularly the violations committed by them in planning and allocation of land for community services
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 1 | Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, MQM |
This House may discuss the revised Telecom Policy, 2015, approved by ECC proposing curbs on OTT Services like Skype, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter etc. with particular reference to violation of fundamental rights granted by Articles 19 and 19A of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan through that policy
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 243 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of privatization of a number of public institutions / organizations without a fresh approval of Council of Common Interests and without taking the Parliament into confidence
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 11 | Ch. Nisar Ali Khan, PML-N |
The House may discuss the present status of implementation of National Action Plan and the results thereof
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 9 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of continuous decrease in exports of the country as a consequence of closing down of industrial units which is resulting in increase of unemployment
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 9 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the issue of Human Trafficking from Pakistan to Overseas countries
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 9 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the procedure for appointment of Chairman and Members of the Federal Service Tribunal (FST)
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 9 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the present position of circular debt and its overall impact on smooth supply of electricity to the consumers in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 9 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the present status of implementation of National Action Plan and the results thereof
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 6 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
This House may discuss the domain and jurisdiction of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) and the situation arising out of non-convening of the meeting of the Council as required under clause (3) of Article 154 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the hardships being faced by overseas Pakistanis due to the acts of terrorism in the western countries and the remedies/ways to lessen the same
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of continuous decrease in exports of the country as a consequence of closing down of industrial units which is resulting in increase of unemployment
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 6 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to its success and failure
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the functioning of the National Commission on Human Rights (NCHR)
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the causes, remedies and preventive measures to control poverty in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
The House may discuss the ways and means to improve the efficiency of Pakistan’s embassies/missions abroad
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the issue of award of LNG Terminal to Elengy Terminal Pakistan Limited (ETPL) without completing the codal formalities causing a loss of billions of rupees to national exchequer
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The House may discuss the issue of award of LNG Terminal to Elengy Terminal Pakistan Limited (ETPL) without completing the codal formalities causing a loss of billions of rupees to national exchequer
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Saleem Mandviwalla , PPPP |
The House may discuss the issue of award of LNG Terminal to Elengy Terminal Pakistan Limited (ETPL) without completing the codal formalities causing a loss of billions of rupees to national exchequer
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the issue of award of LNG Terminal to Elengy Terminal Pakistan Limited (ETPL) without completing the codal formalities causing a loss of billions of rupees to national exchequer
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
This House may discuss the domain and jurisdiction of the Council of Common Interests (CCI) and the situation arising out of non-convening of the meeting of the Council as required under clause (3) of Article 154 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of non-construction of new dams in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 242 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The Senate of Pakistan may discuss the issue of illegal occupation on the CDA land in Islamabad and failure of the Government to get back the possession of that land
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of fixation of high electricity tariffs on account of under declared efficiency of plants run on furnace oil, operated by the IPPs and government sector and the need of a fresh efficiency audit of those plants
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 6 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the causes, remedies and preventive measures to control poverty in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 6 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need for construction of a ring road in Islamabad / Rawalpindi keeping in view the increase in volume of traffic and traffic congestion on entry points of these cities
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 6 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
This House may discuss the procedure laid down to determine prices of electricity in the country.
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the PIA with a view to making recommendations for its improvement
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 6 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
This House may discuss the steps taken or being taken by the Government to eliminate various crimes in Islamabad Capital Territory
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 6 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
This House may discuss the confession of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Bangladesh that India played a role in breaking Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the high rate of increase of population in the country and its overall impact on life condition
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 1 | Kamil Ali Agha, PML |
The House may discuss the production of electricity and procedure for area-wise fixation of schedule for load shedding in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of fixation of high electricity tariffs on account of under declared efficiency of plants run on furnace oil, operated by the IPPs and government sector and the need of a fresh efficiency audit of those plants
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 1 | A. Rehman Malik, PPPP |
This House may discuss the confession of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Bangladesh that India played a role in breaking Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the causes, remedies and preventive measures to control poverty in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 241 | 1 | Chaudhary Tanvir, PML-N |
This House may discuss the need for construction of a ring road in Islamabad / Rawalpindi keeping in view the increase in volume of traffic and traffic congestion on entry points of these cities
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 6 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the existing political situation in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
The House may discuss Hajj policy of the government with particular reference to the performance of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in providing assistance to the Hujjaj after the recent stampede at Mina, Makkah
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 6 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the performance of National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 6 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the high rate of increase of population in the country and its overall impact on life condition
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 6 | Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, PTI |
This House may discuss the present situation of exports of the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of devaluation of Pakistan rupee
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
This House may discuss the present status of implementation of Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package pertaining to the Ministry of Water and Power with particular reference to the posts reserved for Balochistan under that package
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the distressing situation arising out of Government’s recent decision to increase the Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Gas tariff along-with the GIDC
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 1 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Ministry of Industries and Production with particular reference to the steps taken by it for promotion of industrial sector in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the existing political situation in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the Government’s policy not to dualise/convert into a motorway the entire length of the N55, Indus Highway
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 1 | Sassui Palijo, PPPP |
This House may discuss the issue of dealing of oil and gas related policy matters at ECC and OGRA levels and bypassing the Council of Common Interests in this regard which is a violation of Articles 158 and 172 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 240 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
This House may discuss the reported/alleged violations committed in the recent appointments made in the Statistics Division, Bureau of Statistics and other projects under that Division with particular reference to violation of quota in those appointments
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 239 | 1 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the present status of FATA and the possibility of changing this status according to the will of the people of those areas
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 239 | 1 | Samina Saeed, PTI |
This House may discuss the overall security conditions at and around Tarbela Dam and the need for taking stringent security measures to protect the Dam
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 239 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 239 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
This House may discuss the present status of implementation of Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package pertaining to the Ministry of Water and Power with particular reference to the posts reserved for Balochistan under that package
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 239 | 1 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
This House may discuss the distressing situation arising out of Government’s recent decision to increase the Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Gas tariff along-with the GIDC
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 6 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
This House may discuss the responsibility of the Federation in pursuance of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 6 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the steps taken by the Government to broaden the tax base in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of environmental/climate changes in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of low profit rate on National Saving Schemes
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the effects of transfer of wealth from Pakistan on its economy
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 6 | Muhammad Javed Abbasi, PML-N |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Capital Development Authority (CDA)
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 6 | Muhsin Aziz, PTI |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of closure of Textile Industrial sector in the country due to becoming uncompetitive in the world market because of high electricity and gas prices including GIDC
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss natural gas load shedding in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of intrusion of FC in the affairs/authority of the Provincial Government and interference in provincial autonomy of Balochistan with particular reference to the agreement/contract made by FC with illegal lease owners of coal mines in Harnai and imposition of taxes on the same at their own
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
This House may discuss the responsibility of the Federation in pursuance of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
The House may discuss the steps taken by the Government to broaden the tax base in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of issuance of fake degrees/certificates in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the issues relating to the recently established National Commission on Human Rights (NCHR)
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of environmental/climate changes in the country
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of low profit rate on National Saving Schemes
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 13 | 238 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the effects of transfer of wealth from Pakistan on its economy
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the spread of hepatitis disease in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss natural gas load shedding in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of low water level in Balochistan
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of intrusion of FC in the affairs/authority of the Provincial Government and interference in provincial autonomy of Balochistan with particular reference to the agreement/contract made by FC with illegal lease owners of coal mines in Harnai and imposition of taxes on the same at their own
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
That the House may discuss the responsibility of the Federation in pursuance of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to eradicate polio in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Syed Shibli Faraz, PTI |
This House may discuss the steps taken by the Government to broaden the tax base in the country
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Saleem Zia, PML-N |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of issuance of fake degrees/certificates in the country
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 13 | 237 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of unemployment in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 11 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the banking sector in the country with particular reference to the lack of lending to private sector and small and medium sized enterprises
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 11 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 11 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the spread of hepatitis disease in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 11 | Robina Irfan, PML |
This House may discuss the issue of kidnapping of new born babies from different Federal Government Hospitals in the country
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 11 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss natural gas load shedding in the country
Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 11 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
This House may discuss the overall position of gas reservoirs in the country with particular reference to Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline and Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) projects
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 11 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of low water level in Balochistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 11 | Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar, PKMAP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of intrusion of FC in the affairs/authority of the Provincial Government and interference in provincial autonomy of Balochistan with particular reference to the agreement/contract made by FC with illegal lease owners of coal mines in Harnai and imposition of taxes on the same at their own
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the banking sector in the country with particular reference to the lack of lending to private sector and small and medium sized enterprises
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the new aviation policy of the Government with particular reference to the proposal of outsourcing the major airports in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
This House may discuss the present status of Pak-China Economic Corridor with particular reference to the changes in its original route
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the present status of Pak-China Economic Corridor with particular reference to the changes in its original route
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Advocate Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai , ANP |
This House may discuss the present status of Pak-China Economic Corridor with particular reference to the changes in its original route
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the spread of hepatitis disease in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Mir Kabeer Ahmed Muhammad Shahi, NP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of low water level in Balochistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini, BNP-M |
This House may discuss the issue of shortage of electricity in the country with particular reference to Balochistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan Embassies/Missions abroad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the steps taken/being taken by the Government for protection/Security of jobs of the employees of the privatized Government departments/entities
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of poor sanitation system in the rural areas of Islamabad Capital Territory
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the banking sector in the country with particular reference to the lack of lending to private sector and small and medium sized enterprises
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the issue of corruption in Federal Government Departments
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the new aviation policy of the Government with particular reference to the proposal of outsourcing the major airports in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
This House may discuss the present status of Pak-China Economic Corridor with particular reference to the changes in its original route
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Robina Irfan, PML |
This House may discuss the problems and issues relating to the Afghan refugees in Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the steps taken/being taken by the Government for the welfare of disable persons in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of the spread of hepatitis disease in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 235 | 1 | Siraj Ul Haq, JI |
This House may discuss the steps taken/being taken by the Government to facilitate the overseas Pakistanis
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 7 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Federal Government Hospitals with particular reference to availability of facilities of various tests and provisions of free medicines to the out door patients
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 7 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the issue of import of LNG in the country and the agreements made or proposed to be made in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 7 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the banking sector in the country with particular reference to the lack of lending to private sector and small and medium sized enterprises
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 7 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the issue of corruption in Federal Government Departments
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 7 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the new aviation policy of the Government with particular reference to the proposal of outsourcing the major airports in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 7 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
This House may discuss the present status of Pak-China Economic Corridor with particular reference to the changes in its original route
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 7 | Muhammad Saleh Shah , IND |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of militancy in FATA
Deferred |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 7 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the overall condition of the economy of the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall position of education standards in the country at present
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Federal Government Hospitals with particular reference to availability of facilities of various tests and provisions of free medicines to the out door patients
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the issue of import of LNG in the country and the agreements made or proposed to be made in this regard
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 2 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the banking sector in the country with particular reference to the lack of lending to private sector and small and medium sized enterprises
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the issue of corruption in Federal Government Departments
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 2 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of National Highway Authority with particular reference to the maintenance of Motorways and National Highways in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the new aviation policy of the Government with particular reference to the proposal of outsourcing the major airports in the country
Debated |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 1 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall position of education standards in the country at present
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 1 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Federal Government Hospitals with particular reference to availability of facilities of various tests and provisions of free medicines to the out door patients
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the issue of import of LNG in the country and the agreements made or proposed to be made in this regard
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 1 | Osman Saifullah Khan , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the banking sector in the country with particular reference to the lack of lending to private sector and small and medium sized enterprises
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the issue of corruption in Federal Government Departments
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of National Highway Authority with particular reference to the maintenance of Motorways and National Highways in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 13 | 234 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the new aviation policy of the Government with particular reference to the proposal of outsourcing the major airports in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 232 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall position of education standards in the country at present
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 232 | 2 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the overall performance of National Highway Authority with particular reference to the maintenance of Motorways and National Highways in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 232 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of Federal Government Hospitals with particular reference to availability of facilities of various tests and provisions of free medicines to the out door patients
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 232 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
This House may discuss the Federal Government decision of merging Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) into Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 232 | 2 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
This House may discuss the overall condition of the economy of the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 231 | 2 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the issue of non-payment of net Hydel profits to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in line with AGN Kazi formula and Arbitration Award of 2006
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 231 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of supply of contaminated water in Islamabad Capital Territory
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 231 | 2 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of drought in Thar
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 231 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
This House may discuss the education policy of the Government with particular reference to provision of free education to the children upto the age of 16 as provided in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 231 | 2 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of CDA with particular reference to removal of encroachments in commercial and residential areas in Islamabad
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 231 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
This House may discuss the performance of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in the wake of floods in September, 2014 in the country
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 230 | 2 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the issue of non-payment of net Hydel profits to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in line with AGN Kazi formula and Arbitration Award of 2006
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 230 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the National Internal Security Policy of the Government
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 230 | 2 | Muddassir Sehar Kamran, PPPP |
The House may discuss the overall performance of educational institutions working under the administrative control of the Federal Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 230 | 2 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of drought in Thar
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 230 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the recommendations made by the Civil Services Reforms Committee constituted by the Prime Minister particularly those pertaining to promotions in the civil bureaucracy on the pattern of Pak Army
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 230 | 2 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the privatization / sale of shares of OGDCL and non-payment of sale proceeds thereof to the provinces
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 216 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the situation arising out of non payment of compensation to decree holders of land acquired for AFV Ranges in Nowshera for the last several decades
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 216 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan International Airlines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 216 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the alleged irregularities/rigging in Elections 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 216 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of night phone call packages offered by telecom/mobile phone companies in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 216 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, PML-N |
That this House may discuss overall performance of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its commercial deal of business with PRACS
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 11 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 11 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 11 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the issue of non-payment of net Hydel profits to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in line with AGN Kazi formula and Arbitration Award of 2006
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 11 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of drought in Thar
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 11 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discus the present status of development projects being carried out by the Government in the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with particular reference to those being executed through elected representatives of that Province
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 11 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the recommendations made by the Civil Services Reforms Committee constituted by the Prime Minister particularly those pertaining to promotions in the civil bureaucracy on the pattern of Pak Army
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 11 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the National Internal Security Policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 8 | Dr. Abdul Qayoom Soomro, PPPP |
The House to discuss the incident of attack by terrorists on Army Public School in Peshawar
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 7 | Dr. Abdul Qayoom Soomro, PPPP |
The House to discuss the incident of attack by terrorists on Army Public School in Peshawar
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 6 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 6 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the issue of non-payment of net Hydel profits to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in line with AGN Kazi formula and Arbitration Award of 2006
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 6 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of drought in Thar
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 6 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discus the present status of development projects being carried out by the Government in the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with particular reference to those being executed through elected representatives of that Province
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 6 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the recommendations made by the Civil Services Reforms Committee constituted by the Prime Minister particularly those pertaining to promotions in the civil bureaucracy on the pattern of Pak Army
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the National Internal Security Policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 6 | Dr. Abdul Qayoom Soomro, PPPP |
The House to discuss the incident of attack by terrorists on Army Public School in Peshawar
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 5 | Dr. Abdul Qayoom Soomro, PPPP |
The House to discuss the incident of attack by terrorists on Army Public School in Peshawar
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 4 | Dr. Abdul Qayoom Soomro, PPPP |
The House to discuss the incident of attack by terrorists on Army Public School in Peshawar
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 3 | Dr. Abdul Qayoom Soomro, PPPP |
The House to discuss the incident of attack by terrorists on Army Public School in Peshawar
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 229 | 2 | Dr. Abdul Qayoom Soomro, PPPP |
The House to discuss the incident of attack by terrorists on Army Public School in Peshawar
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 7 | Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari, IND |
This House may discuss the policy of the Government regarding fixing of tariffs of upcoming power projects
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 7 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the recommendations made by the Civil Services Reforms Committee constituted by the Prime Minister particularly those pertaining to promotions in the civil bureaucracy on the pattern of Pak Army
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 7 | Abdul Nabi Bangash, ANP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources with particular reference to the provision of gas to Thall and other surrounding areas of District Hangu in pursuance of Prime Minister's directive
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 7 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of allotment of plots to CDA employees on green belts in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 7 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of CDA with particular reference to removal of encroachments in commercial and residential areas in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 7 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 7 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 2 | Abdul Nabi Bangash, ANP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Ministry of Housing and Works
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 2 | Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari, IND |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of recent floods in the country and the steps taken by the Government to cope with the same
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the recommendations made by the Civil Services Reforms Committee constituted by the Prime Minister particularly those pertaining to promotions in the civil bureaucracy on the pattern of Pak Army
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of allotment of plots to CDA employees on green belts in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 228 | 2 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This house may discuss the situation arising Out of Blocking the Main Gate of the Parliament House by a Mob of the So Called Inqilab March
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 4 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 4 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the recommendations made by the Civil Services Reforms Committee constituted by the Prime Minister particularly those pertaining to promotions in the civil bureaucracy on the pattern of Pak Army
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 4 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
The House may discuss the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 4 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 4 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of CDA with particular reference to removal of encroachments in commercial and residential areas in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 4 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of allotment of plots to CDA employees on green belts in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the issue of imposition of Article 245 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 in the Federal Capital Territory and the emerging Political situation
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 2 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 2 | Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi , PPPP |
The House may discuss the recommendations made by the Civil Services Reforms Committee constituted by the Prime Minister particularly those pertaining to promotions in the civil bureaucracy on the pattern of Pak Army
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 2 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
The House may discuss the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 2 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of CDA with particular reference to removal of encroachments in commercial and residential areas in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of allotment of plots to CDA employees on green belts in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 227 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the issue of imposition of Article 245 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 in the Federal Capital Territory and the emerging Political situation
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 226 | 1 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 8 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 8 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 8 | Moula Bakhsh Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 8 | Afrasiab Khattak, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 8 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 8 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 8 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 7 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 7 | Moula Bakhsh Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 7 | Afrasiab Khattak, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 7 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 7 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 7 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 6 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 6 | Moula Bakhsh Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 6 | Afrasiab Khattak, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 6 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 6 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 6 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the national sports policy with particular reference to Pakistan Sports Board and the matters connected thereto
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Moula Bakhsh Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Afrasiab Khattak, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of CDA with particular reference to removal of encroachments in commercial and residential areas in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the National Internal Security Policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
The House may discuss the role of the Government in the affairs of public enterprises/institutions which have been privatized but the Government has shares in the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to the situation likely to emerge after elections in India and Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to the situation likely to emerge after elections in India and Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Aitzaz Ahsan, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Moula Bakhsh Chandio, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Afrasiab Khattak, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Muhammad Zahid Khan, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, ANP |
The House may discuss the political situation developed recently in the country due to certain reasons
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
The House may discuss the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of CDA with particular reference to removal of encroachments in commercial and residential areas in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 224 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the national sports policy with particular reference to Pakistan Sports Board and the matters connected thereto
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 8 | Ahsan Iqbal, PML-N |
This House may discuss the Pakistan Vision 2025 and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 8 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to the situation likely to emerge after elections in India and Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to the situation likely to emerge after elections in India and Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to the situation likely to emerge after elections in India and Afghanistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Rubina Khalid, PPPP |
This House may discuss the latest pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) with particular reference to those relating to child marriages and easing of restrictions on contracting second marriage by Muslim men
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the latest pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) with particular reference to those relating to child marriages and easing of restrictions on contracting second marriage by Muslim men
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
This House may discuss the latest pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) with particular reference to those relating to child marriages and easing of restrictions on contracting second marriage by Muslim men
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Robina Irfan, PML |
This House may discuss the latest pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) with particular reference to those relating to child marriages and easing of restrictions on contracting second marriage by Muslim men
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
This House may discuss the latest pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) with particular reference to those relating to child marriages and easing of restrictions on contracting second marriage by Muslim men
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Farah Aqil, ANP |
This House may discuss the latest pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) with particular reference to those relating to child marriages and easing of restrictions on contracting second marriage by Muslim men
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance and problems being faced by the National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the increase of fee in the Universities located in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of CDA with particular reference to removal of encroachments in commercial and residential areas in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 6 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
The House may discuss the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the Foreign Policy of the Government with particular reference to the situation likely to emerge after elections in India and Afghanistan
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 1 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan International Airlines
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
This House may discuss the increase of fee in the Universities located in Islamabad
Debated |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the organizational and administrative matters of Pakistan Olympic Association (POA)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss the overall performance of CDA with particular reference to removal of encroachments in commercial and residential areas in Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 1 | Hafiz Hamdullah, JUI |
The House may discuss the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 12 | 223 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the overall performance and problems being faced by the National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 10 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 10 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 10 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan International Airlines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 10 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the recent decision of the Government to reconstitute the National Security Council
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 10 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan Steel Mills with particular reference to losses being suffered by it`
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 10 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the organizational and administrative matters of Pakistan Olympic Association (POA)
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 10 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss Hajj Policy of the Government with particular reference to Hajj charges for the year 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 9 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 9 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 9 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the issue of import of LNG to meet shortage of energy in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 9 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan International Airlines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 9 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 9 | Afrasiab Khattak, ANP |
The Senate of Pakistan may discuss the overall effects of ban on appointments in the Federal Government departments with particular reference to Federal General Hospital and Federal Medical and Dental College, Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 8 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
This House may discuss the issue of import of LNG to meet shortage of energy in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 6 | Afrasiab Khattak, ANP |
The Senate of Pakistan may discuss the overall effects of ban on appointments in the Federal Government departments with particular reference to Federal General Hospital and Federal Medical and Dental College, Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of non-availability of clean drinking water in the Federal Capital Area
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 6 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
The House may discuss Hajj Policy of the Government with particular reference to Hajj charges for the year 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the increasing financial losses of Pakistan Railways
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 5 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the recent decision of the Government to reconstitute the National Security Council
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 5 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 5 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan Steel Mills with particular reference to losses being suffered by it
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 5 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan International Airlines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the issue of power shortage in the country and its subsequent effects on the economy
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 1 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the recent decision of the Government to reconstitute the National Security Council
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan International Airlines
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 222 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the situation arising out of non-availability of clean drinking water in the Federal Capital Area
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 10 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 10 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 10 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 10 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the recent decision of the Government to reconstitute the National Security Council
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 10 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the issue of power shortage in the country and its subsequent effects on the economy
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 10 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 9 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 8 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the privatization policy of the Government
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political and Law and Order situation with particular reference to recent terrorists activities in the country
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 5 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the need for establishment of a full-fledged Ministry of Capital Administration and Development to deal with the subjects of health and education in the Islamabad Capital Territory as these subjects are not being attended to properly in the present set up where the CAD has been placed under the Cabinet Secretariat
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political and Law and Order situation with particular reference to recent terrorists activities in the country
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 5 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 5 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 5 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the issue of power shortage in the country and its subsequent effects on the economy
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 5 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the recent decision of the Government to reconstitute the National Security Council
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 5 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political and Law and Order situation with particular reference to recent terrorists activities in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political and Law and Order situation with particular reference to recent terrorists activities in the country
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the political and Law and Order situation with particular reference to recent terrorists activities in the country
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 1 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
That the House may discuss the responsibility of the Federation in pursuance of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 1 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the need for establishment of a full-fledged Ministry of Capital Administration and Development to deal with the subjects of health and education in the Islamabad Capital Territory as these subjects are not being attended to properly in the present set up where the CAD has been placed under the Cabinet Secretariat
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 1 | Abdul Haseeb Khan, MQM |
This House may discuss the overall condition of Health sector after devolution of the subject of Health to provinces in pursuance of 18th Amendment in the Constitution
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the recent decision of the Government to reconstitute the National Security Council
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the issue of power shortage in the country and its subsequent effects on the economy
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 221 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 8 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the working and recent pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 8 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
That the House may discuss the responsibility of the Federation in pursuance of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 8 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the need for establishment of a full-fledged Ministry of Capital Administration and Development to deal with the subjects of health and education in the Islamabad Capital Territory as these subjects are not being attended to properly in the present set up where the CAD has been placed under the Cabinet Secretariat
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 8 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 8 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 8 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the issue of power shortage in the country and its subsequent effects on the economy
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 8 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the recent decision of the Government to reconstitute the National Security Council
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 8 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss natural gas load shedding in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 5 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the working and recent pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 5 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the alleged irregularities/rigging in Elections 2013
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 5 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 5 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
That the House may discuss the responsibility of the Federation in pursuance of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 5 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the need for establishment of a full-fledged Ministry of Capital Administration and Development to deal with the subjects of health and education in the Islamabad Capital Territory as these subjects are not being attended to properly in the present set up where the CAD has been placed under the Cabinet Secretariat
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the current political and security situation in the country with particular reference to Balochistan, FATA and Rawalpindi incident
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 2 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of non-shifting of headquarters of the State Bank of Pakistan from Karachi to Islamabad
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 2 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
That the House may discuss the responsibility of the Federation in pursuance of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 2 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 2 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the alleged irregularities/rigging in Elections 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the current political and security situation in the country with particular reference to Balochistan, FATA and Rawalpindi incident
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 2 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the working and recent pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 2 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the need for establishment of a full-fledged Ministry of Capital Administration and Development to deal with the subjects of health and education in the Islamabad Capital Territory as these subjects are not being attended to properly in the present set up where the CAD has been placed under the Cabinet Secretariat
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 220 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the current political and security situation in the country with particular reference to Balochistan, FATA and Rawalpindi incident
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 13 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the current political and security situation in the country with particular reference to Balochistan, FATA and Rawalpindi incident
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 12 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the current political and security situation in the country with particular reference to Balochistan, FATA and Rawalpindi incident
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 11 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to the visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the United States, the repercussions of the expected reduction of forces in Afghanistan by the US/ISAF in 2014, offer of talks to the Taliban, drone attacks and NATO supply
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 10 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to the visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the United States, the repercussions of the expected reduction of forces in Afghanistan by the US/ISAF in 2014, offer of talks to the Taliban, drone attacks and NATO supply
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 9 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to the visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the United States, the repercussions of the expected reduction of forces in Afghanistan by the US/ISAF in 2014, offer of talks to the Taliban, drone attacks and NATO supply
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 9 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of non-shifting of headquarters of the State Bank of Pakistan from Karachi to Islamabad
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 9 | Nisar Muhammad, PML-N |
That the House may discuss the responsibility of the Federation in pursuance of Article 148 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 9 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 9 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the alleged irregularities/rigging in Elections 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 9 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the need for establishment of a full-fledged Ministry of Capital Administration and Development to deal with the subjects of health and education in the Islamabad Capital Territory as these subjects are not being attended to properly in the present set up where the CAD has been placed under the Cabinet Secretariat
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 8 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to the visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the United States, the repercussions of the expected reduction of forces in Afghanistan by the US/ISAF in 2014, offer of talks to the Taliban, drone attacks and NATO supply
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 7 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to the visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the United States, the repercussions of the expected reduction of forces in Afghanistan by the US/ISAF in 2014, offer of talks to the Taliban, drone attacks and NATO supply
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent price-hike specially the prices of petroleum products, gas and electricity as well as the essential items
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
This House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to the visit of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the United States, the repercussions of the expected reduction of forces in Afghanistan by the US/ISAF in 2014, offer of talks to the Taliban, drone attacks and NATO supply
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 5 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent price-hike specially the prices of petroleum products, gas and electricity as well as the essential items
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 4 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent price-hike specially the prices of petroleum products, gas and electricity as well as the essential items
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 3 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent price-hike specially the prices of petroleum products, gas and electricity as well as the essential items
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 2 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
The House may discuss the recent price-hike specially the prices of petroleum products, gas and electricity as well as the essential items
Admitted for Discussion |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the procedure laid down regarding appointment of Honorable Judges in the superior courts
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 1 | Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari, IND |
that this House may discuss the importance of water in our national economy and the steps required to be taken by the Government to address the growing water scarcity in the country
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the recent decision of the Government to reconstitute the National Security Council
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 1 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of non-shifting of headquarters of the State Bank of Pakistan from Karachi to Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 219 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the alleged irregularities/rigging in Elections 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the situation arising out of non payment of compensation to decree holders of land acquired for AFV Ranges in Nowshera for the last several decades
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the procedure laid down regarding appointment of Honorable Judges in the superior courts
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Haji Mohammad Adeel, ANP |
This House may discuss the situation arising out of non-shifting of headquarters of the State Bank of Pakistan from Karachi to Islamabad
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Shahi Syed, ANP |
That this House may discuss the measures for preserving and enhancing the independence of Judiciary
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the measures for preserving and enhancing the independence of Judiciary
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Saeedul Hassan Mandokhail , PML |
That this House may discuss the measures for preserving and enhancing the independence of Judiciary
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Muhammad Kazim Khan, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the measures for preserving and enhancing the independence of Judiciary
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Kalsoom Perveen, PML-N |
That this House may discuss the measures for preserving and enhancing the independence of Judiciary
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the measures for preserving and enhancing the independence of Judiciary
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the measures for preserving and enhancing the independence of Judiciary
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan Railways
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 6 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the alleged irregularities/rigging in Elections 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the situation arising out of non payment of compensation to decree holders of land acquired for AFV Ranges in Nowshera for the last several decades
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the procedure laid down regarding appointment of Honorable Judges in the superior courts
Debated |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the overall performance of the Government with particular reference to the security and protection of the minority citizens in the country as required under Article 25 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the overall performance of the Government with particular reference to the security and protection of the minority citizens in the country as required under Article 25 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Moula Bakhsh Chandio, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the overall performance of the Government with particular reference to the security and protection of the minority citizens in the country as required under Article 25 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Saeeda Iqbal, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the overall performance of the Government with particular reference to the security and protection of the minority citizens in the country as required under Article 25 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the steps being taken by the Government to provide speedy and inexpensive justice in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the overall performance of Pakistan Steel Mills with particular reference to losses being suffered by it
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Karim Ahmed Khawaja, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the increasing incidents of Cyber Crimes in the country and the steps being taken by the Government to control the same
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 218 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the working and recent pronouncements of the Council of Islamic Ideology
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 6 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to Afghanistan and the opening of an office of the Taliban in Doha
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the situation arising out of non payment of compensation to decree holders of land acquired for AFV Ranges in Nowshera for the last several decades
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 6 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of night phone call packages offered by telecom/mobile phone companies in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 6 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the procedure laid down regarding appointment of Honorable Judges in the superior courts
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 6 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the alleged irregularities/rigging in Elections 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 1 | Farhatullah Babar, PPPP |
That this House may discuss the situation arising out of non payment of compensation to decree holders of land acquired for AFV Ranges in Nowshera for the last several decades
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 1 | Nuzhat Sadiq, PML-N |
That this House may discuss overall performance of Pakistan Railways with particular reference to its commercial deal of business with PRACS
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 1 | Mian Raza Rabbani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the foreign policy of the Government with particular reference to Afghanistan and the opening of an office of the Taliban in Doha
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of night phone call packages offered by telecom/mobile phone companies in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 217 | 1 | Saeed Ghani, PPPP |
That the House may discuss the alleged irregularities/rigging in Elections 2013
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 212 | 2 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order situation in the country
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 212 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the increasing financial losses of Pakistan Railways
Deferred |
Senate | 11 | 212 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss the issue of unemployment in the country and its effects on social life
Deferred |
Senate | 11 | 212 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
That the House may discuss the situation arising out of non-vacation of government quarters by the Estate Office Islamabad from the unauthorized occupants
Deferred |
Senate | 11 | 212 | 1 | Muhammad Talha Mehmood, JUI |
That the House may discuss economic situation of the country with particular reference to prevailing price hike of all commodities
Not Taken Up |
Senate | 11 | 212 | 1 | Col (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi, MQM |
The House may discuss the prevailing law and order situation in the country
Debated |