The section contains information regarding protests, walkouts and boycotts of proceedings by the members. Information on parties/individuals involved, sitting and session and reason of protest/walkout/boycott is also included.
Assembly | Session No. | Sitting No. | Type | Unique Protestants | Group Protestants | Reason |
Assembly | Session No | Sitting No. | Type | Unique Protestants | Group Protestants | Reason |
National | 13 | 5 | Walkout | 99 |
National | 13 | 3 | Walkout | 99 |
National | 13 | 2 | Walkout | 99 |
National | 13 | 1 | Walkout | 99 |
Punjab | 11 | 2 | Protest | 99 |
Alleged high handedness of Police
Balochistan | 11 | 1 | Walkout | 49 | NP |
Parliament | 2 | 1 | Protest | 99 |
National | 12 | 9 | Token Walkout | 99 |
National | 12 | 8 | Walkout | 99 |
National | 12 | 8 | Protest | 99 |
National | 12 | 7 | Protest | 99 |
National | 12 | 6 | Walkout | 99 |
National | 12 | 5 | Walkout | 99 |
National | 12 | 3 | Walkout | 99 |
National | 12 | 4 | Walkout | 99 |
National | 12 | 2 | Protest | 99 |
National | 12 | 1 | Protest | 99 |
National | 11 | 8 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
The issue of non-provision of development funds to the Members of reserve seats for Minorities and reserved seats for women
National | 11 | 8 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
Non-availability of Ministers during question hour.
National | 11 | 5 | Protest | 99 | MWMP |
Issues of their constituencies
Balochistan | 8 | 7 | Walkout | 83 | PTI |
National | 10 | 13 | Protest | 99 |
During the point of personal explanation of Mr. Aurangzeb Khan Khichi, MNA (Independent), the Members of SIC party started protest by chanting slogans and thumping of desk, thereupon Mr. Deputy Speaker prorogued the National Assembly session.
National | 10 | 12 | Protest | 99 |
Members of SIC party staged a protest by chanted slogans, thumped the desks and teared the copies of the Bills.
Balochistan | 7 | 5 | Walkout | 30 |
Not getting time to speak
Balochistan | 7 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Disrespectful behavior of the members.
National | 9 | 3 | Walkout | 84 |
At 11:16, Umar Ayub Khan sought permission to speak on the bad situation in Balochistan, but the Speaker did not give Umar Ayub the floor for opposing the government benches. As a protest, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Sunni Etihad Council members left the House. On the way, one member also pointed out the quorum
National | 9 | 1 | Walkout | 99 | PTI |
On not being allowed to speak to the leader of the opposition regarding terrorism in Balochistan
National | 8 | 4 | Protest | 99 | PTI |
Opposing the Elections Act Second Amendment Bill and demanding the recovery of the abducted Member of Parliament of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Haji Imtiaz Ahmed from Mandi Bahauddin,the members got up from their seats and gathered in front of the Seeker Dice and kept shouting slogans. Members also tore copies of the Elections Act Amendment Bill and agenda.
Balochistan | 6 | 4 | Walkout | 49 |
Inappropriate behavior of secretary S&DAG towards MPA Umm Kulsoom.
National | 8 | 2 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
raised slogans "release imran khan"
KP | 3 | 1 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Business of house not being conducted according the rules written in the constitution.
Balochistan | 6 | 3 | Walkout | 49 | NP |
The house of the leader of national party Ashraf Hussain Baloch was attacked violently.
National | 8 | 1 | Protest | 84 |
National | 8 | 1 | Protest | 99 |
National | 6 | 13 | Walkout | 99 |
Members of SIC party staged token walkout in protest against not being given the floor on the point of order.
National | 6 | 7 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
The women members of PML(N) and PPPP protested against the indecent remarks expressed by Mr. M. Sana Ullah Khan Mastikhel, MNA during his budget speech, the women members were gathered in front of the Speaker dais and demanded for the suspension of the said Member.
National | 6 | 8 | Protest | 99 |
The members of SIC made protest, chanted slogans and gathered in front of the Speaker’s dais for not giving the floor to SIC Members, on point of order.
National | 6 | 4 | Protest | 99 |
The Members of Sunni Ittihad Council made protest on Budget 2024-25, gathered in front of Speaker’s dais, torn papers, displayed banners and chanted slogans during the entire budget speech of Minister for Finance and Revenue.
National | 6 | 3 | Walkout | 99 |
Staged walkout in protest against Punjab Police who allegedly prevented Omar Ayub Khan, Leader of the Opposition and other MNAs from entering the premises of an Anti-Terrorist Court (ATC) in Sargodha,
National | 6 | 3 | Protest | 99 |
The Members of Sunni Ittihad Council made protest, torn the copies of the Bills, displayed banners and chanted slogans during the entire legislative business.
National | 6 | 2 | Walkout | 30 |
Chair did not announce the break for JUMA Prayer
Punjab | 8 | 7 | Protest | 99 |
Against the policy on wheat procurement.
Punjab | 8 | 6 | Protest | 99 |
Against Speaker not allowing Opposition members to speak on Points of Order.
Punjab | 8 | 6 | Walkout | 99 |
Against Speaker not allowing Opposition members to speak on Points of Order.
Punjab | 8 | 4 | Protest | 99 |
Against the alleged rigging in by-elections.
Punjab | 8 | 4 | Walkout | 99 |
Against the government policy of wheat procurement.
Punjab | 8 | 2 | Protest | 99 |
Against rigging in by-elections.
Punjab | 8 | 2 | Walkout | 99 |
Against Speaker disallowing members to stand on their seats for protest.
Punjab | 5 | 9 | Protest | 72 |
Against opposition for delivering political speeches instead of cut motions.
Punjab | 5 | 9 | Protest | 99 |
Against the remarks made regarding Mr. Imran Khan.
Punjab | 5 | 9 | Protest | 72 |
Against opposition delivering political speeches instead of cut motions.
Punjab | 5 | 9 | Protest | 99 |
During approval of demands of grants.
Punjab | 5 | 7 | Protest | 99 |
Against an opposition member not being allowed to speak on cut motions.
Punjab | 5 | 7 | Protest | 99 |
During approval of demands of grants.
Senate | 338 | 1 | Walkout | 99 |
Phsysical attack on PTI's spokes person .
Senate | 338 | 1 | Token Walkout | 99 |
physical attack on PTI's spokes person
Punjab | 5 | 4 | Protest | 72 |
Against disrespectful behavior of opposition members towards female lawmakers of PML-N.
Punjab | 5 | 4 | Walkout | 72 |
Against disrespectful behavior of opposition members towards female lawmakers of PML-N.
Punjab | 5 | 3 | Protest | 99 |
Against the remarks of PML-N lawmaker Rushda Lodhi against PTI leadership.
Punjab | 5 | 3 | Protest | 72 |
Against the remarks of opposition regarding PML-N leadership.
Punjab | 5 | 3 | Walkout | 72 |
Against the remarks of opposition members regarding PML-N leadership.
Punjab | 5 | 2 | Protest | 72 |
Over the display of PTI founder's picture during the speech of the newly nominated leader of Opposition.
Punjab | 5 | 2 | Walkout | 72 |
Over the display of PTI founder's picture during the speech of the newly nominated leader of Opposition.
Punjab | 5 | 1 | Protest | 99 |
During the speech of Finance Minister.
Punjab | 4 | 1 | Protest | 99 |
Against the oath taking ceremony of PML-N lawmakers who got elected after the SIC members de-notified during re-counting.
Punjab | 3 | 1 | Protest | 99 |
Against the oath-taking of reserved seat members.
Punjab | 6 | 1 | Walkout | 99 |
Against the arrest of PTI female workers by Mianwali police.
Punjab | 2 | 1 | Protest | 99 |
Against the approval of grants in advance.
Punjab | 1 | 3 | Walkout | 99 |
During the proceedings, Mr. Rana Shahbaz (SIC) raised a Point of Order, however the Speaker informed him that, as per the Rules, the session was solely designated for the election of the Chief Minister, and other matters could not be entertained. This led to a temporary walkout by SIC members.
Punjab | 1 | 3 | Walkout | 99 |
During the proceedings, Mr. Rana Shahbaz (SIC) raised a Point of Order, however the Speaker informed him that, as per the Rules, the session was solely designated for the election of the Chief Minister, and other matters could not be entertained. This led to another walkout by SIC members, this one lasting till the conclusion of sitting.
National | 5 | 4 | Protest | 99 |
Against the attitude of Mr. Tariq Bashirv Cheema Wit Ms. Zartj Gul
National | 5 | 3 | Protest | 99 |
Some remmarks given by Mr. Bilawal Zardari during his speech
National | 3 | 1 | Protest | 22 |
The Independent members of the Opposition protested and chanted slogans during the proceedings of the House.
National | 2 | 1 | Protest | 22 |
The Independent members of the Opposition made protest and gathered in front of the dice of Mr. Speaker and chanted slogans during proceedings for discussion on an adjournment motion regarding the Islamabad High Court Judges’ letter,
National | 1 | 4 | Protest | 99 |
The Members of Sunni Ittihad Council (SIC) / Independents made protest and gathered in front of the Speaker’s dais and chanted slogans during the speeches of Mr. Bilwal Bhutto Zardari and Mr. Khalid
Maqbool Siddiqui, MNAs.
National | 1 | 3 | Protest | 99 | PML-N |
Soon after the commencement of sitting, the Members of Sunni Ittihad Council (SIC) / Independents started protesting and gathered in front of the Speaker’s dais and kept chanting slogans against PML-N leadership.
National | 1 | 3 | Protest | 99 |
The Members of Sunni Ittihad Council (SIC) / Independents protested and gathered in front of
Speaker’s dais, torn papers, kept chanting slogans and displaying banners during the speech of the
Prime Minister.
National | 1 | 2 | Protest | 99 |
The Members of Sunni Ittihad Council (SIC) / Independents backed by PTI protested and chanted slogans during the proceedings of the House.
National | 1 | 2 | Protest | 99 |
The Members of Sunni Ittihad Council made protest, gathered in front of Speaker’s dais and chanted slogans during the voting for election of the Speaker.
Mr. Speaker made observation that the Parliamentary Leaders and Members should ensure to maintain the decorum of the House.
National | 1 | 1 | Protest | 99 |
Soon after the National Anthem, the Members of Sunni Ittihad Council (SIC) and some Independents members made protest and gathered in front of the dice of Mr. Speaker, displayed banners and chanted slogans, during signing of roll of the Members.
Senate | 335 | 5 | Walkout | 84 |
PTI lawmakers protested in front of the dais and then staged a walkout against the arrest of PTI women workers, demanding their release.
Senate | 335 | 1 | Protest | 84 |
Against the rigging in GE-2024
Senate | 334 | 2 | Protest | 28 |
Members raise their concern over pointing out quorum for early adjournment.
Senate | 334 | 1 | Protest | 72 |
Members raised objections against the presentation of bills by the caretaker government.
Senate | 333 | 8 | Protest | 72 |
The Chairman did not allow the members to share their concerns over the resolution on military courts, which was passed by the House on November 13, 2023.
Senate | 333 | 7 | Protest | 72 |
The Deputy Chairman did not allow the members to share their concerns over the Military Courts resolution, which was passed yesterday.
Balochistan | 43 | 3 | Token Walkout | 84 | PTI |
expressing solidarity towards media
Senate | 331 | 9 | Walkout | 84 |
Against the passage of the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2023
Sindh | 33 | 14 | Boycott | 41 | MQM TLP |
MQM-P, MMA, TLP boycotted against presentation and passage of many government bills hurriedly
Senate | 331 | 7 | Walkout | 78 |
PPPP lawmaker, along with PTI, staged a walkout as the standing committee report regarding the Higher Education Commission Amendment Bill 2023 was approved without the amendments proposed by PPPP lawmaker
Senate | 331 | 7 | Walkout | 30 |
A lawmaker who belongs to JUI-F, along with lawmakers of NP and PKMAP, staged walkouts against the digital census and shared that, as per census, the population of Balochistan had been reduced.
Senate | 331 | 7 | Walkout | 84 |
A lawmaker who belongs to PTI staged a walkout against the arrest of the PTI Chairman.
Senate | 331 | 6 | Protest | 28 |
The opposition staged a walkout along with the lawmakers of BAP regarding the discriminatory behavior with the people of Balochistan.
Senate | 331 | 6 | Protest | 84 |
The opposition staged a walkout against the abrupt passage of bills
Senate | 331 | 3 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Defence Minister Khawaja Asif passed derogatory remarks against the women senators of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
Senate | 331 | 3 | Walkout | 78 | NP |
They protested against the abrupt passage of legislation in the house.
Senate | 331 | 3 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Defence Minister Khawaja Asif passed derogatory remarks against the women senators of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
Balochistan | 68 | 7 | Walkout | 47 |
Reservation on the finance budget 2022-23.
National | 51 | 44 | Token Walkout | 78 |
Against the absence of relevant ministers.
Balochistan | 68 | 4 | Protest | 16 |
Lawmaker protest for stopping last years schemes and denying any amount in the current budget 2022-23 for her constituency.
Balochistan | 68 | 2 | Protest | 47 |
Lawmakers protest for stopping last year's schemes and denying any amount in the current budget 2022-23 for their constituency.
Senate | 330 | 4 | Walkout | 84 |
Senator Mushtaq Ahmed and other PTI members staged a walkout when the Chair did not allow the Senator to speak on the floor of the House.
Senate | 330 | 3 | Walkout | 84 |
Against undemocratic measures to influence the election of Mayor Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC)
Balochistan | 67 | 3 | Walkout | 47 |
A lawmaker staged a walkout when the Chair did not allow him to speak on the floor of the House.
Senate | 330 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI BAP |
The PTI and BAP lawmakers protested when the Finance bill, 2023 was laid in the house.
National | 51 | 31 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
Mr. Khurram Dastagir Khan, Federal Minister for Energy (Power Division), attended the Inauguration Ceremony to hand over the modern vehicles with safety equipment to HESCO. However, it was observed that the local MNAs of Hyderabad were not invited to the ceremony.
Sindh | 31 | 4 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI protested in solidarity with Chief Justice of Pakistan and chanted slogans in his favour
Sindh | 31 | 4 | Token Walkout | 47 |
MMA member staged walked out. He did not support the statement of the information minister. The statement claimed that every political party is against the attitude of the Chief Justice.
Senate | 329 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Senators of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) staged protest during passage of Supreme Court (Review of Judgements and Orders) Bill, 2023
Sindh | 31 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI protested for two minutes when Deputy Speaker did not allow the Parliamentary Leader to speak on a resolution.
National | 51 | 17 | Walkout | 149 | GDA |
A lawmaker staged a walkout as she was not allowed to speak on the floor of the House.
Senate | 328 | 1 | Protest | 84 |
PTI senators staged protest during the passage of Bill, National Accountability (Amendment) Bill, 2023 and they also opposed the report on the Charged Sums for General Election (Provincial Assemblies of the Punjab and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) Bill, 2023.
Senate | 327 | 6 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against rejection of a resolution.
Senate | 327 | 6 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against supplementary resolution passed by the house.
Senate | 327 | 6 | Walkout | 30 |
Against the Anti-Rape (Investigation and Trial) (Amendment) Bill, 2023
Sindh | 30 | 1 | Boycott | 84 | PTI |
PTI staged protest for five minutes and boycotted the proceedings when Speaker allowed a PPPP lawmaker to move a supplementary resolution regarding simultaneous general elections of all assemblies
National | 51 | 6 | Walkout | 148 | BNP-M |
BNP-M lawmaker along with other members belongs to Balochistan staged a walkout against an FC raid in his village in Balochistan
Senate | 327 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Senators of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) opposed the Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Bill 2023 and protested during the passage of the Bill and chanted slogans of 'Attack on Judiciary not acceptable'.
Parliament | 13 | 5 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
All members belonging to PTI (from the Senate) gathered in front of the dice and chanted slogans on the floor of house against the government
Parliament | 13 | 5 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI lawmakers protested on floor of the House for two minutes against derogatory remarks against their leadership
National | 51 | 1 | Walkout | 30 | PPPP |
Independent lawmaker Mohsin Dawar with two other lawmakers from PPPP and JUI staged a walkout due to the non-provision of development funds for FATA
Sindh | 29 | 17 | Boycott | 84 | PTI |
PTI protested for five minutes and boycotted the proceedings when its Parliamentary Leader Khurram Sher Zaman was not allowed to speak on a point of order.
Sindh | 29 | 16 | Boycott | 149 | GDA |
GDA protested for two minutes and boycotted the proceedings when PPP lawmaker spoke out of context in his speech
Sindh | 29 | 15 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI protested for five minutes against the Punjab police operation in Zaman Park.
Sindh | 29 | 14 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI protested for 10 minutes (01:45 to 01:55) against arrest of their MPA Arsalan Taj
Sindh | 29 | 14 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI protested for 10 minutes (03: 06 to 03:16) against arrest of their MPA Arsalan Taj
Sindh | 29 | 13 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI recorded a three-minute protest to condemn the cancellation of the ARY News channel license by PEMRA.
Sindh | 29 | 13 | Protest | 149 | PTI GDA |
PTI and GDA protested for taking up supplementary resolution
Sindh | 29 | 12 | Protest | 84 | PTI GDA |
PTI and GDA protested for ten minutes and maintained that they were not informed about the pre-budget session.
Senate | 325 | 2 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
A PTI lawmaker staged walkout as he was not allowed to speak on the Finance (Supplementary) Bill, 2023
Balochistan | 63 | 2 | Protest | 47 | ANP PTI BNP-M BAP |
Electricity Load-shedding in Quetta and other parts of Balochistan.
Senate | 325 | 1 | Protest | 84 | JI PTI |
The opposition leader was not allowed to talk on the money Bill. As a protest, the opposition gathered in front of the dice of the Chairman and chanted slogans against the Finance (Supplementary) Bill, 2023. the sitting was adjourned till Friday February 17, 2023.
Sindh | 29 | 4 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
PTI protested for 2 minutes and walked out as Speaker did not allow Leader of Opposition Haleem Adil Sheikh to speak on a point of order. Speaker adjourned the sitting for 10 minutes
Senate | 324 | 14 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against the remarks of Minister of Law Shahdat Awan on ex-Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin's leaked audio clip regarding the IMF programme
Senate | 324 | 13 | Walkout | 150 | BAP |
A BAP lawmaker staged walkout as he was not allowed to speak on point of order.
Senate | 324 | 12 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
PTI and PPPP members engaged in verbal slurs and comments and later on PTI staged walkout
Senate | 324 | 12 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Adjournment Motion was rejected
Senate | 324 | 12 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
Mufti Abdul Shakoor commented on the religious minorities
Senate | 324 | 11 | Protest | 72 | ANP PML-N PPPP PKMAP |
Government allies protest on the funeral prayer of Pakistan’s former military ruler General Pervez Musharraf
Senate | 324 | 10 | Walkout | 84 | JI PTI |
Absence of Ministers
Senate | 324 | 10 | Walkout | 84 | PML PTI |
The opposition staged walkout over police raid at residence of EX-CM Punjab.
Senate | 324 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PPPP PTI |
PPPP lawmakers commented against the PTI leadership, and after that both parties engaged in verbal slurs and comments against each other.
Punjab | 42 | 14 | Boycott | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
The proper process was not followed for counting the votes cast against the CM's vote of confidence motion
Punjab | 42 | 13 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
Opposition members wanted to take up the process of vote of confidence rather than taking up the regular agenda.
Punjab | 42 | 12 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
Opposition members wanted to take up the process of vote of confidence rather than taking up the regular agenda.
Punjab | 42 | 12 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against the presence of Federal Ministers in the visitor gallery
Punjab | 42 | 11 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
Opposition members wanted to take up the process of vote of confidence rather than taking up the regular agenda.
Senate | 323 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Chanting Slogans against government
Senate | 323 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Suspension of the rules of the House in order to pass the bill on the same day without referring it to the concerned committee and following the rules of procedure.
Punjab | 42 | 10 | Protest | 84 | PML-N PML PPPP PTI |
Exchange remarks against Party leadership
Punjab | 42 | 10 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
Opposition stages a walkout against the resolution being passed in the house.
Sindh | 28 | 13 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PPPP lawmaker criticized PTI leadership
Sindh | 28 | 13 | Boycott | 84 | PTI |
Education crisis in Sindh
Parliament | 11 | 4 | Protest | 84 | JI, PPPP, PTI, PKMAP |
To Issue Production Order of Ali Wazir
Senate | 322 | 3 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
To Issue Production order of Azam Swati
Senate | 322 | 2 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
To Issue Production Order of Azam Swati
Senate | 322 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
The opposition leader asked to take up regular agenda rather than supplementary agenda, but the law minister requested to take up one important supplementary bill, after that PTI legislators started protesting and asked to issue the production order of Azam Sawati
Sindh | 28 | 9 | Boycott | 84 | PTI |
PTI members protested for three minutes against the arrest of Azam Sawati and then boycotted the proceedings
Balochistan | 61 | 1 | Walkout | 47 | PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the passage of a second resolution of agenda i.e. the government of province of Balochistan, having obtained the consent of the federal government, has entrusted to the federal government functions in relation to certain matters to which the executive authority to the province extends, that is, the exercise of the executive authority of the province of Balochistan in order to grant and protect exemptions, concessions and benefits being provided in connection with the settlement of dispute with tethyan copper company pvt limited and its shareholders to the rekhodik minings company private limited under the Balochistan companies profit( workers participation) act 2022, the Balochistan workers welfare act, 2022, the Balochistan excise duty on minerals act,1967, the Balochistan sales tax on services act 2015, the registration act 1908, the stamp act 1889, the Balochistan development and maintenance of infrastructure cess, 2021. Therefore the exercise of power, the provincial assembly of Balochistan resolves within 60 days of the aforesaid entrustment that the entrustment and function so entrusted stand ratified
Sindh | 28 | 1 | Boycott | 84 | PTI |
Speaker did not allow PTI member to move his CAN.
Punjab | 42 | 6 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against the unviability of legislation copies in the house for the members
Punjab | 42 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Not Allowed to Speak on Point of Order.
Punjab | 42 | 2 | Walkout | 72 | PPPP |
To show their solidarity with the suspended members of Opposition.
Balochistan | 59 | 3 | Walkout | 16 | BNP-M |
Against the government actions in handling the protestors outside the assembly.
Punjab | 41 | 35 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against the resolution passed in the House rejecting the decision of Election Commission against Imran Khan.
Punjab | 41 | 35 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against the resolution passed in the House rejecting the decision of Election Commission against Imran Khan.
Senate | 321 | 12 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI members protested on the arrest of Azam Swati
Balochistan | 59 | 2 | Walkout | 16 | BNP-M |
The member was not permitted by the Deputy Speaker to speak on a Point of Order
Balochistan | 59 | 2 | Walkout | 16 | BNP-M |
Members were not permitted by the Deputy Speaker to speak on Points of Order
Punjab | 41 | 34 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against derogatory remarks from treasury benches regarding the leadership of PML-N.
Senate | 321 | 11 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI members protested on the arrest of Azam Swati
Punjab | 41 | 32 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against unavailability of copies of the bills presented in the House.
Punjab | 41 | 32 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against unavailability of copies of the bills presented in the House.
Senate | 321 | 10 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI members protested on the arrest of Azam Swati and Saifullah Niazi.
Senate | 321 | 9 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI members protested on the arrest of Azam Swati and demanded for his immediate release
Senate | 321 | 8 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
During question hour word KPK was used instead of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Senate | 321 | 8 | Walkout | 84 | JI PTI PKMAP BAP |
Opposition parties staged a walkout in protest as they were not allowed to speak because quorum was pointed out.
Senate | 321 | 6 | Walkout | 150 | JI PTI BAP |
Over inappropriate comments about the Pashtuns by the former federal minister for information and broadcasting in a television show.
Parliament | 12 | 1 | Walkout | 30 | PML-N, PPPP, JUI |
Lawmakers belonging to treasury parties left the house during the Presidential Address.
Senate | 321 | 5 | Walkout | 84 | JI, PML, PTI, BAP |
During Question Hour Minster Mufti Abdul Shakoor passed inappropriate comments against Danesh Kumar.
Senate | 321 | 5 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Regarding absence of ministers in the house.
Senate | 321 | 4 | Walkout | 84 | PML, PTI, BAP |
The protesters demanded to refer The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Bill, 2022 to committee.
Senate | 321 | 3 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against Chair's attitude who refused to give floor to PTI lawmakers
Senate | 321 | 2 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against Ishaq Dar who sworn in as Senator after five years on return from London
Sindh | 27 | 11 | Boycott | 84 | PTI |
PTI protested against electricity loadshedding in Karachi
Balochistan | 52 | 5 | Walkout | 47 | PKMAP |
Lawmakers belonging to MMAP and PkMAP walked out from the House at 03:42 pm for not referring the Balochistan Universities Bill, 2022 to the relevant standing committee. They did not return to the House till adjournment of the sitting.
Punjab | 40 | 3 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
The lawmakers belonging to PTI staged protest for eight minutes against the Deputy Speaker during the proceedings.
Punjab | 40 | 3 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
PTI lawmakers later walked out from the House and did not return to the House till adjournment of sitting.
Punjab | 41 | 24 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against Ravi Urban Development Authority bulldozing the crops of farmers without compensating them.
Punjab | 41 | 21 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N , PPPP |
Against tabling resolution condemning registration of FIRs against PTI Chairman Imran Khan
Senate | 320 | 3 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against torture on Dr.Shahbaz Gill in police custody.
Punjab | 41 | 19 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against remarks of a PTI member against party leadership
Punjab | 41 | 19 | Token Walkout | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
To express solidarity with the nurses protesting outside the Punjab Assembly
Senate | 320 | 2 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against arrest of Shahbaz Gill and alleged torture on him
Punjab | 41 | 18 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Lawmakers protested against ignoring the lack of quorum by the Chair.
Punjab | 41 | 17 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Lawmakers staged a walkout against the Speaker's decision to ignore the quorum. They did not return to the House.
Senate | 319 | 3 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against passage of the National Accountability (Second Amendment) Bill, 2022
KP | 19 | 9 | Walkout | 47 | PML-N PPPP PTI |
The female lawmakers walked out against remarks of an ANP lawmaker about one of their colleagues.
Sindh | 27 | 17 | Boycott | 84 | PTI |
PTI lawmakers protested against rejection of Privilege Motion of PTI MPA Rabistan Khan by the Speaker and boycotted the proceedings after three minutes of protest.
Sindh | 27 | 15 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against arrest of Opposition Leader Sindh Assembly
Sindh | 27 | 15 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against arrest of Opposition Leader Sindh Assembly
Sindh | 27 | 15 | Walkout | 149 | GDA |
Against consideration of supplementary resolution
Sindh | 27 | 13 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Arrest of Opposition Leader by anti-corruption team
Sindh | 27 | 13 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Arrest of Opposition Leader by anti-corruption team
Sindh | 27 | 13 | Protest | 151 | TLP |
For not having Namaz break during the sitting
Balochistan | 56 | 7 | Protest | 87 | PKMAP |
Non-accommodating local candidates during induction at BHUs in his constituency (PB-31 Quetta-VIII)
National | 43 | 17 | Walkout | 41 | MQM |
Against remarks of a minister about issues related to Karachi
Balochistan | 56 | 6 | Walkout | 148 | PTI, PKMAP, BNP-M |
Against load-shedding in Balochistan
Balochistan | 56 | 6 | Protest | 148 | PKMAP, BNP-M |
Against load-shedding in Balochistan
Senate | 318 | 17 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against federal budget 2022-23 during concluding speech of State Minister for Finance
National | 43 | 12 | Walkout | 84 | PTI, GDA |
Absence of ministers from the House during budget speeches
Senate | 318 | 16 | Token Walkout | 87 | PKMAP |
Delay in giving the floor for speech on the federal budget
Senate | 318 | 15 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Senator Kamran Murtaza spoke regarding recent killing and abduction of
workers in District Harnai. After hearing the Member, the matter was referred to the Committee on
Sindh | 27 | 4 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against Chair's direction to turn off the mike of a PTI lawmaker during her speech
Sindh | 27 | 3 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Misbehavior with a female lawmaker of PTI by a member at the culmination of last sitting
Sindh | 27 | 3 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Remarks of a PPPP lawmaker against PTI leadership
Senate | 318 | 14 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Senator Danesh Kumar spoke regarding shortage of Water in
Senator Shahadat Awan MoS for Law and Justice responded to the issue.
Senate | 318 | 13 | Token Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against hike in prices of petroleum products
Senate | 318 | 13 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against remarks of JUIP Senator against PTI leadership
Sindh | 27 | 2 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against Provincial Budget 2022-23
Punjab | 40 | 5 | Protest | 84 | PML, PTI |
Protest against the absence of Chief Minister and Chief Secretary
Sindh | 27 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Consideration of a bill after suspending rules
Sindh | 27 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Consideration of a bill after suspending rules
Senate | 318 | 9 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Danesh Kumar raised issue regarding the delimitation by the ECP in Balochistan Province. After hearing the Member, the Deputy Chairman Senate was referred the matter to the Committee concerned.
Senate | 318 | 6 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Disallowed by the Chair to speak on an adjournment motion
Senate | 318 | 6 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Disallowed by the Chair to speak on an adjournment motion
Senate | 318 | 5 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Police action during the recent long march of PTI
Senate | 318 | 3 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Arrest of political workers of PTI and leaders before long march
Balochistan | 52 | 4 | Token Walkout | 16 | BNP |
Against the highhandedness of security personnel with people in Lokandi.
National | 41 | 7 | Boycott | 84 | PTI |
TI nominee Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi announced to boycott the election of Prime Minister and left the House along with his party lawmakers and other allies at 03:57 pm. They did not return till conclusion of sitting at 06:07 pm.
Balochistan | 52 | 2 | Token Walkout | 47 | ANP PKMAP |
Lawmakers belonging to PkMAP, ANP and MMAP staged token walk out from the House against the passage of the Balochistan Universities Bill, 2022.
KP | 20 | 20 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against inflation
Balochistan | 49 | 3 | Token Walkout | 47 | BNP-M |
MMAP and BNP-M lawmakers staged a token walkout from the House against non-consultation of the government with them on a legislative proposal.
Balochistan | 49 | 3 | Walkout | 47 | ANP BNP-A PTI PKMAP |
Nine lawmakers belonging to various consistencies of Quetta walked out from the proceedings for ten minutes against violation of merit during appointments in various government departments.
Balochistan | 49 | 2 | Walkout | 47 | PKMAP |
Against absence of relevant ministers to reply questions and calling attention notices. (MMAP)
Balochistan | 42 | 2 | Walkout | 87 | PKMAP |
Last month MPA nasrullah khan son was kidnapped and release by the kidnapers and now police present report on kidnaping of the son of MPA. The MPA nasrullah khan was not accepting the report of the police and walked out from the assembly.
Balochistan | 50 | 4 | Walkout | 11 | ANP |
walked out from the House at 04:19 pm for not including his resolution on the agenda
Punjab | 39 | 1 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
For not broadcasting the speech of the opposition leader live on official media.
Punjab | 32 | 8 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against immediate consideration of the government bills.
Punjab | 32 | 8 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
The Chair did not allow one of their colleagues to speak on points of order.
Punjab | 33 | 5 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
When the Chair disallowed him to speak on budget prior to his turn.
Punjab | 33 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
when the Chair gave floor to a lawmaker out of turn for speech on budget.
Punjab | 33 | 4 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
When the Chair rejected their request to allow one of their colleagues to speak on budget before his turn.
Punjab | 33 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
When the Chair disallowed him to speak on the budget from seat allotted to another member.
Punjab | 33 | 3 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Chair did not allow him to raise a point of order.
Punjab | 33 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
The opposition lawmakers protested during the budget speech of the Minister for Finance.
Balochistan | 50 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
A PTI lawmaker Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind walked out from the House for four minutes against activities of land mafia in his constituency (PB-17 Kachhi-cum-Mastung).
Senate | 317 | 19 | Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
The opposition walked out from the House against the chair’s decision to consider two government bills despite their deferment announced by him earlier.
Senate | 316 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | JI PPPP |
against not taking parliament into confidence over national security policy
Senate | 316 | 4 | Protest | 72 | JI PPPP |
against not taking parliament into confidence over national security policy
Senate | 316 | 2 | Token Walkout | 150 | PTI |
Senators Danesh Kumar, Dost Muhammad Khan and
Gurdeep Singh Walkout the treasury benches the proceedings as
against speech of freedom and back to the House on the request of
Senator Saifullah Abro.
Senate | 315 | 7 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
against the consideration of supplementary agenda
Senate | 315 | 6 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
against political victimization
Senate | 315 | 5 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
against political victimization of their leadership.
Senate | 315 | 2 | Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
The opposition walked out from the proceedings at 06:23 pm against inflation in the country and did not return to the House till adjournment of sitting.
Senate | 315 | 1 | Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
The opposition walked out from the proceedings at 11:51 am against hike in prices of petroleum products and did not return to the House till adjournment of sitting.
Senate | 313 | 4 | Protest | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
Against the consideration of supplementary business and hasty legislation.
Senate | 313 | 4 | Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
Against the consideration of supplementary business and hasty legislation.
Senate | 313 | 3 | Protest | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
against the remarks of a federal minister about their leaderships during election campaign in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
Senate | 313 | 2 | Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
against the absence of relevant ministers during question hour following which the Chair also suspended the proceedings for 14 minutes.
Senate | 313 | 2 | Token Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
Staged walk out against unsatisfactory reply of minister to a question
Senate | 313 | 2 | Token Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
Staged walk out against unsatisfactory reply of minister to a question
Senate | 312 | 1 | Protest | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
The opposition protested for five minutes during presentation of a copy of the Finance Bill, 2021 in the House.
Senate | 311 | 3 | Token Walkout | 150 | PML-N PPPP |
The opposition and BAP lawmakers staged token walkout against non-representation of Balochistan in Board of Directors established in various federal departments.
Senate | 311 | 3 | Token Walkout | 150 | PML-N |
A BAP lawmaker staged token walkout to lodge his protest on law and order situation in the province.
Senate | 311 | 3 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
The entire opposition walked out from the House at 07:00 pm against consideration of the CPEC Authority Bill, 2021 as supplementary agenda and not referring it to the standing committee
Senate | 311 | 2 | Walkout | 30 | JI |
Abdul Ghafoor Haidri walked out of the House when the Chair disallowed him to speak.
Senate | 317 | 16 | Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
Lawmakers belonging to opposition walked out from the House at 10:39 am soon after the commencement of question hour against absence of relevant ministers to reply questions.
Senate | 317 | 15 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
the motion that the House may discuss the directions and early warning issued by the
State Bank of Pakistan was not taken up
Senate | 317 | 11 | Protest | 72 | JI PML-N PPPP |
The opposition protested during the proceedings demanding the Chair for consideration of agenda according to sequence on `Orders of the Day’ and against delay in taking up the SBP (Amendment) Bill when the treasury’s numerical strength was less in the House. The Chair suspended the proceedings for 28 minutes amid this protest of the opposition.
Senate | 317 | 5 | Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
against the remarks of the Minister of state for parliamentary affairs.
Sindh | 25 | 1 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA TLP |
when the Chair did not allow its lawmakers to speak on the Sindh Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 2021.
Sindh | 25 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA TLP |
when the Chair did not allow its lawmakers to speak on the Sindh Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 2021.
Sindh | 24 | 7 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA TLP |
against consideration of the Sindh Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 2021.
Sindh | 24 | 7 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA TLP |
against consideration of the Sindh Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 2021.
Sindh | 24 | 3 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
when the Chair disallowed its lawmakers to speak on points of order.
Sindh | 23 | 8 | Protest | 78 | MQM |
PPP lawmakers protested for nine minutes during the proceedings against remarks of a GDA lawmaker about their leadership.
Sindh | 23 | 8 | Protest | 149 | MQM |
GDA and MQM lawmakers reciprocated and walked out of the House at 04:45 pm. They did not return to the House till adjournment of the sitting.
The session was prorogued sine die.
Sindh | 23 | 5 | Protest | 149 | MQM PTI TLP |
Lawmakers belonging to opposition protested during the proceedings for two minutes against non-provision of copies of an amendment to the rules of procedure to them.
Sindh | 23 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against remarks of PPPP lawmaker about federal government
Sindh | 23 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Disallowed one of PTI lawmaker to give extra time for speech on his calling attention notice.
Sindh | 21 | 21 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
PPPP female protested from 05:04 to 05:09 saying that leader of opposition hurled inappropriate remarks against women the other. They walked out at 05:09, came back at 05:15 and restarted protest till 05:25
Sindh | 21 | 19 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
A PTI lawmaker walked out from the House at 03:49 pm against Chair’s attitude with opposition lawmakers and did not return to the House till adjournment of sitting.
Sindh | 21 | 18 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Lawmakers belonging to PTI protested for 25 minutes when the Chair refused to give floor to the leader of the opposition.
Sindh | 21 | 17 | Protest | 41 | PTI GDA |
MQM-P, GDA and PTI protested from 10:35 till end of sitting against the budget.
Sindh | 21 | 16 | Protest | 41 | PTI |
Lawmakers belonging to MQM protested for an hour and 54 minutes over their reservations on provincial budget. PTI lawmakers also joined this protest.
Sindh | 21 | 15 | Protest | 41 | MQM |
Lawmakers belonging to MQM protested for an hour and 52 minutes over their reservations on provincial budget
Sindh | 21 | 14 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Lawmakers belonging to PTI protested for two minutes when the Chair did not give extra time to one of their colleague to continue his budget speech. Subsequently, they walked out from the House and did not return to the House till adjournment of the sitting.
Sindh | 21 | 13 | Protest | 149 | MQM PTI |
Lawmakers belonging to GDA, MQM and PTI protested for seven minutes when the Chair did not give extra time to a GDA lawmaker to continue her budget speech. Later, GDA lawmakers walked out from the House on the same issue for 40 minutes.
Sindh | 21 | 12 | Protest | 149 | PTI |
A GDA lawmaker and PTI lawmakers protested for two and four minutes respectively against the remarks of PPPP legislators about them.
Sindh | 21 | 10 | Protest | 41 | PTI GDA |
MQM-P, GDA and PTI started protesting soon after the CM started his budget speech at 03:50 till end of sitting at 05:00
Sindh | 21 | 8 | Protest | 41 | MQM PTI |
MQM and PTI lawmakers protested for 11 minutes when the speaker disallowed them to move a resolution condemning protest in Bahria Town. Later, both parties walked out from the House at 03:40 pm, however, the PTI lawmakers returned at 03:57 pm.
Sindh | 21 | 7 | Protest | 41 | PTI |
The MQMP and PTI lawmakers protested for 36 minutes during the proceedings after being disallowed by the Chair to speak on water shortage issue in Karachi. The Chair also suspended the proceedings for 16 minutes amid their protest.
Sindh | 21 | 6 | Protest | 41 | PTI |
MQM-P and PTI protested from 03:43 till end of sitting at 03:51. They wanted move a resolution on COVID-19 issue and ask the government what steps were taken to tackle the deadly virus.
National | 39 | 1 | Walkout | 78 | ANP BNP PML-N |
All opposition parties have staged walk out after pointing out the quorum.
National | 40 | 4 | Protest | 72 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
All the Members from the Opposition gathered in front of the Speaker’s dais, raised slogans, displayed
banners and torn papers in protest against the passage of the Finance (Supplementary) Bill, 2021
National | 40 | 1 | Protest | 22 | PTI |
when the Chair did not allow him to speak on floor of the House
Punjab | 36 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against inflation.
Punjab | 36 | 2 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against inflation
Punjab | 35 | 6 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Regarding hike in price of petroleum products.
Punjab | 34 | 12 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Lawmakers belonging to treasury benches protested for 11 minutes during the proceedings against remarks of PML-N lawmakers about their leadership.
Punjab | 34 | 12 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Suspension of Two PMLN law makers by the chair
Senate | 314 | 4 | Walkout | 78 | JI PML-N PPPP |
The opposition staged walkout from the House at 12:52 pm against hike in prices of petroleum products and did not return till end of the sitting at 12:58 pm.
National | 36 | 8 | Walkout | 72 | JI PML-N PPPP |
against the Election (Amendment) Bill, 2021, regarding Electronic Voting
Machines (EVM).
National | 35 | 2 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against holding of intermediate examinations on short notice without completing the syllabus by Federal Government
National | 35 | 6 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Against the extension of Higher Education Commission Ordinances
Balochistan | 40 | 7 | Boycott | 47 | ANP |
All opposition members remained absent from the proceedings of the House during the entire budget session.
Balochistan | 40 | 6 | Boycott | 47 | ANP |
All opposition members remained absent from the proceedings of the House during budget session.
Balochistan | 40 | 5 | Boycott | 47 | ANP |
All members remained absent from the proceedings of the House during passage of budget and boycotted the sititng.
KP | 19 | 7 | Walkout | 11 | ANP |
Against the chair’s attitude who did not give extra time to one of the party lawmaker to speak on his cut motion.
KP | 19 | 6 | Walkout | 11 | ANP |
Against the chair’s attitude who did not give extra time to one of the party's lawmaker to speak on his cut motion.
KP | 19 | 4 | Walkout | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
To express solidarity with the protestors of Jani Khel Tribe protesting over killing of their tribal elder
KP | 18 | 7 | Protest | 22 | PPPP |
Disallowing her to move bill.
KP | 18 | 6 | Protest | 47 | ANP PPPP |
Exchange of harsh words between treasury and opposition lawmakers over a question related to health department.
KP | 18 | 2 | Protest | 47 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
non-implementation of constitution’s 25th amendment regarding allocation of funds for newly merged districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Balochistan | 40 | 4 | Boycott | 47 | ANP |
All opposition members remained absent from the proceedings of the House during the session.
Balochistan | 40 | 3 | Boycott | 47 | ANP |
All opposition members remained absent from the proceedings of the House during the session.
National | 34 | 7 | Protest | 72 | MQM PML-N PPPP PTI |
The House witnessed confrontation and exchange of hot words between the treasury and opposition benches. A PTI lawmaker was injured after being hit by a bottle thrown at him following which the Chair had to adjourn the House.
Balochistan | 40 | 1 | Boycott | 47 | ANP |
All opposition members remained absent from the proceedings of the House during the session.
Balochistan | 38 | 3 | Walkout | 47 | ANP |
Against murder of a person from Hindu community in Quetta.
National | 34 | 4 | Protest | 72 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
The Members belonging to the opposition kept thumping desks and raised slogans in protest during the entire Budget speech of Mr. Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, Minister for Finance and Revenue.
National | 34 | 3 | Protest | 78 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
On several occasions during the Legislative Business the Members of Opposition parties gathered in front of the Speaker’s dias, displayed banners and raised slogans.
National | 34 | 1 | Protest | 41 | MQM |
Protest against neglecting the problems of Karachi by the Federal Government.
Sindh | 21 | 3 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
The PPPP lawmakers protested for two minutes when the PTI lawmakers criticized the PPPP’s senior leadership
Sindh | 21 | 2 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
When the Chair allowed a PTI’s displeased lawmaker to speak on the resolution
Sindh | 21 | 2 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
The PTI lawmakers also protested for three minutes on the criticism of PPPP lawmakers on the Federal Government’s performance.
Sindh | 21 | 2 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
The lawmakers belonging to The lawmakers belonging to PPPP also protested for two minutes when the PTI lawmakers criticized the Sindh Government’s performance.PPPP also protested for two minutes when the PTI lawmakers criticized the Sindh Government’s performance.
Punjab | 32 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Interruption by PTI lawmakers during Opposition Leader’s speech on the Palestinian issue.
Punjab | 32 | 1 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
The parliamentary leader of PPPP walked out from the House for three minutes when a PTI lawmaker interrupted him during his speech on the supplementary resolution.
Sindh | 20 | 7 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
MQM-P protested for 3 minutes when the Chair disallowed one of their colleague to continue pre-budget speech.
Sindh | 20 | 7 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
MQMP lawmakers walked out from the House for five minutes after protest when the Chair disallowed one of their colleague to continue pre-budget speech.
Sindh | 20 | 3 | Protest | 84 | PPPP PTI |
Against the criticism of PPPP lawmakers on Federal Government.
Sindh | 20 | 3 | Protest | 146 | ANP JI PML-N PPPP |
As soon as Question Hour started all Members belonging to Opposition gathered in front of Mr. Speaker’s dais and chanted slogans as they were stressing to speak on the resolution.
Sindh | 20 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PPPP PTI |
PPPP and PTI lawmakers protested and exchanged harsh words against each other. Their protest disrupted the proceedings for eight minutes
Balochistan | 35 | 5 | Protest | 47 | ANP |
To express solidarity with protesting teachers and he also put off his shirt in Assembly Hall.
Sindh | 19 | 4 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
The Speaker did not allow him to speak on an agenda item regarding Governor’s message for reconsideration of The Sindh Letters of Administration and Succession Certificates Bill, 2021.
Sindh | 19 | 4 | Protest | 46 | MQM PTI GDA TLP |
On deferment of an adjournment motion by the Chair.
Sindh | 18 | 6 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI |
PTI and MQMP lawmakers protested for seven minutes during the proceedings when the Speaker allowed a PTI lawmaker to sit on the treasury benches.
Punjab | 30 | 4 | Protest | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
Protested for nine minutes when the Chair did not allow them to speak on the Points of Order.
National | 30 | 1 | Boycott | 72 | ANP MWMP PML-N PPPP BNP-M |
The entire opposition boycotted the session called for a vote of confidence in the Prime Minister.
Sindh | 18 | 4 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
PTI lawmakers’ brawl with their ‘disgruntled’ colleagues as well as confrontation with PPPP members over the Senate election voting issue
Sindh | 18 | 3 | Protest | 85 | PPPP PTI |
The lawmakers belonging to PPPP and PTI chanted slogans and exchanged unwarranted remarks against each other.
Sindh | 18 | 2 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
PPPP lawmakers protested for seven minutes on the statement of PTI Lawmaker about increase of dog bite cases in Karachi.
Sindh | 18 | 1 | Protest | 41 | MQM |
On introduction of the Sindh Public-Private Partnership (Amendment) Bill, 2021 which was not on the agenda.
Sindh | 18 | 1 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
PPPP lawmakers protested for 22 minutes during the speech of the Leader of the Opposition.
National | 28 | 8 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
The Members from Opposition kept thumping desks and raised slogans during the
discussion on consideration motion of the Constitution (twenty-sixth Amendment) Bill,
National | 28 | 5 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
The Members from Opposition parties started thumping desks, raised slogans and gathered in front of Speaker’s dais as a protest against not giving floor to them.
Senate | 306 | 1 | Protest | 146 | PML-N PPPP PKMAP |
against unsatisfactory reply by minister of industries and production during question hour
Sindh | 17 | 9 | Protest | 147 | PPPP PTI |
Chanted slogans and exchanged unwarranted remarks against each other’s leadership
Sindh | 17 | 8 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
Against the admissibility of adjournment motion related to 18th Constitutional amendment
Sindh | 17 | 6 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
remarks of a PPPP lawmaker about the Federal Government.
Sindh | 17 | 5 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Speaker didn’t allow Leader of opposition to respond to CM’s statement. Taimoor Talpur also protested against PTI members
Punjab | 27 | 2 | Walkout | 72 |
Non payment of salaries to the Government employees belonging to Christian communities ahead of Christmas.
Sindh | 16 | 1 | Protest | 147 | MQM PTI |
during the speech of Minister for Energy
Balochistan | 28 | 3 | Walkout | 87 | PKMAP |
Against the resolution condemning the opposition for its remarks about state institutions.
Balochistan | 28 | 1 | Protest | 150 |
No ministers are present to answer questions. Also complained about the Speaker's attendance.
Punjab | 26 | 3 | Protest | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
during reply of Provincial Minister for Law about the demands of farmers who recently staged sit-in Lahore
Punjab | 26 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
during the speech of Provincial Minister for Law on political issues
Punjab | 26 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
non-issuance of production
order of the leader of the opposition
and arrest of party workers
National | 27 | 7 | Walkout | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
against the suspension of the question hour
Senate | 304 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
Against a Legislative proposal related to the journalists working in electronic media.
KP | 14 | 1 | Protest | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
against resolution passed by the House
National | 27 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
for not taking it into confidence during consideration of parliamentary business
Senate | 304 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
against non-laying of Ordinances in the Parliament in violation of the Constitution
Sindh | 14 | 1 | Protest | 147 | MQM PTI |
against the alleged ethnic remarks of PkMAP Chief at PDM gathering in Karachi
Senate | 304 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
against non-laying of an Ordinance in Parliament promulgated on September 2, 2020
National | 27 | 1 | Protest | 72 | ANP PPPP |
PPPP and PML(N) and other Opposition Parties raised slogans and kept thumping desk as a protest during the proceedings
National | 26 | 1 | Protest | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
during the speech of Advisor to Prime Minister on Interior
KP | 13 | 8 | Protest | 11 | ANP |
the speaker recently appointed matriculate member Rabia Basri Insaf as the committee chairperson
KP | 13 | 6 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
against absence of concerned department officials for discussion on her question
KP | 13 | 6 | Walkout | 147 | ANP |
against the dissatisfaction government’s response towards Mohmand marble mine incident
Punjab | 24 | 4 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
for not being allowed to participate in the discussion
Punjab | 24 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
for not being allowed to participate in the discussion
Punjab | 24 | 2 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Against the remarks by treasury benches
KP | 13 | 3 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
when chair did not allow him to speak on Point of Order
KP | 13 | 2 | Walkout | 47 | JI |
against the resolution passed by the house
Balochistan | 26 | 1 | Walkout | 47 | ANP |
Against hasty legislation
KP | 13 | 1 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against Chair's attitude who did not allow its lawmakers to speak on power crisis
KP | 13 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | PPPP PTI |
Against the gender discrimination in Public Account Committee
Punjab | 22 | 6 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
speaker not listening to them
Punjab | 20 | 4 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Not providing satisfactory answers.
Punjab | 20 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Unsatisfactory answers.
Punjab | 20 | 3 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Passage of bill without referring to the committee.
Balochistan | 25 | 1 | Token Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
against the remarks of a BAP lawmaker about NP leadership
Sindh | 13 | 2 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
against the decision of Sindh cabinet to carve out Keamari district as a new administrative unit from West district - the largest district of Karachi in terms of population
Sindh | 13 | 2 | Protest | 149 | PTI |
against non-allotment of chambers to them in the Assembly
National | 25 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
when they were disallowed to speak on Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, 2020
Sindh | 10 | 9 | Protest | 146 | MQM PTI |
during the process of approval of budget and Demands for Grants
Sindh | 10 | 8 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
opposed the provincial budget 2020-21
Sindh | 10 | 7 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
opposed the provincial budget 2020-21
Sindh | 10 | 5 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
against the Chair’s attitude who did not give him extra time to speak on provincial budget
Sindh | 10 | 5 | Protest | 149 | GDA |
For criticism by PPPP on party
Sindh | 10 | 4 | Protest | 149 | PTI |
against PPPP lawmakers who criticized her party
Sindh | 10 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | MQM PTI |
against the absence of Chief Minister during budget speeches who is looking after all financial matters of the province
Sindh | 10 | 3 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
against the Chair’s attitude who did not allow him to move a resolution
Sindh | 10 | 3 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
against the Chair’s attitude who did not allow him to move a resolution
Sindh | 10 | 2 | Protest | 146 | MQM PTI |
the entire budget speech of the Chief Minister
Sindh | 13 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | MQM PTI |
against the decision of Sindh cabinet who decided to carve out Keamari district as a new administrative unit from West district - the largest district of Karachi in terms of population. This will be the city's seventh district
Senate | 302 | 2 | Token Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Against erection of police checkposts and hurdles during hearing of PPPP president before Accountability Court in ToshaKhana case.
Senate | 302 | 1 | Walkout | 30 | PML-N |
Pelting of stones over vehicle of Vice President of PMLN outside the National Accountability Bureau office in Lahore
Parliament | 6 | 1 | Protest | 28 | JI NP |
during the consideration of legislative business
Senate | 300 | 4 | Token Walkout | 30 |
Chair's decision to refer Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020 to the relevant Committee instead of Council of Islamic Ideology.
Senate | 300 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | JI PPPP |
against criticism of Leader of the House on their leadership during his speech
National | 24 | 3 | Protest | 47 | JI |
sitting in the visitors’ gallery rather than on their seats in the House against refusal of the Chair to give them floor in the previous sittings
Sindh | 11 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
when the Chair disallowed one of their colleagues to speak on a point of order
Sindh | 11 | 2 | Protest | 147 | PPPP PTI |
when the opposition leader was disallowed to speak during the statement of Minister for Energy
Sindh | 11 | 1 | Protest | 147 | MQM PTI |
against hasty legislation
Sindh | 11 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | MQM PTI |
against hasty legislation
National | 23 | 14 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
against the alleged discriminatory attitude of Sindh government with Karachi
National | 23 | 14 | Protest | 147 | MQM PML-N PML PPPP PTI |
during the passage of legislative proposals and speeches of their opponent colleagues
National | 23 | 9 | Walkout | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
against the alleged abduction of a journalist from Islamabad
National | 23 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML-N PPPP |
when the Chair gave the floor to Minister for Communications for a political speech through point of order
National | 22 | 18 | Walkout | 72 | BNP JI PML-N PPPP |
The Members of all the opposition parties except Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali staged a walk-out at
2.22 p.m
National | 22 | 17 | Token Walkout | 72 | BNP JI PML-N PPPP |
On 12.32 p.m. Members belonging to Opposition parties staged a Token Walkout in protest during the
speech of Mr. Murad Saeed, Minister for Communications
National | 22 | 14 | Walkout | 41 | MQM |
on a point of order raised the issue of load-shedding and over billing by Karachi electric and HESCO and as a protest staged a walk-out alongwith other party members
National | 22 | 5 | Protest | 72 | BNP PML-N PPPP |
The members belonging to Opposition rising on their seats raised slogans in protest during the Budget
speech of Mr. Muhammad Hammad Azhar, Minister for Industries and Production and staged a walk-out
at 5.20 p.m. and boycotted the remaining speech
Sindh | 9 | 3 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
against not convening the session requisitioned by the Opposition on May 20, 2020
Sindh | 9 | 2 | Protest | 149 | PTI |
during the speech of Minister for Health and demanded her to deliver speech in Urdu instead of English language
Sindh | 9 | 2 | Protest | 146 | PTI |
against non-availability of supplementary agenda to them
Senate | 297 | 1 | Token Walkout | 146 |
Against abcense of ministers during qs hour.
KP | 11 | 6 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the government’s attitude towards the business of the House.
KP | 11 | 5 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the government’s attitude towards the business of the House.
Punjab | 19 | 3 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Punjab Cabinet rejecting Nawaz Sharif's request for extension in bail.
Punjab | 19 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
The Chair gave the floor to the Provincial Minister for Law to respond to the opposition’s queries about law and order.
Punjab | 19 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Punjab | 19 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
KP | 11 | 4 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the government’s attitude towards the business of the Hous
KP | 11 | 3 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the ministerial absence and the government’s attitude towards the House.
Senate | 295 | 23 | Token Walkout | 146 |
Against FIA Report on Wheat Crisis.
Senate | 295 | 23 | Walkout | 146 |
Absences of relevant minister to respond in adjournment motion.
KP | 11 | 2 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the ministerial absence and the government’s attitude towards the House business
KP | 11 | 1 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the ministerial absence and the government’s attitude towards the House business
KP | 11 | 1 | Protest | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the ministerial absence and the government’s attitude towards the House business
Senate | 295 | 22 | Protest | 41 |
Not allowed to speak for point of public imp.
Senate | 295 | 21 | Token Walkout | 146 |
Against absence of ministers during qs hour.
Senate | 295 | 20 | Token Walkout | 146 |
Against govt unclear stance on future of indus water treaty.
National | 19 | 1 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
At 05:10 p.m. Raja Pervaiz Asharaf, MNA belonging to PPPP alongwith his party staged a walk-out as a protest
against not giving him floor to Speak on point of order
Senate | 295 | 15 | Token Walkout | 146 |
Agaist abscense of ministers during qs hours.
Punjab | 18 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | PML-N |
against the attitude of the Chair for not giving floor to a PML-N lawmaker
Punjab | 18 | 2 | Protest | 146 | PML-N |
against the controversial statement of Minister for Information
Sindh | 7 | 3 | Boycott | 147 | MQM PTI |
on reconsideration of the bill the establishment of the office of the ombudsman for the province of sindh (amendment) bill, 2020
Sindh | 7 | 3 | Protest | 149 | GDA |
A GDA lawmaker protested for one minute for not including her adjournment motion on list of business
Sindh | 7 | 3 | Protest | 149 | GDA |
A GDA lawmaker protested for one minute for not including her adjournment motion on list of business
Senate | 295 | 11 | Token Walkout | 146 |
Against abcense of Minister for National Food Security and Research in floor crises debate.
KP | 10 | 10 | Protest | 147 | ANP PTI |
against the government for failing to fulfill its promises. And against being denied to speak during the proceedings
Senate | 295 | 7 | Walkout | 150 |
Non-availability of gas to baluchistan areas
Senate | 295 | 7 | Protest | 150 |
Non-availibity of gas to baluchsitan areas.
Sindh | 7 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA TLP |
Against consideration of a bill
Sindh | 7 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against consideration of a bill
Senate | 295 | 6 | Protest | 30 | JI NP PKMAP |
Against the passage of bills.
National | 18 | 5 | Walkout | 47 | JI |
On passage of the Pakistan Army (Amendment) Bill, 2020
National | 18 | 5 | Walkout | 22 | PML-N |
On passage of the Pakistan Army (Amendment) Bill, 2020
KP | 10 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N PPPP |
against the government for unsatisfactory reply to a question
KP | 10 | 4 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
against delay in Peshawar Bus Rapid Transit project
KP | 10 | 3 | Walkout | 150 | ANP |
against the attitude of the Chair who disallow him to raise Point of Order
KP | 10 | 2 | Protest | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
against the recent arrest of a PML-N politician by NAB authorities
Punjab | 17 | 9 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Controversial remarks
Punjab | 17 | 2 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
over controversial remarks of a PML-N lawmaker against their leadership
Punjab | 17 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
against the attitude of the Chair who disallowed them to move amendments in the Punjab Local Government (Amendment) Bill 2019, and the Punjab Village Panchayats and Neighborhood Councils (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Sindh | 6 | 36 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against passage of the bill
Sindh | 6 | 36 | Walkout | 84 | PTI GDA |
Against passage of a bill
Sindh | 6 | 35 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against remarks used by a TLP lawmaker for Prime Minister
Punjab | 16 | 10 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Complaining misbehavior of policemen with those parliamentarians visiting courts during hearings of their fellow MPAs facing NAB cases.
Punjab | 16 | 9 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Extension for Ordinances
Sindh | 6 | 26 | Walkout | 41 | MQM |
Use of derogatory language
Sindh | 6 | 26 | Protest | 78 | MQM PPPP PTI GDA |
Use of derogatory language from both sides of aisle
Punjab | 16 | 6 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Not incorporating amendments
Punjab | 16 | 5 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Inappropriate remarks
Punjab | 16 | 5 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Inappropriate remarks
Punjab | 16 | 5 | Walkout | 78 |
Inappropriate remarks
Punjab | 16 | 3 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Hasty legislation.
Punjab | 16 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Reliance of government on Ordinances for legislation.
Punjab | 16 | 1 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Reliance of government on Ordinances for legislation.
Sindh | 6 | 23 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Unsatisfactory reply on CAN
Senate | 294 | 7 | Token Walkout | 146 |
When the chair disallowed its legislator to speak.
KP | 9 | 1 | Protest | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
against passage of supplementary legislative business without referring it to the concerned standing committees
Senate | 294 | 3 | Walkout | 146 |
Against remarks by Leader of House against PPPP leadership.
National | 16 | 1 | Protest | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
against hasty passage of the bills and reliance of the government on Ordinances for legislation
Senate | 294 | 1 | Protest | 146 | ANP NP PML-N PPPP PKMAP |
against the delay in laying of ordinances before the House
Sindh | 6 | 15 | Protest | 41 | MQM PTI |
Disallowed by the Chair to speak on a resolution
Sindh | 6 | 12 | Protest | 41 | MQM |
Controversial remarks against leadership of MQMP
Sindh | 6 | 12 | Token Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Disallowed by the Chair to speak on resolution
Sindh | 6 | 10 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI |
Disallowed to speak on a supplementary resolution
Sindh | 6 | 10 | Protest | 41 | MQM |
Disallowed to speak on a supplementary resolution
Sindh | 6 | 9 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Skipping private members' agenda
Sindh | 6 | 9 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Skipping private members' agenda
Balochistan | 16 | 5 | Walkout | 11 | ANP |
over his reservations against local media
Balochistan | 16 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | BNP PKMAP |
against irregularities in hiring of staff at Higher Education department
KP | 8 | 12 | Protest | 40 |
For not allowing me to speak on Point of Order
KP | 8 | 11 | Protest | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
When speaker did not allow to Speak MMA lawmaker Munawar khan on Point of order
KP | 8 | 10 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
Question No 2461 did not refer to the Committee
National | 15 | 2 | Token Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
suspension of rules for introduction of Bills
Sindh | 6 | 4 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
For giving floor to a PPP lawmaker during question hour
Sindh | 6 | 3 | Protest | 84 | MQM PPPP PTI GDA TLP |
Treasury and opposition chanted slogans against each other
Sindh | 6 | 2 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
For giving floor to a GDA lawmaker
Sindh | 6 | 2 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed to speak on a resolution
KP | 8 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against the Unsatisfactory of CAN Answer
KP | 8 | 6 | Protest | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
Unsatisfactory answer of Question
KP | 8 | 6 | Protest | 78 |
Against arrest of PPPP MNA Syed Khursheed Ahmad.
KP | 8 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
Against the hasty approval of legislation
KP | 8 | 4 | Protest | 147 | PML-N |
Ignore PPP party in Kashmir Committee
Punjab | 14 | 4 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Against use of objectionable language by treasury lawmakers during speech of their parliamentary leader
Punjab | 14 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against non-issuance of production order of the Opposition leader
Punjab | 14 | 2 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against non-issuance of production order of the Opposition leader
National | 14 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
when the Chair disallowed its lawmakers to debate a bill seeking constitutional amendment
National | 14 | 3 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
after being disallowed by the Chair to speak on points of order
National | 14 | 1 | Token Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
Raja Pervez Ashraf, MNA staged a walk-out along with all opposition members against the legislation
through Ordinances.
KP | 6 | 18 | Protest | 147 | ANP PML-N |
Non-convening the meeting of committee constituted to probe alleged corruption in Billion Tree Tsunami program
KP | 6 | 19 | Protest | 147 | ANP PML-N |
The chair disallowed an ANP lawmaker to raise a PO
KP | 6 | 17 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PML-N |
Not providing development funds to lawmakers belonging to southern districts of the province
KP | 6 | 16 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PML-N |
The Chair did not allow a PML-N lawmaker to speak on a point of order regarding operation of law enforcement agencies in Hayatabad, Peshawar
KP | 6 | 14 | Protest | 147 | ANP PML-N |
Against the unsatisfactory reply by the Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Science and Information Technology about constituting a committee to probe financial embezzlement in an education program of the province
KP | 6 | 14 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PML-N |
Against the unsatisfactory reply by the Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Science and Information Technology about constituting a committee to probe financial embezzlement in an education program of the province
KP | 6 | 13 | Protest | 147 | ANP PML-N |
Opposition and government protested against each other for five minutes over the usage of indecent remarks against the Prime Minister
KP | 6 | 13 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Govt protested against opposition for usage of indecent remarks against PM.
Senate | 293 | 4 | Walkout | 146 |
Against legislation through promulgation of Presidential ordinances
KP | 8 | 3 | Protest | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
Against Govt did not do satisfactory answer for question
KP | 8 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
when the Chair did not allow an ANP lawmaker to speak on a parliamentary intervention
Sindh | 5 | 29 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
when Imdad Pitafi of PPP criticized PM Imran Khan during his speech on resolution
Sindh | 5 | 26 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
when Haleem Adil Shaikh of PTI criticized them during his CAN
Punjab | 13 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
Against derogatory remarks about their leadership
Punjab | 13 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against derogatory remarks about their leadership
Sindh | 5 | 22 | Protest | 149 | MQM PTI |
when they were not allowed to present resolution against Former President Asif Ali Zardari over his remarks against Muhajir community
Balochistan | 15 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | BNP PKMAP |
against the attitude of the Chair for passing the government bill without referring them to the concerned standing committees
National | 13 | 5 | Token Walkout | 41 | MQM |
Mr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, MNA belonging to MQM(P) staged a token walk-out along with his party
members against a speech delivered by a member on the 7-08-2019
National | 13 | 5 | Token Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Chairman PPPP staged a walk-out along with his party members against the
arrest of PML(N) vice president, Ms. Maryam Nawaz by the NAB.
Punjab | 12 | 1 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Against treasury lawmaker’s derogatory remarks against PPPP leadership.
KP | 7 | 13 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
Opposition Amendment did not Consider on Civil Servant Amendment bill 2019
KP | 7 | 13 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
during the question hour against non-reply to her questions
KP | 7 | 11 | Protest | 147 | PML-N PPPP |
against alleged misuse of authority by NAB officials
KP | 7 | 10 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
during the question hour against incomplete answers of their questions by the concerned ministers
Sindh | 5 | 17 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
when the privilege motion of PTI parliamentary leader was rejected
Punjab | 11 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Non-issuance of production order of the Leader of the Opposition
KP | 7 | 8 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N |
When law minister requested that With Draw all the demands of grants
KP | 7 | 7 | Walkout | 47 | PML-N |
Non alloactaion of Funds for Southern District
Sindh | 5 | 14 | Protest | 149 | MQM PTI |
Heer Soho (PPP) used personal remarks against Nusrat Sehar Abbasi of GDA
Sindh | 5 | 12 | Protest | 149 | MQM PTI |
against the attitude of Leader of the House who allegedly spoke in an objectionable tone with the Leader of the House
Sindh | 5 | 12 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
against the attitude of Leader of the House who allegedly spoke in an objectionable tone with the Leader of the House
National | 11 | 16 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
against the Chair’s attitude who allegedly snubbed two PPPP lawmakers demanding the floor for one of their colleagues
Punjab | 10 | 12 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Approval process of supplementary demands.
Punjab | 10 | 12 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Punjab | 10 | 11 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
against the ruling party which criticized the previous government on the supplementary budget and did not allow them to respond the criticism
National | 11 | 14 | Token Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against switching off his mike while he was delivering his speech on 26th June, 2019.
Balochistan | 14 | 6 | Boycott | 147 | BNP PKMAP |
against the approval of one Demand for Grant
Balochistan | 14 | 5 | Walkout | 147 | BNP PKMAP |
against unjustified allocation of budget for various areas and criticism on JUI-F leader at social media
National | 11 | 13 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
against the Chair’s decision who allowed him late to speak on his cut motion
KP | 7 | 6 | Protest | 146 | ANP PML-N |
Government approved all demand of grant with out discussion
Balochistan | 14 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | BNP PKMAP |
against the approval of 23 Demands for Grants and Appropriations for Current Expenditure
Balochistan | 14 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | BNP PKMAP |
against the presentation of the provincial budget during the speech of the Finance Minister
KP | 7 | 5 | Walkout | 11 | ANP |
Speaker did not give floor during Budget Speeches
Sindh | 5 | 9 | Protest | 149 | PTI |
when PPP lawmaker Mumtaz Jakhrani criticized him during speech
Sindh | 5 | 9 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
when the speaker gave more time TLP parliamentary leader than him
Sindh | 5 | 9 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
protested when the chair gave 2 more minutes Seema Zia of PTI in his speech
Sindh | 5 | 9 | Walkout | 149 | MQM PTI |
documents of opposition leader were stolen from the house they came back
KP | 7 | 3 | Protest | 47 | ANP PPPP |
non allocation of Funds for Southern District
KP | 7 | 2 | Protest | 147 | PPPP PTI |
When PPP lawamakers used Un parliamentary Lanaguages against PTI Lawmakers
KP | 7 | 2 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against unparliamentary language Used by PPP Lawmakers during budget speech against PTI law maker
Sindh | 5 | 8 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
Over criticism on Sindh government
Sindh | 5 | 7 | Protest | 147 | MQM PTI |
when mic of Nusrat Sehar Abbasi (GDA) turned off during her speech
Sindh | 5 | 7 | Protest | 147 | MQM PTI |
when mic of Javed Hanif (MQM) turned off during his speech
Punjab | 10 | 5 | Protest | 146 | PML-N |
against the controversial remarks passed by a treasury lawmaker during her budget speech
Senate | 290 | 5 | Protest | 147 | JI PML-N PPPP |
A JUI lawmaker was given the floor to take part in the budget debate, however, he instead used it to criticize the Prime Minister, which was opposed by the treasury benches. A PPPP lawmaker (former Chairman Senate), along with other lawmakers, tried to defuse the situation, but a PTI lawmaker resisted it, which infuriated other PPPP lawmakers, who came forward to rescue their colleague. At this stage, the Sergeant-at-Arms had to intervene to prevent the Senators from fighting with each other
KP | 7 | 1 | Protest | 146 | ANP PML-N |
the Chair did not allow them to speak on Points of Order during the presentation of the budget
KP | 7 | 1 | Boycott | 146 | ANP PML-N |
the Chair did not allow them to speak on Points of Order during the presentation of the budget
Sindh | 5 | 5 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
Kulsoom Chandio of PPP used personal remarks against Sidra Imran of PTI
Senate | 290 | 4 | Protest | 28 | JI PML-N PPPP |
During the budget debate, a JUI-F lawmaker criticized the Prime Minister over his alleged statement on a religious issue. The treasury lawmakers opposed it, and the Chair did not allow the opposition Senator tocontinue speaking on the subject after 10 minutes, which led to the adjournment of the sitting till at 1630 hours tomorrow (June 19, 2019)
National | 11 | 5 | Protest | 147 | AJIP ANP BNP MQM PML-N PML PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
As soon as the Leader of the Opposition opened the budget debate, his speech was interrupted by the treasury lawmakers, who chanted slogans against him. Following their protest, the PML-N lawmakers also protested after gathering around the dais of the Chair which led to the suspension of the proceedings for an hour and 59 minutes. The overall protest from both sides consumed seven minutes of the proceedings
Punjab | 10 | 3 | Not Applicable | 147 | PTI |
when opposition leader started his speech
Punjab | 10 | 2 | Protest | 147 | PML-N |
during the entire budget speech of the Provincial Minister for Finance
Sindh | 5 | 4 | Not Applicable | 147 | MQM PTI |
Sindh | 5 | 3 | Protest | 147 | MQM PTI |
noise, raised anti-government slogans tried to interrupt the finance minister during his whole budget speech
Sindh | 5 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | MQM PTI |
against reconsideration of The Sindh (Repeal of The Police Act, 1861 And Revival Of Police Order, 2002) Bill, 2019
National | 11 | 4 | Protest | 147 | MQM PML PTI |
during the opening speech of the Leader of the Opposition
National | 11 | 3 | Protest | 147 | AMLP MQM PML PTI BNP-M |
when the Chair asked the Leader of the Opposition on multiple occasions to open budget debate
National | 11 | 3 | Token Walkout | 30 | JI |
when the Chair did not allow them to speak on Points of Order
Senate | 290 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | MQM PPPP |
against non-issuance of production order of PPPP Co-Chairperson & MNA to attend the ongoing session of National Assembly
Sindh | 5 | 1 | Protest | 147 | MQM PTI |
issues faced by the people of Sindh
Senate | 290 | 1 | Protest | 146 | MQM PPPP |
during presentation of a copy of the Finance Bill, 2019
National | 11 | 2 | Protest | 72 | ANP BNP PML-N PPPP |
All members belonging to opposition gathered in front of the dice of Mr. Speaker and Minister of State
for Revenue during the Budget speech and raised slogans in protest.
National | 11 | 1 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
against the arrest of their Party Co-Chairperson by NAB
Punjab | 9 | 7 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against the Chair for disallowing debate on the Local Government Bill, 2019
Punjab | 9 | 5 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against the Chair’s refusal to allow a supplementary question during the Question Hour.
Punjab | 9 | 5 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the suspension of a PML-N lawmaker.
Punjab | 9 | 3 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against the government's motion to consider an amendment in the Assembly's Rules of Procedure without its prior inclusion in the List of Business.
Punjab | 9 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
For interruption during a PML-N lawmaker's Point of Order
Punjab | 9 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Unsatisfactory reply by the government.
Punjab | 8 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PPPP PTI |
Exchange of controversial remarks against each other.
National | 10 | 2 | Walkout | 72 | ANP JI PPPP |
All members of PML(N), PPPP, MMAP, BNP and ANP staged walk-out when the Chair gave floor to Minister for Communication instead of Minister for Defence to respond speech of PML-N Parliamentary leader.
Sindh | 4 | 49 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against consideration of bill related to police
Sindh | 4 | 49 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against consideration of bill related to police
Sindh | 4 | 49 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against consideration of bill related to police
Sindh | 4 | 48 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Disallowed by the Chair to debate HIV positive cases in Sindh
Sindh | 4 | 46 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI |
violation of rule 128
Sindh | 4 | 46 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
violation of Rule 128
Sindh | 4 | 45 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI |
Against CM remarks about division of province
Sindh | 4 | 42 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Remarks of PPPP lawmaker against one of their colleagues
Sindh | 4 | 41 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
Against remarks of PTI lawmaker who asked to allow female lawmakers in the House after checking
Sindh | 4 | 41 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
Against remarks about PPPP leadership
Sindh | 4 | 40 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
Against criticism on their leadership
Sindh | 4 | 40 | Protest | 84 | MQM GDA |
Demanding separate debate on budget execution reports and pre-budget matters
Sindh | 4 | 40 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Demanding separate debate on budget execution reports and pre-budget matters
Sindh | 4 | 38 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against remarks of Minister for local government about relative of a PTI lawmaker
Sindh | 4 | 38 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against remarks of Minister for local government about relative of a PTI lawmaker
Sindh | 4 | 37 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against debate on 18th Constitutional Amendment in the House
Sindh | 4 | 36 | Protest | 149 | GDA |
When the Chair allowed one of its lawmaker to speak on CAN
Sindh | 4 | 36 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed its lawmakers to speak on Points of Order
Sindh | 4 | 36 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed its lawmakers to speak on points of order
Sindh | 4 | 35 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against ruling out an AM
Sindh | 4 | 34 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Remarks of Chief Minister about Article 149 of the Constitution and after being disallowed by the Chair to speak on a resolution
Sindh | 4 | 30 | Walkout | 41 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed its lawmakers to speak on points of order related to PAC chairmanship.
Sindh | 4 | 28 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Depriving Opposition from Chairmanship of PAC
Sindh | 4 | 27 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed a supplementary resolution
Sindh | 4 | 26 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Depriving Opposition from Chairmanship of PAC
National | 9 | 6 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
PML-N lawmakers protested on floor of the House for three minutes against remarks of Minister for Aviation during the question hour.
Punjab | 7 | 17 | Walkout | 72 |
Against the passage of Punjab Aab e PAK Authority Bill
Punjab | 7 | 13 | Protest | 72 |
Against the intervention of a few ministers on the questions not related to their departments.
Punjab | 7 | 16 | Walkout | 72 |
Against the decision of the Chair for disallowing their member to speak on Private Member's Bill.
Punjab | 7 | 15 | Protest | 84 |
Against the derogatory remarks of the opposition lawmaker for the provincial government.
Punjab | 7 | 14 | Protest | 84 | PML-N |
Protest during pre budget discussion.
Punjab | 7 | 11 | Walkout | 72 |
Improper treatment of Nawaz Sharif.
Punjab | 7 | 10 | Walkout | 72 |
Information Minister's Derogatory Remarks against the Hindu Community.
Senate | 287 | 8 | Walkout | 78 |
exclusion of Benazir Bhutto's name in tribute
Senate | 287 | 7 | Walkout | 72 |
To register their concerns for Mr. Nawaz Sharif's health
Senate | 287 | 5 | Walkout | 146 |
unsatisfactory replies
Senate | 287 | 4 | Walkout | 72 |
against the absence of ministers
Senate | 287 | 4 | Walkout | 72 |
Ministers' absence
National | 8 | 8 | Walkout | 30 | JI PML-N PPPP |
Not giving time to move a resolution.
Punjab | 7 | 9 | Walkout | 72 | PPPP |
Comments by a colleague against the People of Chiniot.
Senate | 287 | 1 | Walkout | 78 |
Against the attitude of a member.
Sindh | 4 | 20 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed points of order during question hour
Punjab | 7 | 3 | Walkout | 72 |
Alleged use of derogatory remarks of a treasury lawmaker against a female colleague.
National | 8 | 2 | Protest | 72 | ANP JI PML-N PPPP |
The opposition lawmakers protested for 14 minutes during the speech of Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, demanding the Chair to allow them to speak first on the arrest of the Speaker of the Provincial Assembly. When another minister took the floor, the opposition lawmakers went to the dais of the Speaker and again started protest, which led to the early adjournment of the sitting till February 22, 2019 (Friday) at 1100 hrs.
Punjab | 7 | 2 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N |
Protest against the arrest of Sindh Speaker.
Sindh | 4 | 19 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against remarks of a PPPPP lawmaker against one of their colleagues
KP | 5 | 2 | Protest | 11 |
Chair disallowed an ANP member to speak on point of orders
KP | 5 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PNML PPPP |
Exchange of heated argument with government lawmaker on BRT project
Sindh | 4 | 16 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed to move an out of turn resolution
Senate | 286 | 9 | Walkout | 72 |
Against ministerial absence
Senate | 286 | 9 | Walkout | 72 |
against non-laying of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Ordinance, 2019, on the Table of the
Senate | 286 | 8 | Walkout | 72 |
Against the government for not fulfilling the constitutional obligation
Senate | 286 | 5 | Walkout | 72 |
non presence of ministers
Senate | 286 | 4 | Walkout | 72 |
The absence of Finance Minister
Senate | 286 | 3 | Walkout | 72 |
Against laying of a bill.
Senate | 286 | 2 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
against non-presence of the Ministers
Senate | 285 | 7 | Walkout | 72 | PPPP |
Refusal by Chairman to allow an unscheduled discussion
Senate | 285 | 1 | Token Walkout | 146 |
Alleged targeting of opposition leaders by NAB
Senate | 285 | 1 | Walkout | 72 |
absence of the Minister for Finance
Senate | 284 | 4 | Walkout | 72 |
Language used by the Federal Minister
Senate | 284 | 3 | Walkout | 72 |
remarks of Minister
Senate | 283 | 3 | Token Walkout | 72 |
Absence of responding ministers
Sindh | 4 | 15 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed to ask a supplementary questions
Sindh | 4 | 13 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed opposition lawmakers to move a resolution
Sindh | 4 | 12 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed the Opposition to move a resolution during question hour
Sindh | 4 | 11 | Protest | 84 | PTI GDA |
Against Chair's decision for ruling out a Privilege motion of a PTI lawmaker
Sindh | 4 | 10 | Protest | 84 | MQM GDA |
Against passage of Singh LG (Amendment) Bill, 2019 without referring to committee
National | 7 | 4 | Token Walkout | 47 | JI |
Staged a token walk-out for not giving him floor during the Question Hour
Sindh | 4 | 4 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Remarks against federal government by a PPPP lawmaker
Sindh | 4 | 3 | Walkout | 83 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed an opposition lawmaker to ask a supplementary questions
Punjab | 6 | 6 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
A lawmaker belonging to PPPP staged a 46 minutes walkout against non-representation in special committees constituted for the bills proposed on same day.
National | 7 | 1 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
At 7.03 p.m. Khawaja Muhammad Asif, MNA alongwith members belonging to opposition
staged a walk-out against the inappropriate attitude of Treasury members
Punjab | 6 | 3 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
In solidarity with the journalists who were protesting against the behavior of Minister for Information.
Punjab | 6 | 1 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Against an un duly nominated Panel of Chairpersons presiding over the sitting.
Punjab | 6 | 1 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against the alleged interruption by the assembly secretariat staff in the House proceedings.
KP | 4 | 6 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against the court’s verdict sentencing seven-year imprisonment to the party’s Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
KP | 4 | 5 | Walkout | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the Chair’s attitude
KP | 4 | 5 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Barring of a PML-N lawmaker from speaking on a point of order
KP | 4 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Barring of a PML-N lawmaker from speaking on a point of order.
KP | 4 | 4 | Walkout | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the consideration of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Continuation of Laws in Erstwhile Provincially Administered Tribal Areas Bill 2018
KP | 4 | 2 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Claiming that her agenda was being ignored
KP | 3 | 3 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
When she was not allowed to continue her speech.
KP | 3 | 1 | Walkout | 47 | PML-N PPPP |
Against the Chair’s attitude who did not allow them to speak on floor of the House.
KP | 1 | 2 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
Disallowed to cast a vote in speaker and Dy Speaker Elections.
National | 6 | 7 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
staged a token walkout after submitting his protesting note with the Chair who disallowed him to speak on a point of order.
National | 6 | 6 | Walkout | 72 | ANP JI PML-N PPPP QWP |
Against non-issuance of Production Order of Khawaja Saad Rafique, MNA.
National | 6 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, MNA alongwith all members of Opposition staged walk-out as protest
against non issuance of Production Order of Khawaja Saad Rafique, MNA.
Balochistan | 4 | 1 | Walkout | 30 |
Opposition lawmakers staged a walkout against the passage of Balochistan Government Benevolent Fund Bill 2018
Balochistan | 1 | 3 | Walkout | 87 | PKMAP |
against speaker's attitude towards the party members
Balochistan | 1 | 2 | Walkout | 87 |
protest against corruption in elections
Punjab | 5 | 7 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against rejection of a PML-N lawmaker’s resolution.
Punjab | 5 | 4 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
against Minister for Law’s comments against opposition.
Punjab | 5 | 4 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Against baton charge of police on their party workers outside NAB Court.
Punjab | 5 | 3 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against Chair’s decision to dispose of a question.
Sindh | 3 | 4 | Protest | 41 | MQM PTI GDA |
When the Chair disallowed an MQMP lawmaker to move CAN
Sindh | 3 | 1 | Protest | 149 | GDA |
Chair refusal to allow a GDA lawmaker to speak on out-of-turn adjournment motion
Sindh | 2 | 5 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI |
Against remarks of a treasury lawmaker
Sindh | 2 | 5 | Walkout | 151 | TLP |
To condemn the issue of blasphemous caricatures
Sindh | 2 | 5 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against attitude of treasury lawmakers
Sindh | 2 | 4 | Walkout | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Chair's refusal to MQM lawmaker to speak on a point of order
Sindh | 2 | 4 | Protest | 84 | MQM PTI GDA |
Against remarks of a PPPP lawmaker against opposition leadership
Sindh | 1 | 1 | Protest | 41 | MQM |
Acute water shortage in Karachi
Punjab | 4 | 1 | Protest | 72 |
they protested against the unwarranted remarks of the Information Minister against some members of their party.
National | 4 | 3 | Token Walkout | 47 | JI |
Mr. Asad Mahmood alongwith all members belonging to MMAP staged a token walk-out as a protest
against the alleged non-satisfactory response of the Government regarding landing of Israeli Plane in
National | 4 | 2 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah alongwith all members belonging to PPPP, PML(N) and MMAP staged a
walk-out as a protest against absence of Minister for Finance during discussion on Economic policy
National | 4 | 1 | Token Walkout | 72 | PML-N PPPP |
Rana Tanveer Hussain, alongwith all members belonging to PML(N), PPPP, and MMAP staged a token
walk-out as a protest against non-production of Leader of the Opposition by the NAB
Punjab | 3 | 6 | Boycott | 72 |
PMLN continued their boycott of the house proceedings.
Punjab | 3 | 5 | Boycott | 72 |
the PMLN lawmakers continued their boycott of house proceedings.
Punjab | 3 | 1 | Protest | 72 | MWMP |
Protested during the speech of Finance Minister and tore Copies of Agenda.
Punjab | 2 | 1 | Protest | 72 |
Remarks of Ministers on the performance of previous Government
Punjab | 2 | 1 | Protest | 72 | PPPP |
Chair's remarks regarding behaviour of Lawmakers in the House
Punjab | 2 | 1 | Protest | 72 |
Remarks of Ministers on the performance of previous Government
Punjab | 1 | 3 | Protest | 84 |
Against the cancellation of a vote during the election of a speaker.
Punjab | 1 | 3 | Protest | 72 |
Against the Election of the PTI candidate as the Chief Minister.
Punjab | 1 | 3 | Walkout | 72 |
Election of PMLN candidate in the speaker election.
Punjab | 1 | 2 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against cancellation of a vote during the election of the Speaker.
Punjab | 1 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Violation of of teh ballot's secrecy
Punjab | 1 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against the election of PML's candidate in the Speaker's election
Punjab | 1 | 2 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
violation of secrecy of ballot and election of PML's candidate
Senate | 282 | 11 | Walkout | 72 |
remarks of a treasury lawmaker
Senate | 282 | 10 | Walkout | 72 |
Chair allowed minister to speak before conclusion of discussion
Senate | 282 | 9 | Token Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
unavailability of information to the House
Senate | 282 | 7 | Walkout | 78 |
Absence of Minister
Senate | 282 | 7 | Walkout | 146 |
Absence of Minister
Senate | 282 | 6 | Walkout | 72 |
absence of Finance Minister
Senate | 282 | 1 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Alleged Physical torture against a political leader in Balochistan
Senate | 281 | 3 | Walkout | 72 |
Against the remarks of Minister for Railways
Senate | 281 | 3 | Walkout | 72 |
Not allowed to speak on a matter
Senate | 281 | 1 | Token Walkout | 72 |
Rigging in elections
Senate | 281 | 1 | Walkout | 72 |
PM left the house
National | 2 | 6 | Walkout | 72 | ANP JI PPPP QWP |
Against Deputy Speaker’s refusal for headcount in the previous sitting after identification of quorum.
National | 2 | 5 | Walkout | 78 | PML-N PPPP |
Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah, MNA alongwith all members belonging to PPPP, PML(N) and MMAP
staged a token walk-out as a protest against the un-parliamentary language used by Mr. Fawad Ahmed,
Minister for Information and Broadcasting Division.
National | 2 | 1 | Walkout | 16 | BNP |
Against statement made by the Prime Minister regarding issuance of CNICs to refugees in Karachi
Parliament | 1 | 1 | Boycott | 72 | PML-N |
Soon after recitation from the Holy Quran and Naat the members of the National Assembly and Senate belonging to PML(N), JUI(F), PKMAP and ANP rose in their seats and wanted to speak on points of order. Since they were not allowed to speak on point of order, thereupon, after two minutes they staged a
walk-out and boycotted the Address of the President.
National | 1 | 3 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
All members belonging to PML(N) staged a protest at the announcement of result of the election of the
Prime Minister
National | 1 | 3 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Against rigging in 2018 general elections
National | 1 | 3 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Non-permission from Speaker to speak on floor of the House
National | 1 | 3 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
During the speech of PML-N nominee for the premiership
National | 1 | 2 | Protest | 72 | PML-N |
Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi, MNA alongwith all members of PML(N) protested against the rigging in the
General Elections 2018, made slogans and gathered in front of the dice of Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker
suspended the proceeding for fifteen minutes.
National | 50 | 4 | Walkout | 147 | JI MQM PPPP PTI |
Not including FATA Reforms Bill on the agenda
National | 50 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | JI MQM PPPP PTI |
Against the issuance of revised Orders of the Day after exclusion of the Supreme Court and High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction to Federally Administered Tribal Areas) Bill, 2017
Balochistan | 46 | 3 | Protest | 30 | ANP |
Over setting up more than 100 water reservoirs in one district of the province
Punjab | 33 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against Government’s inaction towards blatant promotion of anti-Islamic practices in a Muslim country like Pakistan, where Muslims Holy day i.e. Friday is called Black, following celebrations and offensive traditions. The Opposition demanded the Government to remove hoardings and banners promoting tradition of pre-Christmas sales on this day and take necessary measures to stop this systematic insult in the name of Black Friday
National | 49 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | JI PPPP PTI |
Syed Naveed Qamar, MNA alongwith all members belonging to PPPP, PTI and JI staged a walk-out as a protest against the absence of the Minister for Water Resources to reply to the Calling Attention Notice
Sindh | 36 | 10 | Protest | 147 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
For not letting the debate begin on the issue of sugarcane crushing season
Sindh | 36 | 9 | Walkout | 147 | PML-F |
Against absence of relevant minister to reply her question
Sindh | 36 | 9 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
Against the decision of the Chair to disallow a Point of Order
Sindh | 36 | 7 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
Against the decision of the Chair to disallow a supplementary question
Sindh | 36 | 6 | Protest | 147 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the decision of the Chair to disallow a Point of Order
Sindh | 36 | 5 | Protest | 146 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the decision of the Chair to disallow a Point of Order
Sindh | 36 | 5 | Protest | 147 | PML |
Against the decision of the Chair to disallow a Point of Order
Sindh | 36 | 3 | Protest | 147 | MQM |
Against the attitude of the Chair for disallowing him to raise a supplementary question
Sindh | 36 | 1 | Protest | 147 | PML PTI |
Against the Chair for not allowing them to speak during the proceedings
KP | 26 | 10 | Protest | 147 | PML-N PTI |
During the Question Hour. They chanted slogans and leveled allegations of corruption against each other
KP | 26 | 4 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
Over not being allowed to speak on a point of order
KP | 26 | 4 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
Against the federal government for utilizing the Peshawar’s development funds for bye-election campaign in NA-4
National | 47 | 8 | Walkout | 147 | MQM PPPP |
Over the state of affairs in the Pakistan Steel Mill
National | 47 | 8 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
After the Chair denied permission to a party’s legislator to speak on a Point of Order
National | 47 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against results of population census in Sindh
National | 47 | 5 | Boycott | 147 | MQM |
Against the knife attacks on women in Karachi
National | 47 | 4 | Token Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against the allegation that the Parliamentarians have relations with the banned organizations as reported in the media
KP | 26 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
For not referring a Starred Question related to Industries Department to concerned committee
KP | 26 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | PML-N QWP |
Over the issue of the privatization of government colleges and upgradation of pay scale of lecturers
National | 47 | 1 | Protest | 146 | JI MQM PML PPPP PTI |
Against the passage of the Elections Bill, 2017
Punjab | 31 | 10 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Over unsatisfactory replies of the supplementary questions asked during the Question Hour
Punjab | 31 | 10 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against not being allowed to move a resolution demanding to lay a copy of the report of Judicial Commission on Model Town Incident in the House
National | 46 | 9 | Token Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against results of census for Karachi
Senate | 267 | 7 | Token Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against the statement made by the Minister
National | 46 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | JI PPPP PTI |
Against the result of Census
Punjab | 31 | 4 | Protest | 126 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the passage of a government resolution regarding the former Prime Minister during last sitting of the House
Punjab | 31 | 3 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
Against the government resolution regarding the former Prime Minister
National | 46 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Over unsatisfactory reply to a question related to the Energy Department
National | 46 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
Against the attitude of the Chair who did not allow one of the lawmaker to speak on a bill
Punjab | 31 | 2 | Protest | 126 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Demanding the resignation of the Chief Minister Punjab in wake of the court verdict against relocation of Sharif family’s sugar mills
Punjab | 31 | 1 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the violation of Election Commission of Pakistan’s code of conduct for by-election in NA-120
Balochistan | 44 | 4 | Walkout | 49 | NP |
Against the Federal government for importing onion from Afghanistan
Senate | 267 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | PKMAP |
Against unsatisfactory reply to a question by State Minister for Information Technology
National | 44 | 4 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against the missing workers of MQM, in Karachi
National | 44 | 2 | Token Walkout | 147 | JI MQM PTI |
Against the harassment of Shaikh Rashid Ahmed, MNA by some visitors in the Parliament
Sindh | 35 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the passage of the Sindh Accountability Bill, 2017
Sindh | 35 | 2 | Protest | 147 | PML-N |
over not allowing their colleague to speak during the proceedings and alleged unparliamentary remarks of a provincial minister against the Prime Minister of Pakistan
Sindh | 35 | 1 | Protest | 147 | PML-N |
over not allowing their colleague to speak during the proceedings and alleged unparliamentary remarks of a provincial minister against the Prime Minister of Pakistan
Sindh | 34 | 1 | Protest | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against repealing NAB Ordinance
Sindh | 34 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against repealing NAB Ordinance
Sindh | 33 | 8 | Protest | 146 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
Over rejection of their Cut Motions
Sindh | 33 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
Over alleged indecent remarks of a PPPP legislator against a PTI member
Sindh | 33 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the indecent remarks passed by a PPP lawmaker against the opposition members
Sindh | 33 | 5 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
Against the refusal of the Chair to allow additional time to an opposition lawmaker
Sindh | 33 | 4 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
Against attack on their colleague in Karachi and remarks passed by PPPP lawmaker during his budget speech
Sindh | 33 | 3 | Boycott | 48 | MQM |
The Budget proceedings for not including the schemes recommended by Local Government Representatives
Sindh | 33 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
The Budget proceedings for not including the schemes recommended by Local Government Representatives
KP | 25 | 6 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
When the Chair did not allow one of their colleagues to speak about demands for grants
KP | 25 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | PML-N PPPP |
Against unavailability of List of Business
KP | 25 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
For not getting development funds for his constituency
KP | 25 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against the Budget 2017-18
Punjab | 30 | 10 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against rejection of their cut motion
Punjab | 30 | 9 | Protest | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against unwarranted remarks of a treasury lawmaker
Punjab | 30 | 9 | Walkout | 126 | PPPP PTI |
Against unwarranted remarks of a treasury lawmaker
Punjab | 30 | 8 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against the imposition of new taxes in the Punjab Finance Bill 2017
Punjab | 30 | 7 | Protest | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of Punjab over the allegations of corruption
National | 43 | 15 | Protest | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Over absence of the Prime Minister to brief the House over diplomatic crisis in Gulf States
National | 43 | 15 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Over absence of the Prime Minister to brief the House over diplomatic crisis in Gulf States
National | 43 | 14 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Over refusal of the government to telecast the opposition lawmakers’ budget speeches
National | 43 | 13 | Protest | 147 | PML-N PTI |
After a PTI lawmaker’s speech was disrupted by a PML-N lawmaker
National | 43 | 13 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against refusal of the government to telecast the opposition lawmakers’ budget speeches
National | 43 | 12 | Protest | 147 | AMLP ANP JI MQM PML-N PML PPPP PTI |
During the point of order of Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah, Leader of the Opposition
National | 43 | 11 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
For not airing their speeches live on state-run television
National | 43 | 11 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
For not getting permission to speak on the federal budget
National | 43 | 10 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Over remarks of Chief Minister Punjab about apex court
National | 43 | 10 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP PTI |
Against advertisement of sanitary workers’ job in a section of press and death of patient in Umerkot due to negligence of a doctor
National | 43 | 9 | Protest | 146 | PPPP PTI |
For not airing their speeches on the state television
National | 43 | 9 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
For not airing their speeches on the state television
Sindh | 33 | 2 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
When one of their colleagues was not allowed by the Chair to speak on budget
Sindh | 33 | 2 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
When he was not allowed to raise point of order
Sindh | 33 | 1 | Protest | 146 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
During budget speech of the Chief Minister
Sindh | 33 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
During budget speech of the Chief Minister
Punjab | 30 | 5 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Over Chair’s refusal to grant them extra time for their speeches on the budget
Punjab | 30 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Over Chair’s refusal to grant them extra time for their speeches on budget
Punjab | 30 | 3 | Protest | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against interruptions from treasury benches during the speech of a PTI lawmaker
Punjab | 30 | 3 | Walkout | 127 | PPPP PTI |
Against interruptions from treasury benches during the speech of a PTI lawmaker
Punjab | 30 | 1 | Protest | 146 | PPPP PTI |
During the speech of the Minister for Finance
National | 43 | 8 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Over not telecasting the speeches of opposition lawmakers on state television
National | 43 | 7 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
For not telecasting the speeches of opposition lawmakers on the state-run television
National | 43 | 6 | Boycott | 146 | PPPP PTI |
For not telecasting the speeches of opposition lawmakers on national television
Senate | 263 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | MQM PTI |
Against subjecting of farmers to baton charge by the Police who were protesting for their rights in Islamabad D-Chowk
National | 43 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Over not telecasting the speeches of opposition lawmakers on state television
National | 43 | 5 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
Over not telecasting the speeches of opposition lawmakers on state television
National | 43 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Over government’s refusal to live telecast the proceedings of budget discussion on state television
Balochistan | 40 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
The decision of government for not converting the Adjournment Motion into a resolution
KP | 24 | 8 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
Unavailability of the copies of List of Business
KP | 24 | 6 | Protest | 147 | PTI |
Against denying permission to speak on a Point of Order
KP | 24 | 6 | Protest | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
For not being allowed to move a resolution against PTI lawmaker, who used objectionable language against women the other day
KP | 24 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
For not being allowed to move a resolution against PTI lawmaker, who used objectionable language against women the other day
KP | 24 | 6 | Token Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
Over ministerial absence in the House
KP | 24 | 5 | Protest | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
Over “Unjustified” distribution of development funds
KP | 24 | 3 | Protest | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
Against the passage of bill and resolution against Prime Minister
Punjab | 28 | 4 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Demanding resignation of the Prime Minister
Punjab | 28 | 3 | Protest | 28 | JI |
Against non-provision of funds for Bahawalpur
Punjab | 28 | 3 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Demanding resignation of the Prime Minister
Punjab | 28 | 2 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Demanding resignation of the Prime Minister
Punjab | 28 | 1 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Demanding resignation of the Prime Minister
Punjab | 28 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Demanding resignation of the Prime Minister
Balochistan | 37 | 6 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against controversial appointments in a government department
Balochistan | 37 | 4 | Walkout | 147 | NP |
Over non-issuance of funds for his constituency
Balochistan | 37 | 4 | Walkout | 147 | PKMAP |
Over non-availability of medical staff in his constituency
Balochistan | 37 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N PML PKMAP |
Absence of secretaries of government departments
Senate | 261 | 3 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Against enforced disappearances of party loyalists
Senate | 261 | 3 | Token Walkout | 73 | PML |
Against blocking of CNICs of Pakhtuns
Balochistan | 38 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against the attitude of the Chair for not giving him floor to raise a Point of Order
Balochistan | 35 | 5 | Walkout | 73 | PML |
Discriminatory policy of the government in allocating seats to Lady Health Workers in his constituency
Balochistan | 34 | 3 | Walkout | 49 | NP |
Against the government for not taking them into confidence on important decisions
Balochistan | 31 | 3 | Walkout | 30 | ANP PML-N PKMAP |
Electricity load-shedding in the province
Punjab | 22 | 10 | Walkout | 28 | JI |
On neglecting Bahawalpur in development schemes
Sindh | 25 | 11 | Protest | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
For rejection of cut motions Demands for Grants
Punjab | 22 | 8 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the unsatisfactory statement of the Education Minister during discussion on relevant Demand for Grants
Punjab | 22 | 7 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the absence of Health Minister during discussion on relevant Demands for Grants
Sindh | 25 | 7 | Protest | 147 | PML-F PML-N |
Against unwarranted remarks of Provincial Minister for Transport
Sindh | 25 | 7 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
Against provocative remarks of Minister for Health
Punjab | 22 | 6 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against the remarks of a PML-N legislator about the party protests starting after Eid
Punjab | 22 | 6 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Against neglecting his constituency in the Budget 2016-17
Sindh | 25 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
For not allowing media to cover the proceedings live
Sindh | 25 | 6 | Protest | 147 | PPPP |
Against the demand of making new provinces
Sindh | 25 | 6 | Protest | 147 | MQM |
Against objectionable remarks by a PPPP lawmaker
KP | 19 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
Against the attitude of the Chair who did not allow him to debate provincial budget
KP | 19 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
Against unscheduled load-shedding in the province
Sindh | 25 | 5 | Protest | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against Chair’s attitude for not allowing a PTI lawmaker to conclude her speech
Sindh | 25 | 5 | Protest | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Reportedly made against objectionable remarks by a PPPP lawmaker
Punjab | 22 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against ignoring his constituency in allocation of development schemes
Sindh | 25 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against registration of FIR against their ex-parliamentarian
National | 33 | 11 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against the arrest of their workers in Karachi
Sindh | 25 | 1 | Protest | 147 | MQM |
Against the attitude of the Speaker for not allowing him to speaker during the speech of Finance Minister
KP | 19 | 1 | Protest | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
The Finance Minister started his budget speech
Punjab | 22 | 1 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
The budget speech of the Finance Minister
National | 33 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | MQM PPPP PTI |
Against disrespectful remarks of the Defence Minister about a woman lawmaker of PTI
National | 33 | 5 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against sieging the House of the party’s Parliamentary Leader in Karachi
Senate | 249 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | ANP |
Over his opinion about mistakes in various clauses of the Constitution (Twenty-second Amendment) Bill, 2016
Punjab | 21 | 14 | Protest | 147 | JI PML-N PML PNML PPPP PTI |
The issue of Panama Leaks
KP | 18 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP JI PML-N PPPP |
Against the non-construction of a demolished bridge in Dir despite allocation of funds for it
KP | 18 | 4 | Protest | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
Over the late start of the proceedings
Punjab | 21 | 11 | Token Walkout | 147 | JI |
Against the government for not making commitment to ban liquor business
Punjab | 21 | 11 | Protest | 147 | PML-N |
Against misogynistic remarks of JI lawmaker
Punjab | 21 | 10 | Protest | 147 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the foul language used by Provincial Law Minister
Punjab | 21 | 10 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the decision to not continue the discussion on measures of good governance
Punjab | 21 | 9 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against departure of the Chief Minister from the House without hearing them
Senate | 248 | 7 | Walkout | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the absence of Prime Minister from the House
Senate | 248 | 7 | Token Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Over water shortage in Karachi and alleged highhandedness against MQM workers
National | 32 | 7 | Token Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against the ongoing Operation in Karachi
Senate | 248 | 6 | Boycott | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the absence of Prime Minister from the House
National | 32 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | JI MQM PPPP PTI QWP |
Against the Prime Minister’s speech which they alleged did not answer their queries
Senate | 248 | 5 | Boycott | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the absence of Prime Minister from the House
National | 32 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | JI MQM PPPP PTI QWP |
Against the absence of the Prime Minister from the House and not taking it into confidence on Panama Leaks
Senate | 248 | 4 | Boycott | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the absence of Prime Minister from the House
National | 32 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | JI MQM PPPP PTI QWP |
Against the absence of the Prime Minister from the House and not taking it into confidence on Panama Leaks
Senate | 248 | 3 | Boycott | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the absence of Prime Minister from the House
National | 32 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against the absence of the Prime Minister from the House and not taking it into confidence on Panama Leaks
Senate | 248 | 2 | Boycott | 146 | BNP-A JI PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the absence of Prime Minister from the House
National | 32 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against the absence of the Prime Minister from the House and not taking it into confidence on Panama Leaks
National | 32 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against the absence of the Prime Minister from the House and not taking it into confidence on Panama Leaks
Punjab | 21 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
Against the irregularities in distribution of jute bags
Punjab | 21 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against the Deputy Speaker who did not allow him to speak during Zero Hour
Punjab | 21 | 2 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the remarks of a parliamentary secretary about the inferior status of members elected on reserved seats
Punjab | 21 | 2 | Token Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the remarks of a parliamentary secretary about the inferior status of members elected on reserved seats
Punjab | 21 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
The decision of the Chair to disallow an out-of-turn Adjournment Motion of the Leader of the Opposition regarding Panama Leaks
Balochistan | 28 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | ANP BNP |
The issue of corruption in the province
Balochistan | 28 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | ANP BNP |
The issue of corruption in the province
Balochistan | 28 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | ANP BNP |
The issue of corruption in the province
Balochistan | 28 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | ANP BNP |
The issue of corruption in the province
Balochistan | 28 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | ANP BNP |
The issue of corruption in the province
National | 32 | 1 | Walkout | 22 | PTI |
To show solidarity with the FATA teachers protesting in Islamabad
National | 32 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against the absence of the Prime Minister from the House and not taking it into confidence on Panama Leaks
Senate | 248 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the absence of Prime Minister from the House
Senate | 248 | 1 | Boycott | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PPPP PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the absence of Prime Minister from the House
KP | 17 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
When the Chair did not allow him to speak on a point of order
Sindh | 24 | 17 | Protest | 147 | MQM |
Against the Speaker for not allowing their colleague to raise a Point of Order
Sindh | 24 | 16 | Token Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against the government for not providing security to their party leaders
Sindh | 24 | 15 | Protest | 147 | MQM PML-F PML-N PTI |
When PML-F lawmaker Nusrat Seher Abbasi charged that senior minister for education and parliamentary affairs Nisar Khuhro made an objectionable gesture towards her
Sindh | 24 | 15 | Walkout | 147 | MQM PML-F PML-N PTI |
When PML-F lawmaker Nusrat Seher Abbasi charged that senior minister for education and parliamentary affairs Nisar Khuhro made an objectionable gesture towards her
Sindh | 24 | 14 | Protest | 147 | MQM PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the passage of the Sindh Local Government (Third Amendment) Bill, 2016
Senate | 247 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
For not awarding benefits to teachers working in FATA respective to the teachers of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Sindh | 24 | 11 | Protest | 147 | MQM |
Over unsatisfactory reply by the government to a CAN moved by one of their fellow member
Senate | 247 | 1 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Over unsatisfactory reply to a starred question
Senate | 247 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | BNP-A BNP JI PML-F PML-N PTI PKMAP |
When the Chair did not allow the Chairman Standing Committee on Finance to present special report about privatization of Heavy Electrical Complex (HEC)
National | 31 | 5 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against arrest of its party leaders and workers
Punjab | 20 | 10 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against rejection of an out-of-turn adjournment motion regarding Panama Leaks
National | 31 | 3 | Token Walkout | 146 | PPPP PTI |
Against the federal government for withdrawing tax free zone facilities from Division Malakand and District Kohistan
National | 31 | 3 | Token Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against the federal government for withdrawing tax free zone facilities from provincial government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Balochistan | 27 | 6 | Walkout | 146 | ANP BNP |
For rejecting the adjournment motions submitted by JUI-F lawmakers
Balochistan | 27 | 6 | Token Walkout | 49 | NP |
For rejecting the adjournment motions submitted by JUI-F lawmakers
Sindh | 24 | 5 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
Against the attitude of the Speaker for no allowing them to speak
Sindh | 24 | 5 | Token Walkout | 48 | MQM |
Against the attitude of the Speaker for no allowing them to speak
Punjab | 20 | 7 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
The Chair disallowed the Opposition Leader to submit AM about Panama Leaks
Punjab | 20 | 6 | Protest | 147 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the Prime Minister for not stepping down after his family was accused of involvement in offshore companies in Panama Leaks
Punjab | 20 | 6 | Walkout | 147 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the Prime Minister for not stepping down after his family was accused of involvement in offshore companies in Panama Leaks
Punjab | 20 | 4 | Protest | 147 | JI PML PTI |
Over not getting permission to table resolution about allegation on Pakistani leadership in `Panama Leaks’
Punjab | 20 | 4 | Walkout | 147 | JI PML PTI |
Over not getting permission to table resolution about allegation on Pakistani leadership in `Panama Leaks’
Punjab | 20 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
Against not being allowed to discuss the attendance of Chief Minister in the House
Punjab | 20 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
Against delay in referring a privilege motion to the relevant committee
National | 30 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP PTI |
Against the government for not providing them development funds. They did not return to the House till the adjournment of the sitting
Senate | 246 | 9 | Walkout | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PML-N PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against unsatisfactory reply by State Minister for CADD regarding construction of high rise buildings in Sector E-11, Islamabad
Senate | 246 | 7 | Walkout | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PML-N PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Over unsatisfactory reply to a question
Senate | 246 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | PKMAP |
They also termed the reply of a question unsatisfactory
Sindh | 23 | 21 | Protest | 147 | MQM |
When the speaker rejected adjournment motion of MQM lawmaker Sabir Hussian
Senate | 246 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | BNP-A JI PML-F PML-N PTI PKMAP BNP-M |
Against the remarks of Federal Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources during question hour about insufficiency of provinces in gas production
Sindh | 23 | 20 | Protest | 147 | MQM |
When the House rejected the motion for leave to introduce Private Bill 2/2016 of MQM lawmakers
Sindh | 23 | 19 | Protest | 147 | PPPP PTI |
Over remarks of members of both parties against their leaderships
Sindh | 23 | 18 | Protest | 147 | PML-F |
For not admitting his Calling Attention Notice
Sindh | 23 | 18 | Walkout | 147 | PML-F PML-N |
For not admitting his Calling Attention Notice
Sindh | 23 | 17 | Protest | 147 | MQM |
Against the Speaker for not admitting the adjournment motion submitted by Leader of Opposition
Sindh | 23 | 17 | Protest | 147 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the attitude of Chair for passing unwarranted remarks against MQM member
Punjab | 19 | 17 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
When the Chair disallowed an adjournment motion sponsored by the Opposition Leader
Punjab | 19 | 17 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
When the Chair disallowed an adjournment motion sponsored by the Opposition Leader
National | 29 | 8 | Walkout | 146 | MQM PML PPPP PTI |
Due to alleged partisan attitude of the Deputy Speaker during the last sitting
National | 29 | 8 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against indifference of the government to the party’s hunger strike
National | 29 | 6 | Walkout | 48 | QWP |
Against increase in the prices of medicines
Senate | 245 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | BNP-A BNP JI PML-F PML-N PTI PKMAP |
Over killing of PPPP worker in AJK and increase in price of life saving medicines
National | 29 | 5 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
Against increase in the prices of medicines
Punjab | 19 | 13 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the disinterest of Chief Minister and his cabinet in proceeding of the House
Sindh | 23 | 15 | Protest | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the attitude of the Chair for rejecting the amendment in resolution moved by a PTI member
Sindh | 23 | 14 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
Over unsatisfactory reply of Minister for Health in response to a supplementary question raised by him
Sindh | 23 | 14 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
Against the presentation of the Sindh Sales Tax on Services (Amendment) Bill, 2015
National | 29 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | JI PML PPPP PTI |
Against killing of a PPPP worker in Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Punjab | 19 | 10 | Walkout | 28 | JI |
Against the utilization of Bahawalpur’s development funds for Orange Train project
Sindh | 23 | 13 | Protest | 147 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N |
Against the Chair’s ruling on Adjournment Motion sponsored by PML-N regarding death of children in drought hit Thar as “Out of Order”
Punjab | 19 | 9 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against prospective utilization of health budget for Orange Train project
Senate | 244 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | MQM PML PTI |
When the Chair did not allow the Opposition Leader to table a resolution
Punjab | 19 | 5 | Boycott | 147 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the government for not assuring the House to legislate for ban on sale of liquor in the province
Punjab | 19 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against hasty passage of bills without allowing the lawmakers to read the bills and propose amendments
Punjab | 19 | 8 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against the government for not providing satisfactory answer to a question
Punjab | 19 | 8 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
When the government opposed the motion of a supplementary by the Leader of the Opposition regarding petroleum prices
Punjab | 19 | 8 | Token Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
When the government opposed the motion of a supplementary by the Leader of the Opposition regarding petroleum prices
Punjab | 19 | 8 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the amendments made in the resolution regarding petroleum prices
Punjab | 19 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against killing of two employees of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) in Karachi during a protest against privatization of PIA
Sindh | 23 | 11 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
Against non-provision of resolution’s copies to them
Sindh | 23 | 11 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
Against the attitude of the Chair who disallowed the Opposition Leader to speak further on supplementary resolution
Sindh | 23 | 11 | Protest | 78 | PPPP |
When MQM lawmaker Irum Azeem Farooque took the name of PPP founder Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in her speech
Punjab | 19 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
When the Chair did not allow the Leader of the Opposition to table a resolution. It was about transferring the benefits of reduced oil prices in international market to the public
Punjab | 19 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Over reservations on an amendment bill
Punjab | 19 | 1 | Protest | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the attitude of Speaker for now allowing Leader of the Opposition to speak on a Point of Order
Punjab | 19 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML PNML PPPP PTI |
Against the attitude of Speaker for now allowing Leader of the Opposition to speak on a Point of Order
Sindh | 23 | 6 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
Against the attitude of the Speaker for not admitting motion for leave moved by MQM members to introduce private bill
Sindh | 23 | 5 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
Against the attitude of the Speaker
Sindh | 23 | 5 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
Against the attitude of the Chair for not allowing them to raise a private resolution
Senate | 243 | 10 | Walkout | 146 | MQM |
Against hike in electricity tariff in Karachi
Senate | 243 | 10 | Walkout | 87 | PKMAP |
For not being allowed to raise his reservations on a question during question hour
National | 28 | 15 | Walkout | 146 | JI MQM PPPP PTI |
Against the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2016
National | 28 | 15 | Walkout | 147 | JI PPPP PTI |
Against the passage of the Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (Conversion) Bill, 2015
Sindh | 23 | 3 | Protest | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the attitude of the Chair for accepting the motion moved by Senior Minister to relax the rule to adopt the government bill on private members day
Sindh | 23 | 1 | Protest | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the attitude of the Chair for disallowing the Leader of Opposition to raise a point of order
Sindh | 23 | 1 | Protest | 48 | MQM |
Against a motion moved by Senior Minister to relax the rule for consideration of the Sindh Criminal Prosecution Service (Constitution, Functions and Powers) (Amendment) Bill, 2015
National | 28 | 13 | Walkout | 10 | AMLP |
Against the lack of quorum and non-seriousness of the government to the business of the House.
National | 28 | 13 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
He was not allowed to speak on a point of order
Balochistan | 25 | 4 | Walkout | 87 | PKMAP |
Against the attitude of the Speaker
National | 28 | 10 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
Against the remarks of a minister on the party’s Chairman
National | 28 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against the delay in transfer of powers to elected local government representatives
National | 28 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
Against nomination of a party’s lawmaker in a criminal case
National | 28 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | PKMAP |
Against the executive for not replying to the questions submitted by PkMAP MNAs as well as for providing wrong information in response to a question
National | 28 | 1 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
Over non-issuance of CNICs in Karachi
KP | 15 | 77 | Walkout | 30 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
For not admitting a Privilege Motion moved by JUI-F lawmaker
Senate | 242 | 8 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PPPP |
Against the decision of federal government for extending special powers to Rangers in Karachi
Sindh | 22 | 7 | Protest | 147 | MQM PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the attitude of the Speaker
Sindh | 22 | 7 | Walkout | 146 | MQM NPP PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the Chair for not allowing a lawmaker of MQM to table motion under Rule 256.
Senate | 242 | 6 | Walkout | 147 | MQM |
Against the dissatisfactory response by the Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs to the questions raised by lawmaker
Senate | 242 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | MQM PTI |
Against the remarks of PML-N Senator against Sindh government
Sindh | 22 | 6 | Protest | 147 | MQM PML-F PML-N PTI |
Against the attitude of Speaker. They complained for not considering the rules in running business of the House
Sindh | 22 | 5 | Walkout | 146 | MQM PML-F PML-N PTI |
To register their protest against PPP led government reportedly seeking to curtail Rangers’ power.
Senate | 242 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | JI PML-F PTI PKMAP |
Over non-implementation on National Action Plan
Sindh | 22 | 4 | Protest | 147 | PML-F PML-N PTI |
The attitude of the Chair for not allowing a PML-F lawmaker to speak on floor of the House
Sindh | 22 | 4 | Walkout | 48 | MQM |
Rejection of privilege motion
Sindh | 22 | 3 | Protest | 147 | PML-F PTI |
Against the Speaker’s refusal to consider their supplementary resolution
National | 27 | 6 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
The Chair refused to allow a member belonging to the party to speak on a Point of Order
National | 27 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | PTI |
Against privatization of Pakistan International Airlines
National | 27 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | MQM |
Against privatization of Pakistan International Airlines
National | 26 | 6 | Walkout | 28 | JI |
Against not being allowed to speak on floor of the House regarding attack on the convoy of Federal Minister for Housing & Works
Punjab | 18 | 1 | Protest | 84 | PTI |
For not allowing Leader of the Opposition to speak on a Point of Order
Punjab | 18 | 1 | Walkout | 84 | PTI |
For not allowing Leader of the Opposition to speak on a Point of Order
Senate | 241 | 10 | Walkout | 78 | ANP JI MQM PML PPPP PTI |
Against non-implementation on decisions made in All Parties Conference about China-Pak Economic Corridor
Senate | 241 | 10 | Walkout | 87 | ANP BNP JI MQM PML PPPP PTI PKMAP |
Against non-implementation on decisions made in All Parties Conference about China-Pak Economic Corridor
Senate | 241 | 9 | Walkout | 78 | ANP JI MQM PML PPPP PTI |
over absence of Minister for Finance during debate on NFC award in the House
National | 25 | 4 | Walkout | 147 | PKMAP |
Against absence of ministers from the proceeding
National | 25 | 3 | Walkout | 67 | PML-F |
Over killings in Khairpur during first phase of LG polls
National | 25 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | JI PPPP |
Against indifferent attitude of federal government towards victims of bomb blast in a Muhrram procession in Jacobabad.
National | 25 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Against the behavior of Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa whom he accused of barring him from talking to President and Prime Minister during their visits to quake-hit areas
Senate | 241 | 7 | Walkout | 78 | ANP BNP JI MQM PML PPPP PTI |
Over not taking the House into confidence on LNG price agreement and physical torture on a female Christian student in Faisalabad
Senate | 241 | 5 | Protest | 72 | PML-N PKMAP |
against not taking up their questions despite being on the agenda.
Senate | 241 | 4 | Walkout | 11 | ANP |
For not being allowed by the Chair to speak on a matter of public importance
KP | 15 | 65 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PML-N |
Over absence of relevant authorities to answer the questions on the agenda
KP | 15 | 64 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
Against ministerial absence from the House
Senate | 240 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PPPP PKMAP |
Statement of PML-N lawmaker about Kalabagh dam
KP | 14 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
They termed the raise in salaries and pensions insufficient and opposed supplementary budget for year 2013-14
KP | 14 | 1 | Protest | 147 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
They termed the raise in salaries and pensions insufficient and opposed supplementary budget for year 2013-14
KP | 13 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP |
Against abolishing quota of MPAs in appointments on Grade 4 jobs
KP | 13 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | APML AJIP ANP JI PML-N PPPP PTI QWP |
Defamation campaign against Deputy Speaker of the House
KP | 12 | 2 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
Over absence of Secretary Education
KP | 11 | 3 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Member called the quorum but speaker resumed the sitting after head count upon this member walkout
KP | 10 | 8 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
For non-provision of funds to opposition
KP | 9 | 10 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
On CAN no.194 speaker did not give ruling or send to standing committee for investigating the matter
KP | 9 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | PPPP |
Over lack of attention paid by the Speaker
KP | 6 | 4 | Walkout | 147 | PTI |
When the chair did not allow him to speak
KP | 6 | 4 | Walkout | 146 | ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
The issue of political transfers and appointments of teachers in Buner
KP | 6 | 4 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PML-N PPPP PTI QWP |
On discrimination against women MPAs in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly
KP | 6 | 2 | Walkout | 147 | ANP PML-N PPPP |
Over the transfer of district police officer, Mansehra and the opposition members not given the chairmanship of District Development Committees
KP | 6 | 1 | Walkout | 147 | PML-N |
Over no action taken on the privilege motion against the Secretary Local Government. The privilege motion was moved in the last session
KP | 4 | 3 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
As two female MPAs from PML-N and JUIF pointed out discrimination over allocation of funds
KP | 4 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
Against the government omitting the opposition’s candidates in appointing the chairman of a district fund allocating authority
KP | 4 | 1 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
When the chair did not allow an ANP MPA to speak
KP | 2 | 11 | Protest | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
As the amendment they proposed in one of the resolutions was not incorporated
KP | 2 | 11 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
To express dissatisfaction on a ministerial response to her point of order on recent law and order incidents in the country
KP | 2 | 8 | Walkout | 72 | PML-N |
Detaining of students by the Police, because of which they missed their practical exam
KP | 2 | 8 | Walkout | 146 | APML ANP PML-N PPPP QWP |
Israrullah Khan Gandapur asked Mufti syed jananto keep it short
KP | 2 | 5 | Walkout | 78 | PPPP |
Muhammad Ali referring to an incident which happened on the 2nd sitting, requested the members to be tolerant and patient. Nighat as was involved in that sitting walkout
KP | 2 | 4 | Walkout | 11 | ANP |
Asad Qasair has not been presiding the last three sitting, which according to Sardar Hussaib Babak is involved in election of his brother in Swabi
National | 17 | 9 | Walkout | 48 | 147 |
Against the killing of their party workers in Sindh
National | 17 | 7 | Walkout | 147 | 146 |
Against a report taking back 650 MW electricity from KESC
National | 17 | 1 | Boycott | 84 | 147 |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 18 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 17 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 16 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 15 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 14 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 13 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 12 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 11 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 10 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 9 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 8 | Boycott | PTI | Not Applicable |
Rigging in General Election 2013
National | 14 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 14 | 6 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 14 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 14 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 14 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 14 | 2 | Boycott | AMLP | Not Applicable |
As the Chair did not allow him to speak on the imposition of Article-245 in Islamabad
National | 14 | 1 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against alleged Rangers personnel raid at the residence of Dr. Farooq Sattar
National | 13 | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 14 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 13 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 12 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 11 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Against the Lahore incident, in which several precious lives were lost
National | 12 | 10 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Against the Lahore incident, in which several precious lives were lost
National | 12 | 10 | Walkout | IND | Not Applicable |
Over not getting representation in the committee established for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) after the launch of `Zarb-e-Azb? operation in tribal areas
National | 12 | 10 | Walkout | PTI | Not Applicable |
Over not getting permission to speak on Budget
National | 12 | 10 | Walkout | BNP | Not Applicable |
Over not been given sufficient time to speak on the budget
National | 12 | 9 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 8 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 6 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 12 | 1 | Walkout | IND | Not Applicable |
Over his reservations on a budgetary issue and not taking break for prayer
National | 11 | 10 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Non-issuance of passport to their party chief. They returned to the House after talks with Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination.
National | 11 | 9 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 11 | 8 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition and JUI |
Over the extension of Pakistan Protection of Pakistan Ordinance, 2014 before the tabling of the resolution
National | 11 | 8 | Walkout | PTI | Not Applicable |
The Chair did not allow one of their colleagues to speak on a point of order
National | 11 | 7 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Non-issuance of passport to their party chief. They returned to the House after talks with Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination.
National | 11 | 6 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 11 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 11 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 11 | 3 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against target killing of their workers in Karachi
National | 11 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 11 | 1 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against target killing of their workers in Karachi
National | 10 | 11 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 10 | 10 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Against extension of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013 for a further period of one hundred and twenty days
National | 10 | 10 | Protest | Not Applicable | All Opposition and JUI |
During the clause-by-clause reading of the Protection of Pakistan Ordinance, 2013. The opposition legislators and those belonging to JUI-F gathered in front of the Chair and tore apart the copies of bill, while chanting slogans against the passage of the b
National | 10 | 10 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition and JUI |
Against the passage of the protection of Pakistan Amendment bill 2014
National | 10 | 9 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 10 | 8 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against target killing of their workers in Karachi
National | 10 | 7 | Walkout | AMLP | Not Applicable |
Left the sitting claiming absence of meaningful agenda and a lack of quorum
National | 10 | 6 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 10 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 10 | 4 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition except JI and QWP-S |
Against the government reply on foreign aid of $ 1.5 billion, which could not satisfy them
National | 10 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 10 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 10 | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 10 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 9 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 8 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 6 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 9 | 1 | Boycott | AMLP | Not Applicable |
Over alleged interference of the government in external affairs instead of focusing on internal issues
National | 9 | 1 | Walkout | PPPP | Not Applicable |
Over alleged partiality of government in AJK elections
National | 8 | 9 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 8 | 8 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Against the passage of two bills related to terrorism
National | 8 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 8 | 6 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 8 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 8 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 8 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 8 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 8 | 1 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Over the absence of Prime Minister from the House
National | 7 | 12 | Boycott | Not Applicable | All Opposition except MQM and JI |
Over the alleged unparliamentarily remarks of the federal minister for Interior
National | 7 | 11 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against State Minister for Water and Power for not replying to a question
National | 7 | 11 | Boycott | Not Applicable | All Opposition except MQM and JI |
Over the alleged unparliamentarily remarks of the federal minister for Interior
National | 7 | 10 | Boycott | Not Applicable | All Opposition except MQM and JI |
Against non-withdrawal of word ?Tamasha? spoken by Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control and announced boycott of the remaining sittings of the current session
National | 7 | 9 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against the promulgation of Local Government Election Ordinance, in Sindh
National | 7 | 8 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 7 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 7 | 6 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 7 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 7 | 4 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Against privatization of state-owned enterprises
National | 7 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 7 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 7 | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 6 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 6 | 6 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 6 | 5 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition Except MQM |
Against not winding up the discussion on motion under rule 259 regarding the situation arising out of recent Drone attacks in North Waziristan Agency by the Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control
National | 6 | 5 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition Except MQM |
Against non seriousness attitude of the government on the discussion on motion regarding recent Drone attacks in North Waziristan Agency
National | 6 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 6 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 6 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 6 | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 5 | 10 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 5 | 9 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 5 | 8 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Against the supposed non-serious attitude of the Government and non-presence of the Ministers in the House, on the incident of earthquake in the Balochistan
National | 5 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 5 | 6 | Protest | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Attended the sitting wearing black armbands to protest against the church attack incident
National | 5 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 5 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 5 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 5 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 5 | 1 | Token Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against the arrest and detention of Ex-MPA and MQM workers in Karachi
National | 4 | 13 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 4 | 12 | Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against the police raids and arrest of the MQM workers in Karachi
National | 4 | 11 | Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
Over non-serious attitude of government over situation on Line of Control, non-payment of salaries to the employees of Pakistan Steel Mills, lack of interest by the government over immediate briefing to the legislators by Advisor to Prime Minister on Forei
National | 4 | 11 | Walkout | AMLP | Not Applicable |
Against absence of the Government members from the House
National | 4 | 10 | Walkout | Not Applicable | PTI,MQM |
Against the law and order situation in the country and the registration of a First Information Report (FIR) against ARY News channel for airing footage about the Ziarat Residency incident
National | 4 | 9 | Token Walkout | Not Applicable | All Opposition |
To protest the on August 24 arrest of PTI leaders and workers from a sit-in in Lahore against alleged rigging in the by-elections
National | 4 | 8 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 4 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 4 | 6 | Token Walkout | Not Applicable | JUI |
Against the cancelation of by-elections in NA-25 (Taank) by the Election Commission of Pakistan on the pretax of terrorism threats
National | 4 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 4 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 4 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 4 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 4 | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 3 | 1 | Boycott | PPPP | Not Applicable |
Against the change of the Schedule of the election of the President and boycotted the remaining proceeding of the House
National | 3 | 1 | Token Walkout | Not Applicable | JI,PTI |
Against the prolonged load-shedding at Sehar, Iftar and Taravee and non-repairing of defected transformers in his Constituency
National | 2 | 13 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 2 | 12 | Protest | MQM | Not Applicable |
Lawmaker wanted to speak on a point of order regarding trialing of the Gen. (Retd) Pervaiz Musharraf, former President of Pakistan. All the members belonging to MQM left their seats, stood in front of the rostrum of Speaker and started raising slogans agai
National | 2 | 11 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 2 | 10 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 2 | 9 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 2 | 8 | Token Walkout | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against the alleged apathy of the government on the law and order situation and target killings in Karachi
National | 2 | 8 | Token Walkout | Not Applicable | MQM,PPPP,PTI,JI,AML |
Against imposing of GST from 16% to 17% with effect from 13th June, 2013 i.e. before the passage of Federal Budget
National | 2 | 8 | Boycott | MQM | Not Applicable |
Against killing of Mr. Sajid Qureshi, MPA and his son in Karachi
National | 2 | 7 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 2 | 6 | Token Walkout | Not Applicable | MQM,PPPP |
Against the non-seriousness of the government on the worst law and order situation in Karachi
National | 2 | 5 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 2 | 4 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 2 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 2 | 2 | Token Walkout | JI | Not Applicable |
Increase in the GST from 16% to 17%
National | 2 | 2 | Walkout | PTI | Not Applicable |
Increase in the GST from 16% to 17%
National | 2 | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 1 | 3 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 1 | 2 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable
National | 1 | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable